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10 Tips for Phone Interview Success


Lazarus Towa

Due to the overwhelming response most job postings get, many organizations choose to screen
applicants in telephone interviews in order to narrow the pool of candidates. This often goes for internal
candidates as well. Phone interviewers save organizations time and money. This is especially true when
hiring for management and senior executive level positions because of the lengthy interview
requirements and overhead expenses, such as travel.

But whether you're a CEO or a new graduate searching for a job, you should prepare and practice for
telephone interview success. Here’s how.


1. Have a plan. As you would do in preparation for any interview, take some time to develop a success
plan. Start by mapping out your key strengths, talking points and qualifications as they relate to the
position. While you would never read anything (including a script) while interviewing, having a few
bulleted items on hand can help if you get sidetracked or when nerves take over. Plan your questions for
the interviewer in advance. This way, you verbally reflect your preparation and respect the interviewer’s

2. Be organized. Have a copy of your resume, cover letter and job description printed out and in front of
you. And because you’re not visible to the interviewer, you should also have the organization’s home
page opened on your computer to refer to as needed.

3. Minimize distractions. In the age of technology, you need to be extra cognizant of outside
distractions. Mute other phones, email and text alerts along with any incoming call notifications, as they
can disrupt your conversation and train of thought. Discernible ambient music, television, doorbells,
pets and children can also bring the interview to a screeching halt.
4. Pick the right time. The best time to conduct a phone interview is when you can flex a little time
before and after. Normally, telephone interviews range anywhere from 15-60 minutes, depending on
interest and your professional level, but be open if more time is required. Also, trying to squeeze in a
conversation during work, while driving, or when you're not at your best can negatively impact your
focus. Ideally, schedule the interview when you’re well-rested and at home in familiar, comfortable and
controlled surroundings. If you must take an interview away from home, find a private space where
you’ll not be interrupted, observed, or feel the pressure of a time deadline.

5. Be forthcoming. If an emergency, major distraction, illness or unavoidable interruption occurs, be

honest with the interviewer and ask to reschedule. More often than not, they will appreciate your
honesty and respect of their time.


1. Answer professionally. Get in the habit of answering the phone with your name in a way that projects
a professional demeanor and puts the caller at ease. Don’t let your family members, friends or children
answer the phone. If you’re not in a suitable location to take the call, let your professional voicemail
capture the message and return the call as soon as possible. Also, answer your phone in a timely fashion
and don’t play coy by letting it ring for too long.

2. Observe body language. Even though you aren’t visible to the interviewer, body language and
demeanor are easily detected over the phone. Yes, you can "hear a smile" because it adds energy to
your voice. An interviewer will pick up on your interest in the position when you practice the positive
habit of sitting up straight and leaning in as you would in a face-to-face interview. On the other hand,
certain habits, like sighing, pacing, chewing gum, pen tapping, etc. may seem innocuous but will be
detected and become a distraction during the interview.

3. Communicate thoughtfully. As you conduct daily phone conversations, practice your communication
skills. Work on your tone, pitch and professional presence as you speak with others. Ask for feedback on
how clearly your message was received and whether you sounded positive, enthused and interested in
the conversation. The same goes for listening. When you deeply listen to the recruiter, you will discern
their emotional response to your answers so you can recalibrate if necessary. Practice the art of
listening both in person and on the phone and see if you and your practice partner or coach feel
confident in your approach.

4. Prepare for negotiation. The No. 1 rule of interviewing is to avoid discussing money until after an offer
has been made. Still, you should be prepared for your negotiation as you launch your job search, as it
will help you select the right language to communicate your interest yet maintain your desirability.
5. Practice gratitude. Too often, we take for granted that others understand our appreciation. Get in the
habit of saying “thank you” more often. By doing so, you’ll be opening more doors and understand the
importance of expressing gratitude. After a phone interview, in addition to communicating your
“thanks,”craft a personalized thank you note to send or email the interviewer.

For some, phone interviews are more challenging than face-to-face. Finding the right way to make a
positive impression without the aid of professional dress, demeanor and body language can come with
obstacles. But if you’re prepared and have practiced your communication and listening skills, your
chances for interview success increase. Mastering the phone interview doesn’t require a big investment
of time — just focused concentration on preparation and practice.

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