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C15 On-highway Engine BXS00001-UP(SEBP3722 - 30) - Estructura del documento Page 1 of 62

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Configuración: C15 On-highway Engine BXS00001-UP

Pautas de reutilización y recuperación

Inspection of Crankshafts for Cracks
Número de medio -SEBF8039-02 Fecha de publicación -15/08/2006 Fecha de actualización -15/08/2006

Inspection of Crankshafts for Cracks

SMCS - 1218

SMCS Code: 1202
Inspection of Crankshafts for
August 2006


This guideline enables dealers and their customers to benefit from cost reductions made possible
through an established parts reusability and salvage program. Every effort has been made to provide
the most current and relevant information known to Caterpillar Inc. Since the Company makes
ongoing changes and improvements to its products, this guideline must be used with the latest
technical information available from Caterpillar to ensure such changes and improvements are
incorporated where applicable.

For questions or additional information concerning this guideline, contact Caterpillar Service Support
Division, Dealer Support (309) 675-5156.


This guideline gives visual procedures to show the differences between the most common types
“cracks” in crankshafts. The type of “crack” is very important because crankshaft reconditioning is
possible with some types of “cracks” but is not possible with other types. Until positive
identification of the type of crack is made, all visual signs of cracks are known as “indications”.

If a crankshaft meets these guidelines for cracks, it can be expected to give normal performance until
the next overhaul when used again in the same application.
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Never use a crankshaft that this guideline shows can not be used again. During reconditioning,
correct any conditions that could have caused the cracks.

Note: Crankshafts can meet the Caterpillar specifications in this guideline but not meet the
requirements of some marine societies (for example, Lloyd’s of London, and the American Bureau
of Shipping). In some cases, marine societies do not permit use of a crankshaft showing ANY
indication under ultraviolet magnetic particle inspection.


Longitudinal: In the direction parallel to

the centerline of the
Magnetize: The application of electric
current to make a crankshaft
a magnet.
Ultraviolet: High frequency light.
Indication: The general name for
looks like a crack, including
a real crack, during magnetic
particle inspection.


Illustration 1
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Illustration 2

Illustration 3
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Illustration 4

Equipment Needed to Inspect Crankshafts for Cracks

Crankshafts must be inspected by the magnetic particle method. A special machine is necessary for
this procedure. It must be an alternating current (AC) “wet” type of machine (one that uses oil with
magnetic particles that can be seen under ultraviolet light). Illustration 5 shows one of a number of
machines available (see page 45 for a list of manufacturers).

The machine must be large enough to hold all crankshafts that are normally inspected. It must be
equipped with a cover over the top and an exhaust fan to remove fumes released from the oil

A 100” (2540 mm) machine is long enough to hold all current and non-current Caterpillar
crankshafts except the one used in the D399 Engine which is 2578 mm (101.5 inch) in length. If
necessary, most machines can be adapted to hold the crankshaft for the D399 Engine (Illustration
6). Contact manufacturers for more information on this.

Be sure the machine can magnetize the crankshaft through the use of end contacts and a magnetizing
coil. The coil must have a minimum inside diameter of 20” (508 mm). See Illustration 7.

The oil for the solution must not be seen under ultraviolet light. Follow the manufacturer’s
recommendations to mix the magnetic particles into the oil. (For Magnaflux machines, use 4.73
grams (0.17 oz) of No. 14A dry “Magnaglo” concentrate per gallon of “Magnaglo” oil.) Be sure the
solution is thoroughly mixed by the pump. Use a long brush to mix the particles that are in the tank
each time the machine is to be used. The solution must be changed every three months or when it
looks dirty. Check its concentration every day. See Illustration 8.
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Illustration 5

Typical machine used to find cracks in crankshafts.

Illustration 6

Testing unit adapted to hold crankshaft from D399 Engine.

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Illustration 7

Magnetizing coil installed on testing unit.

Illustration 8

Concentration of Magnaglo” solution must be .20 to .40 cc of magnetic particles (after 30 minutes) per
100 cc of solution.

Procedure to Find Cracks

1. Clean the outside of the crankshaft with a solvent, vapor degreaser, high pressure washer or
steam. Do this off the machine to keep the solution clean.
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2. Use the correct V-blocks (not shown), rests (Illustrations 9 and 10), or rollers
(Illustration 11) so the crankshaft is level, rotation is possible, and the magnetizing coil can move
along the crankshaft without contact with the webs. For smaller crankshafts use the Magnaflux No.
Adjustable Rail Mounted Steadyrest (not shown) or similar support so there is no contact with the webs
during crankshaft rotation.

