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PHYSIOLOGY 35: 391– 404, 2020. Published October 14, 2020; doi:10.1152/physiol.00015.

Multi-Level Regulation of Opioid-Induced Barbara Palkovic,1,2
Vitaliy Marchenko,1
Respiratory Depression Edward J. Zuperku,1,3
Eckehard A. E. Stuth,1,4 and
Opioids depress minute ventilation primarily by reducing respiratory rate. This Astrid G. Stucke1,4
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; 2Faculty
results from direct effects on the preBötzinger Complex as well as from of Medicine, University of Osijek, Osijek, Croatia; 3Zablocki VA
Medical Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and 4Children’s Hospital
depression of the Parabrachial/Kölliker-Fuse Complex, which provides excit- of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin;
atory drive to preBötzinger Complex neurons mediating respiratory phase-
switch. Opioids also depress awake drive from the forebrain and chemodrive.

awake drive; chemodrive; opioids; Parabrachial Nucleus/Kölliker-Fuse Complex;

preBötzinger Complex

Introduction treatment with the opioid antagonist naloxone

(20). The gradual decline in minute ventilation and
Respiration is an automatic process that ensures the concomitant increase in sedation suggest that
adequate oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide re- OIRD involves multiple areas in the forebrain and
moval from the body. The primary drive to breathe brain stem.
is derived from chemoreception, and respiratory This review describes the mechanism of respira-
phase duration and pattern are influenced by feed- tory rhythm generation in the brain stem, how
back from lung and airway receptors (110). Auto- excitatory drive from chemoreceptors and the fore-
matic breathing is generated in the brain stem and brain contributes to minute ventilation, and how
continues during sleep as well as under sedation these areas are affected by opioids. Since opioids
(FIGURE 1). In the awake state, respiration is heav- mostly depress respiratory rate, and apnea results
from an arrest of the respiratory cycle in the expi-
ily influenced by the cortico-limbic system of the
ratory phase rather than from a severe decrease in
forebrain (review in Ref. 44), and respiratory activ-
respiratory tidal volume (48, 83, 97, 127, 137), we
ity changes promptly with arousal (70), emotions,
particularly highlight the mechanism of respiratory
and the level of physical activity. Volitional control
rate control and how it is depressed by opioids. We
allows for breath-holds, hyperventilation, cough-
focus on in vivo studies that examine respiratory
ing, and complex motor functions like vocalization
mechanisms at physiological levels of respiratory
(72). Loss of “awake drive” during sleep results in a
drive, and we present data obtained in human
decrease in respiratory minute ventilation (49) and
subjects wherever available.
a reduced hypoxic ventilatory response (11, 91,
Organization of the Respiratory
Opioid-induced respiratory depression (OIRD) is
an important problem in the perioperative period
(84) and increasingly in the community (170). The Respiratory Rhythm Generation
respiratory depressant effect is dose-dependent, Respiratory rhythm originates in the ventrolateral
and the magnitude of respiratory depression cor- medulla where the neuronal network of the preBötz-
relates with the level of sedation and analgesia (29, inger Complex and Bötzinger Complex converts
92). In the clinical setting, opioids can cause mild tonic excitatory respiratory drive into a distinct in-
sedation, hypoventilation, an increase in PCO2 spiratory and expiratory phase (FIGURE 1). Phasic
above 50 Torr, and a decrease in oxygen saturation respiratory activity is relayed via premotor neurons
already with standard analgesic doses (20, 53, 74, in the caudal medulla to motoneurons in the spinal
116a, 165). At that stage, patients can be prompted cord. Phrenic motoneurons excite the main inspira-
to breathe by voice command or touch. With tory muscle, the diaphragm, whereas thoraco-ab-
deeper sedation, painful stimuli are still able to dominal motoneurons phasically excite abdominal
arouse the patient and elicit respiration. PCO2 can muscle activity during active expiration (34, 88, 130).
exceed 60 Torr (20) (53, 74, 165). Very high opioid The neurons of the preBötzinger Complex, the Bötz-
doses depress respiration to a degree where nei- inger Complex, and the adjacent parafacial respira-
ther severe hypoxia nor hypercapnia nor pain will tory group can be classified by location, discharge
be sufficient to generate respiratory efforts (90). pattern, neurotransmitters, genetics, and connectiv-
These “overdoses” require artificial ventilation or ity (see reviews in Refs. 34, 56, 130, 132). There is

