The Line Between Emulation and Thievery

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Name : Edbert Lim

Student id : 024202200014

The Line Between Emulation and Thievery

Is Tokyo Tower Imitate the Eiffel Tower?

The photo in left side is the photo of Eiffel tower that we can know as landmark of France that
designed by Stephen Sauvestre, and Eiffel tower started the construction at 28th January 1887
and finish at 15 march 1889, need 2 years to construct that 7,300 tonnes iron. The tall of Eiffel
tower is 330 meters, the material of Eiffel tower is puddle iron

The photo in right side is the photo of Tokyo Tower that built in Shiba Garden, Tokyo, Japan,
and designed by Tachu Naito. The tall of Tokyo Tower is 332,6 meters, and know as the highest
metal tower that stand in the earth that started the construction at June 1957 and finished at
1958, just need 1 year to build Tokyo Tower even Tokyo Tower is taller than Eiffel Tower.
Tokyo Tower colored with orange and white because of the aviation safety regulation. Even
Tokyo Tower is taller than Eiffel Tower, the weight of Tokyo Tower is lighter than Eiffel

As we can see, Tokyo Tower have the similar shapes with Eiffel Tower, the similar
construction, but there is so many difference between Eiffel Tower and Tokyo Tower, and this
is the difference between Eiffel Tower and Tokyo Tower.

The first one is the material. The Eiffel Tower is using puddle iron for the material of the
construction, puddling is the one way to make a high grade iron, puddling is like you add a
mud and the iron in the machine, this way is found in China at Han Dynasty era and
rediscovered at United Kingdom during the Industrial Revolution era. The Tokyo Tower is
using steel and the a third of which was scrap metal taken from US tanks damaged in the Korean
War. That is why Tokyo Tower is lighter than Eiffel Tower even Tokyo Tower is Taller than
Eiffel Tower.

The second one is the colors of the towers. As we can see Eiffel Tower is colored with dark
brown color and Tokyo Tower are colored with orange and white color. Eiffel Tower colored
with dark brown color is for the beauty of the tower, but Tokyo Tower colored with orange and
white color because of the aviation safety regulation. And I want to mention the fact, that the
Eiffel Tower was once painted yellow because yellow was a trend at that time.

And the last one is the purpose of these tower to build. The purpose of Eiffel tower to build is
to celebrate the centenary of the French revolution and to welcome the Paris Exposition or the
Paris Exhibition, World Exhibition, but now Eiffel tower is switch the function to the radio
broadcasting tower three years after the first world war and also a tourist destination too, but
the purpose of Tokyo Tower to build is there is a need to build a transmitting tower that is able
to cover the entire area for a number of television station in Tokyo, but now it also a place to
hang out and tourist destination.

The architecture of Tokyo Tower is inspired by Eiffel Tower that is why the construction looks
similar but I think it is not a imitate because there is so many difference between Eiffel tower
and Tokyo Tower, as we can see in the middle of Eiffel Tower there is a hole, but there is no
hole in the middle of Tokyo Tower, The colors of Eiffel Tower and Tokyo Tower is also
different, the materials to build Eiffel Tower and Tokyo Tower is different too, and the most
important thing is the purpose of building these tower is different.

The example of studying

The painting on the left is titled “Penyerahan Pangeran Diponegoro” that painted by Nicolaas
Pieneman between 1830 to 1835. It is painted to capture the moment of arrest of the leader of
the Javanese Rebellion by troops led by Lieutenant General Hendrik Mercus de Kock. As we
know Nicolaas Pieneman is dutch so, he could paint that painting to show the power of Dutch
at that time. The size of this painting is 77 cm x 100 cm. This painting is in Rijks Museum,
Amsterdam, Netherlands.

The painting on the right is titled “Penangkapan Pangeran Diponegoro” that painted by Raden
Saleh at 1857 and repainted from the painting that titled “Penyerahan Pangeran Diponegoro”
the painting in the left side. Raden Saleh Repaint the “Penyerahan Pangeran Diponegoro”
painting because he think the paint of “Penyerahan Pangeran Diponegoro” that painted by
Nicolaas Pieneman is degrade and bring down the pride of Indonesian nation, so Raden Saleh
repaint it and change the title of the painting from “Penyerahan Pangeran Diponegoro” to
“Penangkapan Pangeran Diponegoro”. In 1829 – 1851, Raden Saleh, under the auspices of the
Dutch East Indies Government, lived in Europe, Where he Received an art education. After
returning to Indonesia, he decided to put into practice what he had learn in Europe with repaint
the painting that titled “Penyerahan Pangeran Diponegoro” to “Penangkapan Pangeran
Diponegoro”. The size of this painting is 112 cm x 176 cm. This painting is in Kepresidenan
Museum, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

These two paintings have the same purpose and that is to capture the moment of arrest of the
leader of the Javanese Rebellion by troops led by Lieutenant General Hendrik Mercus de Kock,
but there is so many difference between Nicolaas Pieneman painting and Raden Saleh Painting.

In “Peyerahan Pangeran Diponegoro” you can see that Prince Diponegoro stand lower Than
the Lieutenant General Hendrik Mekus De Kock, its mean like Prince Diponegoro’s pride was
lowered by the painter, Nicolaas Pieneman, I can not say that Pieneman is wrong, because he
is Dutch, he difitely want to raise his country’s pride.

The repaint of “Penyerahan Pangeran Diponegoro” that painted by Raden Saleh is more further
elevate the dignity of the Indonesian nation, like as we can see, Prince Diponegoro is painted
standing parallel to the Lieutenant General Hendrik Mekus De Kock, with this, the dignity of
the Indonesian nation is aligned with the Dutch. As we can see in Raden Saleh’s painting, the
Netherlands flag was also removed to show the pride of Indonesian nation. The title of the
painting is also changed from “Penyerahan Pangeran Diponegoro” to “Penangkapan Pangeran
Diponegoro”, this also shows that the Indonesian people are not easyly to give up.

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