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“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning?

Albert Einstein

Thermal Properties of Materials

Heat Capacity, C
The heat capacity of a body is the quantity of heat required to raise its temperature
through 1K
(or 1 deg.C).

Unit : J K –1 or J 0C –1

Specific Heat Capacity (shc), c

The shc of a substance/material is the quantity of heat required to raise the
temperature of unit mass of it through 1K.

Unit : J kg –1 K –1

Determination of Specific heat capacity electrical method

For solids

(e.g. liquid H2)


Q  m c  
Q  V I t
m c   V I t
V It
m 

We measure m , ∆θ , V , I , t then c can be determined.

For liquids

Method (I): Vacuum Flask Method


1. Fill the flask to a known depth with liquid (such as water) of known shc, c1 .
V1 I1t  m1c1  Q ----- ①

Where Q = sum of energy taken by the flask and thermometer and that lost to

2. Fill to the same depth with liquid 2 whose shc, c, is to be found.

3. Adjust V and I so as to obtain the same  in the same t.

V2 I 2 t  m2 c   Q ------ ②

From ① and ②, determine ‘c’

V I t  V1I1t  m1c1
c 2 2
m2 

Method (II): Continuous-flow (Constant-flow) Method

water jacket
(constant temp.)

heating coil

Callender and Barne’s continuous-flow calorimeter


1. Pass the liquid through the calorimeter until steady conditions hold.
2. Measure V1 , I1 , 1 ,  2 and the rate of liquid flow m1 in time t.

V1 I1 t  m1 c ( 2  1 )  Q (1)
c = specific heat capacity of the liquid,
Q = the energy loss in time t under these conditions.

3. Repeat the above, using adjusted value of V2 , I 2 and m2 so that 1 and  2 are unaltered.

Then for the same t ,

V2 I 2 t  m2 c ( 2  1 )  Q (2)

4. Subtracting (2) from (1), obtain

(V1 I 1  V2 I 2) t  (m1  m2 ) c ( 2  1 )
(V1 I 1  V2 I 2 ) t
c 
(m1  m2 ) ( 2  1 )


 Energy loss is quantitatively controlled.

 Convection losses are eliminated. (vacuum)
 Under steady temperature conditions, no thermal energy is absorbed by the
 Temperatures can be measured accurately with a resistance thermometer.
 V and I are accurately measured using potentiometers.

Chang of Phase and Latent heat

In solids, molecules vibrate about fixed positions, and the pattern is ordered.
In liquids, molecules vibrate about variable positions, and the pattern is disordered.

To convert solid to liquid (fusion), we provide energy which

(i) increases the P.E. on changing from the ordered to the disordered phase while
keeping roughly the same average molecular K.E., i.e. the same temperature,
(ii) does the external work which is relatively small because of the small change in

To convert liquid to vapor (vaporization), we provide energy which

(i) increases the P.E. of a molecule (this energy enables work to be done against
intermolecular forces), and
(ii) does external work which is usually much larger than in the case of fusion.

Specific latent heat (L)

The specific latent heat of fusion ( Lf) is the quantity of heat required to convert unit
mass of the substance from the solid phase to the liquid phase without change in

Unit: J kg –1 .

The specific latent heat of vaporization ( lv ) is the quantity of heat required to convert
unit mass of the substance from the liquid phase to the gaseous phase without
change in temperature.

Unit: J kg –1 .

Q  ml

Practical determination of specific latent heat of vaporization




1. Allow the apparatus to warm up throughout by prolonged continuous boiling so

that the vapor jacket is at the temperature of the boiling liquid and a steady state
is reached.

2. Measure V1 , I1 and the mass m1 of liquid that evaporates and condenses in a time t.

V1 I1t  m1l  Q ---- (1) where Q = heat loss.

3. Repeat the experiment with a significantly different power input V2 I 2 and collect a
mass m2 in the same time t.

Thus, V2 I 2t  m2l  Q ---- (2)

Subtracting (2) from (1), we have

V1I1  V2 I 2
l t
m1  m2
Internal Energy U

Internal energy = molecular K.E. + mutual P.E. of the molecules

U  Ek  E p

Ek : determined by temperature.
E p : determined by average spacing between molecules (volume)

In general, U is a “function of state” i.e. its value only depends on the ‘state’ of the
matter and is independent of the processes to bring about that given state.

