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Participant Handbook



WHY HOSPITALITY JOBS ARE WORTH IT .......................................... 2

WHAT CRUISE LINES ARE LOOKING FOR ........................................ 3
MYTH ABOUT CRUISE SHIP JOBS .................................................... 5
SURVIVING YOUR FIRST CONTRACT ............................................... 7
RESUME AND INTERVIEW TIPS ...................................................... 11
RESEARCHING CRUISE LINES ...................................................... 13
PREPARING YOUR RESUME .......................................................... 14
YOUR CHANCE OF GETTING HIRED. ............................................. 24
IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF GETTING THE JOB .......................... 25
THE FUN FACT OF WORKING ON A SHIP ....................................... 26
CRUISE SHIPS DIVERSE CREW ..................................................... 28
FREE TIME ON CRUISE SHIPS........................................................ 30
CONVENIENCE FOOD FOR CREW ................................................ 33
WHY CLEAN CABINS ARE IMPORTANT. ......................................... 35
TACKLING SEA SICKNESS ............................................................. 38
DANGERS OF JUMPING CRUISE SHIPS ......................................... 42
TIPS FOR CRUISE SHIP CREW IN A FOREIGN PORT. ...................... 44
IS YOUR ENGLISH GOOD ENOUGH? ............................................. 47



The global hospitality industry is surging forward, leaving
a plethora of employment opportunities in its wake.
According to top audit firm Ernst & Young, the travel and
tourism sector creates one in every 11 jobs and is
expected to fashion 75 million more in the next 10 years.
This is great news for young people in the hospitality
industry, where very diverse opportunities present
themselves. Employers are also looking at experience,
so for those aiming for international career options,
choosing a good overseas recruitment agency can
prompt a promising trajectory. Other important skills
employers look for are teamwork, good communication
abilities and propensity for leadership.
Research suggests that hospitality jobs in the Middle
East are on the rise, with some reports predicting that
Dubai alone will open as many as 35,000 new rooms in
the next five years. This means there will be more jobs
to go around. In India itself, the Indian Bureau of
Immigration reported that the number of international
arrivals jumped by 10.2 per cent last year. With the new
relaxed visa regime, the number is expected to rise and
not surprisingly, jobs alongside.
Hotels offer a wide range of services, and as such,
require manpower to fulfill these. Hospitality jobs are
often associated with hard work, long hours, and time
away from family on regular holidays. However, these
are offset by passion for customer service, quick
learning and skills at entry-level positions, very good pay
in the higher strata and exposure to different cultures.


Hospitality jobs around the world involve a wide range of

opportunities, from working in housekeeping or food and
beverage to organizing events and sales. With changing
tastes and picky guests, aspirants can even find jobs as
strange as a Shisha Sommelier (Dubai), Tanning
Concierge (Arizona, US) or a Guacamologist (Dallas,
The hospitality industry is one of the most secure
globally since people everywhere will always need to
eat, drink and a place to sleep. What is important is
being open to new skills and knowledge and keeping
abreast of the trends.


The Very Basic Qualifications

For most cruise lines, in order to be considered for
shipboard employment, here are the very basic

• You must be 21 years of age or older.

• You must have a good command and

comprehension of the English language (reading,
writing, speaking).

• You must be able to obtain a passport and required

visas. Usually, a recruitment agent or cruise line will
help with obtaining the visas needed.


• You must be willing to commit to and be available for

a full contract as determined by the contract length
for the position in which you are qualified for.

• You must also be able to work a 7-day, 70 or 84-

hour work week with limited time off.

Four Qualities That Cruise Lines Are

Looking For

1. Enthusiasm
You need a bright and cheerful personality to work on a
cruise ship. In fact, cruise ship employers look very
closely at this. After all you will be living and working
long shifts within the confines of the ship and in daily
contact with the passengers who have paid a lot of
money for their holiday.

2. Reliability
Interviewers are very wary of recruiting new crew
members whom they suspect might “jump ship” when
the novelty wears off or when they start to feel home
sick. It’s very important you give the clear impression
that you are highly reliable and have every intention of
completing your contract and intend on coming
back. Don’t let them think that you are just going to
“give it a go”.

3. Experience
There is no use applying for a position that you have
never done before. If you do have land-based
experience in hotels, casinos, salons, and photography,
then this is where you should apply.


4. High Standards
If you consider that cruise ships are floating 5-star
hotels, you should get an idea of the sort of people an
employer is looking to hire. It is important to be very
professional and take pride in your work. This is not
always easy when you are working long hours in a fast-
paced environment.


There are many things that cruise ship jobs are and are
not, and most of the notions we believe come from
rumors or stories passed between friends and family.
Some of these might be true, and some not. Let’s look at
the top five myths about working on a cruise line.

× Working on a cruise line is quick, easy money.

While it is true that employees on a cruise ship receive
higher pay than those in land-based jobs, the pay does
not come easy. In general, you are paid for the entire
length of your contract, but not during your months off.
And labor laws require cruise companies to ensure that
each employee gets a minimum number of days off.
Contracts vary between six and eight months, with full-
time contracts ending with about two months off. For
many on the lower rung, seasonal contracts apply, and
getting called back is dependent on how soon a vacancy
opens up. It’s generally a smooth, regular rotation, but in
no instance should you take it lightly.

× Life on board is a constant party.

It is easy to see why so many are drawn to the attraction
of cruise ship life – social media posts and engaging


stories from working friends and family can make it

seem like a hell of a ride. But there’s a lot of work
involved. Crew have their own bars with alcohol and
food at reduced rates, and also take every opportunity to
enjoy their time off in port, but they work very hard when
they need to show up for duty.

× Cruise ship jobs are just regular jobs at sea.

It is true that nearly every hospitality job imaginable on
land is also up for grabs at sea. What you must
remember, however, is that it is only natural for cruise
companies to want to be able to accommodate the
economically optimum number of crew to guests allowed
by law. So, while all your friends back home enjoy eight
or nine hour work days, depending on which department
you are in, your shift might stagger throughout the day
and could last between 10-12 hours. You also work
seven days a week.

× You should avoid cruise ship jobs if you get

Cruise ships are not the heaving hunks of metal you see
on choppy seas in the movies. Most cruise lines choose
to visit regions and ports of call during the best weather
conditions there, so it’s quite unlikely that you might hit a
storm. Even so, most ships are fitted with stabilizers
which help ensure smooth sailing, and most of the time
you might not even know the ship is moving. If at all you
do feel slightly ill, medication for seasickness is easily
available over the counter at the cruise pharmacy. So,
it’s no reason at all to avoid pursuing your passion on



Working as a cruise ship is quite unlike anything you’ll

find on land. Living and working conditions vary with
each company but in general you’ll find similar situations
across the board. On your first contract, it’s easy to get
stressed with unfamiliar circumstances, but you will soon
discover a method to the madness.