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significant topical overlap between functionally dis- 104). Research is ongoing to elicit whether respira-
tinct neuronal populations (5, 140, 172). tory rate is determined mostly by the depolarization
Respiratory rhythm generation relies on the activ- rate of pre-inspiratory and inspiratory neurons in the
ity of pre-inspiratory neurons to start the inspiratory preBötzinger Complex (71) or whether it equally de-
phase (“inspiratory on-switch”; FIGURE 1, INSET). pends on the activity of expiratory neurons in the
Synchronized activity of a sufficient number of pre- Bötzinger Complex (7, 104, 132) that inhibit inspira-
inspiratory neurons (76) activates other inspiratory tory neurons (71). In addition to neurons contribut-
neurons in the preBötzinger Complex to generate a ing to respiratory phase switching, the preBötzinger
full inspiratory cycle (2, 34, 50, 104). The level of and Bötzinger Complexes also contain inspiratory
excitability of preBötzinger Complex inspiratory neu- and expiratory neurons whose discharge prolongs
rons is modulated by inhibitory inputs, which affect phase duration and contributes to inspiratory and
the rate of depolarization and the duration of the re- expiratory motor output (tidal volume; FIGURE 1)
fractory period (2, 4) (FIGURE 2). Inspiration is termi- (88, 141).
nated when inspiratory neurons are inhibited by post- Using comparative cytoarchitecture and immu-
inspiratory neurons (“inspiratory off-switch”) (27, 45, nohistochemistry, Schwarzacher et al. identified

FIGURE 1. Excitatory connections within the respiratory control center and opioid effects
Tonic chemodrive (green solid arrows) is the main excitatory drive to the medullary rhythm generator. A large com-
ponent of chemodrive is routed through the Parabrachial Nucleus/Kölliker-Fuse Complex to phase-switching neurons
in the preBötzinger Complex and determines respiratory rate (dark blue solid arrow). Phasic inputs from the preBötz-
inger Complex activate inspiratory (I) and expiratory (E) premotor and motoneurons (blue dotted arrows). Respiratory
motor output (tidal volume) depends on direct projections from the retrotrapezoid nucleus to preBötzinger Complex
neurons, premotor neurons, and motoneurons. The cortico-limbic system contributes tonic drive to the medullary
rhythm generator (light blue solid arrows). Not shown: direct projections from the motor cortex to phrenic motoneu-
rons as a pathway to override automatic rhythm; projections from the hypothalamus and cerebellum to the medullary
raphe, which may contribute to the state-dependency of respiratory activity. Opioid effects: Parabrachial Nucleus/
Kölliker-Fuse Complex activity was depressed in all studies and at all opioid concentrations. Opioid-induced depres-
sion was also shown for the preBötzinger Complex, the nucleus of the solitary tract, and the medullary raphe. Opioid-
induced sedation suggests depression of forebrain inputs. Premotor neurons are only directly depressed at very high
opioid concentrations. Inset: neuronal subtypes constituting the core of respiratory rhythm generation. Through mu-
tual excitation, network activity of pre-inspiratory neurons (pre-I) in the preBötzinger Complex results in activation of
early inspiratory (early-I) neurons (green arrows). Activity of these neurons is terminated through inhibition by post-
inspiratory neurons (post-I), which themselves are inhibited by early-I neurons during the inspiratory phase (red cir-
cles). Phasic excitation is relayed to inspiratory (I) and expiratory (E) premotor neurons.

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the equivalent of the preBötzinger Complex in the excitatory inputs to the medullary rhythm gen-
human ventrolateral medulla (139). Functional erator that result from activation of chemorecep-
MRI studies showed inspiratory activity in this area tive brain stem areas and the carotid body (56)
that alternated with expiratory activity in the adja- by PCO2 and hypoxia (FIGURE 1). Hypoxia (12)
cent caudal ventrolateral pons/parafacial group and hypercapnia (30) cause large increases in
(63). Interestingly, preBötzinger Complex activity minute ventilation. In humans, this was associ-
was increased during loaded inspiration in healthy ated with increased activity in the carotid body
controls, whereas patients with chronic obstructive and the nucleus of the solitary tract (101, 126).
pulmonary disease, which is associated with im- Short episodes of mild hypercapnia also in-
paired airflow during expiration, showed increased creased activity in the thalamic nuclei, the pon-
activation of the parafacial group (63). tine raphe, the Parabrachial Nucleus/Kölliker-
Fuse Complex, and the locus coeruleus (126). No
Respiratory Drive additional increase was observed once PCO2 ex-
The term “respiratory drive” is used broadly in ceeded ~65 Torr (81).
respiratory control to describe excitatory inputs to A large component of respiratory chemodrive
brain stem areas that increase respiratory activity. originates in the retrotrapezoid nucleus, which
Respiratory chemodrive summarizes the tonic contains chemosensitive neurons (111, 144, 156),

