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1. Voluntary versus Compulsory Reactions: Traditional molding manages compulsory

reactions, while operant molding centers around deliberate ways of behaving.
2. Stimulus Affiliation versus Result Affiliation: Old style molding partners upgrades,
while operant molding partners ways of behaving with outcomes.
3. Automatic versus Deliberate Learning: Old style molding frequently includes
programmed, reflexive learning, while operant molding underscores intentional, objective
driven learning.
4. Role of Timing: Traditional molding depends on exact timing of boosts, while operant
molding thinks about the planning of results comparable to conduct.
Both old style and operant molding give significant bits of knowledge into how learning
happens. In educating, a blend of these speculations can be successful, with old style
molding making way for positive profound affiliations, and operant molding directing the
improvement of deliberate ways of behaving through outcomes. Educators ought to be
aware of the moral contemplations and individual contrasts while applying these standards
in instructive settings.

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