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Episode 2.

4 Instructional Materials

List the top 10 most used instructional materials of your cooperating teacher in his/her classes.

Top 1- Books

Top 2- White board

Top 3- Black board

Top 4- Power point presentation

Top 5- Television

Top 6- Laptop

Top 7- mock up objects

Top 8- models/ diorama

Top 9- pictures

Top 10-simulation/games

Evaluate the instructional materials (IM) used by cooperating teacher using the checklist below.


b. YES

c. YES

















Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions.

A. What is the importance of using appropriate instructional materials in the class?

Utilizing appropriate instructional materials in the classroom plays a pivotal role in fostering
effective learning outcomes and enhancing student engagement. By carefully selecting and
incorporating a diverse range of resources, educators can cater to the diverse learning styles and
preferences of their students, ensuring that each individual has the opportunity to grasp and
retain information effectively. Instructional materials can transform abstract concepts into
tangible experiences, making learning more meaningful and accessible.

B. What is the common instructional materials does your cooperating teacher use in his/her
The common instructional material used are books. Books play a crucial role as an instructional
material in the educational landscape, serving as invaluable sources of knowledge and fostering
comprehensive learning experiences. They provide students with access to a vast array of
information. They empower individuals to become informed, critical thinkers, and
compassionate global citizens, shaping the culture of the society.

C. Do the top 10 most used instructional materials of your cooperating teacher use more than one
Yes, he/she uses more than one sense. By using a variety of instructional materials that appeal to
different senses, the cooperating teacher is able to create a more engaging and effective learning
experience for all students and promotes deeper understanding and retention of the knowledge.
Episode 3 Classroom Management

Preliminary Activity: Answer the following questions.

1. List down ways on how to manage a class.

 Establish rules
 Build positive relationship with your students
 Develop consistent daily routine and schedule
 Utilize a variety of teaching methods
 Offer timely and constructive feedback on students work
 Address disruptive behavior promptly and consistently
 Utilize technology effectively
 Communicate regularly with parents or guardians
2. What classroom management do you adhere to? Why?
I adhere to a positive and proactive classroom management approach that focuses on building
relationships, fostering student engagement, and preventing disruptive behavior. I believe that
this approach is most effective in creating a supportive learning environment that promotes
academic achievement and social-emotional growth. Through this I strive to create a classroom
where all students feel valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential.

3. Is classroom management important? Why? Why not?

Yes, classroom management is important. It is the process of creating and maintaining a positive
learning environment where students are engaged, focused, and respected. When classrooms
are well-managed, the entire school environment benefits from reduced stress levels, improved
communication, and a sense of belonging. Classroom management is an essential component of
the educational process, directly impacting student learning, teacher effectiveness, and the
overall school climate. By implementing effective classroom management, teachers can create a
positive and productive learning environment that fosters academic success and personal

4. How does classroom management affect students?

Classroom management plays a crucial role in shaping the learning experiences of students. It
influences their academic achievement, behavior, engagement, and overall well-being.
Classroom is not merely about maintaining order; it is about creating a supportive and nurturing
environment that fosters academic success, positive behavior and overall well-being of the
students. Effective classroom management empower students to thrive academically, socially,
and emotionally, setting them on a path to success in life.
5. How does classroom management affect teachers?
Classroom management significantly impacts teacher’s professional experiences and overall
well-being. Effective classroom management can enhance job satisfaction, reduce stress, and
improve teacher efficacy, while inadequate management can lead to frustration, burnout, and
decreased effectiveness. Well-managed classroom allows teachers to focus on delivering
instruction and engaging students in learning activities without constantly addressing disruptions
or misbehavior. This results in increased in instructional time, improved teaching efficiency, and
a greater sense of accomplishments for teachers. It allows them to approach their work with a
more positive and energized mindset.

6. How do you manage your class?

Effective classroom management is essential for creating a conducive learning environment that
fosters student engagement and academic success. As a future educator, I will employ a variety
of strategies to maintain a positive and productive classroom atmosphere. First, I will establish
clear expectations and rules from the outset, ensuring that the students understand the
boundaries of acceptable behavior. Second, I will foster positive relationships with my students. I
will take the time to get to know each student individually. Third, I will create an engaging and
stimulating learning environment that captures student’s attention and motivates them to learn.
Fourth, I will maintain a consistent discipline system that addresses disruptive behavior promptly
and fairly. Fifth, I will provide regular feedback and guidance to students. Last, I will collaborate
with parents and guardians to ensure that students receive consistent support both at home and
in school.

7. What do you think are the essential consideration in managing a class?

Managing a class effectively involves several key considerations. To begin, setting clear
expectations and rules establishes the tone for conduct and engagement. The consistency with
which these norms are enforced produces a structured environment. Second, creating a positive
and inclusive environment encourages student participation and sense of belonging.
Relationships are strengthened via communication, empathy, and respect, which encourages
active engagement and support. Third, changing teaching approaches to accommodate different
learning styles guarantees that every student has an equal opportunity to succeed. Approach
flexibility enables for personalized support and encouragement. Finally, keeping open lines of
contact with students and their parents or guardians allows for a collaborative approach to
tackling obstacles and celebrating accomplishments, thereby fostering a conducive learning

Processing: Examine your answers: Answer the following questions:

1. What things do teachers need to consider in managing the class?

Effective classroom management requires teachers to consider a multitude of factors to create a
conducive learning environment for all students. This are as follows; develop strong connections
with students, establish rules and clear expectations, encourage collaboration, maintain open
and transparent communication, adapt to individual needs, encourage mutual respect, empathy,
and understanding among all students and utilize a variety of teaching methods.

2. What can you say about classroom management?

Classroom management is the art and science of creating a learning environment that is
conducive to student learning. It encompasses a wide range of strategies and techniques that
teachers use to establish expectations, maintain order, and promote appropriate behavior.
Effective classroom management is essential for creating a positive and productive learning
environment where all students feel safe, respected, and engaged. It also plays a crucial role in
preventing a disruptive behavior and ensuring that all students have the opportunity to reach
their full potential.

3. How can a teacher effectively implement classroom management?

Effective classroom management is an ongoing process that requires flexibility and adaptability.
Teachers should continuously evaluate their classroom management and make adjustments as
needed. By fostering positive relationships, establishing rules and expectations, providing
positive reinforcement, addressing disruptive behavior promptly, and creating structured
learning environment, teachers can effectively manage or implement their classrooms and
promote a positive learning experiences for all students.

4. Do you think classroom management plans are helpful in managing the class? Why? Justify?
Yes, classroom management plans are essential tools for effectively managing a class. They
provide a structured framework for establishing clear expectations, implementing routines, and
addressing disruptive behavior. Classroom management are invaluable tools for creating a
positive, productive, and orderly learning environment. They provide clarity, consistency, and
structure, empowering teachers to effectively manage their classrooms and maximize student
learning outcomes. Teachers can make adjustments based on their observations and
experiences, ensuring that the plans remain effective and relevant.

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