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Republic of the Philippines

AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:

Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 11

Prepared by: Group 5

Jana Kyla Laforga

Regine Bermillo

Jenalyn Ugale

Mark Kenjee Obenia

Karen Joy Malate

Reynalyn Villena

Rizza Fausto

Graciela Lyca Ibia

Princess Joana Jacob


A. Lesson Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

a) Define Contemporary/ Modern Period

b) think and react critically about what you see and hear; and
c) formulate a contextual criticism about the 21st modern literature.


CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


A. Topic/Lesson: Contemporary/ Modern Period

B. Materials: Visual aids, Reading materials
C. Skills: Listening, Viewing, speaking, collaborating


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminaries
1. Greetings
A pleasant afternoon class! A pleasant afternoon to you too, Ma’am!

2. Prayer
Let’s pray.
Before we start our class let us first seek the
presence of the Lord. Ismael, kindly lead the
prayer. In the name of the Father and the Son and the
Holy Spirit…. Amen.
3. Classroom Management
Before taking a seat, kindly look beneath your (Students will follow)
chairs and pick up any scattered things. Dispose
it properly and take a seat.
4. Attendance
Class secretary, is there an absentee today?
None, Ma’am.
Good job class no one will miss our topic for

5. Classroom Rules
Please be guided by the following classroom
a. Sit properly and be active in class
discussion. When asked to recite,
answer responsively
b. If you want to ask a question, raise your
c. Be respectful. Avoid talking with your
classmates during class discussions.

Any questions or clarifications?

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


None, Ma’am!
6. Lesson Objectives
Please be guided by the following Objectives.
At the end of the lesson, the learners are
expected to:
a. Define Contemporary/ Modern Period
b. think and react critically about what you see
and hear; and
c. formulate a contextual criticism about the
21st modern literature.

Are we all clear?

7. Review
Before we start our new lesson, what was our
Yes, ma’am!
last topic last meeting?

(students will raise their hands and answer)

Expected answer: World Literature
Very good! Now I truly believe that you are now
ready for a new topic.

Before we deep dive into our lesson, we will

group the class into four, and then we shall be
having an activity that will unleash the truth
behind the lies. Entitled “dig me through free
verse lair”.
Instruction: The class will be divided into four
groups, same poem shall be given to its group
and each group will be required to give their
response in poetic free verse poem containing
two stanzas and after it, they shall be presenting
their response in front of the class.

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


“Hug me tight, before I let go”

Does the sun promise to shine?

No, but it will,
Even behind the darkest clouds it will.
And no promise
Will make it shine longer or brighter,
For that its fate,
To burn until it burns no more.
So, to love is not my promise,
it is my fate.
To burn for you until I can burn no more.

(students will raise their hands and answer)

B. Analysis
So, based from your observations in our activity
what do you think is our lesson for today?
Expected answer:
It is all about contemporary or modern poetry,
Very good, you’re correct.
C. Abstraction

Our lesson for today is about fact and opinion,

their importance and how these two differ from
each other.
What is contemporary/modern literary

Contemporary literature refers to the literary

styles that emerged from 1940 to the present.
The contemporary period extends to the current
day. Modern literature is written in the
contemporary period, and covers at least the
20th and 21st centuries. Modern literature is

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


from the late nineteenth century to the 1960s,

and its main feature is its style departs from
classic and traditional writings.
From our given definition, where and

One fact about contemporary period was it

emerged after the World War II up to the present
day. And under the contemporary or modern
literary period we also have six literary forms
and we shall be discussing it one by one.

Number one: Chick lit. Is genre fiction which

addresses issues of modern womanhood, often
humorously and lightheartedly.

Chick lit also is a genre of literature that focuses

on female protagonists. These stories are usually
targeted at younger women and are described as
“popular fiction.”

Number two: Mobile phone text tula,

From the word itself “Mobile Phone text TULA”
what do you is mobile phone text tula, all about?

(Entire poems are written and read on mobile

Very Good! It is one of the most recent genres in phones.)
Philippine Literature is the text tula, a poetry
genre mastered by Frank Rivera, where entire
poems are written and read on mobile phones.