Before you even leave for your port of embarkation,

you’ll have to pack your bags and former cruise ship
employees have the ultimate advice: pack light but
include lots of white socks and underwear. This might
seem like strange advice, but once on board you will find
that it makes a lot of sense. Cabins are small,
particularly for those lower in the hierarchy, so storing
bulky suitcases is difficult. Shelf space is also limited.
Crew are required to be in uniform – typically white –
while on duty so the only clothes required are for the
times you are free on board and in port. The white socks
and underwear come in handy for hot days when you
need to change often. However, do carry a sweater as
the air-conditioning in crew areas where you might relax
after hours often gets rather cold.

Once you arrive, you will be given your contract and

information about the ship. It is imperative to read these
very carefully so you are intimately aware of all the do’s
and don’ts on board, and what standards and principles
will govern you during the length of your contract. The
initial few days of the job, for first time cruise ship staff,
include orientation and training in things like safety and
other aspects related to the job you will do on board.


Always remember the way to your cabin when it is

shown to you, as without signs, many new employees
find themselves wasting valuable time searching for
what their home is now. Also note which areas are
meant for staff and those where only guests and officers
are allowed. Most cruise ship companies take
engagement with guests very seriously.

You will be required to keep your cabin clean at all

times, so it helps to create a schedule with your
roommate of how this will work. Additionally, it is
possible to pay a cleaner a small amount each week to
clean it for you. Cabin inspections occur every month so
you must also ensure you know what is in your room.
You can be in severe trouble if contraband items like
drugs, candles, toasters are found in your cabin, even if
it belongs to your roommate.

Doing laundry is usually not accounted for when

planning time off on first contracts, but this is important.
Often, there’s just one or two laundry rooms so it’s
imperative to hold out for as long as you can, and then
always stick around the room when your clothes are in
the machine. Theft of clothes or rushed crew taking your
load out and replacing it with theirs, is not unheard of.

It helps to carry your mobile phone and laptop with you,

along with chargers so you can take advantage of the
heavily discounted crew Wi-Fi and internet facilities on
board or get in touch with your family at free Wi-Fi spots
at the port. Saving movies or favorite TV shows on your
laptop or hard drive can come in handy during off-duty
hours when your roommate might be asleep, and you do
not want to switch on the cabin television.


The most important tip to surviving your first contract is

your relationships with the hundreds of colleagues and
supervisors you will meet and engage with every day.
With so many nationalities and personality types, it is
difficult to judge immediately who will be a genuine
friend. It is advisable to keep your cards close to your
chest and make friends at a pace you are comfortable
with. Getting into arguments or heated political debates
are better attempted with good friends.

Your first contract will be a breeze if you always

remember to work hard, be a good person to all on
board, and always put the guest first.



Cruise ship jobs entail skills quite different from those

required for similar shore-based jobs. With thousands of
people in a relatively small space so far away from
emergency services on shore, understanding passenger
behavior and knowing how to react during crises is
extremely important.
Most cruise ships have their own on-board training
programs to ensure you are familiar with their in-house
practices. However, some basic training is required
before you take on cruise ship jobs.

One of the fundamental training programs required is

STCW – Standards of Training, Certification and Watch-
keeping. This certification offers training in coping with
emergencies on board, including firefighting and
preventing fires, personal survival techniques,


elementary first aid, and the various personal and social

responsibilities you must adhere to while living and
working on board.
An STCW certificate is a prerequisite to joining the
cruise line, and there are refresher courses to keep your
certificates updated with the latest requirements every
five years.

On board, each cruise line will have training

programmes that orient crew with the specific workings
of that particular vessel. You will need to know your way
around the ship as soon as possible. Some courses give
you information and tips on how to deal with guests in
varied situations and what the hierarchy is when
escalating a matter.
Emergency drills and safety training on board are the
most important programmes cruise ship jobs put you
through. These tips stay with you for life and can even
assist you in situations back home as well.
Paying attention to on-board cruise ship safety training
helps avert disasters, particularly since guests can
quickly switch to panic mode. Young children and old
people need to be given special attention.
Strictly following the protocol of your cruise line can keep
everyone out of harm’s way, with the best chance of
survival in case of disasters. Each department ensures
that all its personnel are given refresher courses and are
allotted responsibilities that need to be fulfilled in various
situations. Training is also provided in handling
emergency equipment such as life jackets, fire
extinguishers, lifeboats, hydrants and breathing
apparatus if any.

All crew members will need to know the locations of

various emergency equipment, where to locate life


jackets during emergencies and how to help passengers

with putting them on.
Cruise ship companies also hold leadership training to
find crew with aptitude to control crowds. This program
teaches employees the right kind of communication to
use while helping large numbers of people to safety
while maintaining order and keeping them calm.
Such training programmes help cruise ship crew learn
how to first stay calm themselves, and then guide others
with clear, coherent instructions. Crisis situations can
cause tempers to fray and conflicts to arise between
passengers. With training, crew members learn how to
recognise situations before they escalate and diffuse
stressful scenarios to aid the smooth flow of crisis
management plans.
Other equally important training programmes on cruise
lines include tutorials on using crew devices for
communication and information, getting staff oriented
with processes and standard operating procedures
specific to your line of work, awareness of HESS policies
(Health, Environmental, Safety and Security), etc. Some
of these, particularly orientation and policies, are often
made available to employees before they come on
board for their cruise ship jobs.


To be completely honest, the competition for cruise ship

jobs is fierce. In this section, you will learn how to design
a portfolio that will make your qualifications shine.

It is important to understand why a cruise line would

want to hire you. For example, you may have strong


experience in customer service, or you may have

received formal culinary training, or perhaps you have
bartending experience. There is no use applying for a
position that you have never done before. You will not
be hired.

The less training the cruise line has to invest in you, the
better for them. Since the job competition is fierce, they
can easily find someone with more experience.

To convince the cruise line to hire you, your resume

should not be about how great you are. Instead, it
should be about what skills you have to offer the cruise
line. Think about their advantages of hiring you. If you
can fully understand what your prospective employer
wants, you will know how to convincingly present

Spend most of your efforts during this application

process on making your resume into the one that stands
out in the crowd. Your resume should be the most
dynamic, professional, and convincing application that
has yet passed through their hands.

