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Differentiating Biases from

Learner’s Module for English 9
Quarter 3 ● Module 6

Developer: EMILIA B. PIWIT

Redeveloped for DepEd LMS by: EMILIA B. PIWIT
Name: ____________________________ Grade and Section: ________________________

ENGLISH 9 Third Quarter Lesson 6 S.Y. 2021-2022

Differentiate biases from prejudices. (EN9LC-ivf-13.3)

Learning Objectives:
1. identify the forms of biases and types of prejudices;
2. detect biases and prejudices in statements; and
3. relate a story where biases and prejudices are demonstrated.

Hello, dear learner. This module was developed with you in mind. Its scope is to
teach you differentiate biases from prejudices.

There are times that we are bias in the way we write or say things about people, and
this may be favorable or unfavorable. There are also times that we utter things that are
prejudicial because of someone’s gender, age, race and religion. It is but important that
we have to be well-informed about this topic so that we become mindful of our
utterances that may hurt other people. On the other hand, we will also be guided when
we are reading news or articles or listening to other people. Before we discuss about the
differences of bias and prejudice, let us first define the following terms.

• Prejudice is a preconceived opinion against • Bias is an unreasoned judgment; it is
a group or an individual that is not based our perception of the way things are
on reason or actual experience. or should be even if it’s not totally
• If we pre-judged others, we made a decision accurate.
about who they were before learning • Biases can be innate or learned.
anything about them. People may develop biases for or
• Prejudice can come from movies, television, against an individual, a group, or a
social media, from friends and family belief.
members. • Bias occurs when people aren’t
consciously aware of their beliefs and

Do you think bias is the same as prejudice? Do not be confused. You can
differentiate the two through the tables below on forms of biases and types of prejudices

Forms of Meaning Examples

“Shortcuts to Bigotry” • Boys are better in Math than
Stereotype is a belief that girls, (you're stereotyping all
Stereotyping characterizes people based merely boys and all girls.)
bias on their group membership.
• All boys like to play
• These are beliefs developed basketball. (You are
during childhood as we receive stereotyping boys.
information from parents, • All Asians are good at Math.
significant adults, peers,
personal experiences, and the • All Asians like to eat rice and
social media. drive slow. (cultures)
• Punks wear Mohawks, spikes,
chains, are a menace to
society and are always
getting in trouble.( groups of

This "illusion of equity" is really a • A soda company advertises

marketing strategy to give a that their products are good
Cosmetic Bias favorable impression to potential for the health. BUT actually
purchasers who only flip the causes kidney stones.
pages of books. This bias
advertises its own as fair and good • A Science textbook that
when it really is not. features a glossy pullout of
female scientists but little
narrative of the scientific
contributions of women.
“A tale half told”. Presenting only • Literature is drawn primarily
one interpretation of an issue, from western male authors.
Imbalance situation, or group; distorting
and Selectivity reality and ignoring complex and • A description of women being
differing viewpoints through given the vote forgets the
selective presentation of materials. work, sacrifice and physical
abuse suffered by women who
won the vote.

”Words Count” • "This accountant is not

boring." (This person most
Linguistic Refers to words and phrases that likely assumes that
Bias are considered prejudicial, accountants tend to be boring
and otherwise, this individual
offensive, and hurtful. It includes
would have said "This
expressions that demean or accountant is exciting")
exclude people because of age,
sex, race, ethnicity, social class, or • The lady is retarded.
physical or mental traits. (“Retarded” and its variations
were used historically to
describe someone with an
intellectual disability)
Types of Meaning Examples
• It is an unfair treatment a. Girls should stay at home
of a person because of and help in housework and
Gender Prejudice his/her gender. childcare.

b. I was denied a promotion

that was given to someone of a
different gender who is less
qualified than me.
• It is having specific a. An apartment owner who
notions or thoughts does not accept tenants
Racism Prejudice about a person because because of their culture and
of his/her specific race. related grounds.

b. The thought that a Black

teen is a thug just because of
the way he/she acts or dresses.
• It specifically refuses to a. A company imposes
accept one's practices or different work requirements
Religious Prejudice beliefs on religious upon a worker because of his
grounds. religious beliefs or practices.

b. Refusing to support
someone of a different religious
• When people, young or a. A 55- year old technician is
old, suffer from prejudice having difficulty finding a new
Ageism Prejudice because of their age. work because of his age.

b. Calling it a “senior
moment” when your
grandmother momentarily
forgets where she placed her

Activity 1: Study the pictures carefully and identify whether the picture shows
biased situation or prejudicial. Write bias or prejudice as your answer on the space
provided beside each picture.

1. __________________________ 2. ____________________________
3. ___________________________ 4. ________________________________

5. ___________________________ 6. ________________________________

Activity 2: Below are examples of Bias and Prejudice. Can you identify what each
sentence is all about? Choose the best answer that fits the given description.
Write Bias or Prejudice as your answer on the space provided as your answer.