3. Install the crankshaft so the contact pads make good contact with both ends. Use braided copper
(Magnaflux No. 1846D) to stop sparks (Illustration 12).

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions

carefully for installation of the crankshaft on
the machine.

Illustration 9

Rest installed on testing unit.

Illustration 10
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Crankshaft installed on rest.

Illustration 11

Typical example of roller.

Illustration 12

Copper pad installed.


Be very careful if it is necessary to use a spacer

with either end of the crankshaft (Illustration
13). When inspection is complete, check the
ends of the crankshaft for damage from sparks,
especially on the flywheel hub area.
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Illustration 13

Use of a spacer to make contact with the end of the crankshaft.

4. Adjust the controls on the machine for the correct current (Illustration 14). Se the chart
for longitudinal current recommendations.

Illustration 14

Controls for current setting.

Recommendations for Longitudinal Currents

Main Journal Current
Diameter (Amperes) Time
Up to 90 mm 1500 2 seconds
(3.500 inch) minimum*
Up to 90 mm 2000 3 seconds
(3.500 inch) minimum*

* The Crankshaft must not become warm.

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5. Be sure the solution is thoroughly mixed and the concentration is correct.

6. Put the solution along the complete length of the crankshaft (Illustration15) and immediately
turn on the current while the solution drains.

Illustration 15

Application of solution to the crankshaft.

Do not make contact with the machine or

the crankshaft while the current is on.
Follow the machine manufacturer’s safety
instructions carefully.
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Illustration 16

Longitudinal current is best to find indications that are parallel to the centerline of the crankshaft.
(The indication shown is not a crack.)

7. Inspect the crankshaft for cracks. The inspection will show best those indications which
are longitudinal. (Illustration 16).

8. Change the controls to put the current through the magnetizing coil (Illustration 17). See the chart
for coil current recommendations.

Illustration 17
Magnetizing coil in place over crankshaft.
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Recommendations for Coil Currents

Main Bearing Current
Diameter (Amperes) Time
Up to 90 mm 2500 2 seconds
(3.500 inch) minimum*
Up to 90 mm 3000 3 seconds
(3.500 inch) minimum*

* The Crankshaft must not become warm.

9. During this part of the inspection, magnetize one main journal and two connecting rod journals,
or tw main journals and one connecting rod journal at one time. (Illustration 18). On smaller
crankshafts, it is possible to magnetize more journals at one time. Turn on the current while the
solution drains.

Illustration 18

Application of solution on area to be checked.

10. Inspect the crankshaft for cracks. This inspection will show best those indications that go around
the journal circumference. (Illustration 19).
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Illustration 19

The magnetizing coil is best to find indications which go around the crankshaft journal.

11. Use instructions given by the machine’s manufacturer to remove magnetism. The magnetic level
must be less than 5 Gauss. (Use a Magnetic Field Indicator, like No. 2480 from Magnaflux
Corporation. The indicator needle must move more than one point from zero on this indicator. Move
the indicator around both ends of the crankshaft to get a reading). See Illustration 20.

12. Clean the crankshaft thoroughly in solvent to remove the inspection solution particles.

13. Put a layer of oil on the crankshaft for protection. Do this off the machine.
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Illustration 20

Use of a magnetic field indicator to measure magnetism.

General Information for Inspection

Generally, during reconditioning a crankshaft needs several inspections for cracks. For example, a
first inspection can show fine journal cracks caused by heat; after the area is ground, a second
inspection can show if these same cracks were ground out. It is a good practice to inspect for cracks
after any operation to straighten, grind or polish a crankshaft (that is, before installation) to find if all
cracks are gone. Look carefully along the complete crankshaft for indications. Look especially at oil
holes on journals and in all fillets.

Types of Indications

“Indication” is the general name for what LOOKS like a crack, including a real crack, during
magnetic particle inspection. Correct identification of the type of indication is very important. There
are four types of indications.

Open Indications

Open indications can be seen without the inspection solution or can be felt with a fingernail. See
Illustrations 21 and 22. If an open indication is found to be a crack and does not grind out, the
crankshaft can not be used again. Other open indications are permitted if they are not in the red
“CRITICAL” areas of the crankshaft (see chart on page 14 for location of “CRITICAL” areas).
Open indications can be real cracks, but they can also be the result of differences in the steel, pitting,
heavy scratches or grooves. See Illustrations 23 and 24.

Illustration 21

Typical example of an open indication as seen with the inspection solution and an ultraviolet light.
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Illustration 22

The same open indication without the inspection solution and with normal light.

