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Pune, India 411027 • 9922293299 •

Professional Summary
I am a result-oriented and self-motivated graduate looking for a challenging career in Business
Development where I can grow in Operations and management.

 Teamwork
 Problem-Solving
 Management
 Project Management
 Data Analysis
 Communication

Professional Experience
Intern, 10/2020 to 04/2021
Netmonastry – Mumbai
Completed research, compiled data, updated spreadsheets and produced timely reports.
Maintained accurate records and documentation of projects to inform stakeholders of
progress and updates.
Maintained database systems to track and analyze operational data.
Explored new technologies and approaches to streamline processes.
Analyzed problems and worked with teams to develop solutions.

Bachelorof Engineering: Computer Engineering, 06/2021
VESIT - Mumbai

English Hindi
Marathi French


Image Filtering ( Aug 2020 - Nov 2020)

Image Filtering is used for various applications, including smoothing, sharpening, and edge
Technology Used: Python.
Libraries used: OpenCV, Tkinter, etc.
Online Clinical Appointment Booking System (Jan 2019 - Apr 2020)
A clinical Appointment system is a system through which a user can access the website of the
doctor using the online website. which helps patients easily make their appointments at the
convenience of their homes.
Technologies used: HTML, SQL

Speech-Emotion Analyzer(Jan 2021 - Apr 2021)

This system is a web-based application it contains the RAVDESS dataset which contains about
753 files.
Technologies used: Python.

Logfile Analysis(OCT2021- APRIL 2022)

This project was created using various python libraries to Visualize and Analysis Log Files.
Technology Used - Python.

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