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And I have another Activity in another Rule Set?

So I want to call First one in

second rule set? How can you achieve this?

Suppose I Want reuse the rule in my child class? But I want to reuse it into my
parent how can I achieve

8. Scenario on obj open ?

If there are two class keys like DOB&Email? So how can I achieve ? Need to explain
the steps also?
Release on lock option in OBj open ?if suppose my work object is already locked how
it Works?

ave you worked in extracts, ignore and bix?

I need to find all the items in work list and work basket how can you achieve this
and overall
configuration of primary report, where you will write primary report what joins you
will use,
what classes you will use along with filter conditions

Suppose I have Page list, I need to implement a report definition for page list

. If one operator working on child case, No other operator can work on parent case.
Can we do

How to call Connect-REST asynchronously?

Let suppose that we are building the Connect-REST but service is not yet ready, and
need to build our Connect-REST set the connections and all those things, how can we
that? In future if service is ready then Connect-REST will work. How can we do

At first I have Amount property as Integer, Later business requested to change it

into Float so
how can you do that?

. In your current project if your manager asks to list of cases created in the last
24 hours and
which cases by your team members?

. Everyday at 9 am your manager should get an Email, In that Email excel sheet of
all the cases
created by my team in last 24 hours should be recorded. How can you do this?

On the UI I have 3 links, If I click on first, second and third link I have to get
the list of cases
created by your teammates for last 24 hours,7 days, One month respectively

You have simple project where you have a manager, your manager have senior manager
senior manager have Vice president. You are applying a leave, by creating a case
where you give
details for leaves, reason for leave in your assignment and submit the assignment
it should route
to your manager if manager approves it should route to senior manager, if senior
approves it should route to Vice president if vice president approves Case should
be Resolved#Completed. How could you do this?

For same requirement if the leave type is maternity leave I need only my manager
approval, I
don’t want my senior manager and vice president approval

In your application you have 500 cases, out of 500, 100 Resolved-Completed, 400
Cases are not
Resolved-Completed, your manager asked to make all the cases resolved-Completed.
How can
you do that?

Same requirement, but we have to delete all the records, how can you do that?

13. What is Case Specialization?

14. I have 3 tables, table 1,2,3 I have common column for only 1,2 and 2,3. I have
to fetch common

As earlier we have discussed about leave application right? So in that I have to

enter all the
details in assignment and when I submit that all the entered values should be in
Capital letters.
How can you do that

2. we have a data type containing x number of columns, whe have to retrieve 2

columns for it and
use the 2column in drop down,how do u implement this?

3.Based on the drop down from above for example i have employee department selected
we have to enter employee id in other text field.details should be shown based on

4.AS We are bringing the data using data page when the user enter the wrong
data,the data in data
page should be deleted how to do it

5.Can i copy data from child to parent when we are working in child {ootb

7- how to stop parent case until the parent case is resolved

9-If we have a screen flow and we cancelled in middle of the process what happens
to data?

11.How do you delay an Agent

14.what is the basic reason for failing agent

17. Can i configure the work basket which is routed or have access to specific
manager only how can
i achieve it
When you are actually working on upgrade fixes what types of issues you have faced
Was it tolerance upgrade or compliance upgrade

Have you done any performance analysis as a part of your project to analyse the
performance of projec

You have used screen flow and you 3 assignment shapes you have start shape 123 and
shape, now you are in the assignment 3 and you wanted to go to 1 step how do you

7. You have a screen 3 we are in screen 3 I have multiple fields I have to enter in
that few of
that are mandatory, you have submitted and you have filled and required message,
have thrown an error message if any of them are missed. How did you do that?

29. So, you are come to write the Stored-procedures ?

. I have Activity in One rule Set?

And I have another Activity in another Rule Set? So I want to call First one in
second rule set?
How can you achieve this?

8. Scenario on obj open ?

If there are two class keys like DOB&Email? So how can I achieve ? Need to explain
the steps also?
Release on lock option in OBj open ?if suppose my work object is already locked how
it Works?

16. Let suppose, we have a parent case & child case setup. I am working on the
child case. Can you
work on the parent case when it was in default locking? Can it be possible?

17. You have a screen with Text input box, in that text input box, you can give the
operator ID. I.e.,
opr1, opr2, opr3…. any valid operator & on submission of that particular screen
your next assignment
should go to the operator which you have given on the screen.
If you have given multiple operators by giving separated commas like opr1, opr2
your next
assignment should go to single operator.
If it is a junk value given by the user then, your next assignment will go to
generic workbasket.

21. I am tracing an activity & I need to trace a page which is present inside that
activity. But, the thing
is that was not in step Page. It could be present under property-set /or some were
in the when
condition. I need to trace that page how can you do it

what is ticket
what is defer load
how to createsave 1000 wo

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