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Task # 8 Reaction Paper Paraisong Uhaw Film

We already know how important and vital water is in our everyday lives, but

seeing these people struggle for water will make you think of how you use or even

waste water at some point in your day. As I was watching the film, I felt sad because,

while most Filipinos always have access to water, the people of Masbate would go

far below the surface in search of any potential water source that could alleviate their

constant thirst and hunger. There are a few wells that are already available for them,

but due to El Niño, the water from these wells is also drying up rapidly. For the

families documented in the film, it doesn't matter if the water is not clean; at least

they have water to use to take a bath, cook, clean their dishes, and drink. We can

see in the documentary that families still have to wait overnight before water comes

up. I also realized that if there is a shortage of water, they cannot produce crops,


Adult education can be an intervention that can be implemented in relation to

the film documentary. A government organisation such as DOH needs to educate

the residents in the two barangays about the disease they could get if they continue

to drink contaminated water from the wells. Also, other government departments can

teach the residents how to properly filter the water from the wells to make it more

drinkable. Human development can also help residents learn how to develop their

potential when making clean water sources. Also of an institutional type, the

residents should form groups to come to DILG or other government agencies that

can help them with the project, such as linking tubes from locations with adequate

water supplies.

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