T3 U2 Recipes To Read Demonstrate A Dish

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➢ Care for a drink?

➢ Take a command
➢ Bring it to the table…
Indian Lassi
Prep time: 10 minutes
Serves: 3-4 people
You need:
1 ¾ cups plain yogurt
6 cubes ice 1 pinch salt
1 ½ cups of water Optional: mint, masala,
2 teaspoons sugar turmeric or fruit
1 - Crush the ice
cubes in a blender.
2 - Add the other
ingredients to the crushed
3 - Blend the mixture for about one minute.
4 - Pour the mixture into tall glasses.
5 - Add mint, masala,
turmeric or fruit as
6 - Serve it fresh and
crush blend
pour serve
- are used to give an order
or an instruction.

- you can find command verbs at the

beginning of command sentences or
You stir the soup gently so it
doesn't spill.

Stir the soup gently so it

doesn't spill.

Both are correct: Because even if the subject is left

out, it is ‘understood.’
➢ Care for a drink?
➢ Take a command
➢ Bring it to the table…
the egg mixture until smooth.
some butter in saucepan.
all the ingredients in a
large bowl
Slice/Cut/Chop ________________________
the tomato into the water into the mixing
smaller pieces. bowl.

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