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Bisphenol A (BPA) is a
chemical often found in
plastics and some metal
products, like water bottles
and canned food linings. It's
been getting a lot of attention
because it can mess with our
bodies, especially men's
testosterone levels. Here's a
simpler breakdown of how
BPA affects testosterone and
what it means for long-term

by acadawn group
Imagine your body as a finely tuned car, with
hormones like testosterone acting as the fuel. Now,
BPA comes in and throws a wrench in the works in
a few ways:
It's Like Putting the Wrong Fuel in the Tank
Testosterone Factory in Trouble: Your testes
have these cells called Leydig cells, which are
like little factories producing testosterone. BPA
can sneak into these factories and cause a
slowdown, making less testosterone.
Impersonating an Important Passenger
BPA Wearing a Disguise: BPA can act like
estrogen, a hormone usually more prominent in
women. It's like BPA puts on an estrogen mask,
tricking your body and messing with the normal
process of making testosterone.
Causing Internal Rust
Stress Inside Your Body: BPA can cause
something called oxidative stress, which is like
internal rust that damages the parts of your
body responsible for making testosterone.

by acadawn group

Soy products contain isoflavones, another class of

phytoestrogens, which have been the subject of debate
regarding their effects on male testosterone levels and overall

Isoflavones can bind to estrogen receptors in the body,

affecting the hormonal balance and testosterone levels. The
impact of soy on testosterone has been hypothesized to
involve the modulation of estrogen receptor activity or
interference with testosterone production.


Flax seeds are rich in lignans, a type of phytoestrogen, and

have been studied for their health benefits, including possible
protective effects against certain types of cancer. However,
their influence on testosterone levels and male reproductive
health has also been a subject of research

A study published in the "Journal of Endocrinology" found

that diets high in flax seeds can lower testosterone levels in
men. Another research suggested that flaxseed
supplementation could reduce testosterone levels, which
might influence prostate cancer dynamics, indicating a
complex interaction between diet, hormone regulation, and

by acadawn group

Polyester fabric often undergoes various chemical

treatments to enhance properties such as
colorfastness, wrinkle resistance, water repellency,
and durability. Some of these chemicals are
Phthalates, Antimony and Formaldehyde.
These chemicals are known as Endocrine Disruptors
(EDC´s) that interfere with the functioning of
hormonal systems in our bodies.

A research showed that wearing polyester

underwear for 24 months led to a significant decline
in sperm count in the participants.

These EDC´s can be absorbed by the body and can

cause harm to other hormonal mechanisms as well.

That´s why one should only wear garments made of

natural fabrics.

by acadawn group
Research shows that testosterone levels of men are
dropping by 1% each year. this is an epidemic of
masculinity. we at acadawn acknowledge this problem and
promise to bring you a comprehensive e-book on methods
to 2x your t levels naturally.

this is the first official announcement of

project masculine genesis

by acadawn group

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