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Good Afternoon my honourable teacher and my beloved friends. My name is Anak

Agung Made Boby Kusuma Putra (05). Thankyou for the chance that you have given to me.
Today, I would like to explain you about the importance of English. Most of the people in the
country use English as their second language to make interaction with the foreigners. Beside
of that, English can help us to look for the job. Because some of the companies have required
their officers to apply English language to work like communicating by speaking or writing to
their customers or clients. Then, now a days, we have found that there are many schools who
ask their students to apply English as their second language to make interaction not only with
their teachers but also with their school mates. Even while studying in the class, most of the
teachers and students apply English language to study another lesson.

In these cases, English is importance for us like getting the job, communicating easier
with another people when we visit other countries and get many more knowledges in reading
English articles. Therefore, we have to learn it to increase our English skill like writing,
listening, reading and especially in speaking. Firstly, for the beginner, they think learning
English is hard to learn and apply as their second language. That’s why, they feel afraid to learn
it. Beside that, while learning it, they rarely try to understand what someone talk about, they
just focus to translate one by one word.

Mostly the people haven’t realized yet that English is important for themselves. Its
happened, because they haven’t found how to learn English well. Here I would like to give to
some information why English is importance and we have to apply it as our second
language. Education,Career,Entertainment,Relationship with others.

That’s all my speech, thank you for your attention and have a nice day.

Anak Agung Made Boby Kusuma Putra

05 / XID1

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