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Land Use and Climate


January, 2024


Job Title : Land use and Climate Specialist

Directorate : Climate ad Market Transformation

Direct Supervisor : Climate and Energy Program Lead

Scope of Work : National

Work Location : Jakarta


Providing support to the effort of mainstreaming climate change mitigation and adaption to the WWF Indonesia
land-based programs through influencing mindsets, policies, and management practices to make them more
climate–related. Role in strategic and annual planning and policy development, ensuring alignment with global
strategies and policies and ensuring WWF Indonesia's substantial role in WWF global strategies and policies
regarding climate change mitigation and adaptation.


A. Strategy & Planning
• Responsible for reviewing the WWF Indonesia strategic planning 2023 – 2030 and the annual work
plan from the climate-related angle and improving the planning to a more climate-mainstreamed
• Responsible for conducting analysis and developing recommendations to the WWF Indonesia
programs to be more contributively to climate change mitigation through estimating the carbon
sequestration contribution, emission reduction, and potential footprint as the impact of the WWF
Indonesia intervention.
• Responsible for identifying project opportunities strategically aligned with climate and carbon-related
• Responsible for reviewing the Annual Work Plan (AWP) documents developed by their team before
requesting the Program Head for final approval

B. Implementation Program
• Supporting the Climate and Market Transformation Director and the Climate and Energy Lead to
ensure the awareness and understanding of the project leaders/managers of WWF Indonesia about
the climate aspect of the projects and activities
• Supporting the Climate and Market Transformation Director and the Climate and Energy Lead in
advising and adjusting the resource allocation and program strategies of WWF Indonesia activities to
be mainstreamed to the climate change mitigation agendas.
• Taking the role in the EU Project: "Enabling Civil Society's Contribution to Prosperous, Fair, and
Sustainable Development in Energy Transition and Sustainable Land Use" as the land use policy
specialist to ensure land use-based activities in the climate context.
• Map & analyze data to produce baseline studies and projected impacts within WWF's strategic plan
period to support climate change mitigation efforts.

C. Reporting
• Responsible for developing reports on implementing Climate and Carbon related activities across land-
based projects in WWF Indonesia.

D. Information Security Management System

WWF-Indonesia ǀ 2022

Land Use and Climate


January, 2024


• Store important hardcopy documents in a safe place that is not easily visible, accessible, and not easily
damaged or eroded by natural elements.
• Store important softcopy documents using media that are safe and recommended by IT. This is also
not limited to granting access to data/information only to authorized persons, and giving passwords to
softcopy files that are critical/confidential.
• Pay attention to the transfer of confidential/critical files, both offline and online. This includes the media
used, giving the password to the file to be sent, and where to store it afterwards.
• Change email passwords periodically to support email security and the data in it
• Use limited office servers or private servers to access the internet. Do not use public wi-fi when
accessing critical/confidential files. This also includes staff whose laptops/work devices have
critical/confidential files.

• Interact and coordinate closely and regularly with the relevant
Internal Working Relationships:
program team, GS, Grant, P&C, Legal, FA, and all support
teams. Coordinate with the Program team to ensure the
progress of implemented projects.

• Interact and work closely with vendors and external parties

External Working Relationships:
related to the project, including donors and the WWF Network
Office, as required.


Knowledge & experience • Minimum Master’s degree (S2) from Environmental Science,
Forestry, or other relevant majors
• Minimum experience in the relevant sector for 5 years. Experience in
climate-related work, including carbon measurement, climate project
development, etc

Technical/ specific • Spatial and land use analysis

knowledge • Climate and carbon measurement and/or accounting
• Have good and clean governance knowledge.
• Analysis of carbon and climate economics (preferable)
• Project planning and development
• Certification in related fields
• Compliance assessment
• Knowledge in the field of forestry and environment

Core competencies
• Demonstrate WWF behavior in the way it works: Striving for Impact,
Listening Deeply, Collaborating Openly, Innovate fearlessly.
• Open-mindedness & receptivity to new ideas

WWF-Indonesia ǀ 2022

Land Use and Climate


January, 2024



• Strive for impact – we set and realize ambitious goals
• Take risks, despite fear of failure, and we innovate without fear
• Dare to make decisions and act on them
• Speak up, even when it is hard to do

• Walk the talk – do what we say we will do

• Strengthen ourselves and others to be responsible for the values we fight for
• Admit and challenge our own assumptions and biases
• Take responsibility for our Actions and their impacts

• Create a safe and equal space for dialogue

• Respect others' time, priorities, and contributions
• Listen deeply, and without judgment to see through the eyes of others
• Treat everyone fairly, and champion diversity and inclusion

• Build trust and relationships

• Ask for and offer help
• Share knowledge while recognizing the expertise of others
• Intentionally create and support diverse alliances

At Yayasan WWF Indonesia we are committed to creating an inclusive working environment, where
diversity is valued and there is equality of opportunity. We therefore welcome applications from all
sections of the community, and we offer a range of benefits to encourage a work life balance.

WWF-Indonesia ǀ 2022

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