Pupil Target Setting Example Primary 6 (Academy Primary School)

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ICT Skills P6 Level 3/4

Set your targets.
Highlight 5 statements that you would like to get better at this year. Review them at
the end of the year to see if you improved.
September June
1 I know and can follow the computer suite rules.
Digital storytelling: Publishing
2 I plan the document I am going to create.
I can change the position of my text on the page and add bullet
points, numbers and paragraphs.
4 I can add text boxes.
I can add colour, borders and page numbers to enhance my
6 I can use a digital spellchecker
I can search for information and pictures on the internet and add
these to my work.
I know that not all information on the internet is reliable and I
can talk about where my information has come from.
9 I can save and print my work.
10 I can add websites to my favourites.
Digital storytelling: Film and Animation

11 I can plan and make a storyboard for a short animation.

I can use the computer to create a short film or animation and add
narration, sounds or music.
13 I can add features such as titles, transitions and effects.

Computational Thinking and Coding

I can create a sequence of commands for the Pro-Bot or turtle to
make it go where I want.
I can create a Scratch project, discuss it and make improvements
to my work.
I can use the ‘broadcast’ and ‘when I receive’ commands in
Managing Data
I can use tables, surveys and the internet to research the data I
18 I can input this data into a spreadsheet.
19 I know what is meant by the terms cell, rows and columns.
20 I can make observations and answer questions using a spreadsheet.
Digital Audio: Music and Sound
21 I can plan and create a sound or music project.
22 I can find sounds or record my own to add to my project.

23 I can put my sound or music files in order.

Online Communication
I can work with others online safely and using acceptable online
25 I can send and reply to emails using sensible online behaviour.
26 I can add to an online discussion.
27 I can email my work as an attachment or upload it online.
Digital storytelling: Presenting
I can create a PowerPoint presentation using text boxes, pictures,
bullet points and numbering.
I can research and select information, pictures and sounds for my
30 I can change the slide design and transitions.
31 I can deliver my presentation to the class.

Digital Art and Design

32 I can create digital artwork by uploading images or photographs.

I can edit images, for example by changing the contrast or
resizing them.
34 I can review my image and make improvements to it.

I can do this independently. I can do this with some help. I need to work on this.

Think of an activity in which you used ICT to:

Explore find information

Explore solve a problem

Express create or present something

Exchange communicate safely or share ideas

Evaluate talk about, review and make improvements to your work

Exhibit display your work for other people

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