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At Dawn They Strzok

By George Webb, December 7th, 2020 - Pearl Harbor For Our Republic

YouTube banning any discussion of foreign interference in our 2020 Presidential Election is now
legendary. YouTube and the nearly trillion dollar parent Google that owns them is now
decreeing what is allowable speech, destroying my last five years of work on three successive
deplatformings. YouTube seems to have forgotten the four years the American public endured
listening to CNN explain how Donald Trump was an agent of Russia. Some children have been
born, learned to walk and talk, gone to preschool, and then learned how to Zoom with their
entire lives being told President Donald Trump is an agent of Russia and Putin.

In his fifth book, Somewhere Under The Lockdown, George Webb highlighted fake news agents
like Donie O’Sullivan promulgating conspiracy theories about Donald Trump being an agent of
Many Americans perceive a cloud of surveillance, censorship, and hacking descending over
them to go with the cloud of contagion of CoronaVirus that wafts over them in successive
waves. In my book, Somewhere Under The Lockdown, I described a Ukrainian oligarch
henchman that was used by NATO to pacify protesting populations in Hong Kong with
CoronaVirus-like bioweapon. Was the Ukrainian warlord billionaire named Kolomoisky using
increasing pathogenic versions of the virus to quell resistance in China in Hong Kong and in the
Yangtze River valley for families protesting the Three Gorges dam?

NATO seems to call this Ukrainian henchman Kolomoisky into countries when a population
needs to be lockdowned during an overthrow by a NATO cabal. Sometimes NATO calls in
Kolomoisky when a NATO installed regime needs to be propped up in the case where the
NATO surrogates were already in place.

Igor Kolomoisky, the Ukrainian billionaire henchman, has already been accused of using
chainsaws on his political opponents and spraying mild viruses from drones on protests in Hong
Kong on behalf of the Communist Party in China.
Americans now are wondering if these pacification operations might not already be in place for
those of us in the United States who are not lucky enough to have mountain top mansion in
Malibu. Might a worldwide pandemic in China be caused by a spraying Yangtze Valley
populations in China with bioweapons?

Americans now seem to innately sense if subjects of speech are not being removed from their
vocabulary for Big Tech overlords, other operations far more sinister may be afoot. I have
chronicled those operations already carried out by NATO’s political cabal, led by Carl Bildt in
NATO’s “peacekeeping” operations around the world.

Indeed, NATO peacekeeping measures for the United States of America will be voted on this
week in our US Senate with House Bill 7120, disguised under a George Floyd cover of
righteous indignation.

In his book, Somewhere Under The Lockdown, George Webb describes how Richard Helms
defied an order by Richard Nixon to end bioweapons development, and how Helms simply
moved operations to the NATO member, Canada and then on to NATO partners in Europe.
Indeed, the “NATO Replacements” Bill 7120 in the US House and Senate ushers in thinly veiled
NATO forces as “Kelly Boys” to replace our big city police departments with NATO infiltrates.
Along with the curtailment of free speech by YouTube, Bill 7120 seems to be a pincer
movement to totally curtail Free Speech in America. Bill 7120’s declaration appears to have
ushered in a scenario from the futuristic book, 1984, making the book’s “DoubleSpeak” scenario
a daily reality with shocking speed.

Almost nonexistent now are the Tony Bobulinskis showing us encrypted communications
devices Hunter Biden used while traipsing through China and Kazakhstan, securing Belt and
Road energy deals for the Biden-Buffett, NATO cabal. In equal turn, Presidential pretender Joe
Biden seems to have disappeared from the media scene. We only seem to see pictures of
Biden now in happier, non-COVID times. Never before has a Presidential plant been so
compromised before ever stepping foot on the Inauguration carpet.

In his book, Somewhere Under The Lockdown, George Webb outlines key Department of
Defense transfer points of bioweapons technology to NATO partners in Ft. Belvoir, Virginia and
Norfolk, Virginia with NATO ACT.
At what point will Americans realize they might be in some kind of a slow extermination
program, or at least some sort of Big Pharma mass virus vaccine development scheme? If one
gives the current situation a little thought, the reader can even see how the Nazis would be
proud of the current tableau.

