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Vanya Allen Leadership Application Essay

PAD6434. Spring 2024

Dr. Gunderson

Appendix 1: The Behavior Leadership Theory

Chapter 4

The Leadership Behavior Questionnaire 1:

Administered to: Tanya Bravo Evaluating: Vanya Allen

Purpose: The purpose of this questionnaire is to assess your task and relationship orientations as

a leader.

Instructions: Please read each item carefully and think about how often you engage in the

described behavior. Indicate your response to each item by selecting one of the five options to

the right of each item.

Key: 10 = Never 20 = Seldom 30 = Occasionally 40 = Often 50 = Always

1. Tells group members what they are supposed to do. (50)

2. Acts friendly with members of the group. (50)

3. Sets standards of performance for group members. (50)

4. Helps others in the group feel comfortable. (40)

5. Makes suggestions about how to solve problems. (50)

6. Responds favorably to suggestions made by others. (40)

7. Makes their perspective clear to others. (50)

8. Treats others fairly. (50)

9. Develops a plan of action for the group. (50)

10. Behaves in a predictable manner toward group members. (45)

11. Defines role responsibilities for each group member. (50)

12. Communicates actively with group members. (50)

Vanya Allen Leadership Application Essay
PAD6434. Spring 2024
Dr. Gunderson
13. Clarifies their own role within the group. (50+)

14. Shows concern for the well-being of others. (50)

15. Provides a plan for how the work is to be done. (50)

16. Shows flexibility in making decisions. (45)

17. Provides criteria for what is expected of the group. (50)

18. Discloses thoughts and feelings to group members. (45)

19. Encourages group members to do high-quality work. (50)

20. Helps group members get along with each other. (40)


Sum the responses on the odd-numbered items for the task score. Sum the responses on

the even-numbered items for the relationship score.

Scoring Interpretation:
400–500 High range
300–390 Moderate range
100–290 Low range

Total scores:
Task 500
Relationship 455

The Leadership Behavior Questionnaire 2:

Administered to: Vanya Allen Evaluating: Tanya Bravo

Purpose: The purpose of this questionnaire is to assess your task and relationship orientations as

a leader.

Instructions: Please read each item carefully and think about how often you engage in the

described behavior. Indicate your response to each item by selecting one of the five options to

the right of each item.

Vanya Allen Leadership Application Essay
PAD6434. Spring 2024
Dr. Gunderson
Key: 10 = Never 20 = Seldom 30 = Occasionally 40 = Often 50 = Always

1. Tells group members what they are supposed to do. (50)

2. Acts friendly with members of the group. (50)

3. Sets standards of performance for group members. (50)

4. Helps others in the group feel comfortable. (50)

5. Makes suggestions about how to solve problems. (50)

6. Responds favorably to suggestions made by others. (40)

7. Makes their perspective clear to others. (50)

8. Treats others fairly. (50)

9. Develops a plan of action for the group. (50)

10. Behaves in a predictable manner toward group members. (50)

11. Defines role responsibilities for each group member. (50)

12. Communicates actively with group members. (50)

13. Clarifies their own role within the group. (50)

14. Shows concern for the well-being of others. (50)

15. Provides a plan for how the work is to be done. (50)

16. Shows flexibility in making decisions. (50)

17. Provides criteria for what is expected of the group. (50)

18. Discloses thoughts and feelings to group members. (50)

19. Encourages group members to do high-quality work. (50)

20. Helps group members get along with each other. (50)


Vanya Allen Leadership Application Essay
PAD6434. Spring 2024
Dr. Gunderson
Sum the responses on the odd-numbered items for the task score. Sum the responses on

the even-numbered items for the relationship score.

Scoring Interpretation:
400–500 High range
300–390 Moderate range
100–290 Low range

Total scores:
Task 500
Relationship 460

Appendix 2: The Situational Leadership Theory

Chapter 5

To diagnose the group I am leading, I asked my class of 19 students (ages 5-6) a set of questions

over a week (so as to not overwhelm). The verbal questions were linked as closely as possible to

my pre-existing lesson plans, providing reference and clarity for the students to consider their

thoughts. The survey questions were re-written in consideration of the subordinate group and the

nature of SLII® questionnaires.

Answers were recorded as yes or no with a show of hands. Some verbal responses are quoted

with names redacted.

Question 1
If Ms. Allen asks you to do something that is new for you, will she:
• Help you learn it? (19)
• Make you go by yourself? (0)
Recorded Kindergarten Verbal Responses:
“You, you not gone let us just GO somewhere like that.”
“Remember you showed me a lotta times how to hold the pencil?”
“I’m not going by myself!”

Vanya Allen Leadership Application Essay
PAD6434. Spring 2024
Dr. Gunderson
Question 2
If one of our class members is not following rules or completing tasks, who helps them
remember the rules and how important it is to learn at school? Who helps them?
• Only Ms. Vanya (5)
• Only Me (2)
• Help Your Own-Self (3)
• Nobody (2)
• Everybody (7)
Recorded Kindergarten Verbal Responses:
“___ is my best friend so only I could tell him.”
“If you don’t know how to act in school then I don’t know what to tell you.”
“No. Everybody posed to help everybody!”
“____ tell me to do my work all the time.”
“You not the teacher.”

