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1.Could you elaborate on how you operationalized parental involvement and assessed its impact on
the academic achievement of Grade 11 students at Our Lady of Fatima University?
In our study, we operationalized parental involvement through several key measures. Firstly, we
examined the extent of parental support provided to students, including assistance with homework,
encouragement, and provision of academic resources such as books and materials.
Secondly, we looked at parental engagement in school-related activities, such as attending parent-
teacher meetings, participating in school events, and volunteering in school programs. This helped us
gauge the level of direct involvement parents had in the educational environment of their children.
Additionally, we considered parental monitoring of academic progress, which involved tracking
students' performance, discussing their academic goals, and communicating with teachers to stay
informed about their child's educational journey.
2. Given the rich background you've presented, could you elaborate on how you plan to measure
parental involvement in your study?
We'll conduct interviews and focus group discussions with Grade 11 students at Our Lady of Fatima
University to understand their experiences with parental involvement. Through open-ended questions,
we'll explore how students feel when their parents are involved in their education and what more
parents could do to support their academic success. We'll then analyze the data using thematic
analysis to identify recurring themes and insights related to parental involvement.
3, Why did you conduct this study?
We're conducting this study to better understand how parental involvement influences the academic
achievement of Grade 11 students at Our Lady of Fatima University. It's essential because while we
know parental involvement is crucial for student success, there's still much to explore about its
specific impact, especially in our context.
By delving into this, we aim to fill a gap in research and provide practical insights for educators and
parents alike. Our findings will help inform strategies to enhance parental engagement, ultimately
creating a more supportive learning environment for our students.
In short, we're conducting this study to empower all stakeholders involved in our students' education
and to promote their holistic development by leveraging the power of parental involvement.
4. What led your group to focus on studying 'The Influence of Parental Involvement on the
Academic Achievement of Senior High School Students in Our Lady of Fatima University'? Could
you share the rationale behind choosing this specific topic?
We chose this topic because we believe parental involvement is crucial for student success. Our study
aims to understand how parental engagement specifically impacts the academic achievement of senior
high school students at Our Lady of Fatima University. By focusing on our university context, we aim
to provide practical insights that can enhance student success through increased parental involvement.
5. What specific aspects or dimensions of parental involvement are you focusing on in your study,
and how do you plan to operationalize and measure these variables to ensure robust findings?
We are focusing on parental involvement in aspects such as support with schoolwork, communication
with the school, and attendance at school events. To measure these variables, we'll use student reports
and school records, along with qualitative data from interviews and focus groups.
6. How did you determine the specific scope of your study regarding the selection of Grade 11
students at Our Lady of Fatima University?
The selection of Grade 11 students at Our Lady of Fatima University was determined based on the
focus of our research objectives, which aimed to explore the influence of parental involvement on
academic achievement within a specific educational context. Grade 11 was chosen as it represents a
critical juncture in students' academic journey, and Our Lady of Fatima University was selected due
to its accessibility and willingness to participate in the study.
7. Could you elaborate on any specific criteria or parameters you used to define the boundaries of
your study, particularly regarding the geographic location or demographic characteristics of the
The boundaries of our study were defined by the geographic location of Our Lady of Fatima
University in San Fernando, Pampanga. We chose to focus exclusively on students enrolled at this
institution to ensure consistency and homogeneity within our sample. Additionally, our study includes
Grade 11 students from diverse demographic backgrounds, allowing for a comprehensive exploration
of parental involvement across various socio-economic groups within the university community.

8. How do you plan to address potential biases or limitations in self-reported data from students
regarding parental involvement, given the subjective nature of perceptions and experiences?

To address potential biases in self-reported data, we'll employ multiple methods of data
triangulation, including cross-referencing student reports with school records and qualitative data
from interviews. Additionally, we'll ensure that interview questions are phrased neutrally to
minimize response bias and encourage honest responses.

9. Can you discuss any strategies you've implemented to ensure the reliability and validity of your
findings, particularly when analyzing qualitative data obtained through interviews and focus
group discussions?

Strategies to ensure reliability and validity include rigorous training for interviewers, employing
standardized protocols for data collection and analysis, and conducting member checks with
participants to verify interpretations of qualitative data.

10. Have you considered any potential confounding variables that may influence the relationship
between parental involvement and academic achievement, and if so, how do you plan to control
for these variables within your study design?

Potential confounding variables, such as socioeconomic status or prior academic performance,

will be accounted for through statistical analyses or stratification in the study design.
Additionally, qualitative data analysis will allow us to explore contextual factors that may
influence the relationship between parental involvement and academic achievement.
11. Could you discuss any potential challenges or considerations in recruiting participants for your
study, particularly regarding obtaining consent from both students and parents?

Recruiting participants may involve obtaining informed consent from both students and parents,
which could present logistical challenges. We'll address this by clearly communicating the
purpose and procedures of the study and providing flexibility in scheduling interviews or focus
group discussions.

12. Can you elaborate on any ethical considerations or concerns that may arise during the course of
your study, particularly regarding the confidentiality and privacy of participants?

Ethical considerations include ensuring participant confidentiality and privacy, obtaining

informed consent, and protecting vulnerable populations. We'll adhere to ethical guidelines and
obtain approval from the university's Institutional Review Board.

13. How do you plan to ensure the generalizability of your findings beyond Our Lady of Fatima
University, considering the specific context and characteristics of your study population?

While our study focuses on Our Lady of Fatima University, findings may have broader
applicability within similar educational contexts. We'll provide detailed descriptions of our study
population and methods to enhance the transparency and generalizability of our findings.

14. Can you discuss any potential limitations or constraints imposed by the scope and delimitations
of your study, and how you plan to mitigate these limitations within your research?

Limitations may include the specific demographics and geographic location of our study
population. Mitigation strategies may involve acknowledging these limitations in our discussion
and suggesting areas for future research to address them.

15. How do you intend to disseminate the findings of your study to relevant stakeholders, such as
educators, parents, and policymakers, to maximize the impact of your research on educational
practices and policies?

Dissemination efforts may include academic publications, conference presentations, and targeted
outreach to educational stakeholders. We'll tailor our communication strategies to the needs and
preferences of different audiences to maximize the impact of our findings.

16. Have you considered any potential long-term implications of your study findings for promoting
parental involvement and enhancing academic achievement among senior high school students?
If so, could you elaborate on these implications and their significance?

Long-term implications may include informing educational policies and practices to promote
parental involvement and improve academic achievement among senior high school students. By
highlighting the importance of parental engagement, our study may contribute to efforts aimed at
enhancing student success and holistic development.

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