Imc151 Museum

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Diploma in Information Management


Organization and Access to Information


Organization, Access and Information Storage

and Retrieval Strategies

Prepared by:
Fathin Fatihah Binti Yusri (2022810998)
Marcela Alicia Anak Joel (2022820668)
Roxianne Remia Apitt (2022676142)
Nur Elfiany Binti Rahman (2022460274)
Mohammad Zulfadhli Bin Abdul Razak (2022612968)


Prepared for:
Encik Sharin Bin Sulaiman

Date of submission:
JULY, 2023
Organization, Access And Information Storage
And Retrieval Strategies

Fathin Fatihah Binti Yusri (2022810998)
Marcela Alicia Anak Joel (2022820668)
Roxianne Remia Apitt (2022676142)
Nur Elfiany Binti Rahman (2022460274)
Mohammad Zulfadhli Bin Abdul Razak (2022612968)

School of Information Science

Universiti Teknologi Mara Sarawak
Kampus Samarahan
July 11, 2023

First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to Encik Sharin Bin Sulaiman for
guiding us throughout the journey to complete the assignment. Thanks to his patience and
dedication, we are able to complete this report with ease.

We would also like to thank our parents for their endless support and encouragement
for us to complete everything important. Those support surely help us a lot with handling
emotions and boost our confidence to do this report.

Not left behind, we would also like to express our gratitude to our classmates for helping
us with what’s lacking and to perfecting the deficiency of ours while completing this report.
They helped a lot with the misunderstanding and we are able to complete this report in time
without worries.

Last but not least, a big thanks to the group members Zulfadhli, Marcela, Elfiany,
Roxianne and Fathin for giving a handful hand to the works, taking the responsibility to
complete this report without making it difficult to handle and for understanding each other
through the whole journey.

School of Information Science,

Universiti Teknologi Mara Sarawak ,
Kampus Samarahan.
Table Of Content

1.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………
1.1 Agency Background Information ………………………………………………. 1-3

2.0 Organization Of Information……………………………………………………...

2.1 Methods Of Organization Information…………………………………………. 4
2.2 Bibliographic Control Activities In The Organization………………………….. 5
2.3 Retrieval Tools………………………………………………………………….. 6

3.0 Information Storage And Retrieval ………………………………………………

3.1 System In Agency………………………………………………………………. 7
3.2 Access Points……………………………………………………………………. 8

4.0 Access To Information……………………………………………………………..

4.1 Lesson Learnt………………………………………………………………….. 9
4.2 Ability To Access Information………………………………………………… 10
4.3 Relationship Between Organizing, Storage And Access………………………. 11

5.0 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………. 12

6.0 References………………………………………………………………………….. 13-14

7.0 Appendices…………………………………………………………………… 15-22

1.0 Introduction

Regarding our topic Organization, Access and Information Storage and Retrieval
Strategies, we are doing research on a chosen agency which is Borneo Cultures Museum about
its retrieval strategies and access to information and their storage. We visited the agency and
made a self observation from their answers while doing a field trip there. In this topic, we were
asked to list down and elaborate on bibliographic control activities in the organization, retrieval
tools, ability to access information and explain the relationship between organizing, storage
and access.

Operation hours:

Monday- Friday 9.00 am - 4.45 pm

Saturday, Sunday & 9.30 am - 4.30 pm

Public holidays

1.1 Background Information

The Borneo Cultures Museum is a modern five-storey building with a distinctive

architectural design that reflects Sarawak’s unique traditional crafts and rich cultural heritage.
The new museum wants to become a lively place for social and cultural exchange. The
auditorium and function rooms on level one will be able to host a wide range of events, and
these programmes will turn the museum into a vibrant venue. Also here are the visitor facilities
that will cater to the visitors’ essential needs such as the reception counter, restaurant and shop.

Located on level two are the Children’s Gallery and the Arts and Crafts Gallery. The
Children’s Gallery provides an optimal interactive learning environment for children through
its exhibition and activities. The theme ‘Love Our Rivers’ focuses on the concept of
sustainability using rivers as the foundation of the exhibition narrative. Activities arranged in
the Arts and Crafts Gallery allows visitors to learn the skills of traditional craftsmanship,
dances and music. Level three is the biggest gallery with 2,188 square meters of exhibition
space. The exhibition theme is ‘In Harmony With Nature’, and it explores the relationship local
communities have with the natural environment based on a river journey through three major
geographical regions. This exhibition offers immersive and multisensory experiences.