FIGURE 2. Model of the components determining the membrane potential and illustrating the
effects of changes in excitatory and/or inhibitory inputs
A: model of the components determining the membrane potential (Vm) of a preBötzinger Complex phase-
switching neuron: Vm ⫽ 共gexc·VE兲 ⫹ 共ginh·VI兲⁄共gexc ⫹ ginh ⫹ gleak兲, where gexc is excitatory conductance, VE
is equilibrium potential for excitatory currents, ginh is inhibitory conductance, VI is equilibrium potential for
inhibitory currents, and gleak is leak conductance, e.g., GIRK channels (see text for details). B and C: func-
tional timer model to illustrate the effects of changes in excitatory and/or inhibitory inputs on the neuronal
membrane trajectory (see Refs. 28, 115, 171–173). B: the sum of all excitatory and inhibitory inputs (␴) is
gated to a leaky integrator (LI) at time, t ⫽ 0 s. The magnitude of ␴ determines the rate of the exponential
rise of Vm to a threshold (Thr). Crossing the threshold resets the leaky integrator via a comparator (COM).
The time to crossing the threshold determines the phase duration. C: graphic illustration of the timing op-
eration using the example of rhythmogenic pre-inspiratory neurons. Neuronal discharge in pre-inspiratory
neurons begins when Thr is reached and results in inspiratory on-switch. Inspiratory on-switch terminates
the expiratory phase, i.e., the time to Thr for pre-inspiratory neurons determines expiratory duration (TE).
Due to the nonlinear nature of this mechanism, increases and decreases in ␴ of the same magnitude cause
strikingly different changes in phase duration. Shown are three examples for ␴ (upper) and the correspond-
ing leaky integrator outputs LI (␴) (lower). Setting ␴ ⫽ 1.0 as a baseline reference results in a duration of
TE2 ⫽ 1.6 s (black lines). Increasing ␴ by 40% results in TE1 ⫽ 1 s (red), whereas decreasing ␴ by 40% re-
sults in TE3 ⫽ 5 s (blue). Physiological examples for an increase in ␴ could be an increase in neuronal activ-
ity in the parabrachial nucleus (PBN)/Kölliker-Fuse nucleus (137) or an increase in inhibitory activity during
the preceding inspiratory phase, which shortens inspiratory duration and presumably shortens the post-
inspiratory refractory period (3). The latter could be due to vagal pulmonary stretch receptor input during
lung inflation or increased activity of preBötzinger Complex inhibitory neurons during the inspiratory phase
(3). Decreases in ␴ could be due to a reduction in PBN activity via inhibition of PBN neurons by opioids, by
increases in pulmonary stretch receptor activity during the expiratory phase (173), or by increases in pre-
Bötzinger Complex GABAergic/glycinergic neuronal activity during the expiratory phase (3).

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and also integrates the peripheral chemoreceptive Additional respiratory drive originates in the
inputs from the carotid body (55). Individuals with cortico-limbic system. In humans, MRI diffusion
a genetic lack of chemoreceptive retrotrapezoid tractography established prominent connections
nucleus neurons (congenital central hypoventila- between the hippocampus and the raphe, locus
tion syndrome) suffer from severe hypoventilation coeruleus, and nucleus paragigantocellularis lateralis
during sleep (129, 161). The retrotrapezoid nucleus (42), the human equivalent of the preBötzinger Com-
projects glutamatergic excitatory inputs to the plex (139). This connection may be responsible for
Bötzinger Complex, preBötzinger Complex, Para- increasing respiration as part of the “fight-or-flight”
brachial Nucleus/Kölliker-Fuse Complex, and pre- response. Hippocampus and amygdala appear to
motor neurons, and phrenic motoneurons (14, mediate the “urge to breathe” during hypercarbia-
17). Glutamate receptor antagonism in the pre- stimulated or inspiratory-resistive loaded breathing
Bötzinger Complex results in short, irregular, (61, 126). In anesthetized rats, stimulation of hy-
low-amplitude breaths and ultimately apnea (25, pothalamic nuclei increased respiratory rate and
113), highlighting the importance of glutamater- tidal volume (Ref. 158 and review in Ref. 77).
gic drive for respiratory function (FIGURE 3A). Many of these efferents are relayed by the Para-
A second chemosensitive system consists of the brachial Nucleus/Kölliker-Fuse Complex (22),
neurons of the medullary raphe (see reviews in Refs. but some directly project to the spinal cord (21).
26, 66). Raphe neurons form serotonergic synapses, The hypothalamus also sends orexinergic projec-
at times colocalized with substance P, with neurons tions to the raphe magnus, raphe obscurus, and
in the preBötzinger Complex and the pontine respi- retrotrapezoid nucleus, which do not affect base-
ratory group (128). Both neurotransmitters cause a line respiration but enhance CO2 sensitivity dur-
decrease in membrane potential of preBötzinger ing the nocturnal active phase in rats (review in
Complex neurons and thus modulate their level of Ref. 114). Direct connections between the motor
excitability (128). Input from the raphe obscurus cortex and phrenic motoneurons were shown
modulated the pH response of retrotrapezoid nu- histologically (133) and functionally (8) in cats.
cleus neurons (162). The raphe obscurus receives mul- In humans, functional MRI showed an activation
tiple synaptic inputs from suprapontine areas (below) of the motor cortex with inspiratory loading (Ref.
and preBötzinger Complex inspiratory neurons (128), 166, and see review in Ref. 44). Broadly, the
suggesting that the raphe contributes to state-depen- activity of these areas contributes tonic “awake
dent modulation of respiratory activity (128). drive” to the medullary respiratory center (105,

