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(AC-S04) Week 04 - Task: Assignment - Work and


If you graduate you will have more You stress
advantages for a job
learn to organize your time You will not have time to do what you like
You will trust yourself more Decrease your energy
You will meet new contacts, You could get sick

Partly studying and working at the same time if it gives an imbalance not only with what is the
time for what is the meals and the study times for each course, but it can also affect your hours of
sleep or the concern that It can generate a type of anxiety. On the other hand, you are richer than
before, you pay your bills on your own, you are independent, more responsible, but it demands a
lot of time and dedication, reducing your social life.

Among the reasons that explain the increase in students who study and work is the search for a
better job placement, but also the need to find a job to finance their studies. In this sense, the
social conditions of university students can be consolidated as one more factor of educational
inequality that has an impact both on learning opportunities and on graduation results and

However, the consequences are beginning to be negative: lower grades compared to students
who work fewer hours or not at all, reduced commitment to college, and increased likelihood of
dropping out.

In conclusion, students who do both activities may feel more pressure and stress, so any support
and empathy will be of great help. Either by work colleagues, classmates or close people, such as
friends or family.

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