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It is truly remarkable how far the basic education system in the country has come to its current status

today. Education became more accessible and affordable to many Filipinos as literacy rate continues to
climb impressively to almost 99% in the year 2023. The national government may have recognized its
importance for the nation’s development and progress, the weak education system in the country raised
the concern of many, as it is failing to be competitive globally. In fact, the Philippines was ranked 77 th
out of 81 countries in the assessment of student’s competence in math, reading and science. The poor
education in the country could be a threat to its economic growth, as learners are being under
developed for a supposedly stronger workforce. To improve the quality of education, the government
may consider redesigning the curriculum by disregarding the subjects that have no practical use for
employment. The time allotted for unnecessary subjects is better spent on training and cultivating skills
relevant to the line of work sought by workers. Hence, the curriculum should be comprised of specific
subjects and courses concentrated in the field or area the students are pursuing. The government may
also consider increasing the compensation of teachers to entice more of them in the education sector.
The quality of education compromised by the disproportionate number of teachers to students is very
apparent in a lot of public schools nowadays.

In an ideal world, access to quality health care is a privilege that every citizen should have regardless of
wealth and social status. Poor families having no choice but to settle for not so okay medical care in
public hospitals while rich families getting treatment in fancy and expensive medical institutions is a
scenario very common in the country. The problem of not having any regulating body that will deter the
medical institutions and practitioners from overcharging is one of the reasons why quality health care is
unattainable for most Filipinos, especially those who are in the marginalized groups.

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