Himmler openly wondered if there were more effective means of getting Jews to voluntarily
board the trains to slave labor camps where advanced Nazi war machinery was under
development. Of course, Nazi death camp research by IG Farben was also engaged at the
internment camps in exactly this sort of virus vaccine development program.

In his banned book, Somewhere Under The Lockdown, George Webb outlines how FBI and CIA
Agent Peter Strzok acted as a key go-between for bioweapons testing on NATO peacekeeping

Wouldn’t the Nazis have envied our Tag and Trace technology in cell phones to seemingly
randomly mark our fellow citizens for the Yellow Star of COVID? If these parallels to the Nazi
bioweapons development programs to the current NATO programs can’t be openly discussed,
then our democracy isn’t worth much in the final analysis or Final Solution as the case may be.

The impingement of free speech by YouTube security state surrogates should be the canary in
the mineshaft we need to signal that fact that something very wicked this way comes.

In the banned book, Somewhere Under The Lockdown, Author George Webb describes Peter
Strzok’s role as a go between to a bioweapons program overseen by NATO in the NATO
partner country of Ukraine.
George Webb Was Forced To Rename His Best Selling Book To “Somewhere Under The
Lockdown” Because Operation Rainbow Was A Bioweapons Spraying Program In The Vietnam
War. Acknowledgements to the four film directors and over twenty volunteer journalists from all
over the country that convened in person in Maryland, California, South Carolina, Michigan,
Ohio in numerous workshops to help research all seven of the books I published in 2020.
Filmmaker Peter Duke Famously Asked “Was CoronaVirus Strzok’s Insurance Policy?”. Author
Dr. D. Hamamoto Compare CoronaVirus Lockdowns As A Prelude To The Japanese Internment
Camps Of World War II. Brian Lloyd Was Roger Stone’s Lawyer Who Had Backchannels Into
The DoD Inspector General’s Program. Len Bracken, Author Of The China Virus, Is An Author
Of Numerous Books On China, Russia, And NATO CountriesSpecial thanks to authors and
filmmakers Darrell Hamamoto, Ph.D., Peter Duke, Len Bracken, Brian Lloyd (RIP), and Keith
A special thanks to the thousand of citizen journalists around the world that have contributed to
our YouTube channels, and especially to those who have attended NewsRoom workshops.
These volunteers culled news articles from all over the world about the Department of Defense’s
bioweapons programs around the world.
Foreword To At Dawn They Strzok

By George Webb, November 22, 2020 - Presidential Assassination Day, By Bullet

Or By Fake Ballot


My name is George Webb, and I spent thirty years implementing software and troubleshooting
networks. I was known as a “full stack” guy meaning I could troubleshoot a system from actual
wiring through the switch and routers to the client applications and deep into large databases
residing on the servers. Deep analysis was my thing. I never thought I would become a
journalist or write books that sold over ten thousand copies. I had written two books before
June of 2020, but they were mostly technical history books of my father and his career as an
inventor of the cordless phone.

Like many of you out there, I became incensed at the blatant corruption I saw in the 2016
Presidential Campaign. CNN seemed to be actually working with the FBI to smear Trump at
every turn with leaks and “hacks”, and this shocked me because up until that time I only
watched CNN. This anger only grew during the final months of the election, culminating in the
sudden death of Gavin McFadden of Wikileaks in September of 2016. This was the third death
of Wikileaks key executives, and it seems the CIA and the FBI CounterIntelligence teams were
destroying the computers and phones of the deceased rather than investigating.

A Series Of Deaths From Key Wikileaks Executives Started George Webb On The Path Of
Citizen Journalism. These Wikileaks Deaths Are Still Unsolved In February of 2021.