Though usuall short due to the necessity of the

number of characters allowed in text messaging,
the elements of the poetry are still present in this
Also, particular example of this poem is a
Tanaga, a type of Filipino poem, consisting of
four lines with seven syllables each with the
same rhyme at the end of each line-that is to say
7-7-7-7 syllabic verse, with an AABB rhyme

Number three: Speculative fiction, encompasses

literary works that imagine alternative worlds,

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


futures, or realities, often incorporating elements

of science fiction, fantasy, or magical realism.

Before we unlock another definition of

Speculative fiction, what can you say about the
literary works that falls under speculative

Expected answer: Literary works under

speculative fiction are more on creative work of
Very good! It seems like you are learning as fast the mind base from human sense and
as expected. experiences, they are often base on magical
imaginations and more on abstract form.
It is also known as broad category of fiction
encompassing genres with certain elements that
do not exist in the real world, often in the
context of supernatural, futuristic or other
imaginative themes.
Number four: Flash fiction, is a fictional work of
extreme brevity that still offers character and
plot development.

Number Four: Flash fiction, fictional work of

extreme brevity that still offers character and
plot development.

Number five: Blog, a discussion or

informational website published on the World
Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal
diary-style text entries. A blog is a website or
online platform where individuals or groups
regularly publish personal opinions, reflections,
or commentary on various topics. In the
Philippines, blogging has become a popular
form of self-expression and journalism. Filipino
bloggers cover a wide range of topics, including
fashion, beauty, travel, food, politics, and social

Number six: Hyper poetry, is a form of digital

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


poetry that incorporates multimedia elements

such as hyperlinks, images, sound, and
animation to create interactive and immersive
poetic experiences. While not as widely
practiced as other forms of contemporary
literature, hyper poetry is gaining traction among
Filipino artists experimenting with digital media.
An example could be a multimedia poem that
combines text with images and audio to explore
themes of identity and cultural heritage in the

And that’s the six forms under modern literary

period. Did you understand our lesson students?
Are there any clarifications you want to ask or
add before we go to our next activity?

So, if there is none, I want you to go back to

your groupings a while ago so that we shall
proceed to our next activity entitled: “Place me
where I belong”, each of your groups have the
different examples and entries regarding the six
forms of modern literature, all you have to do
now is to place those entries in their respective
areas where they belong and after which give
your own opinion regarding those that you find
and then share it to the class.

Did you understand the instruction class?

Yes, Ma’am.
D. Application

Group the class into four.

Group 1 – Construct a free verse poem about love,

hope, peace, war. You may choose 1 topic from the
following. Use literary form of your choice.

Group 2 – Composed a jingle or song regarding

your opinion about literature, make sure to apply
different literary forms.

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


Group 3 – Create a poster or slogan about your

perspective on 21st century literature.

Group 4 - Prepare a short and sweet play portraying

the different literary forms in 21st century literature.

Please be guided in the criteria provided.

The Poets


(5) SATISFACTOR (3) (2)
Content/ Content fully Content Content Content lacks
Message and sufficiently satisfactorily connection to
substantially adhered to the adhered to the the message of
adhered to the message of the message of the the poem.
message of the poem. poem.
Language There was no There were 1-5 There were 6-10 There were 11
Use and error in errors in errors in or more errors
Mechanics language use language use language use and in language
and and mechanics. mechanics. use and
mechanics. mechanics.
Originality The idea was Some of the Most of the ideas The idea was
original. ideas were were copied or not original.
copied or lifted lifted from a text.
from a text.
Collaboration All members Most members Some members Few members
contributed in contributed in contributed in the contributed in
the completion the completion completion of the the
of the assigned of the assigned assigned task. completion of
task. task. the assigned