Illustration 23

Example of an open indication as seen with inspection solution and an ultraviolet light.
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Illustration 24

Same open indication without the inspection solution and with normal light.

Scratches can show as open indications under magnetic inspection, but they can normally be checked
with a magnifying glass. Scratches are usually shiny at the bottom of the groove. Use an optical
comparator or inspection microscope to measure the width of an open indication when a maximum
size is given in the specifications.

Note: Remove the inspection solution before you use the comparator. When necessary, use a
magnifier of 10 to 50 times magnification to give more detail. Illustration 25 shows the 6V-2196
Microscope. It has a magnification of 20 times.
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Illustration 25

Inspection microscope in use.

Closed Indications

Closed indications are not easily seen without the inspection solution and cannot be felt with a
fingernail. See Illustrations 26 and 27. They can be caused by differences in the steel or by material
in the steel or under its surface. In general, a crankshaft can be used again if the closed indications are
not in the red “CRITICAL” areas and are less than 28 mm (1.12 inch) long if on a journal surface.
See chart on page 14 for location of “CRITICAL” areas).

Illustration 26
Closed indication can be seen with inspection solution.
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Illustration 27
Without inspection solution, closed indication cannot be

seen. False Indications

False indications are caused by dirt, rust or the wrong mixture of the inspection solution. Some are
caused by the use of too much current during inspection. When an indication looks false, clean the
area with a cloth and make a second inspection. False indications do not come back.


Normally, a crack can be seen with or without inspection solution. Cracks have rougher edges than
other types of indications. See Illustrations 28 and 29. Cracks are normally continuous; that is they
are constant and not broken. SOME SMALL CRACKS ON JOURNALS (CAUSED BY HEAT)
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Illustration 28

Typical example of crack, as seen with the inspection solution and ultraviolet light.

Illustration 29

Without the inspection solution, the rough edges of a crack can be seen in regular light, with a
magnifying glass or microscope.

Note: Be careful at points where the crankshaft changes shape suddenly to prevent an error in
identification of a crack. Illustrations 30 and 31 show how indications can, at times, be seen in rough
areas. Similar indications can be seen where two surfaces meet or at the junction of the machined
surface of a journal sidewall and the web area.
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Illustration 30

Illustration 31

Typical rough area which can look like a crack.

Also, check very carefully because some indications will not be clear or not show completely in
just a longitudinal or a coil check. See Illustrations 32 and 33.

Illustration 32
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Illustration 33

Illustration 32 and 33 show the same indication with and without inspection solution.

Important Areas to Inspect

In the illustrations that follow, specific areas are shown in different colors according to their
importance. Use the chart as a reference for the color codes used in the illustrations.

Area Color Typical Locations General Rules

CRITICAL Red “CRITICAL” fillet areas; No indications are permitted.
Oil holes in journals;
Around ends of keyways;
Inside lightening holes.

IMPORTANT Yellow “IMPORTANT” fillet areas. No open indications are permitted.

“IMPORTANT” web areas No obvious (easily seen in regular
(section between rod and main light) open indications are permitted.
journal centerlines).
SECONDARY Green Majority of journal surfaces; No cracks are permitted after
Most machined shaft surfaces grinding and polishing. All other
(front and rear shafts). indications up to 1.12” by .006” (28
mm by .15 mm) are permitted.

OTHER White Majority of web areas; No cracks are permitted.

Threaded areas at front Most pother indications are
and rear of older crankshafts. permitted.

Fillet and Journal

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Sidewall Areas

In Illustrations 34 through 40, “CRITICAL” fillet and journal sidewall areas are shown in
red. “IMPORTANT” fillet and journal sidewall areas are shown in yellow.

Note: See the section “Journal and Oil Hole Areas” for more information about “CRITICAL”
journal oil hole areas.

Do not use a crankshaft again that has any indication in a “CRITICAL” fillet or journal sidewall

area. Do not use a crankshaft again that has any open indications in an “IMPORTANT” fillet or

sidewall area.

Remember, the “CRITICAL” fillet area is where the crankshaft is thinnest. This area is either 90 or
180 of the circumference according to the size of the crankshaft.


Inspect for cracks in the fillet areas before any

shot peening operation. Shot peening can
prevent small fillet cracks from being seen.

Crankshafts with fillet radii greater than 5.23 mm (0.206 inch).

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Illustration 34
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Illustration 35

Crankshafts with fillet radii less than 5.23 mm (0.206 inch).

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Illustration 36
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Illustration 37
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Illustration 38
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Illustration 39
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Illustration 40

Indication through fillet area.