I began making videos in Portland, Oregon and posting them to YouTube on a daily basis,
primarily extending the research work of Author Peter Schweitzer in a book called Clinton Cash.
I labelled the YouTube video series “Hillary’s Hackers and Henchmen, Day 1, Day 2”, and so
forth. I had no idea I would travel across the country to the Midwest, Canada, and the Eastern
Seaboard. I had no idea I would be living in New York and Washington DC for the next five
years running down stories on the street, every day.
George Webb Sued The DNC For Hiring Ukrainian And Russian Operatives To Spy On Political
Opponents. Webb Accused The DNC Of Bringing In Over 68 Ukrainian Operatives In 2016 To
Compile Dossiers On The Trump Campaign From The Headquarters At American University In
Washington, DC. Webb Also Reported Aleksandra Krylova Was An Informant For The 4th
Psychological Operations Unit At Ft. Bragg In Fayetteville, North Carolina. Using Of These
Ukrainian Operatives Occurred Again In 2020 With Soldiers Who Conducted Election
Operations In The 2014 Maiden Coup In Ukraine.
I called the video series SpyGate because an unbelievable story of five Pakistani spies and one
Ukraininian woman spy, Nataliia Sova, on Capitol Hill had been broken by Luke Rosiak of the
Daily Caller in Washington, D.C.

George Webb Tracked Dark Weapons Programs Being Run Out Of The US Congress Before
His 2017 Lawsuit. Webb Tracked Illegal Uranium Shipments From The Awan Brothers And
Awan Shipping And Bioweapons Development With Awan Animal Pharma, BioPham, and
NanoTech And A Billionaire Convenience Store Owner Named Javed Who Also Dealt In The
Food Chain In Texas.

By January of 2018, I was ramping up my subscriber base on YouTube, and I started working
the radio talk show circuit. I felt I was having some success getting the word out about these
spies on our own Capitol Hill. I did a numerous radio shows, but I found I just didn’t have the
time to do the research and fact finding, then shooting the videos, and then taking time to do a
radio shows. I preferred to spend every spare minute with a female ex-cop turned investigator
that I called Task Force who was showing me the ropes of evidence gathering.
George Webb Did Numerous Radio Shows Reporting On A Company Called Dyncorp And A
Sister Company Called Dynport That Were Involved In Bioweapons Development And Spraying.

I felt I was pioneering a new form of citizen journalism by actively encouraging research by the
viewers of the channel, then summarizing the work of the contributors, then going to the actual
place in the story like the Russian Ambassador’s home or the mansion of the Russian billionaire
that was being used by the CIA and FBI to generate wiretaps against the Trump insiders.
At Russian Ambassador Kislyak’s Residence - May of 2017

My general impression from the first days that I got to Washington was that all the “Trump
Russia Connections” being reported on CNN were actually CIA plants in the campaign to have
the excuse to start surveillance on Trump insiders. To add irony to this situation, George
Papadopoulos and Carter Page also seemed to be doing Russian and China energy deals for
these same CIA and DNC insiders. We now know that Carter Page was a CIA operative given
the code name, Crossfire Dragon, and Papadopoulos was a Mossad operative given the name
Crossfire Typhoon. For the final irony, this same CIA and FBI plants in the Trump campaign
were being portrayed as victims by Fox News, masking the clear election rigging the CIA and
FBI was doing with the help of the DNC.

George Webb Reported Carter Page Was The Translator For Warren Buffet’s Energy Deals In
Russia And China Through A Ukrainian Company Called Burisma (literally means shadow),
Gazprom, And A Russian Company Called Rosatom.

After I made 4,000 videos documenting on-site all aspects of the CIA and FBI election
manipulation to bury their Iran-Contra like arms dealing. In May of 2020, my YouTube channel
was destroyed by YouTube along with hundreds of thousands of links to news articles and other
critical sources. I was thrown into a race to recover as much as I could from memory, and my
only outlet at this point after having been deplatformed by six other video platforms was to write
books. I have sold over 10,000 copies of the seven books I have written since then in my
pressing need to recover what YouTube had destroyed.
In yet another odd irony, three of these books have been banned by Amazon, and another book
has been suppressed unless the reader has a direct link to the book. I am in the process of
rewriting each of these books for my Patreons, and I am adding illustrations and footnotes I did
not have time to complete this process for before the critical election date of November 3rd,
2020. In the middle of this process, I was deplatformed by Patreon in February 2021. In
addition to trying to recreate all the research work that so many thousands of contributors have
bequeathed to me, I also was blessed early on to have researcher Connie Bevan doing
transcriptions of my work for over four years now. Enjoy At Dawn They Strzok.
Prologue To At Dawn We Strzok
At Dawn They Strzok
By George Webb, February 27, 2021 - Presidential Assassination By Psy Op Or By
Fake Ballot
After spending almost a fully month with citizen journalists from all over the country in the days
before, during, and after the Capitol Psychological Operations on January 6th, 2021, I felt I had
a true story to tell about millions of peaceful protestors coming to DC only to be Psy Oped into a
CNN made for TV smear of Trump supporters as white supremacists.