For an ideal gas, there is no P.E. Hence, its internal energy is entirely kinetic. We
have shown that for ‘n’ moles of an ideal gas at temperature, T,
U  nRT .

Therefore, for an ideal gas, U is a “function of temperature”. For example, in an

isothermal process, the internal energy of the system remains constant.

Evaporation and boiling

Both processes involve the change of phase from liquid to vapor.

 is the escape of molecules from the surface of a liquid,
 occurs at all temperatures,
 only molecules that are moving sufficiently fast enough could escape.

The rate of evaporation depends on

 the exposed surface area,
 the temperature of the liquid,
 external pressure,
 Whether there is a drought.

occurs when molecules escape in the form of bubbles of vapor from the body of
the liquid.

Boiling takes place at a fixed temperature called the boiling point (b.p.) of the liquid.
In order to keep the temperature constant, therefore for boiling, heat must be
The boiling point of a liquid is that temperature at which its saturation vapor
pressure (s.v.p.) equals to the external pressure.


Use the kinetic model to account for the following:

1. Melting and boiling take place without a change in temperature.

Change of phase → energy supplied to:

(i) Increase U → increase in P.E. but no change in K.E.
(ii) do external work

As there is no changing in K.E. → no change in T.

2. For a given substance, lv > lf.

V Smaller during fusion than during evaporation.

Work has to be done to expand against the atmosphere.

3. Cooling effect accompanies evaporation.

Do work and energy taken from internal energy of liquid

→ rise in P.E gas . and fall in K.E.of liquid → fall in temperature of liquid.

Another explanation is in terms of the escape of ‘fast moving’ molecules and

hence average KE of liquid decreases thus temperature decreases.

First law of thermodynamics

Energy can be transferred to a system by two different processes:

(1) heating, ∆Q, and

(2) Performing work, ∆W.


These energies raise the internal energy of the system.

The first law of thermodynamics expresses the principle of conservation of energy for
this situation by the following expression:

∆u = ∆W +∆Q

In words, the first law states that :

The increase in the internal energy of a system is equal to the sum of the amount of
heat supplied to the system and the work done on the system.

Sign Convention:
∆u = ∆W +∆Q
Positive values of:

∆u → increase in internal energy

∆Q → heat supplied to the system
∆W → work done on the system

Application of 1st law of thermodynamic

Consider the following thermodynamic processes for an ideal gas.

A thermodynamic process is a procedure to change the system from one state to

(I) Isothermal process (constant temperature)

∆T = 0  ∆U = 0

By 1st law, ∆Q = – ∆W

For example,
When a gas expands, work is done by the gas,
so ∆W → negative
 ∆Q→ positive
 Heat must be supplied.

N.B.: For a real gas, this process should be carried out very slowly (i.e.

( II ) Adiabatic process (thermally insulated)

We define an adiabatic process as one for which q = 0 i.e. no heat enters or

leaves the system.


∆Q= 0
By 1st law → change in internal energy ∆u = ∆W.

∆Q = ∆W

For example,
During an expansion, ∆W is negative
So ∆U is negative,
 Internal energy decreases
 T decreases

In practice, approximate adiabatic compression can be achieved by rapidly
compressing the gas.

(III) Isovolumetric (isochoric) process (constant volume)

∆V = 0
 ∆W = ∆Q ∆V = 0
Thus, ∆U = ∆Q

Positive, U , T 
if ∆Q =
Negative, U , T 

(IV) Isobaric process (constant pressure)


∆u = ∆W +∆Q

For an isobaric expansion,

∆u -Positive ∆W- Negative ∆Q = ∆U - ∆ W = positive

i.e. heat must be supplied.

(V) Cyclic process

In a cyclic process, the system is restored to its initial state at the end of the
final state = initial state
U  0 .

By first law,
∆U = ∆Q + ∆W

0 = ∆Q +∆W

∆Q = -∆W

AB and BC  expansion  work done by the system

 Enclosed area = net work done on the system
= positive

CD and DA  compression  work done on the system

∆Q = -∆W
= negative
i.e. heat is taken from the system.