Do not use again

Illustration 41
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Illustration 42

Indications in fillet area.

Do not use again

Illustration 43

Indication along the circumference at the junction of fillet and journal is a crack.

Do not use again

Do not use a crankshaft with a crack that goes into the fillet area, even if it cannot be seen after
the crankshaft is ground.
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Illustration 44

Illustration 45

Be sure that fine indications are not false indications. Do not grind out fillet cracks, even if they look
very fine.

Do not use again

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Illustration 46

Illustration 47

Fine cracks in fillet between two rod journals on crankshaft from 3408 Engine.

Do not use again

Journal and Oil Hole Areas

In Illustration 48 journal and oil hole “CRITICAL” AREAS ARE SHOWN IN RED.
areas are shown in green.

Note: See the section, “Fillet And Journal Sidewall Areas” for information about “IMPORTANT”
areas on journals near the fillets.
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Do not use a crankshaft again that has any indications in an oil hole “CRITICAL” area.

Open indications up to 28 mm long by 0.15 mm wide (1.12 in long by 0.006 in wide) are permitted in
the green “SECONDARY” areas; all closed indications are permitted in the green “SECONDARY”

Illustration 48

The 3.1 mm (0.12 in) dimension outside the chamfer must be 9.6 mm (0.38 in) for connecting rod
journal oil holes if the flashline is in line with the oil hole. (Examples: D339, D342, D353, D399
Engines; see page 29).

Illustration 49
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Crack in oil hole.

Do not use again

Illustration 50

Illustration 51

Fine indications in oil holes.

Do not use again

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Illustration 52

Small cracks less than 3.0 mm (0.12 in) from the chamfer area.

Do not use again

Grind the crankshaft to the next journal size, then polish. Use again unless there are indications less
3.0 mm (0.12 in) from the chamfer area. There must be no cracks.

Illustration 53

The open indication is not a crack (edges are not rough and it is very fine) and is not in the chamfer

Use again
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Illustration 54
Indications are very fine, straight and shorter than 28 mm (1.12 in). These indications are not cracks;
the edges are not rough. If they are scratches, remove any edges that are above the surface with a
Arkansas Polishing Stone or 6V83 4/0 Emery Polishing Paper and solvent before final polish.

Use again

Illustration 55
Indications are very fine, and total length is less than 28 mm (1.12 in). This indication is not a crack
(there are no rough edges, and the indication is fine and straight). When indications are broken, like
this example, they are not cracks but differences in the steel.

Use again
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Illustration 56

These closed indications can not be seen or felt with the oil removed, but length of total indication is
more than 28 mm (1.12 in). Also, the right indication has a fork (two branches).

Do not use again

Use again if all indications are gone after the crankshaft is ground.

Illustration 57
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Illustration 58

Several long, closed, parallel indications that are not cracks, Illustration 58 shows that they can
not be seen in regular light.

Do not use again

Use again if there are less than five closed indications and they are all shorter than 28 mm (1.12 in)
in length, or if the indications can be ground out at a smaller journal diameter. Do not use again if
there are open cracks.

Illustration 59

The oil hole in the connecting rod journal is in line with the flash line in some D339, D342, D353 and
D399 Engines.

For the above engines only:

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Use again

if closed indications along flash line are less than

.25” (6.3 mm) long and not in the oil hole area

Do not use again

if open indication is along flash


Illustration 60

Illustration 61
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Illustration 62

Illustration 63

Note: Illustrations 60, 61, 62 and 63 show types of small cracks caused by heat. Cracks
can be longitudinal, around the circumference, twisted or connected.


Check all journals for hardness after they

are ground. See guideline For Reusable
C15 On-highway Engine BXS00001-UP(SEBP3722 - 30) - Estructura del documento Page 41 of

SEBF8041, for more information.

Illustration 64

Three larger cracks will not grind out.

Do not use again

Illustration 65

Cracks still there after a journal was ground to a smaller diameter.

Do not use again

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Illustration 66

Fine indication (not a crack and no rough edges) is still there after the crankshaft is ground, in an area
where there were no indications before grinding. (It is not in a “CRITICAL” area and journal
hardness is correct. The indication is less than 28 mm (1.12 in) long.)

Use again

Illustration 67

The ends of the horizontal crack area at a 45 angle to the centerline of the crankshaft. Many times,
short horizontal indications at the center of the journal are cracks, so check very carefully.

