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Evaluating Images and/or Images of Different Types of Texts Reflecting Different Cultures


ThevKey Concepts of Media Literacy framework serves as a basis for developing a critical
understanding of the content of mass media, the techniques used and the impact these
techniques. Also, the Key Concepts of Media Literacy can be very helpful in the construction of
media texts for different purposes. The term "text" includes any form of written, spoken or
media work conveying meaning to an audience. Text may use words, graphics, sounds and
images in presenting information. It may also be in oral, print, visual or electronic forms.

Concept Grounding

Key Concepts of Media Literacy (Center for Media Literacy, 2005)

Key Concepts Guide Questions in Media Text Analysis

1. All media messages are "constructed." 1. What is the message of the text?

2. How effectively does it represent reality?

3. How is the message constructed?

2. Media have embedded values and points of 1. What lifestyles, values and points of view
view are points of view. are points of view are represented in the text?

2. Who or what is missing?

3. Each person interprets messages 1. What message do you perceive from the
differently. text?

2. How might others understand it differently?


4. Media have commercial, ideological or 1. What is the purpose of the text?

political interests.
2. Who is the target audience of the text?

3. Who might be disadvantaged?

4. Who created the text and why?

5. Media messages are constructed using a 1. What techniques are used and why?
creative language having its own rules.
2. How effective are the techniques in
supporting the messages or themes of the

3. What are other ways of presenting the


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