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1. Who is a person who projects a respectable, upright façade, in an attempt to conceal a criminal
A. Criminal
B. Criminaloid
C. Suspect
D. Law breaker

2. What theory says that Crime is an important ingredient in a healthy society?

A. Differential association theory
B. Differential opportunity theory
C. Classical theory
D. Anomie theory

3. It is a sexual feeling directed toward children.

A. Child abuse
B. Paraphilia
C. Pedophilia
D. Voyeurism

4. Which pertains to a system of behavior in regards to standards of right or wrong behavior?

A. Character
B. Morality
C. Ethics
D. Philosophy

5. Which law covers the katarungang pambarangay law in the Philippines?

A. RA 7610
B. RA 7061
C. RA 7160

6. What is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest in research?
A. Data collection
B. Data gathering procedure
C. Treatment of data
D. Research methodology

7. Who said that every contact leaves a trace in criminal investigation?

A. Edmond Locard
B. Cesare Beccaria
C. Cesare Lombroso
D. Jeremy Bentham
8. What is a wound cause by scraping force or friction?
A. Puncture
B. Abrasion
C. Laceration
D. Incision

9. What is the skillful questioning of a subject?

A. Interview
B. Field inquiry
C. Interrogation
D. Cross examination

10. What law is the Comprehensive dangerous drugs act of 2002?

A. RA 9165
B. RA 9262
C. RA 8353
D. RA 8551

11. What is the symbol for accidental whorl is____.

A. X
B. C
C. D
D. Z

12. What is the sworn written statement charging a person with an offense, subscribed by the
offended party, any peace officer or other public official charged with the enforcement of the
law violated?
A. Information
B. Affidavit
C. Complaint
D. Memorandum

13. What is the act of the person that copies the work or idea of another person and presents it as
his own?
A. Plagiarism
B. Editing
C. Copying
D. Copyright

14. Which of the following is considered the cheapest form of police patrol?
A. Bicycle patrol
B. Foot patrol
C. Motorcycle patrol
D. Horse patrol
15. A prisoner sentenced for more than three years is under the jurisdiction of the _____.
A. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
B. Philippine National Police
C. Bureau of Corrections
D. District Jail

16. Which refers to any material containing marks, symbols or signs either visible, partially visible
that present or ultimately convey a meaning to someone?
A. Document
B. Signature
C. Writing
D. Questioned document

17. What component of the polygraph machine records the changes of the subject’s blood pressure
and pulse rate?
A. Cardiosphygmograph
B. Galvanograph
C. Pneumograph
D. Kymograph

18. What part of the firearm initiates the path of the bullet?
A. Magazine
B. Barrel
C. Ejector
D. Trigger

19. What is also referred as the fundamental law of the land?

A. The revised penal code
B. The constitution
C. The republic acts and special laws
D. The family code

1. In case of two vehicles approaching an intersection at the same time, which should give the right
of ways?
A. The vehicle coming from the right
B. The vehicle approaching from the left
C. The vehicle which is turning right at the moment
D. The vehicle which is about to turn left at the moment
2. A bank employee inserts a program into the bank’s servers that deducts 5 cents of money from
the account of every customer in which it goes unnoticed due to an insignificant amount loss is
an example of____.
A. Denial of service attack
B. Email bombing
C. Salami attack
D. Virus/worm
3. Which of the following cases allows only the offended party to file the complaint?
A. Rape
B. Seduction
C. Adultery and Concubinage
D. Acts of lasciviousness
4. Which of the following will not exempt the child from criminal liability?
A. A child is 15 years old and below who acted without discernment.
B. A child is above 15 years old but below 18 years who acted without discernment.
C. A child is above 15 years old but below 18 years old who acted with discernment.
D. A child who is above 18 years old but below 21 years old.
5. After granting the probation, the probationer must present himself to the probation officer
within how many hours?
A. 24 hours
B. 48 hours
C. 32 hours
D. 72 hours
6. If the ridge counting of a loop in the Index finger is eleven (11), what must be the symbol for
purposes of the Sub-secondary classification?
A. I
B. M
C. O
D. L
7. In photography, the lower the f-number, the larger the lens opening. This statement is_____.
A. True
B. False
C. Yes
D. No
8. From the bottom, what is the arrangement of color of the traffic light?
A. Red, yellow, green
B. Green, yellow, red
C. Red, green, yellow
D. Orange, green, red
9. What extinguishing agent is best to use for fire caused by cooking oil and fats?
A. Water
B. Dry powder
C. Foam
D. Any of the above
10. If Mr. A has a waiver in weight, Mr. B in height, Mr. C in age and Mr. D in educational attainment,
which of them is the priority to enter the PNP in consideration of their waivers?
A. Mr. A
B. Mr. B
C. Mr. C
D. Mr. D

11. What is the percentage of the annual quota of the PNP for recruitment, training and education
for women?
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 40%
12. What is the act of prisoner trying to convert or induce another to change his religious beliefs,
sect or the like to another while under confinement is referred to as____.
A. Initiation
B. Inducement
C. Fraternization
D. Proselytizing

1. If all fingers are amputated or missing at birth, the classification will be____.
A. M 32 W MMM
M 32 W MMM
B. M 31 W MMM
M 31 W MMM
C. M 30 W MMM
M 30 W MMM
D. None of the these

2. If Barangay Sipsipnget has a population of 2000 for the year 2023 and the index crime is 43 and
the non0index crime is 67, what is the crime volume?
A. 43
B. 68
C. 111
D. 5.5%

3. Patrolman Santos entered the dwelling of John against the latter’s will on suspicion that John
keeps unlicensed firearms in his home. What was the crime committed by Patrolman Santos?
A. Trespass to dwelling
B. Violation of domicile
C. Usurpation of authority
D. Forcible trespassing

4. If the questioned document was allegedly written on December 4, 2017, the standards to be
collected must be contemporary. Which of the following are considered contemporary
documents in relation to the said case?
A. Those documents written five (5) years before December 4, 2017.
B. Those document written five (5) years after December 4, 2017.
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

5. Mr. Juan stole a loaf of bread from the store because he was hungry. What classification of
criminal is Juan?
A. Occasional criminal
B. Epileptoid criminal
C. Pseudo criminal
D. Criminaloid

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