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Appendix A: Commercial Stock Control Procedure and Relevant Documentation


The purpose of this procedure is to describe the activities involved in controlling the stock at Acumen
Restaurant Kitchen.


The scope of the activities defined in this procedure are applicable to stock take out and control at
Purchasing Store, restaurant and storage area that holds inventory stocks.


Inventory manager and his staff need to work in line with the finance executive manager and other
accounts department to ensure sourcing within the budgets.

Activities involved:

Inventory counting twice in a month

Counting for the calculation of COGS at the End of every month
Counting to validate inventory holdings in balance sheet accounts at the end of every year

Procedure for stock take:

Take inventory frequently i.e., for some items it must be daily and for some it must be weekly, bi-
weekly or monthly.
Take inventory either at the opening or at the closure of the restaurant to get the accurate figures.
Take inventory before a new delivery arrives. Then add the new stock to your counts. Never take
inventory when the deliveries are being made.
Clean out and organize your stock areas before taking inventory.
Take inventory either daily or weekly or monthly by using Inventory Count Sheets (Template
given below).
While taking inventory, ensure that the items are being used on a First In, First Out (FIFO) basis.
Generally, inventory task requires two people. Pairing reduces the errors and the lure to manipulate
the results.
Always see that same staff will take the inventory. This helps to get the work done faster and also
will be more consistent.
Calibrate the equipment on regular basis for accurate weights and measures.
Always standardise the unit cost.

Sourcing and tracking the inventory:

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Use the relevant documentation to source the stock which needs to be filled. This can be determined
by continuously counting the stock in the storage area and amount of stock utilised on frequent basis.
This helps to avoid stock outs and to maintain smooth food production.

Inventory in the storage area and in the procurement process need to be tracked continuously to
identify any stock requirements or rotation requirements to avoid usage after their expiry dates.

Use relevant documentation provided below to source and track the inventory.

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Relevant documentation to count, source and track the inventory:

Acumen Education Kitchen Inventory Count Sheet

Acumen Education Kitchen

Inventory Count Sheet
Counted by: Address: Orange Café, Central
Chef John Doe City Plaza, Downtown District
Date: April 22, 2024

Period:  Daily  Weekly  Monthly

Unit of Inventory Cost per

Commodity Total Cost
Measurement Amount Unit

Flour Kilograms 50 $0.75 $37.50

Eggs Dozens 20 $2.00 $40.00

Milk Liters 100 $0.90 $90.00

Sugar Kilograms 30 $0.50 $15.00

Coffee Beans Kilograms 10 $15.00 $150.00

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Acumen Education Kitchen Purchase Order Form

Acumen Education Kitchen

Purchase Order Form
Purchase Order No. Date: April 22,
456789______________________________________ 2024_____________________
_ ___
Vendor Details: Ship to:
Name: Jane Roe Name: John Doe
Company name: Daily Fresh Supplies Company name: Orange Café
Address: 123 Supply Avenue, Market Address: Central City Plaza, Downtown
District District

Phone: 555-2345 Phone: 555-9876

Fax: 55-2346 Fax: 555-9877
E-mail: E-mail:

Ship Via Shipping Method Delivery Date

Standard Road
Freight FOB (Free On
Palletised Truck April 28, 2024

Order Details
Cost per
Commodity Unit of Measurement Quantity Total Cost

Flour Kilograms 100 $0.75 $75.00

Eggs Dozens 40 $2.00 $80.00

Milk Liters 200 $0.90 $180.00

Sugar Kilograms 60 $0.50 $30.00

Coffee Beans Kilograms 20 $15.00 $300.00

Sub-Total $665.00

Discount $66.50

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GST $10.00

Other Cost $0.00

Total $721.50

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Acumen Education - Inventory Tracking Sheet

Item information Storage Information Ordering Information

Name of the Quantity in Quantity Price per
Code Category Status Section Supplier Due
commodity Stock Ordered Unit
Flour FL100 Baking In Stock 200 kg Dry Storage Daily Fresh 100 kg $0.75 04/28/24
Eggs EG200 Dairy In Stock 80 dozen Refrigerate Farm Fresh 50 dozen $2.00 04/28/24
d Eggs
Milk ML300 Dairy Low Stock 150 liters Refrigerate Local Dairy 200 liters $0.90 04/28/24
Sugar SG400 Baking In Stock 100 kg Dry Storage Sweet 60 kg $0.50 04/28/24
Coffee Beans CB500 Beverages Low Stock 30 kg Dry Storage Global 20 kg $15.00 04/28/24

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