Question 3
We have a big show but you all aren’t practicing and getting ready. If you don’t know
your part, who will know it? Is it fun to watch a bad performance? Can you have a great
show without practice? What is practice for?
After some serious and seriously funny discussions, we agreed on the following:
• You have to practice if you want to have a great show.
• Sometimes we don’t wanna.
• We would make a physical representation of a timeline to teach the
conceptualization of time and its passage.
• We would put a pizza party (with cupcakes) at the end of that timeline for all our
hard work.
• Agreement to work hard(er).
Recorded Kindergarten Verbal Responses:
“I’m tired of dancing.”
“Who gone be lookin’ at us?”
“Yeah! A pizza party! AND with cupcakes.”

Vanya Allen Leadership Application Essay
PAD6434. Spring 2024
Dr. Gunderson
“Can we have Starbucks again?”

Appendix 3: Path-Goal Leadership Theory

Chapter 6

Path-Goal Leadership Questionnaire:

I completed this questionnaire to evaluate my experience with the lead manager of this company.

The purpose of this exercise is to reflect through my newly acquired leadership lens and identify

the successes of implementing the Path-Goal Theory as well as the failures, enabling me to make

informed recommendations.

“This questionnaire contains questions about different styles of path-goal leadership.

Indicate how often each statement is true of your own behavior (Northouse. 2019).”

1 = Never
2 = Hardly ever
3 = Seldom
4 = Occasionally
5 = Often
6 = Usually
7 = Always

Fig. 2. Northouse, Peter G. Leadership Theory and Practice. Chapter 6.

Vanya Allen Leadership Application Essay
PAD6434. Spring 2024
Dr. Gunderson

1. I let followers know what is expected of them. (5)

2. I maintain a friendly working relationship with followers. (5)

3. I consult with followers when facing a problem. (3)

4. I listen receptively to followers’ ideas and suggestions. (3)

5. I inform followers about what needs to be done and how it needs to be done. (6)

6. I let followers know that I expect them to perform at their highest level. (7)

7. I act without consulting my followers. (6)

8. I do little things to make it pleasant to be a member of the group. (4)

9. I ask followers to follow standard rules and regulations. (5)

10. I set goals for followers’ performance that are quite challenging. (7)

11. I say things that hurt followers’ personal feelings. (4)

12. I ask for suggestions from followers concerning how to carry out assignments. (2)

13. I encourage continual improvement in followers’ performance. (5)

14. I explain the level of performance that is expected of followers. (5)

15. I help followers overcome problems that stop them from carrying out their tasks. (2)

16. I show that I have doubts about followers’ ability to meet most objectives. (5)

17. I ask followers for suggestions on what assignments should be made. (3)

18. I give vague explanations of what is expected of followers on the job. (3)

19. I consistently set challenging goals for followers to attain. (3)

20. I behave in a manner that is thoughtful of followers’ personal needs. (2)

Scoring Interpretation: 17 and below = low, 18 and 28= moderate, 29= high.

Directive style: Sum of scores on Items 1, 5, 9, 14, and 18= 24 Moderate

Supportive style: Sum of scores on Items 2, 8, 11, 15, and 20= 17 Low

Vanya Allen Leadership Application Essay
PAD6434. Spring 2024
Dr. Gunderson
Participative style: Sum of scores on Items 3, 4, 7, 12, and 17= 17 Low

Achievement-oriented style: Sum of scores on Items 6, 10, 13, 16, and 19= 26 Moderate

Vanya Allen Leadership Application Essay
PAD6434. Spring 2024
Dr. Gunderson

Appendix 4: Transformational Leadership Inventory

Chapter 8

A member of my staff, Terry M. was generous enough to engage with the survey and participate

in a talk-back with me about our work together at this organization.

Fig. 3. Northouse, Peter G. Leadership Theory and Practice. Chapter 8.

Purpose: The purpose of this questionnaire is to determine which style of leadership you
intend to use, transformational or transactional.

Instructions: To respond to the following questions, consider a time when you have been
a leader of a group. Read each of the following statements and select the response that
best describes your leadership behavior as a member of this group.

Key: 1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly


1. I have a clear understanding of where my group is going. (5)

2. I always give others positive feedback when they perform well. (5)

3. I paint an interesting picture of the future for our group. (5+)

4. I give special recognition to group members when their work is very good. (4)

5. I am always seeking new opportunities for the group. (5)

Vanya Allen Leadership Application Essay
PAD6434. Spring 2024
Dr. Gunderson
6. I commend others when they do a better than average job. (5)

7. I inspire others with my plans for the future. (5)

8. I frequently acknowledge others’ good performance. (5)

Fig. 3.2. Northouse, Peter G. Leadership Theory and Practice. Chapter 8.

Scoring and Interpretation: 4 to 12 represent lower levels of preference for the

leadership style. Scores above 12 indicate higher levels for the leadership style.

Transformational Leadership (sum of 1,3,5,7) = 20 High

Transactional Leadership (sum of 2,4,6,8) = 19 High


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