( VI ) Free expansion

This is an adiabatic process where no work is done.

∆Q = 0 ∆W =0

By 1st law,
∆U = ∆Q + ∆W = 0
i.e. there is no change in the internal energy.

For ideal gas,

U  0  T  0
i.e. T is constant.

For real gas,

Expansion  P.E. 
Since ∆U = 0
 K.E. 
 T

Example 1

A sample of gas undergoes a transition from an initial state ‘A’ to a final state ‘B’ by 3
different processes as shown.. The energy transferred to the gas as heat in process
1 is 10 piVi .

In terms of piVi , what are

1. the energy transferred to the gas as heat in process 2 ?

2. the change in internal energy that the gas undergoes in process 3 ?


(1) For process 1,

∆Q = 10 PiVi
∆W = - 4PiVi
∆U = ∆Q +∆W= 6PiVi

For process 2,

∆U = ∆Q +∆W = 6PiVi
∆W = Area = - ( Pi +1.5 Pi)x ½ = - 5 PiVi
∆Q = ∆U - ∆W = 6 PiVi – (-5PiVi) = 11 PiVi

(2) For process 3, since U only depends on the state of the system,

∆U = 6 PiVi ( Same as in process 1)


Example 2

A volume 10 –3 m 3 of carbon dioxide at 290 K and 1.05 x 105 Pa is heated at

constant pressure through 20 K. Given that the density of carbon dioxide in the
above condition is 2.0 kg m –3 , its specific heat capacity at constant volume is 645 J
kg –1 K –1 and s.h.c. at constant pressure is
839 J kg –1 K –1 .

(a) Estimate the external work done and hence the increase in volume. [ 7.76 J ;
7.39 x 10-5 m3 ]
(b) Calculate the increase in volume using the equation of state pV = nRT. [
6.9 x 10-5 m3 ]
(c) How do you account for the difference between the results of (a) and (b) ?
Which answer do you think is more reliable ?

Example 3

A fixed mass of gas in a heat pump undergoes a cycle of changes of pressure,

volume and temperature as illustrated in the graph shown below.

The table below shows the increase in internal energy which takes place during each
of the changes
A to B, B to C and C to D. It also shows that in both of sections A to B and C to D,
no heat is supplied to the gas.

Heat supplied to
Increase in internal Work done
energy / J on gas / J
A to B 1200 0
B to C ─1350
C to D ─600 0
D to A

(a) Using the first law of thermodynamics and necessary data from the graph,
complete the table.
(b) Calculate P, the coefficient of performance of the heat pump, given that

Heat delivered by gas (during change B to C)

P [ 2.25 ]
Net work done on gas

1 Some water in a saucepan is boiling.

(a) Explain why

(i) external work is done by the boiling water,




(ii) there is a change in the internal energy as water changes to steam.




(b) By reference to the first law of thermodynamics and your answers in (a), show that
thermal energy must be supplied to the water during the boiling process.




2 The volume of some air, assumed to be an ideal gas, in the cylinder of a car engine is
540 cm3 at a pressure of 1.1 × 105 Pa and a temperature of 27 °C. The air is suddenly
compressed, so that no thermal energy enters or leaves the gas, to a volume of 30 cm3. The
pressure rises to 6.5 × 106 Pa.

(a) Determine the temperature of the gas after the compression.

temperature = …………………………… K [3]

(b) (i) State and explain the first law of thermodynamics.




.............................................................................................................................. [2]

(ii) Use the law to explain why the temperature of the air changed during the







3 (a) Write down an equation to represent the first law of thermodynamics in terms of the For
heating q of a system, the work w done on the system and the increase ∆U in the Examiner’s
internal energy. Use

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) The pressure of an ideal gas is decreased at constant temperature.

Explain what change, if any, occurs in the internal energy of the gas.




...................................................................................................................................... [3]


4 (a) State what is meant by the internal energy of a gas. For

.......................................................................................................................................... Use


.................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) The first law of thermodynamics may be represented by the equation

U = q + w.