________1. Our teacher in Math always favors group 6 because he finds

their presentation is better than ours.
________2. The old man with worn out clothes was being laughed at while walking along
the road because he was believed to be out of his mind.
________3. A belief that some religious sectors should wear a certain thing as a symbol
of their faith.
________4. Guys are messy and unclean.
________5. The Martial Arts instructor qualifies new potential fighters by their height
and weight standards.
________6. My well-to-do classmate mistakenly judged me for stealing her cell phone
because I am poor and I don’t have any cell phone.
________7. The Grade 9 student who is very good at playing basketball was not chosen
to represent the team in the CARAA Meet because he lacks two inches in height.
________8.Mr. Simpo, who works 35 years in the Cola Company has problems achieving
promotions because of his age.
________9. Children in the neighborhood bully my friend by calling him “pugak” because
of his dark skin and spiky hair.

Summarize what you have learned in this module by completing the statements
1. While doing the activity, I have learned that ______________________________________
_____________________________________________________ ______________________________
2. It made me realize that _________________________________________________________
3. I was encouraged to _____________________________________________________________
True or False: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct, FALSE if it is not
_______ 1. Bias is our perception of the way things are or should be even if it’s not
totally accurate.
_______ 2. Prejudice is a fair and reasonable opinion formed with enough knowledge.
_______ 3. Girls should stay at home and help in housework and child care. This is an
example of gender prejudice.
_______ 4. Cosmetic bias is a marketing strategy that gives a favorable impression
to potential purchasers who only flip the pages of books.
_______ 5. “A tale half told” means presenting only one interpretation of an issue or

Multiple Choice: Select the correct answer to each question. Write only the letter of
your answer.
_______ 6. Which of the following is the correct definition of prejudice?
A. It is a preconceived opinion against a group or an individual that is not based on
reason or actual experience.
B. It is a correct attitude that cannot trigger abusive actions.
C. It is a favorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or with knowledge, thought, or
D. It is making humble assumptions about a group or an individual because they belong
to a particular group.
_______ 7. Which of the following is an example of prejudice?
A. “I am your master and you are my slave,” says the man in gray suit.
B. A 53-year old driver is losing his job because of his age.
C. You think that your classmate who has a big rip on his pants might have had a fight
with the gangsters.
D. All girls like to play dolls.
_______ 8. Features of prejudice include
A. positive feelings
B. stereotyped beliefs
C. tendency to develop a well-rounded community of people
D. fair and just treatment for oneself and others
_______ 9. Which is not a form of bias?
A. cosmetic bias
B. imbalance and selectivity
C. linguistic
D. ageism
_______ 10. Which is not a type of prejudice?
A. Ageism
B. Religious
C. Racism
D. Linguistic
Biased or Prejudicial: Write B if the statement describes a biased information and P if
_____11. You refuse to befriend someone of different religious beliefs.

_____12. A candy manufacturer advertises that its fruit-flavored sweets are good for the
heart but actually causes diabetes.
_____13. People judge me by my outward appearance, not for anything unique about me.
_____14. Calling it a “senior moment” when you momentarily forget something.
_____15. Some think that I am not a pure Cordilleran because I don’t like kiniing. If they
only knew, I have allergy to smoked food.

Activity 1: Matching Biases. Match the pictures with the forms of biases enumerated
below. Write the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

A. Stereotyping bias C. Imbalance and selectivity bias

B. Cosmetic bias D. Linguistic Bias

1. _____________________________ 2. ______________________________

3._______________________________ 4. ______________________________

5. _______________________________
Activity 2: Matching Prejudices. Match each picture with the words written below then
write the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

A. Ageism prejudice C. Gender prejudice

B. Racism prejudice D. Religious prejudice

1. ___________________

2. ____________________

3. ____________________

4. _____________________

5. _____________________


Activity 1 Activity 2
1.Prejudice 1.Bias Answers may
2.Bias 2.Prejudice vary
3.Prejudice 3.Prejudice
4.Prejudice 4.Bias
5.Bias 5.Prejudice
6.Bias 6.Prejudice
7. Prejudice
8. Prejudice
9. Prejudice


Activity 1 Activity 2
1.Cosmetic bias 1.Gender prejudice
2. Stereotyping bias 2. Ageism prejudice
3. Linguistic bias 3.Racism prejudice
4. Imbalance and selectivity bias 4. Religious prejudice
5. Imbalance and selectivity bias 5. Gender prejudice

True or false Multiple Choice Bias or Prejudice

1.True 6. A 11. P
2.False 7. B 12.B
3.True 8. B 13.B
4.True 9. D 14.P
5.True 10. D 15.B

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