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2024 - I
Week 2 – Writing Task: Assignment – My daily

I hope this email finds you well. I'm excited to share more about myself and my daily
routine with you. Living here in [Your City/Country], life is quite busy but fulfilling. Let me
walk you through a typical day.I usually wake up at around 6:30 in the morning. After
hitting the snooze button a couple of times, I finally get out of bed. The first thing I do is
make myself a cup of coffee to kickstart my day. Then, I spend some time checking my
emails and catching up on the news before I head to work. My workday starts at 8:30
AM. I work as a CEO for my own company, where I manage various projects and
collaborate with my team. We have our morning meetings at 9:00 AM, where we discuss
our tasks for the day and any updates on ongoing projects. Around noon, I take a break
for lunch. I usually bring my lunch from home to save time and money. It's usually
something simple like a sandwich or a salad. After lunch, I like to take a short walk
outside to get some fresh air and stretch my legs. The afternoon at work is usually
dedicated to completing tasks, attending meetings, and responding to emails. I wrap up
my workday around 5:30 PM, but sometimes I stay a bit later if there are urgent deadlines
or meetings. Once I'm done with work, I head home and unwind. I enjoy cooking dinner,
so I often try out new recipes or cook my favorite dishes. After dinner, I like to relax by
watching a movie or reading a book. It's my time to wind down and recharge for the next
day. Before bed, I make sure to plan out my schedule for the next day and set my alarm.
I aim to be in bed by 11:00 PM to get a good night's sleep and be ready for another
productive day ahead.

That's a glimpse into my daily routine. I'd love to hear about yours too.

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