FIGURE 3. Phrenic neurogram tracings obtained in adult decerebrate rabbits in vivo with PCO2
A: antagonism of glutamate receptor function in the preBötzinger Complex (preBötC) through local microinjec-
tion of the AMPA receptor antagonist NBQX (blue) and the NMDA receptor antagonist AP5 (red) caused tachy-
pnea with decreased peak phrenic amplitude, followed by apnea (25). B: antagonism of glutamate receptor
function in the parabrachial nucleus (PBN) and Kölliker-Fuse nucleus (KF) through local microinjection of NBQX
(blue) and AP5 (red) caused severe bradypnea, whereas peak phrenic amplitude was only little decreased.
Complete apnea was never observed (116). Please note the different time scales. C: repeated intravenous bo-
luses of the mu-opioid agonist remifentanil (Remi; 1 mcg · kg–1 · bolus–1) caused increasing bradypnea due to
prolongation of inspiratory and expiratory phase duration. The fourth bolus resulted in apnea (arrow). Remifen-
tanil also substantially depressed peak phrenic activity (123), suggesting an effect on both the PBN/KF and the

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117). Additional awake drive is produced by the Considering that the respiratory rhythm is gener-
lateral reticular formation of the medulla (117), ated in the preBötzinger Complex, a possible expla-
emphasizing the state dependency of respiratory nation for this differential effect is that excitatory
drive. drive to the preBötzinger Complex is not nonspecific,
The periaqueductal gray lies within the tegmen- as depicted in some models (54, 132), but that differ-
tum of the midbrain, at the juncture between the ent brain stem areas specifically excite certain neu-
forebrain and the brain stem. The periaqueductal ronal subpopulations (7, 116). Histological and
gray provides an important connection for sensory functional studies have demonstrated excitatory pro-
feedback from the nociceptive areas of the spinal jections from the retrotrapezoid nucleus to the Para-
cord and lung mechanoreceptors relaying work of brachial Nucleus/Kölliker-Fuse Complex (14, 142)
breathing (23, 24) toward the thalamus (95) and, in and preBötzinger Complex (14) and also from the
the opposite direction, for drive from the prefron- Parabrachial Nucleus/Kölliker-Fuse Complex to the
tal, premotor, motor, and cingular cortex (33, 96) to preBötzinger Complex (51, 172). The importance of
the locus coeruleus, lateral PBN, nucleus ambigu- Parabrachial Nucleus/Kölliker-Fuse Complex activity
ous, and raphe magnus and pallidus (94). It thus for respiratory rate suggests that the majority of ex-
contributes to the integration of the respiratory citatory drive to phase-switching neurons in the pre-
pattern, vocalization, and upper airway maneuvers Bötzinger Complex/Bötzinger Complex is relayed
with changing emotions and behaviors (Ref. 151, through the Parabrachial Nucleus/Kölliker-Fuse
and reviewed in Ref. 153). Stimulation of a subarea Complex. On the other hand, inputs that determine
of the periaqueductal gray resulted in tachypnea respiratory tidal volume likely project directly from
(152, 153). This response was significantly reduced the retrotrapezoid nucleus to neurons in the medul-
by inhibition of the lateral PBN (62), suggesting lary rhythm generator as well as premotor neurons
that respiratory drive coming from the periaque- and motoneurons in the spinal cord (FIGURE 1).
ductal gray was relayed by the PBN. In cats, activity As described above, inspiratory on-switch de-
of the cerebellar fastigial nucleus did not alter pends on the depolarization rate of pre-inspiratory
baseline respiratory rate but increased the re- and inspiratory preBötzinger Complex neurons (4,
sponse to severe hypercapnia and hypoxia (163, 5, 18, 19, 171, 172) (FIGURE 2C), whereas inspira-
164). Anatomical connections suggest that this ef- tory off-switch is likely regulated by the depolar-
fect is also mediated by the PBN (154). ization rate of post-inspiratory neurons (7, 41, 116).
FIGURE 2C illustrates that, when the sum of inputs
(␴) is large, i.e., excitatory inputs (gexc·VE) to a
Multilevel Opioid Effects phase-switching neuron are much higher than in-
The preBötzinger Complex and hibitory inputs (ginh·VI), the membrane potential
Parabrachial Nucleus/Kölliker-Fuse quickly reaches its discharge threshold, and the
Complex Are Prime Targets for Drugs That duration of the preceding respiratory phase (T) is
Depress Respiratory Rate short. In this case, a small decrease in excitatory
drive causes only a small increase in phase dura-
The concomitant increase of respiratory rate and tion. In contrast, when the sum of inputs is small,
tidal volume with hypoxia and hypercapnia may time to phase-switch is prolonged. Under these
suggest that both parameters are tightly linked. conditions, a decrease in excitatory drive from the
However, the parameters can be “uncoupled” by re- Parabrachial Nucleus/Kölliker-Fuse Complex to
ducing Parabrachial Nucleus/Kölliker-Fuse Complex pre-inspiratory neurons or direct inhibition of pre-
activity (39, 41, 47, 89, 116). The Parabrachial inspiratory neurons would substantially prolong
Nucleus/Kölliker-Fuse Complex is an important the expiratory phase. Furthermore, a small addi-
relay station for tonic excitatory inputs from the tional decrease in excitatory drive or increase in
retrotrapezoid nucleus (142) and the medullary inhibition would result in a very long expiratory
raphe, as well as from the forebrain, the periaq- phase (116) and potentially apnea. This explains
ueductal gray, the cerebellum, and the ascending the observation that respiratory rate variation is
nociceptive inputs (73) to the medullary rhythm greater when excitatory drive to the rhythm gener-
generator. In decerebrate rabbits, blockage of glu- ator is low (19).
tamatergic inputs to the Parabrachial Nucleus/Köl- Opioids hyperpolarized respiratory neurons
liker-Fuse Complex depressed respiratory rate by through a mu-opioid-receptor-coupled G-protein-
⬎90% but decreased peak phrenic activity only by gated inwardly rectifying potassium (GIRK) con-
⬍20% (116) (FIGURE 3B). Subsequent exposure to ductance (gleak; FIGURE 2A) in the preBötzinger
hypoxic hypercapnia during persistent glutamater- Complex and Kölliker-Fuse nucleus in vitro (85,
gic block increased respiratory rate only to 25% of 108, 160). Opioids thus have the potential to slow
control, whereas peak phrenic activity increased to depolarization of phase-switching neurons in the
160% of control. preBötzinger Complex either through a direct, inhib-