Again, ask yourself this question: what qualifications and

experience do I have that will convince the cruise line to
hire me?

One more point … many onboard positions have been

filled by total luck. It may just so happen that the cruise
line needs to fill a position right away and your resume
shows up at that exact moment. Don’t count on this
being the way it will happen. However if this is the case,
your résumé’s first impression may be their deciding



It is important to research the cruise lines that you are

applying to. By doing so you can tailor your cover letter
and resume addressing specific areas of interest for that
particular cruise line. In addition, anything you learn
about the company and the industry will allow you to be
more confident during the interview.

There is a huge amount of information available about

all the different cruise lines. Visit each cruise line’s
website, read, and print the important pages about their
company history, the fleet, the ship’s home ports and
ports of call. Ask travel agents about cruise line
reputations and their track records. Attend industry
conventions and trade shows. If you live near a cruise
port, spend time at the cruise ship terminal. You may
make some contacts or learn some valuable industry

If you are sending out a large number of applications, it

can be easy to forget when and what you sent to each
cruise line. Use a binder to organize your
research. Label each section with the cruise line that
you have applied to. Include the following in each
section: an information sheet listing the position you
applied for, the name of the personnel director (if
available) and the date you mailed, faxed, or emailed the
application; printouts or notes about the cruise line’s
fleet; the company’s history; and a brochure on the
cruise line.



In a cruise line, the human resource or personnel

director receives more applications for a particular job
than he or she has time to interview. The first task that
the personnel director must accomplish is to choose
which applicants are the best candidates for the
position. The decision can be made simply on the
neatness and physical appearance of the application.
Think of this rule: the best resume ever prepared may
not get you every job you apply for, but a poorly
prepared and unattractive resume can lose you a job in
a second.

Always provide a resume that was done using a

computer. If you don’t have a computer, use one for free
at your local employment or job search center. There are
also businesses that do professional resume writing.
They often charge by the hour, so if you bring in a neatly
printed and organized copy you will save them time and
save yourself money.

High impact resumes should:

► Impress the reader to keep reading.

► Be visually appealing and easy to read.

► Be concise, no longer than three pages (including

your cover letter).

► Focus on your employer’s needs.


► Convey your job-related abilities rather than your

previous job duties.

► Communicate that you are responsible, energetic and


► Make you appear hirable and ready to fit in with the

other crew members.

Resume Sections
• Heading
The heading should consist of your full name, current
address, including country, phone number with area
code and email address. Avoid nicknames. If you are not
home very often, use a cellular phone number with
voicemail. Have a neutral or business-like message.
When including an email address, only use one that
looks professional.

There is no need to label your resume with ‘Resume’ or

any other title. This is obvious to the employer and is a
waste of valuable space.

• Objective
An objective tells the potential employer what position
you are applying for. If space turns out to be a problem
on your resume, this is the first section you should cut.
Since your cover letter will address what type of position
you are looking for, there is no reason to repeat yourself.

• Education & Training

List your education, beginning with the most advanced
or current degree first and then continuing through to
high school. Include your degree or diploma, college or


university attended, where and in what country. If you

did well in school, feel free to indicate your grade point

This is the section to include any special courses,

workshops, certificates or training you have taken if they
relate to the type of work you are seeking. Also include
any relevant awards and recognition you have received.

If you are a new college or university graduate without a

lot of work experience you should list this section first,
before employment experience. On the contrary, if you
lack post-secondary education, put your employment
experience first.

• Employment Experience
Briefly give the employer an overview of your work
experience that has taught you skills relevant to the
position you are applying for. Begin with your present or
most recent job and work backwards to your first
relevant job. If you are short on employment experience,
you can list any volunteer work that you feel is pertinent.
Include the following information: title of position,
company name, location of work (city/province/country)
and the dates of employment. Describe your work
responsibilities with emphasis on specific skills and
achievements. List your office and computer skills as
part of the duties of the corresponding job. Do not list
your previous salary or the reason for termination of a

• Languages
If you speak more than one language, list the languages
here. If you only speak English, do not include this


• Personal Information
You should list the following if you think they are an
asset or are important in your ability to do the job. If you
feel that they are negative, leave them out.

• Country of Citizenship
Mention if you have a current passport.

Birth date

Health: one word description such as excellent, good or


Never list any confidential numbers (e.g. passport

number, etc.) on your resume.

• References
Some resume experts feel that you should not list your
references on your resume. Instead, they say to write
that your references will be furnished upon request.

In fact, you save the personnel director time if you

simply list three or more good professional references.
Be sure to have permission from your references before
giving out their names. Ask them to contact you if they
receive any calls regarding your resume. Be sure to
include their full name, title, phone number and email

• Testimonials
A unique, highly effective way to get your message
across to prospective employers is to add a testimonial
section to your resume. Similar to recommendation
letters, testimonials add credibility to your presentation.


Instead of including letters of recommendation in your

application, extract, and list approximately five quotes
that previous employers have said about you. For
“John’s dynamic and outgoing personality enabled him
to interact well with our diverse customer base.” Richard
Finn, Shipley Hotel

“John’s ability to work independently, as well as part of a

team made him an exceptional asset to our
company.” Paul West, Windward Trading.

• Photograph
Due to discrimination laws, it is illegal in many countries
for employers to ask for an applicant’s photograph.
However, it is not unlawful to voluntarily submit a
photograph. Cruise lines often look for diversity in their
crew members or they may want to have a photograph
to simply associate a face to a name.

The bottom line is that if you live too far away to have a
face-to-face interview, then you should send a
photograph with your application, regardless of whether
or not they request one. Most personnel directors
interview their applicants by phone and would like to see
with whom they are speaking.

The photograph should be either a regular 4×6 print.

Send a casual yet conservative picture. Dress in
something similar to what you would be expected to
wear as a cruise line employee. Perhaps wear a blue
blazer with white pants or a skirt. This helps the
employer to envision you as one of their crew members.


• Cover Letter
The purpose of the cover letter is to advertise your
resume and convince the employer to take action. It
should provide the initial sizzle to capture the employer’s
attention. It is an invitation to read the resume in-depth.
As well as emphasizing your qualifications in relation to
the employer’s needs, it should give signals of your
personality, style, energy, and enthusiasm.

► Print your cover letter on the same type of paper as

the resume.

► Use the same heading style as your resume, with all

the same information.

