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Starting a trial lesson with an A2 level student who needs help with
Business English can be both exciting and rewarding. Here's a suggested plan to kick
off your first class:

1. Warm Welcome and Introduction (5 minutes):

 Begin with a warm greeting. "Hello [Student's Name]! I'm excited to be your
English tutor today."
 Briefly introduce yourself and express enthusiasm for helping her with
Business English.

2. Assessing Goals and Needs (10 minutes):

 Ask the student about her specific goals and needs in Business English. "What
specific areas in Business English would you like to focus on? Are there
particular challenges you're facing?"
 Discuss any specific situations or scenarios she encounters in her professional
life where English is important.

3. Basic Business English Vocabulary (15 minutes):

 Introduce foundational Business English vocabulary. Start with common terms

and phrases used in business settings.
 Use visual aids, flashcards, or real-life examples to make the vocabulary more

4. Role-Playing Business Scenarios (10 minutes):

 Engage in simple role-playing exercises. For example, a basic business

meeting scenario or a conversation about a project.
 Encourage the student to use the newly introduced vocabulary and provide

5. Practical Business Writing (10 minutes):

 Introduce basic business writing skills. Focus on crafting emails, memos, or

simple reports.
 Guide the student through constructing a sample email or business document.

6. Discussing Cultural Nuances (5 minutes):

 Briefly touch upon cultural nuances in business communication. Discuss
differences in formality, greetings, and communication styles in different

7. Setting Homework and Next Steps (5 minutes):

 Assign light homework, such as reviewing the introduced vocabulary or

practicing a short business conversation.
 Discuss the plan for the next lesson and any specific topics the student wants
to focus on.

8. Closing and Feedback (5 minutes):

 Summarize what was covered in the lesson.

 Ask for feedback on how the student felt about the lesson and if there's
anything specific she'd like to cover in future sessions.

Remember to adapt the pace based on the student's comfort level and engagement.
The goal is to create a positive and supportive environment while addressing her
specific needs in Business English. Good luck with your trial lesson!

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