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It takes half your movement to get in and out of the car.
Bonus action to change seat.

Repair: can make check with tinkerers tools or smithing tools as

an action to repair damage or remove a condition on the
armoured car
total roll:
- 10 - heal 1D4
- 12 - heal 1D6
- 14 - heal 2d6
- 16 - heal 3d6
- 18 - heal 5d6
- 20 - heal 5d6 and remove 1 condition
- 22 - heal 5d6 and remove 2 conditions
- 24 - heal 5d6 and remove 3 conditions
Commander seat
Action: Move Move Move!: +2 engine power - Gunner kills on
site: Heavy weapon has advantage on attack rolls
Bring it down: pick a target you can see. the heavy weapon
gains advantage on attack rolls and damage rolls of 1 count as
2 against that target seat

engine power 4
- Forward 1 point = 30ft
- reverse 1 point = 15ft
- turn 45 = free if moved 30ft. 1 point otherwise
- turn 90 = free if moved 60ft. 2 points otherwise
- turn 180 = free if moved 90ft. 3 points otherwise-
Ram: this vehicle can move through the space of any medium
or smaller creature space but cannot finish in their square. All
creatures must make DC:13 dex save taking 3D10 B damage
and be knocked prone on fail. If you hit a creature large or
bigger the armoured car and the creature all take the damage,
and the speed of the armoured car becomes 0 for the rest of
the turn.

Heavy weapon mount

Move action: can turn the mount up to 360 degrees
Action: Fire mounted weapon
Damage: 6D6
Damage type: Fire
Range: 20ft cone starting from the edge of the car
Capacity: 1
special: loading, two-handed, firearms Dex save for half damage

Machine gun
Damage: 3D12
Damage type: P
Range: 120/500
Capacity: 100 (bursts of 10)
special: loading, two-handed, firearms, brutal critical

20mm autocannon
Damage: 2D6 P and 1D12 thunder
Damage type: P and thunder
Range: 150/600
Capacity: 4
special: loading, two-handed, firearms, brutal critical Deals 1
thunder damage to a creature within 5 ft

Grenade lobber
Damage: 2D8
Damage type: Thunder
Range: 80/220 5ft radius
Capacity: 6
special: loading, two-handed, firearms, brutal critical Dc:16 dex
save for half damage
Rocket launcher
Damage: Missile
Damage type: Missile
Range: 100/300
Capacity: 1
special: loading, two-handed, firearms, brutal critical
Adds loading position to the vehicle
Takes action to reload. (the one that loads this weapon rolls
- High Explosive (HE): Blast radius - 15ft
Damage: 3D8 fire and 3D8 thunder
- Armour Piercing (AP): counts as adamantine
Damage: 10D6 piercing

Tesla cannon
Damage: 5D6
Damage type: Lightning
Range: 100ft line 5ft wide
Capacity: 1
special: loading, two-handed, firearms Dex save for half damage

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