► It is more personal if you can address the cover letter

by name to the personnel director. If you are unsure
whom to address, use ‘Shipboard Personnel’ or
‘Crewing Department’, followed by ‘To Whom it May
Concern’ or ‘Dear Sir or Madam.’

► Mention the position you are interested in obtaining

and if you would consider another position.” Mention that
you are available for immediate employment.

► You should use bullet points to summarize your

qualifications that make you hirable to the reader. Sell

► Your writing style should be direct, powerful and error

free. Eliminate extraneous words and check spelling,
grammar, and punctuation.

► Keep the letter short and to the point.


► Close the letter with “Sincerely,”

Your resume is meant to sell yourself to the employer.

Your cover letter should be the sizzle that accompanies
the sale.

• Online Applications
Online applications for shipboard jobs began several
years ago by simply submitting a resume electronically
via the cruise line’s website. Now most cruise lines have
adopted the use of online applications. These forms are
made up of questions that you must answer by filling in
limited-space boxes. Cruise lines prefer online
applications. While they may receive more applications,
they have a much easier time sorting the data. For
example, it is easy for the cruise line to find out who
selected Spanish as a second language if that is a skill
they require for a position. Online applications also
reduce paper waste and filing time for the company.

For the applicant, online applications save you money,

paper, and postage. Another benefit is that the cruise
line instantly receives your application. Disadvantages of
online applications are that they limit your creativity and
individuality. To counter this effect, it is especially
important to analyze your phrasing, grammar,
punctuation, and spelling when applying online. It is
important to condense your skills into key words and
sharp action phrases.

• Preparing for the Interview

It is of utmost importance to prepare, practice and
memorize the answers that you will give to the
interviewer’s questions. When forming your answers, be
aware that the interviewer is concerned with what you


can and will do for the cruise line, not what the cruise
line can do for you. The interviewer will be most
interested in your friendliness, professionalism,
dedication, teamwork, and willingness to help the public.
When you are preparing answers for the interviewer’s
questions, stress qualities related to the position you
have applied for. Offer answers that will make the
interviewer remember you, but most importantly, be
honest. Here is a list of questions that you may be asked
at the interview with hints to help prepare your answers:

Why do you want to work on a cruise ship?

HINTS: It’s a challenging yet rewarding career. You
enjoy being around people. You realize the ups and
downs of cruise ship life, but you have the skills to do a
great job.

What makes you qualified for this position?

HINTS: Do you have a background in customer service?
If so, mention your excellent customer service skills and
that you are ambitious, motivated, committed, intelligent
and a good team player.

What are some of your strengths?

HINTS: Are you a hardworking, enthusiastic, motivated
and happy person? Do you have a positive outlook?

Name one of your weaknesses?

HINTS: Always follow this answer with how you have
overcome this weakness.

How would you describe yourself using one word?

HINTS: Use words such as positive, motivated or


What do you know about our cruise line?

HINTS: This is a good opportunity to show off your
research and knowledge. Be prepared!

Do you like to travel?

HINTS: Obviously your answer should be ‘yes’ to this

Do you have any questions for me?

HINTS: Always have an intelligent question ready. For
example, “Will this job prepare me for a higher-level
position one day?” or “How will my performance be

Phone Interviews
Many of the cruise lines you apply to may be too far
away to allow for a personal interview. The most
important key is to speak with confidence, energy, and
enthusiasm. Convince the interviewer that you can do
the job. Your self-confidence will demonstrate that you
would be a valuable asset to their cruise line.

In-Person Interviews
An interview, whether in person or by phone, serves to
show an employer that you have the social and speaking
skills necessary for working with the public. The
personal interview also gives you the extra opportunity
to demonstrate that you know how to dress and act
properly. It is a good idea to bring extra resumes for any
others present at your interview.

All cruise lines look for socially skilled employees. When

you arrive at your interview, show patience and


composure in waiting. If you are nervous, use a

relaxation technique such as deep breathing. Avoid
nervous habits like fidgeting, giggling, or biting your
nails. When you meet the employer, shake his or her
hand, and smile.

Tips for a Successful Interview

► Arrive early.

► Dress conservatively, similar to the cruise line’s


► Pay attention to detail. For example, polish your


► Women should wear nylons if wearing a skirt.

► Ensure that your make-up and grooming are


► Do not wear an excessive amount of jewelry.

► Do not chew gum or smoke.

► Avoid controversial subjects such as politics and


► If you must disagree do so calmly.

► Do not speak negatively of past employers or


The interviewer is looking for creativity, sense of humor

and your ability to think on your feet. When asked a


question for which you have prepared an answer, pause

before answering so you don’t sound rehearsed. If you
are asked a question that you are unprepared for, sit
back, think for a moment before answering and be


From dance hosts and photographers to social hosts
and pursers, there is a shipboard job for just about
anyone. If the idea of working on a cruise ship puts a big
smile on your face, you will be very happy to know that
the cruise lines are always hiring. The majority of cruise
ships operate in North America; however, cruise lines
hire applicants from almost every country in the world.

So how are you going to be successful in securing a

shipboard job?

The competition for jobs onboard cruise ships is high,

but the good news is that the cruise industry is one of
the fastest growing travel sector in the world. In 2018, a
record 28.5 million passengers worldwide went on a
cruise. Just consider that there is, on average, one crew
member for every three passengers. That translates into
a lot of jobs.

The average contract for a crewmember is 6 months,

and the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA)
reports that as many as 20% do not return to the
ship. The reason is because many people don’t work on
a ship as a lifelong career. This is why the cruise lines
have to continually hire new staff and crew.

In addition, new cruise ships are steadily being built. 19

new ships are expected this year (2023) and 14 more


are scheduled for 2024. That’s well over 50,000 more

passengers and an average of 17,000 more jobs coming


This is a must-read as these are the very basics to
know before applying.

• Do your research on what it’s like to work on a ship.

Read the articles you find in these notes and
anything you can find about working onboard a
cruise ship.

• Customize your CV/resume and cover the letter for

each cruise line position you are applying for.

• Set your Facebook privacy settings on high when

doing an active job search. Employers will search
and find you. If they don’t like what they see, you will
not get the job.

• Find a recruitment agent in your country and contact

them to find out how to apply for a job on a cruise
ship. Simple? Yes, it is!

• Take an English class if you need to improve your

English. English is a mandatory language on most
cruise ships, and you must be good enough to have
conversations with people, to understand technical
terms in your area of expertise and to understand
safety instructions given to you during safety drills.