George Webb With Journalist Ann Vandersteel And A Supporter Of The George Webb Channel
Covering The Capitol January 6th Peaceful Protests Just As 4th Psych Ops Group Was About
To Go Into Action. The News I Was Getting Was Not Good. Ukrainian Antifa Would Be
Attacking The Other Side Of The Capitol.
I was in the middle of writing a book about how the Election Steal was a textbook operation that
NATO had performed countless times as a proxy for the Central Intelligence Agency. I was also
in the process of adding indexes and glossaries of all the characters I talk about in my videos
and books over the previous five years. An associate of mine, Addy Adds, was adding inline
footnoting at the bottom of each page for my book rewrites for new entities or abbreviations in
the text. Addy Adds even suggested a book like Wayne Madsen’s CIA Glossary that he updates
every year as its own separate book.

I even had a researcher from Virginia who had written a companion book to my”Awan Minutes
Past Midnight” book and “Blackberries Matter” that added an extensive prologue or
scene-setting, and she added more explanatory prose along the way through all the books.
Needless to say, I had plenty on my plate before the events that transpired at the Capitol on
January 6th, 2021.
I must say, I liked Wendy’s dramatic addition to helping the audience’s understanding that these
blackberries directed Ukrainian mercenary armies to start wars around the world. Now those
same Ukrainian who flew Mujahideen to Libya, Syria, and Ukraine could be hitting the Capitol
Gate on January 6th, 2021. And those same Ukrainians could be going for the encrypted
communications server in the Sergeant of Arms Office right now, right there on January 6th.
NATO’s Dimtri Alperovich had configured the encrypted blackberries while an impatient Huma
Abedin filled backpacks for Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS in the screenplay. Now, real life was
imitating art as the Ukrainian were crashing the gate to get their communications server.

Journalist Ann Vandersteel Received Word From Military Sources That Antifa May Be
Retrieving Their Communications Server From The Capitol On January 6th, 2021. I Believe
This Was Ukrainian Antifa More Specifically.
In the screenplay, a former Evergreen Aviation pilot attending our meeting of citizen journalists
inspired the second scene with Ukrainian henchman Kolomoisky loading up his Antonov 26
super tanker planes on an airport runway in Egypt, ready to spray the population of Benghazi.
Others added Peter Buttigieg getting the greenlight to spray bioweapon in Libya with a DARPA
radar invisible Eclipse Jet. Was art imitating life here on the Capitol on January 6th.

Was Kolomoisky coming to get his servers that gave him the greenlights to spray all over Africa
and China? Our creative screenplay musings Huma Abedin showing Egyptian pilots how to
securely PIN message their contact on the Blackberry began to eerily creep into reality as we
saw the Ukrainian operatives mix in with the 4th Psychological Operations “Proud Boys” group
to crash the Capitol Gate.
I had interviewed a drug pilot who was given an encrypted blackberry for exactly this
“greenlighting” purpose, and he had told me how he was taught the 5555 key sequences to
wipe the phone. He didn’t say Huma Abedin taught him how, but many Wikileaks emails talk
about the PIN messaging so popular with the Hillary State Department. Was the State
Department coming to get their encrypted communications server now on January 6th?
Did The Masked Antifa Supporters Remove The Encrypted Communication Servers To

House Reports Confirm Up To Sixteen Laptops Were Stolen. Were These The Kolomoisky
Servers Or The Awan Servers?
Our last scene in our proposed dramatization of the Capitol Hill ratlines was a drug lab in
Kashmir in Pakistan where Pakistani Ordnance factory weapons are being loaded onto the
Eclipse Jet as bags of opium are being stacked by Imran Awan, readying them for processing.
Imran gives the OK sign to Pete Buttigieg as he taxis down the runaway. How far from real life
was the dramatization. Awan had a history of connections to Daewoo Ibrahim, and billionaire
weapons and drug dealer from the Kashmir region of Pakistan. Were these servers being
retrieved as well on January 6th?
4th Psychological Operations Group Admitted To Busing 100 Operatives To The Capitol On
January The 6th. Emily Rainey Resigned As A Captain In 4th Psych Ops After The Operation.
George Webb Produced A Fact Witness Named Andre Taggart That Testified Imran Awan From
The US House Of Representatives Had Government Marked Encrypted Blackberries Stashed
At One Of His Rental Homes After The Trump Inauguration And Capitol Burglaries.

