Foundation Online-Course Information

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Course Information

Thanks for enquiring about Essex Ham’s Foundation Online course. If you are interested in joining one of our
upcoming courses, please read the following notes:

Course Structure

We run several online courses a year. Each course typically lasts 3-4 weeks. The course has nine modules, which line
up with the sections in the “Foundation Licence Manual” booklet (Recommended! £6 - Three
modules will be delivered each week (text and video), with a short test after each module to check your progress.
Our course uses an industry-standard classroom website to deliver the lessons and course material to you, and you
will need to create a free online account with that website when you start the course. Details will be sent by email a
day or so prior to your course start date. The classroom typically stays open for 3 months, to allow for revision.

Foundation Exam

Our course is designed to help you study for your UK Foundation exam. To get a Foundation licence, you are
required to take the RSGB’s exam (£32.50). You can take your exam online from home, or at one of the many local
amateur radio clubs. Since 2021, there are no longer any practical sessions required for Foundation.

Your commitment

Please only enrol if you are genuine about sitting a UK Foundation Exam in the next six months – this is so that we
can focus on those studying towards their licence. There are no live lessons, so you can work through the modules at
a time of your choosing. We would expect you to have around 2-3 hours a week free for the duration of the course.
If we note that you are not completing the modules or have stopped accessing the material, we reserve the right to
discontinue supplying further modules.

Under 16s

The course has been created with adult learners in mind, however the course material is child-safe. Parents should
note that the online teaching environment we use has an unmoderated discussion area where students can discuss
the course. Under 16s are welcome to join, but we require a parent or guardian's consent by email.

Course Fees

Our Foundation Online courses are free. If you find our course useful, a small online donation to help cover our
running costs would be appreciated, but this is entirely optional.

Terms & Disclaimer

The course for free ‘as-is’, on a goodwill basis. We hope that you find the course material of use, and helpful for your
studying, but we cannot accept liability for any losses or damages in respect of the material provided during the
course. Your details will be stored on an electronic database in accordance with the GDPR statement on our website.
We will not disclose these to any third-party without your permission. Essex Ham reserves the right to contact you in
respect of further courses, surveys or services, and to publish your name as a course attendee. Course material
remains © Essex Ham and should not be distributed / shared without permission.

Details about how to become a radio amateur:

Questions about the course?

FO/CI v1.6

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