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itory effect on these neurons or through inhibition of respiratory rate depression caused by an intrave-
Parabrachial Nucleus/Kölliker-Fuse Complex neu- nous remifentanil infusion; further analysis sug-
rons, which reduces the excitatory drive to the pre- gested that the opioid effect on expiratory duration
Bötzinger Complex. was mediated mostly outside the preBötzinger
Complex (145). Interestingly, in vitro bath applica-
Opioid Effects on Respiratory Rate and tion of mu-opioid receptor agonists inhibited in-
Motor Output in vivo spiratory preBötzinger Complex neurons (102, 157)
Multiple studies point to a direct opioid effect on but did not affect pre-inspiratory neurons (102) or
preBötzinger Complex neurons. In mice in vivo, expiratory neurons (157).
opioids activated a GIRK channel, and block of In the in vivo rabbit preparation, naloxone injec-
GIRK channels in the preBötzinger Complex re- tion into the parabrachial nucleus partially re-
duced the respiratory depression from systemic versed respiratory rate depression from an
mu-opioid agonists (108). Microinfusion of the intravenous remifentanil infusion from 50% to 20%
opioid antagonist naloxone into the preBötzinger (103). In the in vivo decerebrate dog preparation,
Complex completely prevented the 25% respira- microinjected naloxone into the parabrachial nu-
tory rate depression from small doses of IV fenta- cleus produced a full reversal of remifentanil-
nyl in rats (107). In contrast, in in vivo dogs (112) induced bradypnea/apnea (127). In the in situ rat
and rabbits (145), naloxone injection into the bi- model, injection of the opioid antagonist CTAP
lateral preBötzinger Complex did not reverse a 50% into the bilateral Kölliker-Fuse nucleus prevented

FIGURE 4. Critical importance of the Parabrachial Nucleus/Kölliker-Fuse complex and preBötzinger

