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Guidelines Weekly Report


What is it ?
W h a t i s t h e “ We e k l y R e p o r t ”

✓ The Weekly Report is a reporting tool that is completed on a weekly basis by our partners

✓ The goal is to track the sales of each POS and compare them with their results from the previous year

✓ The interest is to know where our partner stands: is it progressing or declining?

How is this weekly report filled out?

✓ The partners fill in the results at the end of the week for each POS. Example below:
✓ Each Monday, we receive the results of the previous week.
✓ These results appear in a summary tab "Sales Report" which summarizes the results achieved by each POS
Partners must fill in these elements, week by week for each POS. The Total must be
a protected cell and automatically calculated by summing the results of the month.

They do it for all POS

How the information is passed on


Corrective Actions
Problems with the previous file

❖ Difficulty in switching and updating year after year because of the need to change the calendar
dates every year and make sure that, for example, week 30 in 2019 is consistent with week 30 in

❖ Some weeks did not update properly. For example, in 2021 we have a problem with week 5, 9,
26, 35, 48. (Example below)

❖ Partners sometimes make mistakes by modifying cells that they should not modify. This can lead
to problems
What do we need ?

❖ We need the file to be much more reliable, without errors and to be able to compare the evolution of our
partners' results week after week

❖ To guide you, you will find from slide 7 to 12 the elements that were wrong in the previous version:

Synchronisation Menu
✓ We want the key elements to be visible in the left corner of the screen
✓ Make sure that when you change the week, it changes all the data in the table with the chosen
Move Synch Menu Here
C a l c u l a t i o n o f We e k l y S a l e s ( R e t a i l )

✓ The POS amounts must be linked to the week chosen for each POS
✓ Each POS reports its results in its own tab. The summary sheet is a summary of these results.
✓ Total is the sum of POS + Website
✓ The Retail corresponds to the sum of the POS only
✓ The Amount " VS.LY " = (N - N-1)/N-1
✓ It is also necessary that if the formula is positive, the green color appears and if negative, the red color
C a l c u l a t i o n o f We e k l y S a l e s ( We b s i t e )

✓ The Website amounts must be linked to the chosen week

✓ The Website also has its results in its own tab.
✓ Retail is the sum of the POS only
✓ Calculation " VS.LY " = (N - N-1)/N-1
✓ It is also necessary that if the formula is positive, the green color appears and if negative, the red color
✓ Calculation « Share of Ecom » = (Sales Amount / Total Sales Amount)*100
Calculation of Month to Date (MTD)

✓ Same logic as for slides 4 and 5

C a l c u l a t i o n Ye a r To D a t e ( Y T D ) i n E u r o

✓ We need to know the amounts realized each month by each POS in Euro
✓ For this we need to have a formula that searches directly for the current amount realized in each month and converts it directly into Euro
✓ The "YTD VS. LY" must be able to directly calculate the amount realized for the month of the previous year and compare it to the results of the month of
the current year
✓ It is also necessary that if the formula is positive, the green color appears and if negative, the red color
✓ The “Subtotal” formula is the sum of the months
✓ The "Turnover / SQM" formula is the Subtotal divided by the size of the shop

C a l c u l a t i o n Ye a r To D a t e ( Y T D ) i n l o c a l c u r r e n c y

✓ Same logic as for slides 7


What the file

should look like
We e k l y S a l e s

➢ About the necessary elements, we will need the same information

➢ The information mentioned by the partner (see slide 3) must be reflected in the Sales Report tab, taking into
account each week

➢ However, we think it would be more useful to reverse the columns and rows. Here is an example below of what we

I n f o r m a t i o n i s p a s s e d o n l i ke t h i s

The information should be

transferred in the same
way as usual, each
element filled in by the
partner is reflected in the
summary table

It is necessary to add a
conversation rate in euro

Month to Date

➢ The recording is repeated on this date. Month/date

➢ Same principle as for the Weekly part except that here we calculate directly the total from the 1st day of the month
to the current day (Example from January 1st to January 16th or from February 1st to February 23rd)

➢ The basis of the selected information is the same except that here we take the total of the month instead of the

Ye a r t o D a t e ( E u r o )

➢ This is the year-to-date total. Here we only process "Sales Amount".

➢ The total per month is reported in this table. This means that each time the partner fills in their numbers for a
week, it is added to all the weeks to give a month-by-month result.

➢ The rest of the formulas should work as shown in slide 11. We also need here the conversion rate in €.

More simply, the updated total for the

month can be found here

must be found for each POS here each

month. For example, for January:
Ye a r t o D a t e ( L o c a l C u r r e n c y )

➢ This is the same as for slide 17, only here there is no need for a conversion rate. The amounts are given in
the local currency.

Additional requests

✓ Would it be possible to create a macro allowing us to add/remove stores, with the same calendar and which would appear
directly in the "Sales Report" tab ?

✓ Would it be possible to create this file for the next 5 years directly in order to avoid making recurring requests for updates?

✓ Do not forget to add the corrective actions requested in slides 7 to 12

✓ Thank you in advance for your help


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