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ISBN ISSN 2320-7329


ONational Journal of Reseach in Ayurved Science O

Role of Ayurvediya Chikitsa in management of primary

Title of Article
infertility: A case study

Archana Subhash Jadhav, Abhay kuikarni, Gitanjali Vaidya

1. Assistant Professor, Strirog Prasuti Department, ASS College, Ganeshwadi, Nasik
2. Secretary, AYURVED SEVA SANGHA, Nasik.
3. Associate Professor, Strirog Prasuti Department, ASS College, Ganeshwadi, Nasik
*Correspondine Author:

lack of biological food, changing life style. Four
Infertility is major disorder due to stressful world,
essential factors for conception mentioned by ancient ayurveda scholar sushruta are as imperative today
as they were ovum is one among these essential factors, vitiation of vata reflects ovulatory

dysfunction. most of infertile couples have multiple causes contributing infertility. In the present case
She had regular but
study female partner had pcos and male partner is normal resulting in infertility.

scanty menses with severe dysmenorrhea. According to ayurveda apanvayu governs all functions
related to garbhashaya and menstrual cycle. Considering infertility, pcos and tivra apan vayu dushti as

yonivyapada she was treated with basti for vatshamana , phala ghrit utterbasti for garbhashaya dushti
and internal medicine like chandraprabha vati, ampachak vati, sukumar kashay, kuberaksh vati , phala

ghrit, lashunadi vati, laghumalini vasant for deepan pachan and pcos.and dashmularishta for vata


KEYWORD: infertility, pcos, apanvayu dushti, utterbasti, yog basti

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Role of Ayurvediya Chikitsa in management of primary infertility: A case study
Archana Subhash Jadhay, Abhay kuikarni, Gitanjali Vaidya
Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science-2017 ;(5)(5) 1-6
Infertility is
biological inability of
A female patient named xxx , aged 29
individual to contribute to
years, a housewife, married since 7 years
Around 45% of conception. belonging to middle class come to opd of
couples face infertility
problemsregarding both parents around arogyashala rugnalaya, ganeshwadi
which 25% infertile panchavati, nasik. With opd no- 33428 on
couples have more
than one factor. Causes of female 27/09/ 2016 with a c/o primary infertility.
infertility ranges from endometrial factors, Brief history:
such as
exposure to chemicals and
smoking, to physical factors such as Menstrual history:-
blocked fallopian tubes or obesity.
Regular cycles but low menstrual flow and
Infertility is organic problem. Studies
dysmenorrhoea ( 3 days/ 28 days/ regular
indicate that indeed stress may contribute
to some cases of pad per day)
infertility. It may be due
to endometriosis, pcos, ovulatory disorder, History OF HUSBAND: aged 33 years,
premature ovarian failure, uterine factors, all reports are normal with good semen
tubal factor, Ipd, age , stress induced factor analysis, satisfactory sexual life
unexplained. According to ayurveda
sushruta has mentioned four main Investigations of patient:-
causes rutu (season), kshetra (field or
USG s/o pcos
female reproductive system) ,beeja (ovum)
and ambu (water on nourishing substance). Haemogram : WNL
It is the beeja (seed) which yields the
Urine : NAD
garbha (pregnancy). Irregular dietic
behavioral habits results in to dosha TFT: WNL
vitiation and mal absórption which lead to
margasyaavarana (obstruction) and results Other hormonal assay : normal
in rasa and rakta dhatu dushti. in present
Pct: normal
study there are mainly female causes,
pcos, vataj rajodushti, stress factor that HSG: both sided patent tube
contributed infertility. Both partner were
investigated and female partner treated HYSTEROLAPROSCOPY normal
with abhyantar and sthanic chikitsa. H/O patient: In 2015, iuidone 3
times but
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: no any success was there and her ovulatin
study shows delayed ovulation and
To study the efficacy of ayurvedic ovulation only by inj.hcg 10000 IU only.
management in infertility
Hetusevan ( causes) as history given by
As this is single case study we gave somne 1) diwaswap( excessive sleeping during
sthanic and abhyantar chikitsa. day time)

2 Page | Ayurlog: NJRAS | Vol. 5 |5" Issue | Sept 2017

2) avyayan (lack of exercisc) Artavavaha: regular menses but with

3) ruksha, paryushit Ahar dysmenorrhoea and scanty menses

4) Mansik
LMP: 27/9/16; Treatment given:
dushti(stressful behavior):
depression, irritation 1) ampachak vati...2 bd...vyanudan
kal.for 15 days

1" f/u on 2/10 /16: all detail

2) laghumalini vasant...2 bd...vyanudan
history kal.. for I month
taken and examination done
General examination: 3) chandraprabhavati...2 bd...apan
kal...for Imonth
obesity: Nil
4) dashmularishta.... ...2 tsf bd... Apan
Ashtavidha Parikshan: kal.. for 1 month

Nadi: 94/ min, niyamit but hinbala 2 nd f/u: on 2/10/16

Mala: grathit malapravrutti LMP: 28/10/16, for 2days, scanty, pain

decreases as compaired to last period
Mutra: samyaka
aruchi, agnimandya was decreased at this
Jivha: saam
follow up . anxity, irritability was still
Shabda: avishesha there.

