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Unit 2

2.5 New Media

New media is any media – from newspaper articles and blogs to music and podcasts – that are
delivered digitally. From a website or email to mobile phones and streaming apps, any internet-
related form of communication can be considered new media. The new media are those types of
media that use digital technology (e.g. social media and the use of the internet). This is as
opposed to “old media”, which refers to traditional forms of media, such as print media (e.g.
newspapers and magazines), television and radio. It gives world in a finger touch. This is an
advance in the field of science and technology which has made our lives so easy and
comfortable. The print media like books, newspapers, magazines give information in the form of
words which have many restrictions and limitations. But this new media can explain things using
the combination of letters, sounds, visual effects and graphics which make the content more
interesting and easily understandable. New media are media that can be produced and distributed
digitally by anyone with an internet connection and generally involve two-way communication.
A few examples of new media include:

▪ Websites
▪ Blogs
▪ Email
▪ Social media networks
▪ Computer
▪ Smartphones

Characteristics of New Media

New media is known for its ability to involve the audience. This is known as interactivity.
Hence, we can say that compared to other media forms, new media has the most evolved
feedback system in place. Besides feedback, there are two other things that make new media
very special. The first is the way things are written. New media uses a narrative style of writing.
A narrative is a story. All of us like to read stories or listen to stories. If serious issues are written
in the form of stories, more people are likely to read them and learn from them. The other special

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feature of new media is the use of multimedia. As mentioned earlier, whenever stories are
supported by cartoons, moving pictures, sound and music, it is called multimedia.

Advantages of New Media

Information production is no longer just for the elites.

In the era of blogs, social media and instant communication, elites and the powerful no longer
hold a monopoly on mass dissemination of information. Anyone with an internet connection can
now have their beliefs and opinions broadcast to anyone around the world who wants to listen.
This removal of gatekeepers has allowed us to become not just information consumers, but also
information producers.

People can find their ‘tribe’.

With the rise of the internet, people can connect to people who share their interests from around
the world. This has led to the rise of a multitude of internet subcultures where people get together
on forums and associate with their ‘tribe’. Now, subculture groups (goths, LGBTQI youth,
punks, etc.) who feel out of place among their friends from school can go online and connect
with people who share their experiences.

National borders are less of a barrier.

In the 20th Century, our ability to communicate was often restricted to people in our local
community. This limited who we could associate with. Now we can communicate with anyone
sitting at anyplace at anytime.

Minority views and opinions can gain traction.

People from minority groups that were traditionally excluded from old mass media platforms
have found platforms to share their opinions online. Together, they have been able to form

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groups large enough to have their voices heard. Silenced voices have risen up – from the #metoo
movement to the Arab Spring – to change our world for the better.

We can stay in touch.

Prior to social media platforms like Facebook, we often lost touch with people form out past. But
now, thanks to social media, we can watch people from a distance and share our major
achievements, milestones and life changes to stay in touch with people on our distant periphery.

News is instantaneous.

Thanks to news apps, Twitter, etc., news spreads faster than ever. We no longer need to wait
until the 6pm news to access our news. As part of this instantaneous access to knowledge, we
now have what’s known as the “24 hour news cycle”. Consumers have an insatiable appetite for
news, so new media have to pump out an ongoing stream of ever more sensationalized news

Disadvantages of New Media

Misinformation spreads like wildfire.

Without traditional gatekeepers of knowledge such as editors and publishing houses, there is
nobody controlling which information is disseminated. Misinformation has become widespread
in the 21st Century thanks to social media (Allcott, Gentzkow & Yu, 2019).

Children can access inappropriate information more easily.

New media gives on-demand access to information. While in the past adult content was
broadcast late at night, today it can be accessed day and night. Scholars like Neil Postman
(1985) argue that there is a “disappearance of childhood” as a result of how media is changing.
As children have greater access to adult information, the innocence of childhood is being
decayed earlier than ever.

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Types of New Media
A computer is a machine that can be programmed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical
operations automatically. Modern computers can perform generic sets of operations known
as programs. These programs enable computers to perform a wide range of tasks. A computer
system is a "complete" computer that includes the hardware, operating system (main software),
and peripheral equipment needed and used for "full" operation. This term may also refer to a
group of computers that are linked and function together, such as a computer
network or computer cluster. In present computer technology has developed so much that it is
being used for millions of purposes. Libraries are using computers to store their data and even
books in this technology. Today in this age of information technology the use of computer is the
part media industry (Print, Broadcast, Electronic and Advertising Agency, News Agency and
Films). Composing, printing, animation, diagrams, audio, video visuals, large data storage and
centralized newspapers, magazines publishing is only possible through this advance system.
Online newspaper editions are also possible through this rapid technology.


The Internet (also known simply as "the Net" or less precisely as "the Web") is a more
interactive medium of mass media, and can be briefly described as "a network of networks".
Specifically, it is the worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer
networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It
consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and governmental networks, which
together carry various information and services, such as email, online chat, file transfer, and the
interlinked web pages and other documents of the World Wide Web. The Internet is quickly
becoming the center of mass media. Everything is becoming accessible via the internet. Rather
than picking up a newspaper, or watching the 10 o'clock news, people can log onto the internet to
get the news they want, when they want it. For example, many workers listen to the radio
through the Internet while sitting at their desk. Even the education system relies on the Internet.
Teachers can contact the entire class by sending one e-mail. It may be defined as the worlds
largest in network system (network of networks) that provide the fastest, easiest and cheapest
means for the countless users to get, provide and communicate information on a global basis.

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A smartphone is a portable device that combines mobile telephone and computing functions into
one unit. They are distinguished from feature phones by their stronger hardware capabilities and
extensive mobile operating systems, which facilitate wider software, internet (including web
browsing[1] over mobile broadband), and multimedia functionality (including music,
video, cameras, and gaming), alongside core phone functions such as voice calls and text
messaging. From a quick phone call to sending emoji-filled texts, we now have a very easy way
of staying in contact with our loved ones every day. Video chat was the game changer in mobile
phones because it gives those the opportunity to communicate over the phone face-to-face.
Having emails on your phone has certainly contributed to helping those who use emails at work.
You've got the ability to draft and respond to emails while on your daily commute.

Social Media:

Social media are interactive technologies that allow the creation or sharing/exchange of
information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of expression via virtual
communities and networks. While challenges to the definition of social media arise due to the
broad variety of stand-alone and built-in social-media services currently available, there are
some common features:

1. Social media are interactive Web 2.0 Internet-based applications.

2. User-generated content—such as text posts or comments, digital photos or videos, and
data generated through all online interactions—is the lifeblood of social media.
3. Users create service-specific profiles for the website or app that are designed and
maintained by the social-media organization.
4. Social media helps the development of online social networks by connecting a user's
profile with those of other individuals or groups.

Users usually access social media services via web-based apps on desktops and laptops,
or download services that offer social media functionality to their mobile devices
(e.g., smartphones and tablets). As users engage with these electronic services, they create highly
interactive platforms through which individuals, communities, and organizations can share, co-

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create, discuss, participate, and modify user-generated content or self-curated content posted
online. Additionally, social media are used to document memories; learn about and explore
things; advertise oneself; and form friendships along with the growth of ideas from the creation
of blogs, podcasts, videos, and gaming sites

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