Complex for opioid-induced respiratory depression
A–C: ␮-opioid receptors (Oprm1) were selectively deleted in Oprm1 f/f mice through Cre-virus injection into the pre-
BötC and PBN/KF in this (cohort 1) or reverse order (cohort 2) with 4 –5 wk between injections and plethysmography
recordings (data from A–C from Ref 3, and used with permission from eLife). A: probability density function plot of
the respiratory rate for a representative animal from cohorts 1 and 2 after intraperitoneal morphine (20 mg/kg) or sa-
line before and after Oprm1 deletion in the PBN/KF and preBötC. B: pooled data showed that morphine-induced re-
spiratory rate depression was significantly attenuated after Oprm1 deletion in the preBötC. Oprm1 deletion in both
areas reduced morphine-induced respiratory rate depression from ~50% to ~30%. C: plethysmography recordings in
mice show that Oprm1 deletion in the preBötC ⫹ PBN/KF prevented respiratory rate depression from a very high in-
traperitoneal fentanyl dose (150 mg/kg; right) that usually caused lethal apnea before Oprm1 deletion (left). D: consis-
tent with the murine studies, phrenic neurogram tracings obtained in an adult decerebrate rabbit in vivo show that
sequential microinjections of the opioid antagonist naloxone into the bilateral PBN ⫹ KF and bilateral preBötC re-
versed the respiratory rate depression from intravenous remifentanil infusion (see Ref. 123).

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apnea from systemic fentanyl infusion (137). In (149). To date, no studies have investigated the
rabbits and rats, respiratory rate depression was effects of opioids on brain stem mechanisms in
not fully reversed, with local microinjections of humans.
opioid antagonists in the parabrachial nucleus or Chronic opioid use leads to desensitization and
Kölliker-Fuse nucleus. The quantitative differences cellular tolerance (86), resulting in increased opi-
in the naloxone effects may be due to species oid requirements to maintain the same level of
differences. intended analgesia or euphoria. At the same time,
In freely behaving mice, mu-opioid receptor de- higher opioid doses may be tolerated before respi-
letion in the bilateral Kölliker-Fuse nucleus re- ratory depression occurs. In freely behaving mice,
duced the respiratory rate depression from small chronic exposure to morphine resulted in a de-
(10 mg/kg), intermediate (30 mg/kg), and high (100 crease in respiratory depression from systemic bo-
mg/kg) morphine doses by ~20% at each dose. lus doses of morphine and fentanyl (64). However,
Mu-opioid receptor deletion in the bilateral pre- respiratory depression was not reduced at high
Bötzinger Complex also reduced respiratory rate fentanyl doses, suggesting only a limited cross tol-
depression after 10 mg/kg morphine; however, erance between morphine and fentanyl (64). Mul-
there was no effect at higher morphine doses (160). tiple clinical studies have highlighted that the risk
In a similar model, mu-opioid receptor deletion in of (fatal) overdose in patient populations was in-
the preBötzinger Complex attenuated the respira- creased at higher total opioid doses, suggesting
tory rate depression from 20 mg/kg morphine from that chronic opioid use did not eliminate the dose-
50% to 70% of control rate (3). Additional attenuation dependency of respiratory depression (reviewed in
of the morphine effect from subsequent mu-opioid Ref. 38). There is no evidence that the locations or
receptor deletion in the second area was not statis- network mechanism of OIRD differ between opi-
tically significant; however, the study may have been oid-naive and opioid-tolerant individuals.
underpowered to show the effect (3) (FIGURE 4).
Taken together, these studies show that opioid-in-
Opioid Effects on Respiratory Drive in vivo
duced respiratory rate depression results in a large In human volunteers, analgesic doses of morphine
degree from a combination of direct depression of decreased the hypoxic ventilatory response (12)
the preBötzinger Complex and a decrease in excit- (FIGURE 5A) as well as the ventilatory response to
atory drive from the Parabrachial Nucleus/Kölliker- hypercarbia (30) (FIGURE 5B). This was possibly
Fuse Complex to the preBötzinger Complex. The due to an effect on the nucleus of the solitary tract:
depression of each area appears to be dose-depen- In anesthetized rats, injection of the mu-opioid
dent and species-dependent. antagonist CTAP into the commissural subnucleus
A recent study in freely behaving rats demon- of the nucleus of the solitary tract almost com-
strated the existence of a non-opioid-sensitive, pletely reversed the depression of the hypoxic ven-
chemo-insensitive respiratory rhythm that devel- tilatory response caused by intravenous opioids
oped after very high opioid doses (300 ␮g/kg fen- (169). In the same model, injection of CTAP into
tanyl) (59). Respiratory activity appeared to be the caudal medullary raphe partially reversed the
driven primarily by expiratory abdominal efforts depression of the hypercapnic ventilatory response
(59). In a different rat model, phasic expiratory from systemic opioids (168). In contrast, in in vivo
activity was observed even after inspiratory activity rats, morphine doses that caused apnea did not
was suppressed by fentanyl (102). Although the decrease discharge frequency or CO2 response in
severe hypoxia and acidosis associated with the chemosensitive retrotrapezoid nucleus neurons
high fentanyl dose (58) makes it unlikely that hu- (111).
mans would survive to develop such rhythm, the Opioids also dose-dependently cause sedation,
study raises the interesting question of whether and this effect reduces or eliminates excitatory fore-
opioids also inhibit inhibitory pathways that nor- brain inputs to the brain stem (16, 29, 92, 135)
mally suppress phasic respiratory activity. (FIGURE 1). Functional MRI in human volunteers
Low doses of systemic opioids that decreased who received sedative doses of remifentanil showed
respiratory rate did not directly depress bulbos- decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex, anterior
pinal premotor neurons, although mu-opioid re- cingulate, thalamus, subthalamic nucleus, cerebel-
ceptors were present on these neurons (83, 149). lum, and periaqueductal gray (125), i.e., in areas that
Near-apneic fentanyl doses hyperpolarized pre- mediate pain and other unpleasant sensations and
motor neurons, suggesting that high doses di- that contain a high concentration of opioid re-
rectly depress neuronal activity (57, 83). ceptors (9). This may explain why already small
Remifentanil infusion depressed phrenic nerve opioid doses eliminate the “urge to breathe” dur-
amplitude more than peak premotor neuronal ing breathholds or with inspiratory CO2 chal-
activity, suggesting an additional, direct depres- lenges (99, 125). This effect can be clinically
sant effect of opioids on phrenic motoneurons exploited to reduce the sensation of air hunger in