I want to give credit here to Debra from Illinois, another woman pilot who has attended many
NewsRoom Workshops, for adding color to these aviation descriptions.
Our female aviatrixes envisioned bags of Pakistani drug money called hawala being unloaded at
O’Hare airport in our screenplay.

I had reported on the real life operation described in the Wikileaks emails at O’Hare with halawa
being changed into greenbacks to support the wholesaling and retailing of drugs nationwide. I
defer here to the pilot Debra for choosing O’Hare. I, of course, would have had the Evergreen
pilots landing in Oregon as attested to by Carol of Oregon in our NewRoom simulations. Was
this real life Awan operation now retrieving their servers from the Capitol?
In the final scene of our screenplay, we see the bitcoin being loaded onto laptops, ready for
transport to the DNC by Imran. A watchful Rahm Emanuel makes sure Imran Awan has a scarf
for his Eclipse Jet milk runs to Detroit, Michigan, Columbus, Ohio, Frederick, Maryland, and
Baltimore. Thank you to Kevin from Columbus for adding color to Imran’s landing in Columbus,
Ohio, complete with a wave from Mega Group’s Les Wexner and Jeff Epstein. Again, would a
drug transportation network connected by encrypted communication servers be a good enough
reason to break a few windows at the Capitol. In the few hours our citizen journalist had to
muse about a Pelosi Awan screenplay, we may have come shockingly close for the real reason
for the Capitol server heist.
Thanks also to Dave and Aaron from Michigan for adding all the folklore about Max Fisher
waving Imran in for a landing at the Willow Run Airport for a rendezvous with Paul Whelan, the
convicted gun runner, and spy recruiter. Mark from Toledo, Ohio reminded me of the Unholy
Toledo’s history of organized crime in drug and gun-running as well. Perhaps Imran Awan’s
Eclipse Jet landed there as well.
I am sure more panels could be added, but the reader understands the concept. If a picture is
worth a thousand words, a movie is worth a million. And if you want to save the reader time,
write in word pictures. No wonder so much effort was used to cover the server retrievers?
Finally, I don’t have the time pressures I had when I wrote my first seven books after my
YouTube channel’s four thousand videos were destroyed in April of 2020 and my first book was
destroyed on Parler in May of 2020. I can take my time now to write in a more expansive way
with the constant proofreading of both Addy Adds, Wes from South Carolina, and Grammarly as
well as a host of attendees to the NewsRoom Workshops. (Citizen Journalists And Proofreaders
Addy Adds and Wes McCollough pictured below)
As most readers know, I am working on that documentary with Peter Duke in California who was
also their in Washington, DC on January 5th and 6th. I would like to say thank you to citizen
journalist Harry the Greek, Addy Adds, and Wes from South Carolina for all their help in content
and proofing.
Finally, thank you to Tim, Tom, and Kendall in Michigan for reminding me of my working-class
roots in Ohio and Indiana. Tara and Dave have been great representatives of the State of
Massachusetts as well.

Tara, a young grandmother from Massachussettes, carries a Trump flag at all the peaceful
Trump events in Ohio and Michigan.
There are dozens of people I forgot to mention, but this is only a prologue. I still have a Preface
and Acknowledgments to go later in this book. Enjoy At Dawn They Strzok.

Here Are A Few Selected Comments

You need to do one month of alphabetically organizing every name from small to big fry ever
mentioned in 4000+ videos. Then taking each name as and exposing it. For example: Peter
Duke, Task Force, Paul Whelan Pence Obama Papadopoulos Julian Assange. Etc if this was
done right it would be a best seller 'political Bible Index'.

Grand stuff. I did look at the CSPAN interview of Dominion CEO and pals and was convinced
that Dominion voter machines were rock-solid secure. Then I saw the DEFCON Sept 2020
analysis and was, well... kinda shocked. Geepers !!!