Do not use again

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Illustration 68

Crack is about 25 mm (1.0 in) from the oil hole and parallel to the centerline of the crankshaft.
Many times, horizontal indications about 25 mm (1.0 in) from an oil hole are cracks, so check very

Do not use again

Illustration 69

Journal indications are connected and will not grind out. (Most indications on journals that are
connected are cracks.

Do not use again

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Web Areas

Illustration 70

The “IMPORTANT“ area between the

centerline of the main and connecting rod
journals is the area between the dotted lines.
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In Illustration 70, “CRITICAL” web areas are shown in red. “IMPORTANT” web areas are
shown in yellow.

Note: See Pages 15-21 for information on fillet and journal sidewall areas that are

Do not use a crankshaft again that has ANY indications in a “CRITICAL” web area (lightening
Do not use a crankshaft again that has an obvious (easily seen in regular light) open indication or
crack in the “IMPORTANT” web area between the centerlines of the main and connecting rod
journals. Fine and closed indications in this web area are permissible.

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Indications or groups of indications in web areas are normal unless they go into a lightening hole
or go into a machined journal sidewall surface more than .040” (1.0 mm).

Use again

Illustration 73

Indication goes into a machined journal sidewall area more than 1.0 mm (0.040 in).

Do not use again

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Illustration 74

Illustration 75

Indications or cracks in lightening hole area.

Do not use again

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Illustration 76

Illustration 77

Indications in web does not go into the lightening hole or a machined journal sidewall
surface. Indications in web can be open indications if caused by a change in the surface.

Use again

Note: If desired, use a small grinder to remove any indications in webs, but make sure the edges
are smooth and grind only deep enough to remove the indication.
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Illustration 78

Illustration 79

Long indication in web area is only on the surface and does not go into a machined journal
sidewall surface more than 1.0 mm (0.040 in).

Use again
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Illustration 80

Illustration 81

Indication goes into groove made to drill oil hole.

Use again
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Illustration 82

Illustration 83

There can be several indications and they can be any shape. They must not go more than .040” (1.0
into a machined journal sidewall surface.

Use again
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Illustration 84

Indication goes around corner, but area is in the counterweight away from any machined journal
sidewall surface.

Use again

Illustration 85
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Illustration 86

Open indication in web is very deep and cannot be removed unless it is ground more than 3.0 mm
(0.12 in) deep.

Do not use again

Illustration 87

Large area where indication was ground out; make sure any sharp edges are smooth.

Use again
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Illustration 88

Illustration 89
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Illustration 90

Illustration 91

Some indications can be seen in several webs. These indications normally follow the shape of
the crankshaft or the flashline.

Use again unless the indications go more than 1.0 mm (0.040 in) into a machined journal sidewall
surface or there are obvious (easily seen in regular light) open cracks.

Use again

Flange, Shaft and Keyway Areas

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In Illustrations 92 through 99 “CRITICAL” areas are

shown in red. “IMPORTANT areas are shown in

Illustration 92

Illustration 93
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Illustration 94

Illustration 95 and Illustration 96

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Illustration 97

Illustration 98
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Illustration 99

Threaded shafts.

Note: Fine cracks on the front edge A of a keyway at the front of a threaded type of shaft are
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Illustration 100

Illustration 101

1) Crack in area where gear is located.

2) Cracks at end of keyway.

Do not use again

Suppliers of Magnetic Particle Testing Equipment

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Note: Not all of the manufacturers that follow have machines that can hold the larger
Caterpillar crankshafts.

7300 W. Lawrence Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60565
U.S.A. Telephone: (312)
Telex: 25-4194 (for information about
offices outside the United States.)

Leasing service for Magnaflux

equipment: Industrial Leasing
2300 S. W. Sixth Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201 U.S.A.
Telephone: (800) 547-4905 or (503) 228-2111

Note: Magnaflux also has offices in New York, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit, Dallas, and Los
Angeles. Training courses on equipment operation are available.

757 Tanen Street
apa, California 94558
U.S.A. elephone: (707)

ivision of Hannon Electric
Co. anton, Ohio 44707
U.S.A. elephone: (216) 456-
4728 able: HANCO
WX: (810) 432-9058


.O. Box 137
able: NOCONI


hin Chen Street
slington (New Castle), 2N, N.S.W. 2296, Australia

0603 Midway Avenue
erritos, California 90701,
U.S.A. elephone: (213) 773-
WX: (910) 583-4950


00 57th Street
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Marion, Iowa, 52302,
U.S.A. elephone: (319)
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elex: 464461 KWIKWAY MARW

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Copyright 1993 - 2009 Caterpillar Inc.

Tue Mar 17 11:08:06 EST 2009
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Red privada para licenciados del SIS.

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