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patients with heart failure (43). It may also ex- the EEG recording (106). The increase in theta power
plain why the severe hypoxia and hypercapnia correlated with respiratory rate depression (106). In-
after opioid overdoses do not cause patient dis- terestingly, opioids did not affect the motor cortex
tress (46). (125), i.e., as long as patients remain awake, they are
In anesthetized rats, intravenous morphine in- able to breathe on command (84).
hibited acetylcholine release in the prefrontal The role of respiratory subareas in OIRD de-
cortex and decreased arousal (121). Direct fenta- pends on the relative contribution of these areas
nyl injection into hypothalamic subnuclei led to to respiratory activity as well as on their sensi-
a decrease in respiratory rate for ⬎20 min (159). tivity to different opioid concentrations. Until
The importance of the cortical arousal state was now, in vivo studies have not differentiated be-
shown in patients who received morphine for tween these two factors. In addition, more re-
postoperative pain control. Respiratory rate was search is needed to determine whether the
decreased on average by 8%, and the decrease opioid effect on any individual area is modified
correlated with the decrease in beta-1 power in by changed inputs from other areas. No study to
the electroencephalogram (105) (FIGURE 5, C–E). date has assessed the relative contributions to
In freely behaving rats, 100 ␮g/kg fentanyl— OIRD of all factors and all affected areas, i.e.,
approximately equivalent to a strong analgesic chemodrive, awake drive, the Parabrachial Nu-
dose of 5 ␮g/kg in humans— caused significant cleus/Kölliker-Fuse Complex and the preBötz-
sedation and reduced alpha and beta-2 power in inger Complex, in the same model.

FIGURE 5. Contributions of chemodrive and “awake drive” to minute ventilation and opioid effects
A: hypoxic ventilatory response curves in a chloralose-urethane anesthetized cat during control (solid square) and after administration of 0.15 mg/kg
IV morphine. Morphine decreased minute ventilation during hyperoxia but did not change the increase in minute ventilation with hypoxia (see Ref.
12). B: mean ventilatory response to increasing inspiratory carbon dioxide concentrations obtained in 12 male (square) and 12 female (circle) human
volunteers during control (filled) and after 0.1 mg/kg IV morphine, followed by 0.03 mg · kg–1 · h–1 (open). The continuous lines are the linear re-
gression lines through the data points, and broken lines are extrapolated to the apneic threshold. In men and women, morphine decreased minute
ventilation differently: in men by increasing the apneic threshold but in women by decreasing carbon dioxide sensitivity (see Ref. 30). C–E: associa-
tion between respiratory depression from analgesic doses of morphine and loss of “awake drive” per electroencephalogram in pediatric patients.
C: after 0.185 mg/kg morphine, patient 2 presented substantial respiratory rate depression associated with a decrease in ␤1 power. D: in patient 3,
a similar dose (0.178 mg/kg) did not reduce ␤1 power or cause notable respiratory depression. E: in 10 patients, the severity of respiratory rate de-
pression correlated with the intensity of the reduction in ␤1 power (R ⫽ 0.715, P ⫽ 0.02) (105).