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


TOTAL 20 16 12 8

The Singers


(5) SATISFACTORY (3) (2)
Musical Musical Musical quality Musical quality Musical
Quality quality of the of the voice is of the voice is quality of
of the voice is very satisfactory. the voice is
Voice excellent. satisfactory. fair.
Creativity Creativity Creativity and Creativity and Creativity
and Bodily and bodily bodily bodily and bodily
Expression expression expression are expression are expression
are excellent. very satisfactory. are fair.
Message Message fully Message Message Message
and sufficiently satisfactorily lacks
substantially adhere to the adhere to the connection to
adhere to the theme. theme. the theme.
Cooperation All members Most members Some members Few
act and act and contribute act and members act
contribute to to the completion contribute to the and
the completion of the task. completion of contribute to
of the task. the task. the
of the task
TOTAL 20 16 12 8

The Actors and Actresses


(4) (3)

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


Achievement Purpose is Purpose is Purpose is Purpose is

of Purpose clearly clearly established but vaguely
established established may not be established
and and generally sustained. and may not
effectively sustained. be sustained.
Use of The use of The use of The use of Lacks
Nonverbal non-verbal nonverbal cues is nonverbal nonverbal
Cues (voice, cues are very evident. cues is fairly cues.
gesture and evident. evident.
Originality There is a There is less use There is a least Lacks
and great use of of creativity and use of creativity originality and
Creativity creativity originality. and originality. creativity.
Organization/ All members Most members Some members Few members
Collaboration contribute in contribute in the contribute in the contribute in
the completion of the completion of the
completion of assigned task. the assigned completion of
the assigned task. the assigned
TOTAL 20 16 12 8
The Artist


Y (3)
Content/ Content fully Content Content Content
Message and sufficiently satisfactorily lacks
substantially adhered to the adhered to the connection
adhered to the message of the message of the to the
message of the artwork. artwork. message of
the artwork.
Color The colors Color Contradicting Colors are
Blending and complements combinations is colors are present chaotic and

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


Style each other and

good and the and a bit chaotic. the style do
style is
style is above Style is average not fit the
average. content.
Originality/ The idea was
Some of the ideas Most of the ideas The idea was
Creativity original.
were copied or were copied or not original.
lifted from a text. lifted from a text.
Collaboration All members Most members Some members Few
contributed in contributed in the contributed in the members
the completion completion of the completion of the contributed in
of the assigned assigned task. assigned task. the
task. completion of
the assigned
TOTAL 20 16 12 8

Direction: On a ¼ sheet of paper, state the following whether it is a true or false.
1.Flash Fiction is a fictional work of extreme brevity that still offers character and plot development.
2.Chick Lit is one of the most recent genres in Philippine Literature.
3.Blog is a broad category of fiction encompassing genres with certain elements that do not exist in
the real world, often in the context of supernatural, futuristic or other imaginative themes.
4.Speculative fiction is a form of digital poetry that uses links using hypertext make-up.
5.Mobile Phone Text Tula is a very visual form, and is related to hypertext fiction and visual arts.
For 6-10 this will be an identification.
6.A fictional work of extreme brevity that still offers character and plot development.
7. Consists of heroin -centered narratives that focus on the trials and tribulations of their individual
8. It is a very visual form, and is related to hypertext fiction and visual arts.
9. A discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete,
often informal diary-style text entries.

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h
Republic of the Philippines
AACUP Level I Accredited Programs:
Bachelor of Secondary Education Cagayan State University
Bachelor ofToElementary Education
prepare competent elementary, secondary and technical vocational APARRI CAMPUS
school teachers with adequate knowledge and skills and desirable values
which are necessary in developing the manpower of the country and in

undertaking functional classroom and community-based researches and
extension activities.


10. A broad category encompassing genres with certain elements that do not exist in the real world.





6.Flash Fiction

7.Chick Lit or Chick Literature



10.Speculative Fiction


A. Follow Up
Drop your own speculative fiction poetry containing four stanzas in free verse form about
human nature.

B. Advanced
Do a research and advance reading about forms and types of creative non-fiction.

Prepared by: Checked:

Group 5 Arlene Talosa Professor II

Students Subject Teacher

CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the sciences as
well as technological and professional fields. (078) 888 0786
Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, c sua p a rri@g m a il.c o m
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. a p a rri,c su.e d u.p h

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