On level four is the ‘Time Changes’ exhibition that will have displays with a strong
educational focus. This informative gallery will cater to school groups and topics covered in
the history curriculum. Also included in, is the archaeological discoveries and findings in the
State. The narrative tells the history of Sarawak dating from the prehistoric era to modern times.
Finally, the museum’s masterpieces and best examples of Sarawak’s material culture will be
on display in level five. The ‘Objects of Desire’ gallery will have a strong object focus that
allows visitors to admire the artistic beauty of these artifacts. The gallery will be showcasing
artifacts that reflect skilled craftsmanship, having designs with divine powers and as a symbol
of status.

Vision: A Globally Engaged Centre of History and Heritage by 2030

Mission :
1. To acquire, safeguard and showcase the tangible and intangible heritage of
Sarawak and Borneo for the learning and enjoyment of society
2. To establish smart partnerships, engagement and collaboration with renowned museums
and institutions for advancement in the field of museology.
3. To enhance staff competency through capacity building in museology and cultural heritage

Objective: To be the custodian of antiques, monuments and cultural landmarks,

archaeological sites, arts, architectural, religious relics and other materials which have high
traditional significance and value for the benefit of the State and national heritage in order to
bring about perpetual understanding and greater harmony amongst the people of Sarawak.

2.0 Organization of Information

For your information, organizing and structuring of data, facts, or knowledge in a

systematic and intelligible manner is referred to as organization of information. It entails
categorizing, grouping, and connecting relevant pieces of information in order to improve
comprehension, retrieval, and utilization. Not to forget, the organization of information
enables us to save copies of all types of works produced by humans such as books, art works,
video, tweets, and government documents.

2.1 Methods Of Organization Information

As we know in a museum setting, organization presentation is critical in presenting

exhibits, artifacts, and material that is educational to visitors. Based on our self observation,
each artifact or piece of crafts shown in Borneo Cultures Museum is usually accompanied with
a label or description that gives important information about the object. Further information
such as the artist or originator, historical background, materials used, provenance, and any other
pertinent information may be presented. Labels assist visitors in understanding and
appreciating the value of the things on display.

Futhermore, in Borneo Cultures Museum, we found out that the collections are typically
organized into exhibits or galleries that put comparable artifacts or artworks together based on
a given theme, historical period, or subject. Borneo Cultures Museum are also arranging
displays in chronological or historical order in museums that display historical or cultural
artifacts that can help visitors follow a story or comprehend the growth of a particular topic
over time. Therefore, this approach allows visitors to explore and learn regarding a specific
topic in a cohesive and interesting manner.

Not to forget, to improve the tourist experience, Borneo Cultures Museum is

progressively incorporating multimedia components such as movies, audio guides, touch
displays, and interactive exhibitions. These interactive displays supplement the content and
artifacts on show by providing additional information, stories, or visualizations. Nowadays,
Many museums have digital catalogs or databases that contain additional information about

their collections. Visitors can utilize these online resources to get more information.
2.2 Bibliographic Control Activities

Bibliographic control activities in museums require organizing and managing

bibliographic information relating to the museum's collections, publications, and research
resources. These actions ensure that the museum's resources are properly documented,
cataloged, and made available to researchers, staff, and the general public.

In Borneo Cultures Museum, cataloged items can be classified and assigned subject
headings to assist organize them into logical categories based on their content, genre, or subject
matter. Classification methods such as the Dewey Decimal Classification and the Library of
Congress Classification, as well as topic heading systems such as the Library of Congress topic
Headings (LCSH) and the Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT), may be employed.This
allows for faster retrieval of similar materials inside the museum's collection as well as easier
access to external resources.

Next, to manage and offer access to their cataloged resources, Borneo Cultures
Museum uses bibliographic databases or integrated library systems (ILS). These databases act
as a central repository for bibliographic entries, allowing for efficient information searching,
filtering, and retrieval. Also, documenting the provenance, history, and research related with
each item in the collection is also part of the bibliographic control efforts. This data is essential
for determining the authenticity, cultural relevance, and ownership history of artifacts, as well
as assuring their appropriate depiction and scholarly research.