Sparsha: sheet, skin: dry Treatment given:

Druka: samanya 1) dietary advice as well as lifestyle

modification, exercise, suryanamaskara
Akruti: madhyam adviced to both partner.

Udarparikshan: udaradhman, agnimandya, 2) phala gruta...2 tsf bd

aruchi apankal...for 1 month

Local examination: 3) kuberaksh vati....2 tb. Bd....vyanodan

kal....for1 month
p/s: cervix : healthy; vaginal dryness is
there 4) sukumar kashay.....2 tsf bd....saman
kal...for I month
p/v: uterus: AVAF/ normal size/ mobile/
fornices clear 5) dashmularishta.....2 tsf bd...apan
kal..for I month
srotas parikshan:
6) laghumalini vasant vati...500mg
rasavaha: Aruchi bd......for I monh

annavaha: Agnimandya Sthanic chikitsa:

31Page | Ayurlog: NJRAS | Vol.5 | 5th Issue | Sept 2017

1) shirodhara with kheerbala
taila...100m...for 8days follicle....18*16 mm, endometrial
thickness 9.2 mm.
2) yog
basti....anuvasan basti by sahachar
taila ( 120 Patient was adviced to keep contact.
ml)....for 3 alternate days
Niruha basti by dashmul sth f/u on 14/2/17
kadha (960
ml)....for 3 alternate days LMP: 10/2/17, menstrual cycle
for 3 days
3) , 3pad/ day, dysmenorrhea deceased
yoni dhavan by dhashamul significantly at this cycle.
kadha........for 8days
Utterbasti by phala ghrut (3 cycle) given
4) yoni pitchu of nrayan
For 8 days
********° from day 5 to day 7.

Internal medicine continued same as

3rd f/u: on 6/12/16 above.

LMP: 1/12/16, dysmenorrhea decreases in 6th f/u on 22/3/17

some extent after basti treament
menstrual flow for 3 days with 2 pad/ day Patient came with 1 month 12 days
amenorrhea and UPT was positive and
Sthanic chikitsa: pregnancy confimed by usg on 25/3/17 of
6 wk 2 days with fetal pole present
1) Utter basti of phala ghruta 4 to 5 ml for
3 days from day 5 up to day 7 DISCUSSION:
2) yogabasti kram with sahacharataila and In present case there are multiple female
dashmul kadha is again given to this cycle partner factors which are leading to
as there is tivra vataj rajo dushti.
infertility. She had drug depending

Abhyantar chikitsa:
ovulatory cycle, tivra vataj rajo dushti,
mansik hetu such as irritability,anxity
All internal medicine kept continue as which was also due to vat prakopa.
previous follow up
1) as at first visit samata is there with
4th f/u on 9/1/17 viatation of vata dosha which combine
causes srotorodh for which ampachak vati
Sthanic chikitsa: utter basti of phala ghruta and laghumalini vasant given in tablet
4- Sml for 3 days from day 5 to day 7 form which helps in deepan , pachan
Vitiation of dosha in anovulation is
Abhyantar chikitsa: lashunadi vati,
important and depends upon the pattern of
kuberaksh vati , phala ghrut, sukumar
digestive power. Irregular digestion
ghrut given internally directly supports the vitiation of vata
As above. Ovulation study done at this while weak digestion suggest the vitiation
cycle. Ovulation accurse naturally at day of kapha. It shows the vatakapha
16 without any induction drug. Left ovary dominance in infertility caused by
20mm , right ovary anovulation, digestive power is the prime
follicle . 2 2
factor of whole doshic vitiation and

