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NAME: Catherine Red Villante ACTIVITY NO.


I. Essay
Instruction: Answer and explain what are being asked for in the
Consider the Rubric Assessment in determining scores.
5 points if the explanations are accurate and there is correct usage
of words in the sentences.
3 points if the explanations are accurate but there are two incorrect
words in the sentences
1 point if there is an effort to explain but it is inaccurate
0 point if there is no answer

1. What is language? Give its best definition and discuss why it is a

meaning system.
Language can be defined as a system of communication that uses
words, symbols, and gestures to convey meaning. It is a complex
and dynamic system that allows humans to express their thoughts,
ideas, and emotions. Language is considered a meaning system
because it enables individuals to assign meaning to words and
symbols, allowing them to understand and interpret messages.
Language serves as a meaning system because it provides a
structure and framework for organizing and conveying information. It
allows individuals to encode their thoughts and ideas into words and
symbols, which can then be decoded and understood by others.
Through language, individuals can share their experiences, express
their needs and desires, and engage in social interactions.
2. Discuss how each of the four characteristics of effective verbal
language—clarity, directness, appropriateness, and vividness—plays
a role in ensuring successful communication. Explain.

Clarity: Clarity refers to the use of clear and precise language to

convey a message. It involves using words and expressions that are
easily understood by the intended audience. Clear communication
helps to avoid misunderstandings and confusion, ensuring that the
message is accurately received and interpreted.
Directness: Directness refers to the use of straightforward and
concise language to convey a message. It involves getting to the
point and avoiding unnecessary or ambiguous information. Direct
communication helps to maintain the focus of the message and
prevents the listener from getting lost or distracted.
Appropriateness: Appropriateness refers to the use of language that
is suitable for the context and the audience. It involves considering
factors such as the cultural norms, social dynamics, and the
relationship between the speaker and the listener. Using appropriate
language helps to establish rapport, build trust, and ensure that the
message is received positively.
Vividness: Vividness refers to the use of descriptive and engaging
language to create a vivid mental image or evoke emotions. It
involves using sensory details, vivid metaphors, and expressive
language to make the message more memorable and impactful.
Vivid communication helps to capture the listener's attention and
enhance their understanding and retention of the message.
By incorporating these characteristics into their verbal language,
individuals can enhance the effectiveness of their communication
and increase the likelihood of successful interaction.
3.Choose two functions of language and explain how they play a
role in maintaining positive interpersonal relationships within a
Language serves various functions in maintaining positive
interpersonal relationships within a workplace. Two important
functions are:
Expressing Support and Encouragement: Language allows
individuals to express support and encouragement to their
colleagues. By using positive and affirming language, individuals can
boost morale, motivate others, and create a supportive work
environment. This function of language helps to foster positive
relationships, build trust, and enhance teamwork.
Resolving Conflict and Negotiating: Language enables individuals to
address conflicts and negotiate solutions in the workplace. Through
effective communication, individuals can express their concerns,
listen to others' perspectives, and work towards finding mutually
beneficial resolutions. This function of language helps to prevent
misunderstandings, resolve disputes, and maintain harmonious

4. Provide a scenario of how each component of oral language

contributes to the success of a language-related activity for students
studying accounting and information systems.
Phonology: Students studying accounting and information systems
need to accurately pronounce technical terms and industry-specific
jargon. For example, when discussing financial statements or
presenting data, proper pronunciation of terms like "assets,"
"liabilities," and "revenue" is crucial to ensure that communication is
clear and easily understood by others, preventing misinterpretation
and confusion.
Morphology: Morphology deals with the structure and formation of
words. In accounting and information systems, the use of specific
terminology and abbreviations is common. Understanding the
morphology of these terms helps students convey information
efficiently. For instance, using abbreviations like "AP" for "Accounts
Payable" or "AR" for "Accounts Receivable" can save time and
enhance communication during discussions or presentations.
Syntax: Syntax is essential for conveying information accurately and
coherently. For example, using the correct word order when
discussing financial transactions or explaining data analysis is crucial
for effective communication. Students of accounting and
information systems need to use grammatically correct sentences
and follow the appropriate syntax to ensure that their messages are
clear and easily comprehensible.
Semantics: Semantics deals with the meaning of words and how
they relate to each other. In accounting and information systems,
precise and unambiguous language is essential to avoid
misunderstandings. Students must use terminology accurately and
understand the specific meanings associated with different
concepts. For instance, using terms like "net income," "gross profit," or
"cash flow" correctly ensures that the intended meaning is conveyed
Pragmatics: Pragmatics focuses on the use of language in different
social contexts. In accounting and information systems,
understanding the appropriate use of language in various situations
is crucial. Students of accounting and information systems need to
consider factors such as audience, purpose, and cultural norms
when communicating. For example, using formal language and
professional tone during client meetings or presentations
demonstrates professionalism and enhances the success of the
language-related activity.
By paying attention to these components of oral language,
accounting and information systems students studying accounting
and information systems can effectively communicate their
knowledge and ideas within their field of study.

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