With the increased digitization of the museum collections, bibliographic control efforts
have expanded to include the management of digital assets. Assigning unique IDs, and linking
digital representations of items to their associated bibliographic records are all part of this
process. Digital asset management systems aid in the organization and distribution of digitized
photos, audio files, movies, and other digital resources can be seen during our field trip. As a
result, this strategy enables visitors to explore and learn about a collection in an engaging
manner. Borneo Cultures Museums can improve the organization, discoverability, and research
potential of their collections by implementing these bibliographic control operations, thus
adding to the institution's broader intellectual and pedagogical goal.

2.3 Retrieval Tools

A retrieval tool is a system designed for the retrieval of information. Retrieval tools are
required as the foundation for a system that will organize recorded information acquired from
libraries, archives, and museums. It is intended to assist users in finding, identifying, selecting,
and obtaining information resources of all types. They contain records that serve as substitutes
for information resources.

Cataloging is an important part of managing a museum's most valuable asset, the

collection. Research, interpretation, conservation, risk management, exhibition development,
and publications all rely on detailed and up-to-date collection information. To organize and
document their collections, the Borneo Culture Museum may use cataloging systems. A
database that contains detailed information about each object or artwork is typically included
in these systems. Cataloging systems may use standardized classification systems, such as the
Dewey Decimal System or the Museum Object ID, to categorize and locate items in the

As for Borneo Cultures Museums, they provide records and documentation. The
Borneo Culture Museums kept detailed documentation and records for every item or artwork
in their collection during our visit. Provenance, acquisition history, condition reports,
exhibition history, and related research are frequently found in these records. The
documentation functions as a retrieval reference and adds context to the objects.

Following that are digital imaging and photographic archives. The Borneo Culture
Museums use digital imaging mechanisms to capture high-resolution images of their
collections. All of those images function as visual references and can be used for research,
publication, or online access. Digital photographic archives enable the quick retrieval and
sharing of images across multiple platforms.

3.0 Information Storage And Retrieval

3.1 Software of Museum

After doing our research, we found out that Borneo Cultures Museum do not have
their own personal website. It is placed under Sarawak Museum Department, along with
another museum all around Sarawak. Picture below are the website of the Sarawak Museum

On the menu, they have home, about us, gallery, Sarawak Museum Journal, museum
publications and staff directory. The website provides us with two languages to be chosen
which is Bahasa Melayu and English. We can also change the website background to dark
mode. The features included in the website are scanner, calendar, polls, announcement and
also the shortcut to their Facebook and YouTube account. At the end of the website, tel, fax
and email is provided to ease users or anyone to reach them in a proper way. For us, it would
be nice if Borneo Cultural Museum has their own website as it’s the second largest museum
in South East Asia. Many people would like to visit the information agency and by providing
a helpful introduction to the public, it could attract more visitors outside Sarawak or even
outside the country to come take this chance and have a wonderful experience while strolling
around the museum.

For the extra information, Borneo Cultures Museum also uses a lot of technologies to
display the information about the history with an interactive way such as motion gesture or
animation, making it more fun to learn about the history. We also had the chance to interact
with the map of Sarawak, by using the same technology.

Motion or animation technology

The other example of the motion sensor technology is painted caves, located on the
3rd floor.

Painted cave

360-degree projector

The picture above shows the 360-degree projector technology by Borneo Cultural
Museum. It is located on the 2nd floor of the building. The projector helps us to feel a whole
new experience, traveling in it with the sounds coming from the prepared headphone. There
is a controller beside where users can use it to control their journey in the projector, helping
them to understand the context that is shown on the screen.

3.2 Access Points

An access point is a name, term, code, heading, word, phrase, or other units of
information that may function as a search key in information retrieval, allowing a library
catalog or bibliographic database to be searched and to be identified and retrieved.

Example of the locked artifacts (1)

Example of the locked artifacts (2)

From what we experience during the visit, only museum staff members are allowed
access to the artifacts. All of the artifacts for each item in the Borneo Cultures Museum are
on display for visitor reference only. However, all of the artifacts and materials will be
restricted to the staff and locked in the storage area. We, as visitors, are not permitted to

touch any of the displayed artifacts because doing so could damage the quality of the

Given the Borneo Culture Museum's cultural nature, it's critical to choose access
points that complement the museum's design and aesthetics. Look for access points with
sleek, unobtrusive designs, or consider access point enclosures that can be customized to
match the museum's decor.