State what is meant by each of the following symbols.

+U .................................................................................................................................

+q .....................................................................................................................................

+w ....................................................................................................................................

(c) An amount of 0.18 mol of an ideal gas is held in an insulated cylinder fitted with a piston,
as shown in Fig. 2.1.



Fig. 2.1

Atmospheric pressure is 1.0 × 105 Pa.

The volume of the gas is suddenly increased from 1.8 × 103 cm3 to 2.1 × 103 cm3.

For the expansion of the gas,

(i) calculate the work done by the gas and hence show that the internal energy
changes by 30 J,



(ii) determine the temperature change of the gas and state whether the change is an For
increase or a decrease. Examiner’s

change = ................................................... K


9702/42/O/N/09 [Turn over


5 (a) (i) State the basic assumption of the kinetic theory of gases that leads to the conclusion For
that the potential energy between the atoms of an ideal gas is zero. Examiner’s


.............................................................................................................................. [1]

(ii) State what is meant by the internal energy of a substance.



.............................................................................................................................. [2]

(iii) Explain why an increase in internal energy of an ideal gas is directly related to a
rise in temperature of the gas.



.............................................................................................................................. [2]

(b) A fixed mass of an ideal gas undergoes a cycle PQRP of changes as shown in Fig. 2.1.


8 P

/ 10–4 m3

2 Q R

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
pressure / 10 Pa

Fig. 2.1

(i) State the change in internal energy of the gas during one complete cycle PQRP. For
change = ............................................. J [1] Use

(ii) Calculate the work done on the gas during the change from P to Q.

work done = .............................................. J [2]

(iii) Some energy changes during the cycle PQRP are shown in Fig. 2.2.

work done on gas heating supplied increase in

/J to gas / J internal energy / J

P Q ............................. –600 .............................

Q R 0 +720 .............................

R P ............................. +480 .............................

Fig. 2.2

Complete Fig. 2.2 to show all of the energy changes. [3]

9702/41/O/N/10 [Turn over


6 A kettle is rated as 2.3 kW. A mass of 750 g of water at 20 °C is poured into the kettle. When
the kettle is switched on, it takes 2.0 minutes for the water to start boiling. In a further
7.0 minutes, one half of the mass of water is boiled away.

(a) Estimate, for this water,

(i) the specific heat capacity,

specific heat capacity = ........................................ J kg–1 K–1

(ii) the specific latent heat of vaporisation.

specific latent heat = ........................................ J kg–1


(b) State one assumption made in your calculations, and explain whether this will lead to
an overestimation or an underestimation of the value for the specific latent heat.




9702/4 O/N/02

7(a) On Fig. 2.1, place a tick (✓) against those changes where the internal energy of the
body is increasing. [2]

water freezing at constant temperature ..........................................

a stone falling under gravity in a vacuum ..........................................

water evaporating at constant temperature ..........................................

stretching a wire at constant temperature ..........................................

Fig. 2.1

(b) A jeweller wishes to harden a sample of pure gold by mixing it with some silver so that
the mixture contains 5.0% silver by weight. The jeweller melts some pure gold and then
adds the correct weight of silver. The initial temperature of the silver is 27 °C. Use the
data of Fig. 2.2 to calculate the initial temperature of the pure gold so that the final
mixture is at the melting point of pure gold.

gold silver
melting point / K 1340 1240
specific heat capacity
(solid or liquid) / J kg–1 K–1 129 235
specific latent heat of
fusion / kJ kg–1 628 105

Fig. 2.2

temperature = ………………………………… K [5]

8 The first law of thermodynamics may be expressed in the form

∆U = q + w,

where U is the internal energy of the system,

∆U is the increase in internal energy,
q is the thermal energy supplied to the system,
w is the work done on the system.

Complete Fig. 6.1 for each of the processes shown. Write down the symbol ‘+’ for an
increase, the symbol ‘–’ to indicate a decrease and the symbol ‘0’ for no change, as

U q w

the compression of an ideal gas at

constant temperature

the heating of a solid with no


the melting of ice at 0 °C to give water

at 0 °C
(Note: ice is less dense than water)


Fig. 6.1

9 The e.m.f. generated in a thermocouple thermometer may be used for the measurement of

Fig. 7.1 shows the variation with temperature T of the e.m.f. E.