4 Page | Ayurlog: NJRAS | Vol. 5 | 5h Issue | Sept 2017

large intestine.
rectum and
pathogenesis of discase leading to through supply
has rich blood
anovulation. drainage hence drug can
like other
2) Moderm research reveals that stress through rectal

disturbs the normal hormonal regulation absorbed through

lipid membranes. Drug
and it decreases LH secretion., which rectal mucosa carried by
ultimately leads to anovulation. Paticnts of circulation.
haemorrhoidal veins in portal
weak mental stamina and are more lower rectal mucosa
Drug absorbed by
susceptible to stress which creates middle and inferior
crried by
homonal dysfunction that leads too haemorrhoidal veins in systemic
anovulation. shirodhara with ksheerbala
circulation. rectum with its rich vascularity
taila helps to decrease stress factors.
and venous plexus provides a good
Which helps in hormonal regulation and to
absorption surface and many soluble
improve LH: FHS ratio.
substances produce their effect more
3) lashunadi vati which contain lashun quickly without passing the liver.
hinga, suntha dyavya which all are known According to charaka basti retains in
for bijotsarga guna by their ushna tikshna pakwashaya and dwells doshas from all
bhedan karma. an appetizer, digestive and over body and basti is only thearapy which
carminative property of these ayurvedic pacifies the provacated vata dosha like
drugs obstruction and
so as too cyclonic strom is sustained by the waves
proper functioning of apan vata. of sea
4) abhyantar chikitsa by kuberaksha vati 6) ENS is correlated with CNS. ovarian
and laghumalini vasant helps by their cycle is regulated through the feedback of
deepan, pachan properties to improve rasa hormones on nural tissue of CNS. As
dhatu and thus shuddha raja dhatu intestine is richly supplied under nerves.
sukumar ghrut and phalaghrut helps Theory emrges out ENS is closely related
prinan and poshana of rasa dhatu. As to CNS.
patient had h/o scanty menses which
shows needation of santarpana of raja, 7) Uterbasti by phala ghruta makes strong
bed for implantation. utterbasti with phala
updhatu of raja. Both ghruta helps in
ghrut has vatshamak property due to
prinana of rasa.
snigdha guna of medicated oil. Suksma
5) As there is tivra apan dushti, guna of ghruta brings this sneha in all
vatanuloman and vatashaman accurs with srotas of body.
Luke warm ghruta of
help of yogbasti, prakrut gati of apan vayu utterbasti enhances blood circulation of
enhanced. probable mode of action of endometrium cervical canal and vagina.

basti: acharya parashara has that Like this improves healing process of
guda (anus) is the principle route of body ruptured tissue around this place. In
and bears rich blood supply in it. Basti cervical factor, drug administered locally
nourishes all extremities and in the cervix and absorbed by cervical
organ of
body. Basti eliminates viated dosha via epithelium due to sukshma property of
rectal route. Medicines administered drug.
through rectal route redialy absorbed

5|Page | Ayurlog:NJRAS | Vol.5|5th Issue| Sept 2017

The lipid soluble drug Textbook of gynaecology, DC dutta
diffused across the membrane
is passively 1)
high is the edited by hiralal kanar, New central book
concentration and quicker diffusion. agency 5 th edition 2008 reprint 2009
Ultered cervical PH can be corrected. page no. 220, 221, 223

8) Sthanic Yonidhavan with 2) Sushrut samhita edited with Ayurved

dhashmulkadha helps to cover local Ambikadutta
tatva sandipika, by kaviraj
infection of vagina . simultaneously shastri, chaukhamba prakashan, Varanasi,
narayan taila pitchu helps in oleation of sharirsthan adhyay 2, shukrashonit adhyay,
vagina. It also helps in sofening of cervix page no. 19, shloka no. 35
and promotes sperm penetration. Narayan
3) Kashyap Samhita/ Vridhhajivikiya
taila is also has garbhasthapak property.
Tantram, Kalpasthana, Revatikalpa
due correction tivra Adhhay, Shlok No.33, Page No. 192
9) Overall it was to

apan dushti, vataghna chikitsa and internal

medicines improvement in ovarian 4) Agnivesha- Charaka Samhita With
Ayurved Deepikavyakhya, By Pandit
function, increased needation capacity of Kashinath Pandey, Chaukhamba Bharati
uterus, mansik doshas regulation helps the Cha.
Acadamy Varansi Reprint 2008,
patient to conceive in six month. Siddhistan, Adhyay 9

CONCLUSION: Ratnavali Ambika Dutta

5)Bhaishajya By
Present study indicate that an infertility Shastri, Chaukhamba Prakashan, Yoni
causes like pcos resistant to hormonal Vyapad Chikitasa
treatment, stress factor, local pathology
6) Infertility in the Indian population,
related to uterus, cervix can be effectively
naveed khan M. D http://www.
managed by ayurveda management which, march 6 2015
have great potential to cure both male and
female infertility factors. 7) why infertility is on rise in India? Dr.
indira Ganeshan, http://www.
References: infertility.

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