• Please do not post your resume on Facebook. It’s

not a professional way of doing a job search and will
not get you hired by a cruise line or recruitment
agent. In fact, it may work against you.

• Do not make any spelling or grammar mistakes on

your resume.

• Do not be lazy. Do your research and follow these



When it comes to cruise ship jobs, your workplace is
your world for the duration of the contract. Crew
members work and live on the vessel, making careers
and enjoying social lives, all in the same floating space.

To keep employees happy and eager to work on board,

cruise ship companies have a team dedicated to crew
welfare and entertainment. Many vessels these days
have an expansive crew only area that is out of bounds
for passengers. Here, you’ll find a fully equipped gym, a
swimming pool and deck, lounge areas, dining rooms,
internet cafes, and even pubs.

One of the most frequented spots is the crew bar,

typically located on Deck 3 that goes by the name ‘I-95’
after one of the oldest highways in the US. Here, alcohol
is much cheaper than in guest areas and anecdotes
reveal some of the wildest parties on board take place
here. However, all crew are aware that despite having
easy access to alcohol, they must turn up to work in a


responsible, sober state and be able to put in the

required hours the following day.

Cruise ships often hire a manager and team solely to

ensure crew enjoy themselves while on board. The team
organizes a host of events throughout the year, looks
after logistics and decides how to spend the crew
entertainment budget in the best way possible.

Before the ship reaches port, the team organizes tours

and other activities that can be availed by crew who are
free to go ashore. They also coordinate activities for
corporate social responsibility taken on by the cruise
company and encourage crew to volunteer and

Most cruise vessels have crew from around the world,

representing many different nationalities and cultures.
Companies take trouble to ensure that important
national and religious holidays of all the major
represented cultures are celebrated with equal fanfare.
Cruise ship crew from India can be certain that there will
be crew festivities for Diwali and Eid as there are for
Christmas, Thanksgiving and Hanukkah.

Crew will often see theme parties, movie nights and

other activities organized on a regular basis.
Management sometimes provides on board television
channels with a variety of movies for staff, as well as
crew bingo, and at times, live shows. There are
extensive libraries that rent out movies and books, crew
competitions, party games and quizzes, and board


Some cruises often also put together skills expansion

courses, such as language classes or management
sessions with certification so interested staff can work
their way up or build their resume while on contract.


Cruise ships are probably some of the most culturally
diverse workplaces on the planet. Often cruise vessels
can have more than a thousand people working as crew
themselves. Symphony of the Seas, the largest cruise
ship in the world, carries a 2200-person crew of people
from the far corners of the world.

Diversity in nationality
According to the Royal Caribbean cruise line, there are
more than a hundred different nationalities working
across their fleet. Some of these might be part of their
shore teams, but a large majority of nationalities
comprise their cruise ship crew.

A diverse crew allows companies to cater to a wider

range of cruising guests. For example, the number of
Indians holidaying on cruise ships is steadily increasing.
In 2017, we recorded a 27 per cent increase in
passengers in Singapore alone, according to Cruise
Lines International Association. Meeting crew from your
own country adds a feeling of extra warmth and comfort
to the guest cruising experience.

Typically, cruise ship crew in catering, service and

housekeeping tend to be drawn from southeast Asian
markets where conversion rates to the dollar allow them
to earn salaries higher than standard shore jobs. India,


the Philippines, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan,

Thailand, etc. are popular nationalities in this sector.

But as part of the crew, you will likely meet people

working in all other sectors as well, from entertainment
and sales to human resources and youth services. It’s
possible to meet people from as far as Peru, Israel,
Jamaica, and Guatemala to even lesser-known
countries such as Guyana, Dominica, Zambia and

Cruise ship companies ensure that a wide array of crew

activities are organized to help break the ice among
personnel on board. From theme nights to regional
festival celebrations such as Diwali or Holi, to regular
crew parties, companies ensure that everyone feels
welcomed and has the opportunity to interact with
people from diverse backgrounds.

Diversity in gender
Diversity is required not just culturally but also in gender.
A 2017 consensus by the Australian Journal of Maritime
& Ocean Affairs estimated that just two per cent (or
24,000) of the 1.2 million seafarers around the world
(IMO figures) are women. Of the 24,000, just 20 per cent
are women, and most have cruise ship jobs.

The cruise industry is working hard to improve gender

diversity on board. Celebrity Cruises boosted the
number of women working across their fleet from three
per cent to 22 per cent in just four years.

In 2007, the cruise industry saw the first woman

appointed captain – Sweden’s Karin Stahre-Janson took


over the helm of Royal Caribbean’s Monarch of the

Seas. Since then, many other lines have had female
cruise captains, including Cunard, P&O Cruises,
Windstar – whose Belinda Bennett became the first
black female captain, Sea Cloud Cruises, AIDA,
Silversea, and Regent Seven Seas Cruises.

Women have proved themselves in positions of authority

and are now being recognized for it too. The IMO Award
for Exceptional Bravery at Sea in 2016 went to Captain
Radhika Menon, of Indian descent no less and the first
woman to receive this honor. She was recognized for
her role in rescuing seven fishermen from a sinking
fishing boat.

There are still many barriers that prevent women from

working at sea, especially in high-ranking positions and
technical roles, but organizations such as the
International Labor Organization are working to improve
gender diversity on board.


It’s common knowledge that cruise ship crew have fairly
demanding jobs. They often work up to 12 hours and
may not see port for days at a stretch depending on the
roster. But when they do get some free time, there are a
few things they typically like to do.

International maritime law requires a minimum number
of crew on board at all times, which when berthed is
called In Port Manning. These duties are swapped


around between departments on a regular basis, so

everyone gets a turn.

Being on In Port Manning doesn’t mean you’re stuck

with a job. You could be free to do your own thing based
on your roster unless there’s an emergency. This is
usually the time cruise ship crew take to catch up on

Cruise ship chefs’ jobs are slightly less hectic during the
day while in port since most guests eat ashore. Many
crew members like to do some reading during their free
time as well – perhaps they’re studying to get ahead in
their careers, or just want to binge on a crime novel.

Internet is expensive on board, even for crew, so while

they might write an email or two home, they will avoid
live streaming shows or movies. For this, the cruise ship
broadcasts popular films which crew members can
watch in their rooms if they have a TV there or in the
common lounge. Sometimes these may not be in
English, so crew take the opportunity to brush up or get
acquainted with a new language.