The source of the widely reported “Warren Flood” (author) and “GSA” (company) metadata
which appeared in Guccifer 2’s first three Word documents was found in the Podesta email
collection. A document named, Slate_-_Domestic_-_USDA_-_2008-12-20.doc was used as a
template when creating 1.doc, 2.doc, and 3.doc. This template injected “Warren Flood” as the
author value and “GSA” as the company value in those first three Word documents. This
template also injected the title, the watermark and header/footer fields found in the final
documents (with slight modifications).

Thanks to all the Citizen Journalists out there. Without you, there is no New Media.
Introduction To "At Dawn They Strzok" Now Illustrated

My books come to life with me when I get to the illustration phase. I write mainly from memory
and rarely do I use notes, so the illustrations add the critical third-party verification of my work
and also greatly reduce the number of words the reader has to intake to get the big ideas. Here
is an example with At Dawn They Strzok…

At Dawn They Strzok

By George Webb, November 22, 2020 - Presidential Assassination Day, By Bullet Or By Fake


Most Americans will be surprised to learn that the faulty voting machines in the key counties in
the key swing states that swung the election for Joe Biden were programmed by a hacker group
in Belgrade, Serbia, recruited by none other than FBI Agent Peter Strzok in the year 1999.

Yes, the same Peter Strzok who ran election operations against Donald Trump in 2016 is the
same man behind running election operations against Trump in 2020.
The Dominion Voting System group, which is currently involved in a flood of lawsuits in key
counties of swing states, was the primary focus of suspicious election activities for President
Trump in November of 2020.

Dominion Voting employs fifty-one programmers in Belgrade, Serbia. Many of these

programmers trace their hacking roots back to the overthrow of Slobodan Milosovic in Serbia in
1999. Eastern Europeans seem to be oddly entrusted with the 2020 Presidential Election.
Dominion Voting systems came under fire from President Donald Trump in late November of
2020 for the ease at which the machines could be hacked by young students with no previous
experience with the Dominion voting machines. Gaping security holes in the Dominion System
were highlighted at DEFCON White Hat Hackers Conference in September of 2020.
The CEO of Dominion, a Canadian by the name of John Poulos, also testified in Congress in
January of 2020 that Dominion had security vulnerabilities using chips made in China.
Lawsuits were also brought against Dominion by a voter protection group in May of 2020.
Voting protection advocate Mary Marks brought a lawsuit against the State of Georgia in May of
2020 for their $100M Dominion purchase.
One programmer who wrote the vote “leveling” code for Dominion Voting in Serbia, Alek
Lazarevic, was involved in election flipping operations for Peter Strzok in Ukraine in 2014 and in
the election operations of 2016 against Candidate Donald Trump in 2016.

One internet blogger named Jessi Prince also tied Lazarevic to being the famed Guccifer 2 from
2016 Election Operations. One Serbian journalist named Stefanovic even went as far as
accusing this author of working for Serbian intelligence by publishing a false picture of Lazarevic
from his LinkedIn profile. This amount of attention and fixation over one Serbian elections
operation programmer for Dominion indicates there are far more details to be discovered about
Dominion Voting in Serbia.
How can this mind-boggling corruption occur in plain sight, right in front of the American public
without anyone noticing? One simple reason explains it all. Everything you think you know
about FBI Agent Peter Strzok is false. First, you probably think of him as an FBI Agent rather
than being a CIA plant in the FBI Counterespionage office at the age of 26, made possible by
his CIA Agent father.

You probably don’t realize he drew a check from the CIA during all of his years of employment
at the FBI, and he drew an FBI check for two decades even though he never went to the FBI
Academy. You know he ran election operations against Donald Trump in 2016 with Operation
Crossfire Hurricane, but you probably don’t realize he kept his top-secret clearance until August
of 2016. You also may not realize his confederate in Operation Crossfire Hurricane, Bruce Ohr,
kept his clearance and high-level position inside the Department of Justice until election
operations in 2020 against Trump were completed.