E / mV



300 400 500 600 700

Fig. 7.1

(a) By reference to Fig. 7.1, state two disadvantages of using this thermocouple when the
e.m.f. is about 1.0 mV.

1. ......................................................................................................................................

2. ..................................................................................................................................[2]

(b) An alternative to the thermocouple thermometer is the resistance thermometer.

State two advantages that a thermocouple thermometer has over a resistance


1. ......................................................................................................................................


2. ......................................................................................................................................


10 (a) Define specific latent heat of fusion.




(b) A mass of 24 g of ice at –15 °C is taken from a freezer and placed in a beaker containing
200 g of water at 28 °C. Data for ice and for water are given in Fig. 3.1.

specific heat capacity specific latent heat of fusion

/ J kg–1 K–1 / J kg–1
ice 2.1 × 103 3.3 × 105
water 4.2 × 103 –

Fig. 3.1

(i) Calculate the quantity of thermal energy required to convert the ice at –15 °C to
water at 0 °C.

energy = ....................................... J [3]

(ii) Assuming that the beaker has negligible mass, calculate the final temperature of
the water in the beaker.

temperature = ..................................... °C [3]

102 9702/04/M/J/05 [Turn over


11(a) State the first law of thermodynamics in terms of the increase in internal energy ∆U, the
heating q of the system and the work w done on the system.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) The volume occupied by 1.00 mol of liquid water at 100 °C is 1.87 × 10–5 m3. When the
water is vaporised at an atmospheric pressure of 1.03 × 105 Pa, the water vapour has a
volume of 2.96 × 10–2 m3.
The latent heat required to vaporise 1.00 mol of water at 100 °C and 1.03 × 105 Pa is
4.05 × 104 J.
Determine, for this change of state,

(i) the work w done on the system,

w = ……………………………. J [2]

(ii) the heating q of the system,

q = ……………………………. J [1]

(iii) the increase in internal energy ∆U of the system.

∆U = ……………………………. J [1]

103 9702/04/O/N/05
12 The electrical resistance of a thermistor is to be used to measure temperatures in the range
12 °C to 24 °C. Fig. 3.1 shows the variation with temperature, measured in degrees Celsius,
of the resistance of the thermistor.






12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
temperature /

Fig. 3.1

(a) State and explain the feature of Fig. 3.1 which shows that the thermometer has a
sensitivity that varies with temperature.



..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) At one particular temperature, the resistance of the thermistor is 2040 ± 20 Ω.

Determine this temperature, in kelvin, to an appropriate number of decimal places.

temperature = ……………………… K [3]

104 9702/04/M/J/06 [Turn over

A mercury-in-glass thermometer is to be used to measure the temperature of some oil.

The oil has mass 32.0 g and specific heat capacity 1.40 J g–1 K–1. The actual temperature of
the oil is 54.0 °C.

The bulb of the thermometer has mass 12.0 g and an average specific heat capacity of
0.180 J g–1 K–1. Before immersing the bulb in the oil, the thermometer reads 19.0 °C.

The thermometer bulb is placed in the oil and the steady reading on the thermometer is

(a) Determine
(i) the steady temperature recorded on the thermometer,

temperature = ………………………… °C [3]


(ii) the ratio

change in temperature of oil .

initial temperature of oil

ratio = ………………………… [1]

(b) Suggest, with an explanation, a type of thermometer that would be likely to give a
smaller value for the ratio calculated in (a)(ii).



..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) The mercury-in-glass thermometer is used to measure the boiling point of a liquid.
Suggest why the measured value of the boiling point will not be affected by the thermal
energy absorbed by the thermometer bulb.




