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BBMS software system that is used to create, maintain, and provide

controlled access to user databases OR is the collection of programs
that enebles users to create and maintain the database.

Database: organized collection of logically related data.

Data: stored representations of meaningful objects and events.

Information: data processed to increase knowledge in the person

using the data.

Metadata: data that describes the properties and context of user data.

Disadvantages of File Processing:

1. Program-Data Dependence
2. Duplication of Data
3. Limited Data Sharing
4. Lengthy Development Times
5. Excessive Program Maintenance

Problems with Data Dependency:

1. Each application programmer must maintain his/her own data

2. Each application program needs to include code for the metadata of

each file

3. Each application program must have its own processing routines for
reading, inserting, updating, and deleting data

4. Lack of coordination and central control

5. Non-standard file formats

Problems with Data Redundancy:

 Waste of space to have duplicate data

 Causes more maintenance headaches

 Data changes in one file could cause inconsistencies

 Compromises in data integrity

Characteristics of The DATABASE Approach:

i. Central repository of shared data

ii. Data is managed by a controlling agent
iii. Stored in a standardized, convenient form

Advantages of the Database Approach:

i. Program-data independence
ii. Planned data redundancy
iii. Improved data consistency
iv. Improved data sharing
v. Increased application development productivity
vi. Enforcement of standards
vii. Improved data quality
viii. Improved data accessibility and responsiveness
ix. Reduced program maintenance
x. Improved decision support

Risks of the Database Approach:

i. New, specialized personnel

ii. Installation and management cost and complexity
iii. Conversion costs
iv. Need for explicit backup and recovery
v. Organizational conflict
Elements of the Database Approach:

 Data models
Graphical system capturing nature and relationship of data
Enterprise Data Model–high-level entities and relationships for the
Project Data Model–more detailed view, matching data structure in
database or data warehouse
 Entities
Noun form describing a person, place, object, event, or concept
Composed of attributes
 Relationships -
Between entities
Usually one-to-many (1:M) or many-to-many (M:N)
 Relational Databases
Database technology involving tables (relations) representing entities
and primary/foreign keys representing relationships

The Range of Database Applications:

Personal databases
Two-tier Client/Server databases
Multitier Client/Server databases
Enterprise applications
i. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems
ii. Data warehousing implementations

Systems Development Life Cycle

Planning, analysis, logical, physical, implementation and maintenance.


Attribute–property or characteristic of an entity or relationship type

Classifications of attributes:

 Classifications of attributes:
 Required versus
 Optional Attributes
 Simple versus
 Composite Attribute
 Single-Valued versus
 Multivalued Attribute e.g skill
 Stored versus Derived Attributes
 Identifier Attributes

Identifier keys

 Identifier (Key)–an attribute (or combination of attributes) that

uniquely identifies individual instances of an entity type

 Simple versus Composite Identifier

 Candidate Identifier–an attribute that could be a key…satisfies the

requirements for being an identifier

Criteria for Identifiers:

1) Choose Identifiers that

a) Will not change in value

b) Will not be null

2) Avoid intelligent identifiers

3) Substitute new, simple keys for long, composite keys

Degree of a relationship is the number of entity types that participate

in it

a) Unary Relationship
b) Binary Relationship

c) Ternary Relationship

Cardinality of Relationships:

I. One-to-One
II. One-to-Many
III. Many-to-Many]

Cardinality Constraints—the number of instances of one entity that

can or must be associated with each instance of another entity

 Minimum Cardinality

 If zero, then optional

 If one or more, then mandatory (must)

 Maximum Cardinality

 The maximum number

Types of entities:

 Strong entity -has its own unique identifier underlined with single line

 Weak entity -does not have a unique identifier partial identifier

underlined with double line

 Associative Entities - An entity–has attributes


EERD MODEL – Enhanced Entity Relationship Database Model

Same key features of EER are;

I. Supper type entity – is generalization of one or more subtypes.
II. Subtype entity – is specializations of super type.
III. Generalization -is a process of of identifying common attributes and
relationships between entities and creating a supertype based on these
common features.
IV. Specifications - is the process of identifying unique attributes and
relationships between entities and creating subtypes based on these
unique features.

Completive constraints:

Total specialization

Partial specialization

Disjoint constraints:

Disjoint constraints

Overlap constraints

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