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Life Saving Instructions stam zam &q ry FIRE FIGHTING 31 3 Rei Equipments to fight fire ST Fart ATT Fire Extinguishers Sand bucket and bags stam mah eta When a bullding catches Fire Wat H AMT ATA Te 1, Stay cain int 2. Rae te fee Taha ena ss SEOEETS ye rectrnmen mati sna Tere Seeereetre Shun the dooe ofthe roam Open the window and shout for Stecemererty eerieryiem € er ervee bet geht ove twee navn HERCORY pittesmr ema nese teemceen, ee er a recone cova teste trea / Wa person catches fire Place a blanket or a carpet against the fet ee bansecror sons & sort ret or Stew th ered eeU ert fe ee eer ts When a person Is caught In smoke and is yngonsour fer wie {Remove the pr: twat fre ad pu 0: feat feend pa oe pet er eet 2 tern yu Rn ech ae et ey pont Sirs wo abe gr cr egt tn 8 web, ewe at set + when tate. et eer ti C EMERGENCY RESUSCITATION — Face the fegertpn ef your etter hand det Wie alts hn en 1 6. (och the set par ofthe nae wth the ager c zy ante ta pach Be nase and Blo wo ‘end the Vaond Open th cansly mene beeuing Veeaualtys moun IROUANNOT ACHIEVE 7 ij EFFECTIVE BREATH Recheck the head tit anc een wt. Recheck the casualty’s mouth. Remove any obvious obstructions. Do not do.a finger sweep of the mout Mateo mare than five attemots to a ve Brea ‘The tnetan spectactes cadre Common trast A tungaras coeruleus) SOME OF THE NON VENOMOUS SNAKES FOUND IN INDIA Save scaled viper (ents envatay Vine snabe Comman wet une Common tand bos andere nets) Tycoon sun) ‘Eryn caries) SIGNS & SYMPTOMS OUS Smax Sent — se ween MOA MORASS GTM Seereeza se f, Dy Nese vere ete sear tee 7 orang Sptemie $ TM eae MS Or on = = rae , ay baevtae \J sree ara ite I ie oe few = ence shin es +e \ = come ; Intent Rial i \ CARE & TREATMENT Immediately apply a pessure immebilizatien bandage’ lane bandage tothe eased, UMD. Presure Dould be as ene azples toa sorained are of Ln. TH ows Sometimes victin dies of Nock istena__INMBAIEK laren of the venom. ot rene Dorct we a ternguet er ie, Ts Can Cau te damage requing ten ive him complete ret, reutanon De rot give the ici anything to eat or Do'Rot Cut erty to Huck eut the omen from the wound, erm. dred etevating the tent Do not remave the Bandoge and sping ence hit bees spptied Ariel terweaton Artificial Respiration #fra care frat Holger-Nielsen Method (for Children) Benmt-aiterrs fafir Holger-Nielsen Method fafa (aed & fea) Position Of Casualty And Operator wit wie Are ore 3 sere Force Should Be From Fingers Only vite town ro ot defer at re are First Movement (Count One-Two) Under 5 Years Sam tan oy a wet fort Third Movement (Count Four-Five) om Tae foot ety “Silvester's Method Of Artificial Respiration farravez fafa (etan A Helper To Press The Casuaty’s BANDAGING TRIANGULAR BANDAGES REEF KNOTS 4. Fela pore up eve he taaitys beat Te Endiand pin ate rome Inareet net a te centre ef ee crn reas ferent ARM SLING rf. BANDAGE FOR THE SHOULDER 2, Fela tre omer end oft {sa erg ne pent Bandage weve the ferearm Ease ne cota ecwen Bed eg tamer eeepc eo weaaser HAND & | Foot COVER = j » «IMPROVISED BESS 1. Lay he bandage at ant Dateeten cen vod merast a0 #9: > ROLLER BANDAGING The four methods of applying roller bandages General rules for application of steams all are s at of-eight mA DF Cm 41, Simple spirat he fingers toe _pottitieroregulunycheck ne toed _ Use reef Ants to He tantages a _ vediscomfort Do note Continous finger & hand bandage CAPELINE BANDAGE =f t Finger bandage Spica bandage {for the shoulder FRACTURES SPINAL INJURY ‘ir (Cates 1. Hold the casualty’s head. 