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Elmer A.

1. Identify 5 good governance principles and describe how it influences the achievement of
efficient governance.

Accountability- it is the willingness or obligation to accept responsibility for one’s

actions. In our country we need an accountable leader, the one who is open to Public to
accept his/her decision that don’t have any hesitations. We will achieve an efficient
governance if the leader have a strong mind and heart willing to face all challenges the
he/she encountered in leadership. Just like in local government unit if the all LGUs are
accountable to their duties and responsibilities our country will be one of the best country
in the world.

Direction and Strategic Vision- this principle help us our country to be futuristic, we
need to have a wide vision in our country by creating and conceptualize a good
governance in our country. We need to have good ideas on how to resolve the economic
problems by using compare and contrast on the past to the present and creating ideas to
help the country men in the future. We need to create a vision turns into reality.

Performance Responsiveness- by giving the needs of the people, equity distribution of

goods and services to the people. We all know that everyone has need defend on the
status they have. Giving good service to the people is one of the essential things to do of
a government officials. Distribution with honesty and integrity of goods and services
from the resources of the country, so that everyone will feel the presence of a government
that they do their duties and functions.

Fairness Equity- on this our country it distinguish the importance of a role of man and
women regardless of their gender orientation. By giving an equal opportunity no matter
what is your gender. On this all of individuals will have a strong heart to participate in all
government activities without any hesitation. It is important to have an equity look in
individual to build a good foundation in government setting.

Legitimacy and Voice Participation- by giving the chance to all individuals to give
their chances to speak on what they are desire in changing shape of the country. It is
important to give a freedom of speech to all everyone for the goods of our economy.
Every one have different types of mindset on how to build a good country. The more
ideas our country will be productive and changes will be see.

2. Choose which approach of governance you think is most suited for the Philippines.
Defend your answer.
Our country which is the Philippine is facing economy problem and political
problems. We need to have a good governance that exercise the good characteristics. It is
voice and accountability, political stability that absence of violence, government
effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law and face corruption. Good governance is a
method of government that aims to build a system based on justice and peace while
safeguarding people’s human rights and civil freedoms.When all the people exercise the
freedom of speech and expression in the government and the government officials is
accountable to the every action they did then progress will be see.

In this time of pandemic amidst COVID 19 our government is facing the biggest
problem of the society which is the economy is downing. If we have good governance
and all public officials are exercise the good quality in public service with full efforts our
country will rise little by little. If the all government officials have a clearing operation in
destroying corrupt officials our people will receive a right benefits in the government.
The distribution of goods and services will be good. I believe if the good governance
will be practice in LGUs we will have a government that for the people and from the
people. We all know that the best practices will come from the bottom of the government
institutions. We all know that to establish the groundwork for a high-performing
organization – achieving goals and long-term success necessitates input and support from
all levels of a company. The Board, through excellent governance practices, offers the
framework for performance planning, implementation, and monitoring, and without a
solid basis on which to construct high performance, achieving this aim becomes difficult.

Philippines is need to practice good governance for the sake of lots of people. The
systems by which organizations are directed, controlled, and held accountable are
referred to as governance. It encompasses an organization’s authority, accountability,
leadership, direction, and control. Greatness can be attained when solid governance
concepts and practices are implemented across the board, which is why good governance
is so important.

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