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‫اسئلة امتحان اورال‬

Haematology :
-Case of low platlets count in haematology result
what is your action ?
-Retics stain and why we use this type of stain ?
_What's Appt ?
- Case of high Appt what you should do next?
- what is d-Dimer and normal physiological
increase case?
-WBCs count correction ?
-Platelets count reagent?
-Trisodium citrate anticoagulant amount in
coagulation? And ESR?
-Blood banking :
-What is The universal donor in blood ? And
-What is coomb reagent and it is action?
-Case of negative coombs test result what you
should do?
-Applications of coomb's test?
-Malaria species?
-What is infective stage for human ? And for
-What is malaria stain? And it is PH ?
-Why neutral PH stain?
-Differences between E.histolytica
and coli cyst ?
-cases of turbid urine ?
-Alkaline urine crystals?
-Cardiac markers in AMI?
-Which is more specific?
-Types of troponin Which are specific for cardiac?
-what are Ck isoenzymes? And
which related to cardiac?
-troponin time in AMI?
-Ca types ?
-Normal range of ionize ca?
-Factors affect osmotic pressure?
-Machine for osmolality measure?
-Osmolality count equation?
- Modren machine for electrolytes measurement?
-What is Blood PH?
-Case of increase bicarbonate in blood? What is
type of change in blood PH?
-What is levey-jenning chart?
-what warning rules?
-what are rejection rules?
-What is trend ?
What is shift?
-Method for bilirubin measurement?

Criteria of Urine sample for culture ?

-Biochemical test to differentiate between staph
and strepto?
-Test to differentiate between staph species?
-Syphilis lab diagnosis?

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