2. Roll the casualty on to his side. the casualty flat. 6. All should take hotd of the sheet firmly and then move the casualty. {ST AID IN FRACTURES ms Check the person's ainway and breathing. ry. be ¢ breathing, CPR, oF = ELECTRIC SHOCK & it's MANAGEMENT _ Ua sas ferast SS 1. EXPOSED LI Stand on dry iat p preg det er, omer erie pre w rey ee, Lotmrrent erred rein at | ere arct wet won wt rind re mabe eget fet ctwert at ore ye mea rer A GENERAL MANAGEMENT RULES OF UNCONSCIOUSNESS: ‘+ Shift the casuatty away from danger, harmful gases, ete, + Open all doors & windows to ensure free supply of fresh afr. + Remove false teeth or any other foreign object in the mouth. * Keep back the crowds, they only obstruct. HEATSTROKE 1. Shiftcasuatty tothe 1. Dratnout the water or other coolest place posse. ‘matter from the lungs 2.loorenclothingatreck, | 2. Giveartificial respira ‘chest and waist. 3. Remove wet cl 3.Coverhimwithawetcloth [l 4. Keep the body warm, cover it vith blankets. 5. Give the vctimhot beverages like teace coffee todrink. 6. Donot allow himto situp. ‘The moment a itting pevton Lay the unconscicun patient down mith fees fait. get his Prod between the hed ata sighly lower leved thin Ue rces for aminute ortwe. the feet. Lomsen clothing INFANTILE CONVULSIONS a HYSTERICAL , ATTACKS 4. Ignore the attack. 1. Follow the generat steps. J 2Be firm but kind 2. Lay the chi en the Moor. hile dealing with 3. Ensure that he cannot ‘ harm himsett, 4. Keep the child warm, 1, Do not apply force to stop convustons. 2. Prevent biting of tongue by inserting 3 Sp00n wrapped in a handker the back teeth, when the Jaws are relaxed, 3. Wipe froth from the mouth, Skeleton & Circulatory systems caret o tan uaa aa THE SKELETON a0 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 33a Uitsieror at shut ees Ball-and Socket Joint oye \ ©) oe Sg) meee tenor )) Sez agen © re iii no = a" See baal \ Sates blade esti MY arcane re eet Pulmonary veins, gear i 2 kneecap (ratettay 2 ar Sit hp tonne a Sotnt bongs) —t ihe Auite bones tana ook 5 bone (metataa wen 5 Few tones ohatingen tere | write : a het __57 / eakaneun fom rea tenant tne ee picvowetsine rere auendngsons No gp ATE we § ’ ETE Superion vena cova reset nerve De rene rn oy nd ngs nase Comin preter neh ria Sareea er - bs wae gs = A A ee ff a & rmserrernaet VSO he oe ENN SS, The Spine sravs Blood flow through Heart gaa FRE FIRST AID KIT mierftres zuenz Rez o Dressings aera? f eo == Sterile Dressings eres yg Seisctgandneezens alas Frarorge eft a Cotcewe SR om & ; ag - whine een Bandages uftai =e Roller Bandages toma gf Telangular Bandages frei ofc ( | tages ital SRY conctin cisatan Cand Sart porte ay peste eee Snte Incived Wound caused By & (Geant trom a Warp e0¥ed (Sect toch at Blase Povetare Wd fea Dreeae, ete hes, fut eante Seapine BLEEDING & e HAEMORRHAGE ‘“Wais OUNDS / aveaiona 9 mpertical wound ieanicn the lopment ayers of Stab wean caused by abe eimtar estrone, ene If no object {s embedded in wound ply direct pressure with your fingers OF lo, preterabiy over a clean pas. Bi alse and support the injured limb ever the ‘casualty’s Beart to reduce Blood loss J" Hetp the casualty Colne down and vecure the eressing with a ight Banaage to maintain 3. Clean the surrounding ith soap and water. Pat it dry. Remove the wound covering and apply ‘an adhesive cressing 1. Lapere the ute ofthe Binet. Aopiy flim, deat preston the area, wang arte srewing ta contol Blog tnt Tpit iarge sat pad eves the resing. Apel bance eve Uiphy tat ersre that Goes nat Ramer blene CucUtion i he aes 4. Clean the wound and