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Certainly, here's a review about culture and art in Islam:

Culture and art in Islam encompass a rich and diverse heritage that has influenced many aspects of life
across the globe. From magnificent architectural feats to exquisite literature, Islam has made significant
contributions to the cultural tapestry of humanity.

One hallmark of Islamic art is its spectacular architecture. Structures like the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca
and the Masjid al-Nabawi in Medina stand as remarkable examples of Islamic architecture, adorned with
beautiful domes, intricate calligraphy, and mesmerizing carvings.

Calligraphy also plays a significant role in Islamic art. The elegant Arabic script is often used to adorn
buildings, books, and other art forms. Calligraphy is considered the most sacred form of art in Islam,
frequently employed to write verses from the Quran.

Furthermore, Islamic art encompasses painting, crafts, and carving. Islamic paintings often depict
geometric and natural motifs, while crafts like mosaics and stained glass produce stunning works of art.

Art in Islam isn't limited to the visual realm. Classical Arabic literature, such as the works of Ibn Sina and
Ibn Khaldun, has made significant contributions to world thought and culture. Arabic poetry is also
renowned for its beauty, with poets like Rumi and Hafiz revered worldwide.

Overall, culture and art in Islam boast a wealth of astonishing beauty and richness. This heritage
continues to thrive and evolve, enriching the world with the beauty and wisdom of Islam.

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