Cruise ship crew also use their free time to get their
personal chores done. Perhaps they need to stock up on
supplies from the on-board store or get a haircut. One of
the most important chores they like completing when
they have time off is their laundry. It’s imperative that
cruise ship crew are always impeccably dressed in a
well-pressed uniform. Laundry rooms in the crew area
are some of the busiest places on board.

Finally, some of the most fun memories on board are

made in the crew bar. This is where you’ll find crew


relaxing and spending time with their friends. Alcohol is

sold at a far cheaper rate than at guest bars, and the
cruise company often puts on theme nights to boost

Many times, cruise ship crew will take the opportunity to
go ashore and explore the area. Some cruise companies
organize special tours at discounted rates for crew.
Others host voluntary activities with local communities
that crew can participate in.

Ship crew on their first run of the itinerary will mostly try
to get out and enjoy time in port, discovering new
restaurants, relaxing on the beach, or doing other tourist
activities. Seasoned crew prefer to take advantage of
the high-speed internet available ashore to catch up with
their families. Many cafés and restaurants cater
specifically to the crew and offer discounts and free Wi-
They also take the opportunity to do some shopping –
not everything is available in the crew shop on board,
and even these prices are slightly higher than those on
land. Some ports offer a free shuttle service for crew to
get to the main shopping hubs.

Crew often get together based on nationality and it’s not

uncommon to see them heading to their favorite
restaurant to get a taste of home. It offers a welcome
departure from ship meals and keeps the homesickness
in check.

Port calls are also a time for crew to send money home.
Dozens of money transfer opportunities exist. Crew


centers in port usually offer cheaper rates than the ones

on board.

Cruise ship crew only have a few free hours in port and
should use it in a way that helps maintain their mental
well-being. But whatever they do, they must ensure they
are back on board at least an hour before departure.


Cruise ship jobs take you far from the comforts you’re
used to. With the demands of the job, it’s not uncommon
that sometimes you find yourself either too tired or too
lazy to make the breakfast, lunch or dinner schedule. At
this time, convenience food is your savior.
For health reasons, it is not recommended that one eats
convenience food often. This is because they are usually
high in salt or sugar content, preservatives, saturated
fats and food additives. That said, they are the easiest
snack or instant food available on the run.
Many cruise ships have restrictions on convenience
foods available to passengers, possibly to encourage
them to spend on eating freshly prepared food in the
various restaurants on board. Some allow them to bring
restricted pre-packaged items including a few packets of
cookies and salty snacks such as beef jerky.
On the other hand, for people with cruise ship jobs,
management tries to make life easier by offering items
they enjoy. The general crew store on board will typically
have a selected variety of crisps, instant noodles and
quick ready-to-eat food.


Packaged cheese and processed meat is considered

convenience food – it’s easy to pick up a wedge of La
Vache Qui Rit and pop it into your mouth or spread it on
a slice of bread on the go. Soft drinks and beverages
such as Pepsi, Coca Cola and their associated brands
are also usually available.
Passengers were allowed earlier to bring a certain
amount of bottled water and non-alcoholic beverages on
board, but some cruise lines such as Carnival now
require these to be bought on board in cans. Any sodas
or bottled water brought on board by passengers are
confiscated and returned to guests at the end of the
Crisps from Lays, Pringles and Doritos nachos are very
popular worldwide, and should be available to crew
although there may not be the variety of flavors you
expect. They may be priced slightly higher than usual so
check with on-board regulations if you can bring a few
packets back from shore visits.
Oreos are another popular convenience food, which is
usually made available to crew at the general store.
There may be instances of instant ramen, soups, and
ready-mix pastas like macaroni and cheese, but you
must remember that most cruise ships do not allow crew
to take such consumables back to their rooms. They
must be eaten in the mess or crew dining area where
any crumbs and spillage can easily be cleaned and
Other convenience food that is easily available is
commercial chocolates such as Twix, Snickers, Kit Kat,


Haribo gummies and the like. It might be wiser to opt for

cereal bars and packaged mixed dry fruit as snacks
when you’re hungry to keep your health in check.
Passengers can find easy substitutes for their favorite
convenience food on board. Instead of Doritos, they can
order a plate of cheesy nachos. Any Asian restaurant on
board will be happy to make a customized bowl of
ramen to replace their craving for instant noodles.
Bakeries on board are filled with tantalizing options
including freshly made pretzels, chocolate chip biscuits,
sandwich cookies and more that will satisfy a yearning
for items like Oreos and Chips Ahoy.
As part of cruise ship jobs, you may be asked by
passengers about the availability of convenience food. If
the vessel you work on offers a limited range or none at
all, point them in the direction of the nearest restaurant
that makes worthy substitutes from fresh ingredients.


As cruise ship crew, you will call your cabin ‘home’ for
anywhere between six to eight months, depending on
your contract. Based on your position, you will share
your cabin – with one person, if you’re lucky, or up to
three others. Single cabins are only available to superior
officers. And just like your home, you will be required to
keep it clean all the time.
Clean cabins play an important part in life on board,
sometimes for quite unexpected reasons. Here are a few
reasons why cruise ship crew need to clean their cabins.


• Safety
On ships, safety comes first. Every cabin – whether a
guest stateroom or crew cabin – is required to have
certain safety items such as life jackets for every
resident. These need to be always accessible.
Cabin inspectors do regular checkups and crew will be
pulled up if anything is found obstructing access to
safety items. Crew are also prohibited from cooking in
their cabins as this poses a safety hazard. So, any sign
of a hot plate or other heating instrument could mean
trouble. No food is allowed from the mess back to the
cabins either. You must eat in the areas designated for
the purpose.

• To avoid disease
Cleanliness and hygiene are of utmost importance on
board a cruise ship. Due to close living quarters, it is
extremely easy for contagious diseases to spread
rapidly and turn into an epidemic.
It is best to keep any eating or snacking out of cabin
areas as this might create problems with your superiors.
Even the slightest bit of food could invite cockroaches,
flies or even microscopic germs that can cause disease.
Cleaning up after yourself is also important. Remove any
food crumbs that may have caught onto your clothes
and dispose of them properly. Wash your clothes and
linen regularly. A clean room is also less likely to trigger
any allergies from dust mites.

• To stay organized
It might take something to believe this, but putting effort
into cleaning your room can make you more organized
or efficient with your work. Right off the bat, you will
spend less time getting ready for work since everything
will already be in place.


You will start to put things away as soon as you are

done with them, instead of waiting to clean up at a
specific time. This gets transferred, often unknowingly,
to your workspace, where you will return items to the
place you found them in. Everyone doing this helps the
ship run like well-oiled machinery.