cover iC with a non lutty pad. 2. Apaly pressure on the pad and necure the evessiog with & Camanet wound Wi canes by abut oF {rosie ot érves ints et howe’ toe Boy ‘Cuaing seriou tternal ejarp The entry ‘Sound may te tail aid ent wound many De If an object fs embedded in wound 1, Press firmly on either sie of the embeded ‘fect to uth the edges af he wound topether. I Raise and support the injured tim over the ‘awalty's heart to reduce bloes toss 3 Help the carualty tole down and build up adding on either side of the coject. Carefully Bandage over the abject without presting 09 4. Tt casuaitys head Tarward {0.atlom the blood to rain out 2. Ash the casualty Co breathe 4, Clavian Anery Poisons & their Antidotes A petvon tw substance which, if taden toto the body t uffient quantity, can be dangerous to haunes cancause oath UhrouEh the shin, tanaied, splashed ino the eyes, ot Aajected. ‘Once ita the body, they may enter the Bloctitream and be carried nitty teattorgamsandtnsuen, ‘Sent and symptoms of pohiening ‘vary with Ue petson, They may eavetop qutetly er ever a number otern. ‘arring pan fre imouthto stomach FIRST AID IN POISONING renening th various matter, Preserve packets or betes If UKCONSCIOUS: moniter IF CONSCIOUS: vomiting Date the penen depencing on Revove attend toa hewpaslee Containing peiten, Collect airmay and. Deeathing. I dependng wos the Type ef 1 toe. Sime examples ie Poltoning. DO NOT Induce renbelow. SOME COMMON POISONS AND THEIR FIRST AID. Note: For children between two and eight yeors give one-half of the quantity mentioned, For infants under two years, one-quarter of the quantity Is sufficient. Where ever It ts surgested that vomiting Is to be induced, Ht 1 assumed that the casualty ts conscleut, POISON ‘SOURCE FIRST AID Anvenie [Rat potions, weed hiters, arsenic Induce vomiting. Gre soothing drinks. | spin | Aspiein tablets induce vomiting. Give a sodium bicarbonate dek (¥ tea spoon fa i - tumbler of water). Give strong tenor coffer, Carbon-menexide Charcoal store, Apply artificial respiration. Give oxygen (available with cheents, ‘exhaust pases of automobiles, anges). | SHeepiog tablets Chemists Induce vomiting. Give 2 teaspoons of magnesium sulphate ina ass of| ——————— s water = & i ff Mercury Calomet, mercury iselt Give egg white in water. Later give milk. Then, induce vomiting. tes ae | | etrou Parattiny Hewes, earanes, try Induce vomiting. Give lots of water or tender coconut, Liquid Kerosene Ot avallable, ts preferred to water ta case of herosene oll Insecticides an Chasers, bicred vision, choking in chest, slow pu, "blue fips, coneulsions 00 NOT induce vomiting. Gee large quntitis of water or tender ‘Coconut. Better add sodium bicarbonate, cha, or ri of magnesia to water [DO NOT induce vomiting. Give large quantities of water or tender | - coceneA. Better add orange Or lime fue tothe water, * REMOVAL OF FOREIGN BODIES a. First Aid to an Adult Ts 1 Encourage re cansaityt0 contra couping. One bck sap the wtaation mertens. Sand tote nse nd ogy betond him Suggert hk est with one anda ake hen lea formed. Ce up 10 Shep api betweentne roger des AL ee ilart ew pr of entre Bogs ceuping o¢ rewthing Lay Bin face Sawn lang your Feearm, Dashendow. Sago Bach aren a pve UO 103 eck ape, Check the ida mouth and remove 1. Gently clean wound the totter wit 3089 nd smorm wate Stee a pat ef tweezers by MSN hem tnaflare an then letting them ck 2. nh of te forergs abject teem the eye by cen water of femur We by a mont ath 2. Wve vaca fot ta clea the ctstrvction then try osomral Brith Sand tend the causty ae ‘rake