4.0 Access To Information

4.1 Lesson Learnt

After completing our visit to the museum, we have learnt that materials in the museum
are organized carefully and were classified according to their own categories. We have also
learnt that all of the materials in the museum were inspected periodically by the curator in order
to preserve the well being of the materials. According to the staff who worked there, the curator
held a full responsibility to the materials in the museum, as they are the ones who gained and
retrieved the materials from respective sources. Apart from that, we also gained a lot of new
knowledge related to Borneo such as its history, natures and arts during our visit. It can be said
that our visit to the museum has brought a positive impact in terms of obtaining knowledge
related to the organizing, storing and accessing and retrieval of information in the museum and
also the knowledge about Borneo wholly. History has taught us to always be grateful for what
we have these days, appreciating every single drop of sweat, tears and blood that has fallen
decades ago.

4.2 Ability To Access Information

BCM offers immersive and interactive experiences for visitors using audio-visual
technologies and augmented reality which enhances the display of the artifacts and supports
the storyline of the exhibition. During our visit to the museum, we are able to access
information regarding the artifacts in various ways. In each level, there are different

technologies that are used to access information. For example, in the “Time Changes”
exhibition, we came across an interactive type of map that shows the timeline of the
establishment of Sarawak starting from Brunei administration until the Brooke family’s reign
period. The interactive map also came with dual languages, which is English and Bahasa
Melayu. Hence, it makes the interactive map understandable by both locals and tourists that
are visiting the museum. Apart from that, we also discovered an augmented reality that tells
the folktale of Puteri Santubong and Puteri Sejinjang in a simple yet understandable way.

4.3 Relationship Between Organizing, Storing And Accessing

Organizing, storing, and accessing information are all interconnected processes that
play a critical part in efficiently managing and utilizing information.

Making meaningful links between categories of information, categorizing it logically,

and retrieving it quickly are all aspects of organizing. Classification schemes, hierarchies,
metadata assignment, and database structures are all examples of effective organization
techniques. The integrity, dependability, and accessibility of the information are all ensured
by Borneo Cultures Museum.

In order to ensure data security and integrity, BCM storing information entails
keeping it either physically or digitally for later use. Capacity, accessibility, backup plans,
and preservation techniques are just a few factors that need to be taken into account for
proper storage. It is possible to access information through physical archives, digital
databases, repositories, retrieval tools, and technologies. Accessing information simply
means having the ability to obtain information when needed.

The relationship between organizing, storing, and accessing information is a cyclical

process, with organizing, storing, and accessing information being the first step. The second
stage is organizing, storing, and updating information in order to keep it accurate, relevant,
and accessible. Efficient and effective information management necessitates the seamless
integration of various activities in order to improve productivity, decision-making,

collaboration, and knowledge exchange within BCM or among individual users.
5.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, the whole Borneo Cultures Museum visit may result in a fascinating and
enriching experience, allowing us to gain an understanding of craft, history, culture, and
science. As we are aware of, museums are important for the preservation and protection of our
collective cultural and historical heritage. They house priceless artifacts and original pieces of
craftsmanship that provide an emotional connection to the past. We contribute to the
preservation and support ongoing efforts to preserve these cultural valuables for generations to
come by visiting museums. To all those energy and effort to preserve the artifacts are highly
appreciated. It's no easy work but Borneo Cultural Museum manages to do it all professionally
and ethically by providing those precious artifacts, craft, history and culture to the public, and
promoting it using the current technologies so the visitors can have fun while wandering around
the building. The technologies are a smart way to attract more visitors to come and see the
history in Sarawak. We had a good time while visiting the museum and got to learn a lot of
moral lessons from the past incidents that occur in our beloved country. It taught us to be
grateful each day, remembering all the sacrifices made by our ancestors. Our hope is for the
Borneo Cultural Museum to keep this hard work so the future generations can see and
appreciate all of it.

6.0 References

borneo culture museum - Google Search. (n.d.). Retrieved July

10, 2023, from




NSW, M. & G. (n.d.). Cataloguing. MGNSW. Retrieved July 10, 2023, from



Borneo Cultures Museum . (2022).

- Sarawak Museum Department. (n.d.). Retrieved July

10, 2023, from

NL, E. (2022, March 4). Borneo Cultures Museum will open to public on March 9,

2022. DayakDaily.










7.0 Appendices

Diagram 1

Diagram 2

Diagram 3

Diagram 4

Diagram 5

Diagram 6

Diagram 7

Diagram 8

Diagram 9

Diagram 10

Diagram 11

Diagram 12

Diagram 13

Diagram 14

Diagram 15


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