• Illusion of space
A clean room makes your room seem bigger. It is well
known that cruise ship crew cabins are fairly small as
space is minimal. With a mess, it will feel smaller and
more cramped, which can make people irritable. A neat
room will do just the opposite.

• Positive mindset
Even as small a chore as making your bed can help you
feel uplifted. An Indiana University study showed that
clearing up your room can help you organise your
thoughts. It can even leave you with feelings of pride
and happiness that stem from a sense of

• Happy cabin mates

It is the responsibility of all in the room to share the task
of cleaning it. If everyone does their bit on time, there is
less likely to be conflict over messy spaces. After all,
both cabin mates will be pulled up by the inspector if the
place is out of order.
You can share responsibility by dividing tasks fairly –
each person does a specific set of jobs and swaps with
the other every day or week. Or cabin mates sometimes
get together and pay another crew member to do it for



While most cruise liners sail in calm, placid waters
during excellent weather, a slight swaying of the ship
might be inevitable. Seasickness is a type of motion
sickness that comes with being on a vessel in the water
for some time.

Presumably, it is caused by being on an object in

motion, such as a ship, that moves in opposition to our
body’s natural inclination for balance. If you feel nausea,
dizziness, stomach cramps and vomit while on the
cruise liner, you could be suffering from a bout of

The severity of seasickness varies from person to

person. Often, if you stand on the bridge of the ship and
watch the waves, your body anticipates the direction of
movement and adjusts its balance accordingly, just as it
would when you drive on a twisting road. However,
down in the belly of the cruise liner – which is where
most staff work and live – you might not be able to see
the waves.

Some professional mariners believe that three-quarters

of people get acclimatized to the motion of the sea and
are naturally cured. But for first timers, a number of
solutions have been suggested. If you are close to a port
hole or can look out to see from the window of your
restaurant, watch a stable object such as the horizon.
Avoid reading or using a computer, but if you must, take
frequent breaks to look at something stable.

Another easy way is to ensure that you move away from

strong smells and take deep breaths of fresh air.


Keeping your cabin clean will ensure that you avoid this
sea-sickness trigger. Eat healthy, but light food. Cruise
ships offer delicious food to the crew too, but greasy,
high-fat food as well as heavy, sugary treats are unlikely
to stay down when you feel nauseous. It’s a good idea to
take small sips of water frequently to stay well hydrated.

Although there is no real scientific evidence, ginger has

often been used to alleviate nausea. Perhaps a cup of
ginger tea might help. But avoid the milk – as well as
other dairy products – as these are known to be harder
to digest. Staying away from alcohol when the sea has
swells will do you good, as it is known to dehydrate.

If the weather forecast shows swells and you know you

are prone to seasickness, ensure you are well rested
and hydrated in advance, and eat appropriately. The
best foods are light and bland, such as crackers, toast,
or a light fruit such as apples. It is also believed that
sucking on a slice of lemon can help relieve nausea, as
do a few olives.
If you feel comfortable taking medication, cruise ships
have an on-board doctor who can help. Stores for crew
will also stock over-the-counter anti-seasickness
medication. It is advisable to take this before you are
actually sick as vomiting will make it hard to keep the pill

Seasickness, like motion sickness, normally comes with

a headache and a feeling of general uneasiness. Giving
the pill half an hour to work will ensure further symptoms
subside. If you are due to go on duty, ask for medication
that does not cause drowsiness.




Thousands of people need to be fed on a regular basis

each day on a typical cruise line, and with the volume of
food being prepared, cooked and served, the number of
dirty dishes also piles up. The danger of dirty dishes and
raw food stems from the buildup of dangerous bacteria
and viruses which can make people very sick.

One of the most contagious illnesses that strike cruise

ships in particular is from the Norovirus bug, which
causes symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and
abdominal pain. It is easily transmitted through person-
to-person contact, through food, water and sometimes
even via air-borne particles of vomit. With so many
people on a cruise ship in close proximity to each other
– both guests and staff – this virus can travel extremely
fast and cause an epidemic. The main method of
prevention of food-borne illnesses on cruise ships is
cleanliness and hygiene.

All cruise ship kitchens maintain a high standard of

hygiene and cleanliness to prevent food-borne illnesses
from being spread. All staff working in the galley,
including cruise ship chefs, must wash their hands
thoroughly as often as required, particularly before and
after working with different types of foods, and after
using the toilet. They are also expected to use single-
use gloves when handling items like raw meat, poultry,
and seafood.


They also have high-standard personal hygiene rules,

including having short, neatly cut nails at all times, hair
tied away from the face and beards trimmed, and clean
uniforms. Staff involved in preparation and cooking food
are even prohibited from wearing jewelry, including

Food shipments go through a thorough check on

delivery for standards of cleanliness before being stored
in areas that are sanitized on a regular basis. Before
preparation, raw food, particularly salad leaves and fruit,
are washed thoroughly. Some cruise ships have their
own industrial-size salad washing machines that allow
them to efficiently wash large quantities of leaves in a
shorter period without compromising on cleanliness.

Restaurants, cafés, and other food service areas are

constantly kept clean by staff specially assigned to the
job. Self-serve stalls, such as beverage or ice cream
machines, pasta or dessert counters and sandwich bars,
are areas that need constant attention and regular

Cruise ship galleys have strict guidelines for dealing with

dirty dishes and utensils. Most follow the process of
rinse, clean and sanitize, in which remaining dried bits of
food are first scraped off the dish or utensil, which is
then rinsed in potable water, then cleaned with a food-
grade detergent, and finally sanitized with a food-grade
chemical solution or hot water before being left to air-

Regulatory authorities, such as the United States Public

Health department and Centre for Disease Control and
Prevention, require that galleys are in order before


closing for the day, so staff are often working late into
the night to ensure every last fork is cleaned, every
piece of equipment and service area is wiped down with
sanitizing solution, the storerooms are in order and food
is labelled appropriately.

Even though the lowest level of kitchen staff – the utility

assistants and cleaners – may not require prior training
to land cruise ship jobs, they receive thorough training
on board and are constantly supervised to ensure they
follow the correct procedures. Spot checks by
management are common as are frequent unannounced
inspections by health authorities.

Cruise companies can be fined heavily or lose licenses if

they fail government health checks. This means that all
levels of kitchen staff must comply with high-quality strict
health and safety standards at all times.