him ean Formed. PAR yout arm aur te oper part ofthe absumen. Cemch your Pat ter Smads) and glace between the naval and the trentboow. b. First Aid to an Infant 2. wee back wap a a eae te eesti, ge ‘ent Crate Mace tao fingers agate ae teentbone, one finger below te rigote tne. Von these tao fnger, path ard and upwsethad it Weta up aS eat rants ae ate of ene every Lends te atirter wth the tweeter ancl tothe ‘8 a5 pou a ll ou at te same ange it neti FOREIGN OBJECT seca cast) (OBJECT UNDER UPPER DUD “Aske cauaty topo the yrttnen a pul he tweet UG ever te tower Ud onaing vices water muy pe roo Pots toresgn cect by yaa. eae ef an Wart raiie De en go ore Titer ota te ew wo Bat tw eae 2. Geaep your tat wth you other are. Rat arty remo wd vomarcup ta Stee. Cred Be cay (mean He catatonia Eo Cleared teen at ecnvts Btines, adhe Use eth ater ene Rabie catty tothe doctor H the shanien dows tot wrovone 2, tebe ebxerction mat ne chee peat BAC ICH interest tects} tes. Check Be meth afer each tap sen your Fingers. Hee catracton Ra Hl net cere athe ets tothe cocter 2.Cavelsaysquere he wanstenceurage atte lending. Ths wl Rely to ah et amy remaining ert. Cea the area, pat ery ant apply a daveavecresing to mini te mde wdecton, FOREIGN OBJECT INTHE NOSE. > } Denstre the county ae tae hen 10 ‘he the causty to toxpeal nd wh Bin to teeta Oro (Be month Bo not let hs phe leah Oe tone Uo temowe the chiect here. Do rot renew te BURNS & SCALDS Manne e We tr set { ~ay le = AY! BS Shut the door and pace a thick cloth against the bottom ofthe door to heep the smake out. Open the windons. Keep low. f possible escape through the window, feet fest 1. Drop the casualty tothe ground. 4. Then pour cold water on him. him tightly in anon inflammable blanket. 5. Cover the injured part 3. Rolt him until the flames are smothered, Ruth him to. hospital re ng ‘Contact wth the ground. Pour alot of cold 3. Cover the injured aea with a sterte ‘water over the Borat area ont the pain is Or any clean piece of cloth ta protect eheved. 4 Take the eavuaty toa hoxptal immediately 2. Carefully emove burnt cdothing uniess Wels sticking tothe burn, Alto remove 9, Bets, watches, SHOES to prevent sweling. 1. Pour alt of cold water 1. Reassure the eas ‘over the burnt area until 2 Improve casuatty's the pain is reliewed air suppiy by loosening ‘Gothing around the neck. say ot cod mater to teduce Swelling aad to veld suffocation. 2. Cover the injured area wit ‘essing ora clean piece of cloth and Bandage nt to protec te 1. Move the casuatyy toa Safer place: Veneiae the ‘over the injured arent, Temove chemical nd 0 stop the burrang. take Ste the water doesnt ‘oitet underneath the pate 3: Remove any Contaminated eating, Take the eatualy to 2 doctor. 1. Hold the casuatry's affected eye 2. Apply a loose sterile eye dressing indet gently running cold water to at aclean piece of cloth over the gate the eyelids thoroughiy. Injored eve. ‘SUNBUR} 1. Make sure mat the electrical contact Broken betore giving or Zhoura tot of old water over he injuted aren to Coa! Som The burns Shoo a stese dressing to feet from arborne 1. Cover the casuatty’s shin with Eight clothing ora towel and move het i> shade or preferably indoors Cool her skin by sparging with cold ‘mater, or by soaking the affected area, na cola bath, 3 Let the catuaty ake frequent sips cold water. Hitisa minor sunbum apply after: sun preparation. isa major bom, take the casuatty : Bandaging L Simei Seint Emergency Resuscitation rz Seg ale ® ee SOC Transport of aAQ.¢4 the injured rs

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