Optus VENM Solution Overview PA5

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Optus vENM Solution Overview

Optus NFVi - Virtual ENM

Optus vENM Solution Overview

© Ericsson AB 2017
All rights reserved. The information in this document is the property of
Ericsson. Except as specifically authorized in writing by Ericsson, the
receiver of this document shall keep the information contained herein
confidential and shall protect the same in whole or in part from disclosure
and dissemination to third parties. Disclosure and disseminations to the
receiver's employees shall only be made on a strict need to know basis.

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Optus vENM Solution Overview

Table of contents

1 Introduction........................................................................................

2 Purpose and Scope...........................................................................

3 Product Overview..............................................................................
3.1 Ericsson Network Manager (ENM)......................................................
3.1.1 ENM Software Architecture..................................................................
3.1.2 ENM Features and Functionalities.......................................................

4 vENM Hardware Specification on Customer Cloud......................

4.1 Cloud Infra Resource Requirements for vENM.................................
4.1.1 Compute............................................................................................
4.1.2 Storage..............................................................................................
4.1.3 Network..............................................................................................
4.2 Cloud Infra Resource Requirements for Small vENM 18B................
4.3 Cloud Infra Resource Requirements for VNF LAF............................
4.4 vENM Production Hardware..............................................................
4.5 vENM Test Lab Hardware..................................................................

5 vENM SW BoQ..................................................................................
5.1 vENM Production SW........................................................................
5.2 vENM Test Lab SW...........................................................................

6 OSS-RC – vENM feature mapping..................................................

6.1 OSS-RC Software..............................................................................
6.1.1 Lab Software......................................................................................
6.1.2 Production Software...........................................................................
6.2 ENM Software....................................................................................
6.2.1 ENM - Core Network Base Package..................................................
6.2.2 ENM Value Packages........................................................................
6.3 ENM to OSS-RC BP/VP mapping......................................................

7 Assumptions & Exclusions.............................................................

8 Risks & Limitations..........................................................................

9 References........................................................................................

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Optus vENM Solution Overview

Revision History

Date Revision Owner Comments

17/07/2017 PA1 Kapil Lohia First Draft

19/07/2017 PA2 Kapil Lohia Updated with Mircea’s comments.

21/09/2017 PA3 Kapil Lohia Updated with Manjula’s comments.

- Changed quantity of VNF LAF to 1

(to keep the feature).

- added additional VM requirements

for VNF LAF function.

- Updated vENM information from

18A HAR.

- Updated document reference to


21/10/2017 PA4 Mircea Marcu Updated for ENM offer.

Added section 6. OSS-RC – vENM

feature mapping

25/10/2017 PA5 Mircea Marcu Updated following internal review

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Optus vENM Solution Overview

1 Introduction
Ericsson is the market leader in Telecom Management solutions and has been
in the telecom management business for over 25 years. Today, Ericsson has
an installed base of more than 1000 Radio and Core Mobile management
systems worldwide and more than 80 Wireline management systems

Within Ericsson’s Telecom Management portfolio, Ericsson Network Manager

is the main product for GSM/WCDMA/LTE radio and Core network
management. The prime objective is service assurance, which is achieved
through a wide range of features supporting all aspects of centralized
operation of GSM/WCDMA/LTE mobile networks as well as Wireline networks.
But the ENM capabilities go beyond the normal service assurance domain
through cutting-edge functionality developed for certain target areas identified
as key for operator differentiation. The result is therefore not only efficient
network management and a high-quality network, but also increased airtime
through proactive and focused operations leading to an optimized network in
each evolution phase.

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Optus vENM Solution Overview

2 Purpose and Scope

This document describes the solution for managing EPC, IMS and UDC Core
nodes in Optus Network.

Ericsson understands the network management requirements of Optus and

proposes a next generation and unified management solution for the
management of core network elements. Following management systems are
proposed in the current solution:

Ericsson Network Manager (ENM): A unified network management system

for multi-technology and heterogeneous networks. It offers greater network
upgrade flexibility with zero downtime, the capacity to scale from very small to
very large networks and an intuitive User Interface which provides common
tools for all applications with extensive integrated help. ENM 18 will be
deployed on cloud infrastructure.

ENIQ-Statistics: For end to end performance management of supported

elements based on most relevant network KPIs. Existing ENIQ-S 17B will be
upgraded to release 18 to support the requirements. <TBC>

OMBS: For backup and restore of servers in OSS environment. Existing

OMBS 17B will be upgraded to release 18 for backing up ENIQ-S. <TBC>

The Backup & Restore function is included as part of vENM on Customer

cloud and provides support for creating backups for ENM configurations and
critical data.

Following figure depicts the proposed network management solution to Optus


Figure 1 :- Proposed OSS Solution Overview

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ENM collects fault and performance data from underlying nodes which is
displayed on FM GUI and tools for efficient network monitoring and
troubleshooting. It provides complete FCAPS (fault management,
configuration management, administration, performance management
initiation and collection and security management) functionality from a unified
and centralized GUI.

ENIQ-S collects raw performance data in the form of counters and stores in
the database. It provides post processing tools to generate KPIs and reports
which can be used for performance analysis of network.

ENIQ-S supports different technology packages for a set of network elements

which provides pre-defined reports that ease the network performance
analysis. It also provides Business Object tools for custom report and KPI

OMBS is existent for backup and restore of OSS servers. OMBS enables the
operator to backup, archive, and restore files or directories that reside on the
client system.

The Backup & Restore function is included as part of vENM on Customer

cloud and provides support for creating backups for ENM configurations and
critical data.