Strzok most probably ran election operations against Trump again in 2020 from a Georgetown
library meeting room interspersed with occasional jaunts to his favorite Georgetown restaurants
in DC. Strzok frequently meets CIA/CNN correspondent Rick Wilson at Bistro Bis near Union
This author strongly believes that his marching orders for Democratic Governors in election
operations were very close to his boyhood vacation spot of Mackinac Island in Michigan.
The author maintains that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer played the key role as an
intermediary for other Democratic Governors in these election operations.
The key Memorial Day Weekend at Mackinac Island served as a strategy center for Peter
Strzok and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
You also probably don’t remember his Canadian NATO intelligence officer liaison, Warren
Flood, in the 2016 Presidential Campaign. And you would be even more surprised that Warren
Flood ran operations for Strzok in 2020, meeting surreptitiously in Sault Saint Marie, Canada
with Flood relaying instructions to five Democratic Governors through Governor Gretchen
Whitmer on Mackinac Island, Michigan.

Warren Flood, a long time technology confidant of Joe Biden with ties to Canadian Intelligence
agency CSIS, was in Detroit in 2020 working for Microsoft. This author believes Flood was the
key Peter Strzok operative for Michigan, Georgia, and Nevada operations where Flood’s
BrightBlue LLC operates. Flood’s fiance Alice McAlexander also runs election operations in
Georgia with her company CIVIS that recommended the Dominion Voting systems in Georgia.
But like all things Peter Strzok, there is a cover story for every lie, and everything is the opposite
of what it appears to be. In this book, the Strzok election operations of 2020 will not only be
revealed, but you will also be shown how Strzok’s “investigation” into Hillary Clinton’s emails
were actually encrypted messages from devices Strzok gave to covert, mercenary army
Generals and spies around the world.

Strzok’s device of choice for both “wetwork” and election operations over his twenty-year career
with the FBI was the venerable texting machine, the Canadian Blackberry, just a few miles down
the road from his birthplace, in Waterloo, Canada. Some of these encrypted devices made
there way to the same Kosovo Liberation Army Generals that were accused of organ harvesting
during the 1999 Kosovo War, so these Blackberries are involved in some of the most macabre
operations in the military history of the world.
You will see Strzok’s operations against Trump in 2020 mirror his previous election operations
with CIA cronies Cofer Black, John Brennan, James Clapper, and Michael Hayden. You will
see how Peter Strzok started his career in Kosovo with the NATO’s OSCE (Organization for
Security and Cooperation in Europe) giving Blackberries to Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)
Generals on behalf of General Hugh Shelton and his Chief of Staff, one David Petraeus. You
will follow Strzok’s Blackberries from conflict to conflict, releasing the pinatas of US and UN
Peacekeeping money in a never-ending flow of cash to fund yet more covert actions and
election operations.
This is a true story of how the CIA and the Strzoks stole the 2020 Presidential Election from
you, and how they have stolen elections and bilked the US Congress and the United Nations for
decades. The CIA and Strzoks have created conflicts for decades that only they can solve
because they created them. The Strzoks have stolen elections for decades using the same
election flipping hackers in Belgrade, Serbia for twenty years and now that same group of
hackers provided the election voting machine software for the 2020 Presidential Election for the
critical counties in swing states that swung the election for Biden!
Chapter One - At Dawn They Strzok

By George Webb

In the waning days of the second Clinton Presidency, a secret team was formed that gave birth
to the organization that overthrew the 2020 Presidential Election twenty years later. This secret
team was an unholy alliance of Special Forces US Army Generals, CIA and FBI.

Counterintelligence teams, a smattering of diplomats at the State Department like the cronies of
Madeline Albright and Henry Kissinger, and a handful of obliging NATO Generals and Admirals.
The secret team also plucked a young FBI agent by the name of Peter Strzok Jr who was
attached to the White House West Wing as a runner for Hillary Clinton and her budding career
in covert action, especially in the war-torn nations of Bosnia and Kosovo.

