I Believe

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I believe in Dandelions.

I lived in a small building surrounded by ungoverned lands, nothing but overgrown weeds ruled
every inch of the soil. But as spring ends, uninvited visitors will travel here with a breeze and
root for a summer. They are dandelions.

The last summer before I moved to America, I and my father were walking on a small path full of
dandelions. These unorganized, unrestrained souls are blooming, dancing, and teeming with
excitement about my future. But on the other hand, trepidation, concern, and fear are
swallowing me alive. As I was dragging my footsteps behind my dad, he noticed my worries. He
came beside me, matched my pace, and took a glance at the dandelions.

“You're worrying too much, things will turn out great.” He patted my right shoulder, his eyes
crinkling with the optimistic grin that appeared on his face. His eyes were still locked onto the
dancing plants in front of us.

“Easy for you to say, you aren’t going anyway.” I quietly squeezed out a complaint, “I don’t even
speak English, how are you expecting me to be great?” I questioned him with anger.

He responded to my question with a smile, like it was something funny. “Take a look at those
dandelions over there, what do you see?”

A gust of breeze passed me and carried my attention to the front, where those dandelions grew.
They looked similar to each other, although their height and size may be different, they were all
standing up straight to welcome the wind. As the wind approached them slowly, they started to
wobble along, trying to show off their flexibility. The wind seemed to be in a good mood and
didn’t get bothered by it, picked up a few seeds on the top, and continued its journey.

“What’s so special about them?” I couldn't understand the specialty of these common faces.

“I want you to understand them.” His words contained a sense of seriousness. “Dandelions
represent freedom, an optimistic mind for anything life will throw at you. Sure, the wind can
disappoint you, and cause you to end up in a puddle of mud, a pool of water, or a crack of rock,
and there is nothing you can change about it. But what you can control is your performance, no
matter where you land, grow the best out of you. Just like life, you have no vision of where
destiny will guide you, all you need is to accept it with the best work of yours. Sure, you will
bump into difficulties, challenges, and maybe failures, but sometimes, you only need a single
opportunity to land you in the correct direction. So don’t be scared, be excited on every ride life
may take you.”

Ever since that moment, his words directed me through difficulties and successes, with all these
stochastic events ahead, spread the best of me to everyone and every day will always prepare
me for the next page of my life.

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