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Escuela Secundaria Técnica 128

Atemajac de Brizuela, Jalisco

Activity 1

Listen and read the story / Escucha el audio y lee la historia.

The Tortoise and the Hare

Once upon a time there was a hare who spent all day bragging about how fast he
could run. Tired of hearing him boast, the tortoise, challenged him to a race.
“You must be kidding!” said the hare laughing. “I am so much faster than you.”
“We shall see,” the tortoise replied.
The next day, the animals of the forest gathered to watch the race. Everyone wanted
to see if the tortoise could beat the hare.
The bear started the race yelling “On you mark, get set, go!”
The hare immediately raced ahead, running faster than ever. He looked back and
saw the tortoise was only a few steps away from the starting line.
“Foolish tortoise, ” thought the hare. “He is so slow. Why would he want to race me
if he has no chance to win?”
Confident that he was going to win the race, the hare decided to stop in the middle
of the road to rest under a tree. The cool and pleasant shade of the tree was very
relaxing, so much so that the hare fell asleep.
Meanwhile, the tortoise continued walking slowly, but steady. He was determined
not to give up. Soon, he found the hare sleeping peacefully.
Escuela Secundaria Técnica 128
Atemajac de Brizuela, Jalisco
The tortoise was winning the race!
When the tortoise approached the finish line, all the animals in the forest began
cheering with excitement. The noise woke the hare, who could not believe his eyes:
the tortoise was crossing the finish line and he had lost the race.
Moral: You can be more successful by doing things slowly and steadily than
by acting quickly and carelessly.

Activity 2

Complete the story map / Completa el mapa del cuento.




Events (what happened)

Conclusion or moral
Escuela Secundaria Técnica 128
Atemajac de Brizuela, Jalisco
Instrucciones para la semana del 11 al 15 de Mayo 2020

*Las actividades serán enviadas por la maestra durante la semana, y se regresaran ya

contestadas a través de WhatsApp mediante el concejal de grupo el día viernes de cada
*No se aceptaran trabajos que no contengan cuerpo y forma requeridos.
*Las actividades tendrán que estar firmadas por los padres de familia y/o tutor.
*Las actividades no serán válidas si no están contestadas completamente y no son
entregadas a tiempo.
*Pueden imprimir las actividades y pegarlas en cuaderno, o dibujarlas en tu cuaderno.
*Puedes usar cualquier material de consulta que tengas en casa. (Libros, diccionario, pdf,
*Si existen dudas hacerlas saber a través del concejal de grupo.

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