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Choose the best translation for the following sentences:

1. ¿Puedo usar el baño?

a. Can you go to the toilet?

b. May I use the toilet? this
c. Shall I use the toilet?

2. ¿Me imprimes esto, Christina?

1. Would you like to print this out, Christina?

2. May I print this out, Christina?
3. Could you print this out for me, Christina? this

3. Perdone, ¿podría preguntarle algo?

a. Sorry, could I ask you something?

b. Pardon, can I ask you something? this
c. Would you like me to ask you something?

4. ¿Le apetece un café?

a. Shall I have a coffee?

b. May you have a coffee?
c. Would you like a coffee? this

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