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Cainta Catholic College

S. Y. 2023 – 2024
College Department
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan
Name: Jeramil S. Vegilla Level: Grade 2
Yr & Section: BEED III-A
Subject: ARTS Week:4

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:
1. Apply Repetition and Contrast in work of arts
2. Creates designs by repeating two or more kinds of line
3. Creates designs by contrasting two or more kinds of color and shape

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Repetition and Contrast
b. Instructional Materials:
Activity sheet
Powerpoint presentation
c. Reference:
Music and Arts (Lorna I. Zamora, Bezakeel M. Abuton Copy right 2017)

III. Procedure
a. P- rayer
b. A- ttendance
c. C- leanliness
d. U- niform

B. Activity

Presenting photos of the Repetition in Art

Ilustration: Fish and horses Brown

1. What can you say about the Illustration?

2. How are the animals drawn?

3.Is the artwork pleasing to look at? Why?

C. Analysis

Repetition- is the outstanding characteristic of rhythm. It happens when one object or element is
repeated in a work of art. In order to create repetition in a work of art, an element (line, shape, color or
object) should appear to be used many times.

Contrast- in art is the placement of opposite elements together (for example large and small
objects, light and dark colors, smooth and rough texture)

D. Abstraction

What is Repetition?

- Repetition happens when one line, object, or shape is repeated.

1. What is used in the design? Is there repetition?

2. What kind of line is shown below? Is the repetition?

E. Application

Create repetitions using the given line, shape, and object.

1. Zigzag
2. Triangle
3. Flower
IV. Assessment
Make a pattern using the given shape.
V. Assignment
Make a pattern using given shapes and use crayons to color your art.

VI. Values Integration

Patience and Show interest in lesson

VII. Gospel Integration

Ecclesiastes 7:8
“ Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit
is better than the proud in spirit”.

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