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A Research Paper

Presented to


Carigara National High School

Senior High School Department

In Partial Fulfillment

Or the Requirement for the Subject













MAY 2024

The purpose of this study was to determine the career path’s of

students after their Senior High School. Through working with the students

and staff of Carigara National High School, the research team, (15) fifteen

respondents were able to gain information about how students come to their


The study was a descriptive study that used qualitative methods. The

researcher team focused on various aspects within the school. The data that

was collected was through a questionnaire. This allowed the researchers to

gain a better understanding of students and the elements that assist hinder

factors that influence students to their career.

The findings of this study will provide insights into the


Throughout this journey, our Practical Research teacher Mrs. Tiffany A.

Pedrera Her dedication, passion and generosity have been inspirational. We

truly have grow as a person and as an educator because of her guidance over

past. Have provided enriching feedback that has encouraged us to further my

skills as a writer and as a researcher. Your insightful and patience is greatly


Especially to our almighty God, Thank you for the guidance in every

process to accomplish this study. Whether it was listening to my stories or

editing your work, you had been a core of strength for us during the process.

You have been such a wonderful source of reassurance and comfort during

this adventure.

Title Page



Table of contents

Chapter I. Introduction

Background of the Study.....................................................................1

Statement of the Problem...................................................................3

Significance of the Study............................................ .......................3

Scope and Delimitation......................................................................4

Chapter II. Review Related Literature And Studies 4

Review of Related Literature..............................................................4

Definition of Terms............................................................................5

Theoretical Framework.....................................................................6

Chapter III. Methodology




Background of the Study

The career path of high school students has always been a topic of

great interest and concern. As our generation grows more competitive and the

job market becomes more challenging, students are constantly bombarded

with the question of what they want to be when they grow up. In response to

this, the General Academic Strand (GAS) was introduced as a senior high

school program in the Philippines, aimed at providing students with a strong

foundation in various academic fields. This study aims to explore the

background of the GAS program and its impact on the career path of grade 12


The General Academic Strand is a strand under the Academic Track of

the K-12 program, which was implemented in the Philippines in 2012. This

program aims to upgrade the country’s educational system by adding two

years of senior high school, which would equip students with the necessary

skills and knowledge to prepare them for college or the workforce. The GAS

program is designed for students who want a broad and holistic education,

with a wide range of subjects across different fields such as Humanities,

Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Applied Economics.

The introduction of the GAS program was a response to the changing

demands of the global job market. In the past, students who did not excel in

specific fields like Science or Math were often labeled as “mediocre” or “less

intelligent.” This stigmatization led to a lack of opportunities for these students

in terms of higher education and career options. With the GAS program,

students now have the opportunity to customize their academic track

according to their interests and strengths, without being limited by traditional


In terms of curriculum, the GAS program offers a variety of subjects

that cater to the diverse interests of students. The academic subjects include

English for Academic and Professional Purposes, Humanities and Social

Sciences, Applied Economics, Natural Sciences, Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses. Apart from these, the

program also offers specialized subjects such as Computer Programming,

Technical Drafting, and Entrepreneurship, which are focused on developing

practical skills that are relevant in today’s job market.

The GAS program also encourages the integration of technology in

teaching and learning. With the continuous advancement of technology,

students in the GAS program are exposed to digital tools and resources that

enhance their learning experience. This exposure not only prepares them for

higher education, but it also equips them with the necessary digital skills that

are in high demand in various industries.

Now, the question arises, how does the GAS program impact the

career path of grade 12 students? According to a survey conducted by the

Department of Education (DepEd), students who opt for the GAS program

have a higher tendency to pursue careers in the Humanities, Social Sciences,


Liberal Arts. This trend is attributed to the diverse range of subjects offered by

the program, which exposes students to different fields and piques their

interest in pursuing a career in these areas.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of the study is to know the career path’s of Grade

12 students of carigara national high school.

Specifically, this research seek to answer the following questions:

1. Profiling for senior high school students grade 12 general academic

strand (GAS) students?

1.1 Name

1.2 Gender

1.3 Age

1.4 Section

2. What career path’s do your choices after graduate?

Significance of the Study

Proposing Career paths of Carigara National High School will be a

great help for the following beneficiaries:

Students. In particular, the Grade 12 will be prepared for their career choice.

On other hand ,the study will benefit those undecided students for their

college course. This research could help them to gather data about that might

affect them in choosing course for the interitary education.

Parents. The parents who are the learners will also have the benefits of this

study, the result of this research study will provide the parents with support on

the learning process of their children learning space at home and help them to

make a schedule for this study.

Future Researcher. The findings of this study will guide them or use this

research as a bias of data and information for the further development of the


Scope and Delimitation

This research focuses on the grade 12 GAS students and their

decisions upon pursuing courses that is related in their strand or not. We are

trying to discover the factors or reason why those grade 12 GAS students

choose this strand and what are their reason in pursuing courses in college

that is related in GAS or reason for not pursuing courses related to GAS.
This research only focuses on the grade 12 General Academic Strand

(GAS) students enrolled at Carigara national high School. Each respondents

was given a questionnaire to answer to be given by the researcher.

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