..................................................................................................................................... [2]

9702/04/O/N/06 [Turn over


14 (a) Define specific latent heat of fusion. For

.......................................................................................................................................... Use


...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Some crushed ice at 0 °C is placed in a funnel together with an electric heater, as shown
in Fig. 2.1.


crushed ice



Fig. 2.1

The mass of water collected in the beaker in a measured interval of time is determined
with the heater switched off. The mass is then found with the heater switched on. The
energy supplied to the heater is also measured.
For both measurements of the mass, water is not collected until melting occurs at a
constant rate.
The data shown in Fig. 2.2 are obtained.

mass of water energy supplied time interval

/g to heater / J / min

heater switched off 16.6 0 10.0

heater switched on 64.7 18000 5.0

Fig. 2.2

(i) State why the mass of water is determined with the heater switched off.


.............................................................................................................................. [1]


(ii) Suggest how it can be determined that the ice is melting at a constant rate. For
.................................................................................................................................. Use

.............................................................................................................................. [1]

(iii) Calculate a value for the specific latent heat of fusion of ice.

latent heat = ..................................... kJ kg–1 [3]

9702/04/O/N/08 [Turn over


15 When a liquid is boiling, thermal energy must be supplied in order to maintain a constant For
temperature. Examiner’s

(a) State two processes for which thermal energy is required during boiling.

1. .....................................................................................................................................


2. .....................................................................................................................................


(b) A student carries out an experiment to determine the specific latent heat of vaporisation
of a liquid.
Some liquid in a beaker is heated electrically as shown in Fig. 3.1.

to electrical



Fig. 3.1

Energy is supplied at a constant rate to the heater. When the liquid is boiling at a constant
rate, the mass of liquid evaporated in 5.0 minutes is measured.
The power of the heater is then changed and the procedure is repeated.
Data for the two power ratings are given in Fig. 3.2.

power of heater mass evaporated in 5.0 minutes

/W /g

50.0 6.5
70.0 13.6

Fig. 3.2


(i) Suggest For

1. how it may be checked that the liquid is boiling at a constant rate, Use


............................................................................................................................ [1]

2. why the rate of evaporation is determined for two different power ratings.


............................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) Calculate the specific latent heat of vaporisation of the liquid.

specific latent heat of vaporisation = ....................................... J g–1 [3]

9702/04/M/J/09 [Turn over


16(a) A student states, quite wrongly, that temperature measures the amount of thermal For
energy (heat) in a body. Examiner’s

State and explain two observations that show why this statement is incorrect.

1. .....................................................................................................................................



2. .....................................................................................................................................



(b) A thermometer and an electrical heater are inserted into holes in an aluminium block of
mass 960 g, as shown in Fig. 3.1.

connections to
thermometer electrical circuit


Fig. 3.1


The power rating of the heater is 54 W. For

The heater is switched on and readings of the temperature of the block are taken at Use

regular time intervals. When the block reaches a constant temperature, the heater is
switched off and then further temperature readings are taken. The variation with time t
of the temperature θ of the block is shown in Fig. 3.2.

0 t

Fig. 3.2

(i) Suggest why the rate of rise of temperature of the block decreases to zero.



............................................................................................................................ [2]

(ii) After the heater has been switched off, the maximum rate of fall of temperature is
3.7 K per minute.

Estimate the specific heat capacity of aluminium.

specific heat capacity = .............................. J kg–1 K–1 [3]

9702/41/O/N/09 [Turn over


17 (a) The resistance of a thermistor at 0 °C is 3840 Ω. At 100 °C the resistance is 190 Ω. For
When the thermistor is placed in water at a particular constant temperature, its resistance Examiner’s
is 2300 Ω. Use

(i) Assuming that the resistance of the thermistor varies linearly with temperature,
calculate the temperature of the water.

temperature = ......................................... °C [2]

(ii) The temperature of the water, as measured on the thermodynamic scale of

temperature, is 286 K.

By reference to what is meant by the thermodynamic scale of temperature, comment

on your answer in (i).




............................................................................................................................ [3]

(b) A polystyrene cup contains a mass of 95 g of water at 28 °C.

A cube of ice of mass 12 g is put into the water. Initially, the ice is at 0 °C. The water, of
specific heat capacity 4.2 × 103 J kg–1 K–1, is stirred until all the ice melts.

Assuming that the cup has negligible mass and that there is no heat exchange with the
atmosphere, calculate the final temperature of the water.

The specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 3.3 × 105 J kg–1.

temperature = ......................................... °C [4]


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