Many Indians have long harbored desires of living in
more developed countries, particularly in the West –
Europe and North America. One of the perks of cruise
ship jobs is being able to visit many of these countries,
and the temptation to Jumping the cruise and staying on
is very real and frankly quite dangerous.
Back when cruising was an emerging market, dozens of
crew jumped ships and made comfortable lives for
themselves abroad. Today, with the ongoing refugee
crisis and economic pressures of maintaining an
increasing population, governments are cracking down
hard on illegal immigrants.


It might seem like an easy idea to overstay your visa, but

the fact remains that once you have crossed over that
date, you are considered an illegal immigrant. The US is
one of the top countries that crew attempt to jump ship
to and if caught, you could be fined up to US$250 and
imprisoned for up to six months.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. With a turbid socio-
political climate, the US is becoming an increasingly
uncomfortable place to be an immigrant, legal or not.
People of colour often find themselves victims of crime,
and if you have jumped ship, it creates a dilemma of
whether one should report the crime or not for fear of
being deported.

The lack of identity can be a problem, especially when it

comes to healthcare. Without insurance, it can be very
expensive to get adequate care for serious conditions. If
you have been seriously injured, are unconscious, or
worse killed, the lack of identity may make it more
difficult for authorities to get the information across to
your relatives back home.

As an illegal immigrant, if you are convicted of crime –

innocent or not, the consequences are much tougher to
deal with. You can be imprisoned for 10 years or more
without hope of parole or supervised release.

If you jump ship, get caught and are deported, there is

very little chance that you will ever be given a US visa
again. In addition, many developed countries can base
their reviews of visa applications on rejections or
approvals by other countries, and you may thwart your
own chances of getting even a tourist visa to places in


the Schengen zone, the UK, Australia, and Canada if

you are blacklisted in the system.

Successfully jumping ship is fraught with dangers. As a

cruise ship crew member, if you do not report back when
a ship has left port and it is confirmed that you have
jumped ship, you are immediately struck off the
employment rolls. No company wants to take
responsibility for anyone connected to them violating
international immigration law.

Some people have tried to jump ship after it has left port,
imagining that swimming the deceptively short distance
to shore will be easy. Reports have suggested that
people have died in the attempt.

Living abroad illegally is infinitely harder than working on

board a cruise ship. You are constantly trying to avoid
getting caught and the few jobs available to people
without sufficient documentation offer minimum wage at
best. Additionally, you are thousands of miles away from
your family with no way back to them without the risk of
being able to re-enter your ‘adoptive’ country. There are
many who have jumped ship and gone years without
visiting their loved ones.

Any so-called benefits of jumping ship by cruise ship

crew are far outweighed by the dangers of doing so.


Shore leave is one of the most awaited benefits for
people with cruise ship jobs. It’s where many of the


memories are made and Instagram pictures are taken.

Cruise ships stop at beautiful ports of call around the
world, so taking advantage of shore leave and exploring
the place is on every crew member’s to-do list. Here are
a few things to think of when you’re planning to go

• Experience the local

Because culture is so different around the world, shore
leave gives you the chance to discover new things.
Cruise ship chefs in particular should take the
opportunity to taste local dishes and exotic ingredients
hard to find in other parts of the world.
There could be craft beers or local liquor, a specific type
of seafood, fruit or vegetables. These will help open your
tastebuds to new flavor combinations that may come in
handy if you decide to start your own venture.
Experience counts.

• Shopping
Take a trip to the local supermarket and pick up a few
essentials. While cruise ship crew have access to a
store that offers items for a more discounted rate than
passengers, you may still not enjoy the variety you do on
land. If you have a particular sunscreen or toothpaste
you use, it is worth a trip to the local store to stock up.
Getting a hold of medication is easier on land. Just
remember to carry your prescription as many
pharmacies in western countries are averse to selling
drugs without them.
Items like clothes and souvenirs will probably be more
expensive on land, so save these for a special purchase.


• Be respectful.
It’s important to note that while every port is a tourist
destination, there are local customs and traditions that
deserve your respect. It is never alright to enter a place
of worship dressed in a swimming costume or even
shorts, so always carry a wrap around you can use to
cover up.
Learn about the local laws and traditions so you can be
mindful as you enjoy your time in port. Take photocopies
of necessary documents with you when you go ashore in
case you need to show a law enforcement officer. Never
litter, even if a dustbin is not easily available or you see
other trash on the street. Carry your trash back with you
to dispose on board or at the nearest available
Avoid unruly drunken behavior and walk away from
stressful situations that may lead to brawls, even if you
are not at fault. Police may side with the locals and the
last thing you want is a night in jail in a foreign country.
Treat everyone with respect and they will surely return
the favour.

• Get in touch with home.

Getting out in port is a great chance to contact home.
Cruise ships often have expensive internet connections,
so in port you can make cheaper video calls to relatives
and friends.
Keep the bonds of friendship and family alive, so you
can easily pick up where you left off when you come
home, and those you have left behind can feel loved and

• Take advantage of crew excursions

Cruise ships try to keep crew happy and one of the ways
they do so is organizing excursions in port. These are


separate from passenger excursions and can be much

cheaper. You can get the chance to see local
monuments, relax at a beach and generally have a good
time without worrying about guests.
These are mostly organized by big cruise ship
companies and should there be a delay, the ship will
wait for you.

• Keep an eye on the time.

This is important during those times when you do not go
ashore on a ship excursion. Always ensure you get back
to the ship at the designated time, which is usually an
hour before scheduled departure. If you miss the ship in
this case, it will go on without you. You will have to pay
for transport back to the ship and your contract may be


Cruise lines usually hire people with a relevant
professional background and a good command of the
English language. Perhaps you have the experience,
but is your English good enough?

English is the mandatory language on most ships, and

you must be good enough to have conversations with
people, to understand technical terms in your area of
expertise and to understand safety instructions given to
you during safety drills. In fact, Safety Officers on ships
can get you signed off the ship if they feel that your
English language skills are not strong enough as this
may endanger you and other passengers in case of an


Some cruise lines may ask you to take an English

language proficiency test, so if you are not sure how
good your English-speaking ability it, you should take
some lessons beforehand.

You can’t learn to speak conversational English just from

reading a textbook. Watching English movies will NOT
help improve your English-speaking skills either. You
must listen to a level of English that you understand.

Speaking more than one language can certainly be

useful on ships as there will be guests of many
nationalities, but English will most definitely be the
primary language.

Test Your Level of English

Here are some free online tests you can take to find out if
you need to upgrade your English language skills.



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