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Name:__________________________________Grade & Sec:__________________Score:_______

A.Direction Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your choice on the answer
sheet Score(10 pts)

1. Why do we have seasons on Eartharth?

A. The earth is tilted on its axis C. The moon is tilted on its axis
B. The sun is tilted on its axis D. The earth is not tilted

2. During which seasonin the Northern Hemisphere does the Sun’s rays hit the Earth at the most direct
A. Winter B. Summer C. Autumn D.

3. During which season in the Northern Hemisphere are days the shortest
A. Winter B. Summer C. Autumn D.

4. What are the names of the days when the day and the night are of equal duration?
A. Vernal Solstice and Autumnal Solstice C. Vernal Equinox and Autumnal Equinox
B. Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice D. Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice

5. The following are the factors affecting seasons EXCEPT:

A. The tilt of the earth C. The rotation of the earth
B. The revolution around the sun D. The direct rays of the sun

6. Which season has the shortest days but the longer nights?
A. Autumn B. Summer C. Spring D. Winter

7. What season do plants and trees loose their leaves?

A. Autumn B. Summer C. Spring D. Winter

8. What are the four seasons?

A. Summer, Fall, Annual, Winter C. Spring, Sumer, Autumn, Winter
B. Rocks, Winter, Earth, Spring D. Iron, Gold, Steel, Bismuth

9. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere and the length of daytimeis longer there. What is its season?
A. Winter B. Autumn C. Summer D. Spring

10. What would happen if the earth was not on its axis?
A. There will be no seasons C. There would still be seasons
B. The eart will spin slower D. The sun would be closer to earth

B.Direction : Match column A with column B. Write the letter only in your answer sheet.
Score : (10 pts)

A. B.
____1. It refers to the “longet day” A. Direct rays
____2. It is the warmest season of the year B. spring
____3. The earth is tiltedon its axis in C. summer
__________ degrees D. revolution
____4. It is the season of new beginning E. autumn
____5. It is the movement of the earth F. summer solstice
around the sun G. winter solstice
____6. It refers to “longest night” H. seasons
____7. Is a period of the year that is distinguished I. winter
by special climate conditions J. 23.5
____8. Means that the rays of the Sun hit the K. rotation
ground at 90°.
____9. Is the coldest season
____10. A season characterized by falling leaves

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