Currently, the cadre of Kosovo murderers installed by Kissinger and Alright are undergoing
prosecution in The Hague, Netherlands for war crimes.
Peter Strzok Jr.’s career closely mirrored the career of his father, Peter Strzok, Sr., a CIA man
of action on four continents including actions in Haiti, various African countries, Iraq,
Afghanistan, and numerous other hotspots across the globe. What did this secret team
specialize in? The Strzok secret team specialized in overthrowing countries with dictators or
strongmen that could be vilified in the world press to the point where United Nations assistance
was triggered for the “oppressed people” of that country. Even if those “oppressed peoples”
were flown in from training camps in Syria, Turkey, Albania, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

Peter Strzok Sr. had worked in all these countries, developing radical Islamic fundamentalist
armies with the help of one CIA operative named Cofer Black and his radical Muslim superstar,
Osama Bin Laden. These armies would be used over and over again to be moved like pieces
on a chessboard to conflict areas to trigger UN and NATO funding. For the UN funding that was
triggered in Kosovo in 1999, the CIA ensured a continuous stream of cash for training covert,
mercenary armies that continue to this day. This NATO funding bonanza wasn’t just limited to
Kosovo. The Strzoks were also involved in Haiti NATO funding with the MINUSTAH force that
has been installed there for twenty years. In fact, there are no less than fifteen of these money
pipeline peacekeeping missions in Europe, Asia, and Africa. (see UN Peacekeeping graphic)
The CIA formula for draining cash from the United States and Europe for these peacekeeping
missions was deceptively simple. Encourage violent extremism as a solution for long-held tribal
animosities, train, and arm both sides of a conflict, and then make meticulous notes about how
bad the conflict is to trigger US and UN peacekeeping funding.
The analytical reader will soon see that Africa is the predominant leader in UN Peacekeeping
Missions followed closely by the Middle East. Americans may be more familiar with the
International Security Forces (ISAF) in Afghanistan since many of their loved ones have served
in that two decades-long war there, but most are not aware of the UNAMA peacekeeping
mission there and even fewer are aware of the peacekeeping mission in the Kashmir Region of
Pakistan - UNMOGIP. We will talk later in this book about the Awan Spy Ring in the US
Congress that directly funded these covert armies of Kashmir on the side of Pakistan.
Of course, the UN and NATO have not limited their activities to just the Third World. Many UN
missions have been launched in the Americas including Haiti, Central American, and South
America. These peacekeeping and observer missions also result in copious funding from the
US Congress and the UN. (See UN - Central American Observer Mission)

In fact, if an analyst wanted to document the covert actions of the CIA in training forces to
overthrow governments, pinning the UN peacekeeping missions and hotspots on the map would
be the easiest way to start. In fact, many just call it Kosovo’s Mafia.
Another way to track the CIA’s nefarious activities would be to track the encrypted
communications devices the CIA gives to rebel groups. Since every communications device
emanates a signal, tracking rebel groups that have been given covert communications devices
is easier than a farmer tracking his cattle with cowbells. The CIA’s preferred device for sending
cryptic, mission codes is the venerable Blackberry mobile texting device, made famous by
Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, and Anthony Weiner in the Hillary Clinton email case.
Almost all of Hillary Clinton’s 650,000 emails were in fact Blackberry device messages between
State Department or Teneo Corporation employees.

In this book, we will show the reason why FBI Agent Peter Strzok was assigned to “investigate”
the Hillary Clinton Email Scandal was precisely because his covert armies were using these
devices in the field for military and election operations.

I have added a Social Media section at the end of each chapter so you can see real reader
feedback at the end of each chapter.
George Webb Sweigert
Unfortunately, the great footnoting by Addy Adds is not visible in this copy and paste. His index
and glossary of characters in the story will be appreciated by all as well. Footnotes will be
inline, so you won't have to page back and forth in the paperback book.

gary geer

Terrific George Andy and all the sources! I just await the book and if Amazon again pulls a fast
one try getting in touch with Trineday Professor Homamoto can help. Could President Trump
have allowed this defeat bringing forth all this???
George Webb Sweigert
We work at research every day and try to get it to the right people. We never stop, and we
never quit.
bronwen evans
Brilliant investigation!
If Tucker wants some facts on the election as he says read George Webb’s latest book on
Patreon for a minimal fee.
Lee Provost
I was researching Canadian Warren Flood this morning, I came across some data from 2019 I
will send to your email.
George Webb Sweigert
I saw Warren Flood had a GSA email address when he created the first Trump Dossier before
Steele. Was he buying election systems for Counties with DHS grants?
George Webb Sweigert
Thanks Lee. This is great.
Lee Provost
Great work GW !
Much more organized and reader-friendly writing! Great job!
Fabulous Work George and Team. Have a great Thanksgiving.

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