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TABLE 1. Studies of opioid and sedative effects in individual respiratory-related areas
Brain Region Mu-Opioid Receptor NMDA Receptor GABAA Receptor
Carotid body 12, 78 65 65, 167
Nucleus tractus solitarii 30, 169 124
Retrotrapezoid nucleus 111 109 87, 155
Medullary raphe 168 10 87
Forebrain 105, 121, 125 93, 120 1, 60, 69, 119
Periaqueductal gray 138
Parabrachial Nucleus/Kölliker-Fuse Complex 3, 85, 103, 137, 160 40, 115 32, 35, 142
Pre-Bötzinger Complex 3, 107, 112, 145, 160 25, 113 15, 27, 98
Premotor neurons 57, 83, 149 80, 134 36, 100, 146, 148
Phrenic motoneurons 68, 149 100 100
Numbers correspond to reference numbers. Bold: where available, we quote “clinically relevant studies,” i.e., in vivo studies that record
respiratory neuronal or global respiratory output during systemic drug application and localized antagonist injection or receptor deletion.
Italic: if such studies are not available, we present in vivo studies recording respiratory-related neurons or global output during localized
application of the sedative agent or the respective receptor agonist or antagonist at clinically relevant or higher concentrations; alternatively,
these are descriptive studies using fMRI or EEG activity in humans. Roman: if no in vivo studies are available, we present in vitro studies
using localized application of the receptor agonist/antagonist or indirect evidence. Sedatives included are NMDA receptor antagonists (e.g.,
ketamine) and GABAA receptor agonists (e.g., Propofol and midazolam). Although clinically relevant opioid concentrations have been
studied in vivo in many areas, this research still needs to be performed for clinically used sedatives.

Future Research would explain how sedative doses that cause only
small decreases in membrane excitability and thus
Sedative Drugs respiratory rate when the drug is given by itself can
result in severe respiratory slowing or apnea when
Clinically used sedatives like the alpha-2 antago-
added after neuronal excitability is already de-
nist dexmedetomidine (78a) and the GABAA-recep-
creased by systemic opioids (FIGURE 2C). In addi-
tor agonist midazolam cause limited respiratory
tion, sedatives may depress the activity of other
depression even at high doses, whereas the
preBötzinger Complex neurons, premotor neu-
NMDA-receptor antagonist ketamine and the
rons, and phrenic motoneurons, and thus contrib-
GABAA agonist propofol can cause severe respira-
ute to a decrease in tidal volume. The exact
tory depression and apnea (see review in Ref. 150).
locations mediating respiratory depression from
All of these drugs enhance the respiratory depres-
sedatives have been studied in far less detail than
sant effect of opioids (67, 122). Benzodiazepines,
opioids (150), and, just as for opioids, the effects on
for example, are frequently found in overdose vic-
individual areas may depend on the drug dose
tims in the community (75). Alpha-2 receptors
(Table 1).
have not been identified in the preBötzinger Com-
plex or Parabrachial Nucleus/Kölliker-Fuse Com- Respiratory Stimulants
plex, suggesting that any enhancement of OIRD
may be due to removal of “awake drive.” NMDA We have described that opioids depress respiratory
and GABAA receptors have been located in all re- activity through effects on multiple areas of the
spiratory-related brain stem areas, providing po- central nervous system. This is of practical rele-
tential targets for sedative agents (25, 27, 36, 37, 41, vance for the development of pharmacological
79, 98, 113, 115, 158). We hypothesize that seda- agents designed to counteract OIRD (see detailed
tives affect respiratory rate through the same review in Ref. 31). For example, opioid-induced
mechanism as opioids, i.e., by decreasing neuronal depression of the Parabrachial Nucleus/Kölliker-
excitability of phase-switching neurons in the pre- Fuse Complex significantly reduces excitatory
Bötzinger Complex (FIGURE 2A). The main excit- drive to the preBötzinger Complex. This likely lim-
atory inputs to preBötzinger Complex neurons are its the respiratory-stimulating effects of receptor
glutamate receptor mediated (25, 113), whereas agonists that specifically stimulate neurons in the
inhibitory inputs are GABAA or glycine receptor preBötzinger Complex (82, 97). Similarly, opioids
mediated (4, 27). Sedatives that block glutamate- depress areas that relay chemodrive to the respira-
receptor function or enhance GABAA-receptor tory center (168, 169). This likely limits the benefit of
function thus have the potential to decrease respi- drugs that enhance only peripheral chemodrive
ratory rate, similarly to opioids, either through di- (136). Most promising are glutamate receptor mod-
rect depression of preBötzinger Complex neurons ulators that may increase neuronal activity in many
or through depression of Parabrachial Nucleus/ affected brain stem regions; however, so far, only
Kölliker-Fuse Complex activity, which lowers glu- AMPA receptor modulators have been investigated
tamatergic drive to the preBötzinger Complex. This (116a, 131). Likely, the effectiveness of respiratory

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404 PHYSIOLOGY • Volume 35 • November 2020 •

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