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SOER 2002 Fact Sheet 4

Atmosphere and Climate Change

Introduction energy. Nitrous oxide emissions dominate in the Industrial sector
where emissions from explosives were estimated at 0.68Gg in
The State of the Environment Review report aims to 1994 (MWTC, 2001). Methane dominates the emissions of the
green house gases in the Agricultural Sector. As far as the land
inform Batswana about the status of environment in use change and forestry Botswana is regarded as a net sink as it
the country. It also aims to support sustainable produces less CO2 than it mops. In the waste sector the
development decisions through provision of predominant gases are methane and nitrous oxides as the
incredible, comprehensive and science based methane is from solid waste landfills, which are not generally
information one environmental conditions and trends, covered and nitrous oxides are from pit latrines but is considered
including their significance. The report addresses six insignificant.
key environment areas namely socio-economic issues;
land use and resources; biodiversity; atmosphere and Scientific observations indicate that stratospheric ozone
climate change; water resources and waste and has been declining in the late 70’s with a major trigger
chemical management. being eruption of El Chichon, Mexico, in 1982, increased
concentration of CFCs have sustained the reduction of this
***** decline. The main health hazard linked to ozone depletion
Climate change can occur due to the warming of the is attributed to skin cancer due to increased exposure to
environment. Global mean temperature has been observed ultraviolet radiation.
to increase with about 0.3-0.60C since the 19th century
(Oberthur and Ott 1999). Available climate change
projections and impact studies that have been carried out
In the general Botswana is considered a net sink because
suggests that Botswana is highly vulnerable to climate of low greenhouse gas emissions of gases such as CO2 and
change (MTWC, 2001;Lesolle, 2002). A variety of climate the use of the CFCs and can propellant can be quantified
simulation models predict that temperatures in Botswana to be insignificant though extreme caution has to be taken
will on average rise by 1-3 OC by around 2050. However to phase out/eradicate the use of these non-
the models are less unanimous regarding future trends in environmentally friendly chemicals.
State of Climate
This global warming is due to emissions of greenhouse
gases into the atmosphere that are dominated by carbon
dioxide (CO2) followed by methane (CH4) then Nitrous
Oxide (N2O) and some other Chloroflouro Carbons (CFCs)
and other greenhouse gases that are man made as well ozone Sea surface temperature anomaly has an effect on global
depletion. climate such as El Nino
Phenomenon. In the Indian Ocean it’s warming up above
The above greenhouse gases emissions can be controlled normal gives rise to Inter Tropic Convergence Zone
hence control their effect on the climate. Total national (ITCZ) fluctuations
greenhouse gas emissions according to the 1994 report,
emissions were estimated to be 10,227 Gg. With CO2 being
Tibetan Plateau westerly jet streams in the lower
the largest contributor (52%) followed by CH4 (33%) and
N2O (16%).
stratosphere that is placed north of the Himalayas during
the summer season. These descending air masses
Emissions of the above greenhouse gases are from the combined with loss of radiation from snow-peaks of the
following sectors; The Energy sector, Industrial Sector, The plateau lead to strong anticyclone over central Asia. This
Agricultural sector, waste, Land Use Change & Forestry. anticyclone is the beginning of outwards-blowing
The Other issues that can contribute to global warming are northeast winds that cross the equator, towards Africa On
Ozone Depletion, Sea surface Temperature Fluctuations and crossing the equator due to Carioles effect to meet the
the State of the Atmosphere (the constituents of the northbound branches of the southeast winds at the ITCZ.
The other type of rainfall originates from southeast trade
The predominant greenhouse gas emitted in the energy
winds that start from the eastern flanks of and a drawn due
sector is CO2. This is emitted at the Morupule Power station to the low-pressure system over South Africa.
where coal is combusted/burnt to generate electricity and in
mines such as Soda Ash and Selibe Phikwe mine to generate Broadly speaking Botswana has two main seasons the
energy as well as in most of the households where burning winter and the summer where the winter lasts from May-
of firewood is done at subsistence level for generation of August and summer from October–March with April and

An Environment Conscious and Friendly Nation

September being autumn and spring transition months. Impacts of Climate change on health related issues
Weather conditions can be discussed in terms of rainfall,
temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, solar Higher chances of malaria as the temperatures are likely
to be higher and hence conducive for mosquitoes to breed
radiation and rates of evaporation Rainfall in Botswana is
during the floods periods. Cholera is also likely to be
such that the country is referred to is in the extreme higher on these times.
Southwest (Kgalagadi District) being less than 250 mm.
(Bhalotra, 1987) Effects of climate change on energy sources in
Temperatures in Botswana
Since most of the energy source is from fuel wood
climate change would impact on the replenishment of fuel
There are extremes of temperature, which can be below
wood hence the energy sector is highly vulnerably to
freezing point during the night in July and going beyond Climate change as fuel wood would not be replenished at
40 o C. a faster rate.
December and January being 280C in the southwestern
part of the country. Despite the fact that Botswana is a net sink Botswana
is equally going to be affected by global warming
The lowest mean temperatures are in June and July being (Climate Change) in the sense that the temperatures are
120C in the extreme Southwestern and 160C in the North going to increase and the rainfall is likely to decrease
hence harsh conditions which come with drought are
going to harm Botswana.
Sunshine Solar radiation and rates of evaporation

Mean monthly sunshine is about 9 hours all over the

country with minor variation here and there. With this 72
% of day length mean average irradiance varies between
5.8 KWh m2 and 6.0 KWh m2 with the highest values
recorded in the west and southwest (Bhalotra, 1987)

using Pan A to measure evaporation gives the highest

evaporation in the arid south west as being about 3.0 m the
lowest being about 2.5m in the extreme north.

Rainfall trends in Botswana with climate change.

To be able to understand changes in Botswana rainfall

pattern in relation to global climate change needs
knowledge of air masses that bring moisture to different
parts of the country. For rain from the Atlantic Ocean
there is a likely hood of EL nino’s, which can results in
droughts in Botswana. On the other hand there is a
likelihood of floods in Botswana from rainfall results from Source: State of the Environment Review Report (2002) NCSA.
ITCZ and or Southeast Trade winds in some parts of
Botswana due to changes in climate.
According to the Met. Services data four stations are For more information
showing a trend line of general decline of rainfall hence
there is a high possibility of rainfall decline on the overall. Contact
Temperatures of Botswana with climate change.
National Conservation Strategy Coordinating
There is a general trend temperature increase for four Agency
stations for their maximum temperatures having a full Ministry of Environment, Wildlife &Tourism
coverage of Botswana. P/Bag 0068
Gaborone, Botswana
Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture
Tel: 267 390 2050 Fax: 267 3902051
In Botswana Livestock production might happen to become
costlier as crop production is likely to be boosted by carbon Email:
dioxide boost. Internet address:

An Environment Conscious and Friendly Nation

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