Further, O&M related data can be forwarded to higher layer management

systems, if required, through open northbound interfaces such as 3GPP FM,

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Optus vENM Solution Overview

3 Product Overview

3.1 Ericsson Network Manager (ENM)

Ericsson Network Manager is a unified network management platform which
provides improved fault, performance (PM initiation and mediation),
configuration management, software and hardware management, together
with security, self-monitoring and system administration for the complete
network which is currently managed through existing OSS systems.

Following figure depicts the high-level overview of ENM architecture:

Figure 2: ENM Architecture

ENM software is separated into layers with the responsibilities for different
aspects of the system such as mediation, data storage, business processing
and presentation. Each of these layers is separately horizontally scalable and
is based in part on JEE technologies. SW deployment is via the LITP
deployment manager which allows for a unified HW and SW environment.

ENM is deployed on Linux IT Platform (LITP) which is a lightweight plugin

based platform that offers a robust, simple, consistent and automated way to
install, upgrade and execute all software and 3PPs in a variety of execution
environments. ENM architecture is based on unification of mediation layer
which allows data collection from multi-technology heterogeneous networks.
The new data-centric architecture allows for a unification of information from
the full managed scope.

Model Driven architecture of ENM supports new attributes, alarms and

counters on the fly (dynamically) instead of impacting a whole bunch of code
and other parts of the system.

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Optus vENM Solution Overview

It also provides open APIs and SDKs to integrate with other 3rd party
tools/applications and to develop customized applications.

3.1.1 ENM Software Architecture

The ENM architecture is a modular, SOA (service-oriented architecture) with

strong focus on separation of business logic and mediation by means of
layering. Applications (units of related functionality) are used to deploy
software support for those functions purchased / licensed by the operator.
ENM is model-driven, meaning that the contribution of models can be used to
influence ENM functionality – ENM is therefore easily extendable; SDKs
(Standard Development Kit) are used for this purpose. The graphical user
interface employs state-of-the-art web technologies for a modern user

The system is designed to allow for horizontal scalability – independently for

domain services and mediation (the network).

The ENM system provides applications with the ability to operate in a highly
available manner, however not all functions require the same level of

ENM on customer cloud is deployed using a concept of application stacks.

Each application stack is composed of a set of virtual machines which
comprise a given application. The installation, upgrade and lifecycle
management of the applications is handled using VNF-LCM.

3.1.2 ENM Features and Functionalities

Ericsson Network Manager supports all the functionalities which are supported
through the existing OSS systems along with the new value added features
and functionalities. It brings more value to the customer in terms of capacity as
well as functionality support. Some of the key features supported through
ENM are:

 ENM Launcher: The Launcher is a new web-based application that

provides easy one-click access to available applications (web and desktop
applications). To facilitate ease of use, applications can be grouped by
domain, listed alphabetically or by using the ‘Favorites’ facility. The search
facility allows global search on all applications by acronym or by
application name.

 Log Viewer: Log Viewer is a new web-based application that provides

easy access to all syslogs on the LITP rsyslog interface. It provides
advanced search functions to filter the logs in order to isolate information
required for troubleshooting and analysis activities.

 Network Explorer: Network Explorer is a web-based application that

provides easy access to all managed objects in the network. The user can
build queries with flexible and user-friendly search syntax, or alternatively,
use an intuitive, model driven UI to build complex and powerful searches

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queries. Functionality to group data is provided in way of Collections and

Saved Searches. Managed Objects returned in search results can be
grouped into Collections, providing easy access at a later date. Searches
can be saved for re-execution later.

 Auto ID Management: Auto ID Management is an ENM application for the

detection and resolution of Physical Cell Identity (PCI) conflicts in the
network. There are two PCI conflict types — collision and confusion. The
application also performs optimization checks (Mod30 and Blacklist
issues). The application currently supports Connectivity Packet Platform
(CPP) based Long Term Evolution (LTE) ERBS nodes.

 Performance Management Initiation and Collection: Performance

Management Initiation and Collection (PMIC) provide the capability to
create subscriptions which contain a set of counters and nodes on which
the counters can be activated. From the user interface the subscriptions
can be activated or deactivated. Activation will result in the scanners being
created on the node for the counters supported and the files being output
by the node. Following activation PMIC will automatically collect the files
and store them in designated directories. PMIC will attempt to recover
missed files. PMIC acts as master and will attempt to synchronize the
scanners to the correct status at regular periods.

 Topology Browser: Topology Browser is a web-based application that

can be launched from Network Explorer by selecting a network element
from a search result list. It provides a graphical representation of the
network’s topology, using the selected element from Network Explorer as
a starting point. From there it also provides the functionality to navigate up
and down through the topology. It is also possible to navigate to elements
higher in the hierarchy of the selected element, which is not visible in the
tree, by using the element’s FDN.

 ENM CLI and CM CLI: The ENM CLI is the essential tool for Configuration
Management. It enables the user to perform any and all CM operations on
nodes managed by the OSS. The ENM CLI is model-driven, therefore it
functions towards any Managed Object class defined in any Managed
Object Model which the OSS supports. ENM CLI commands are provided
that can be issued towards cmedit and all other CLI command sets such

CM Editor (cmedit) CLI commands support various ways to manage

modelled data. Some of the CM CLI commands are GET, SET, CREATE,

 Fault Management: Fault Management supervises the network from fault

perspective which might occur in the network elements. FM receives
alarms or events from network elements under supervision and processes
them. FM provides web based Command Line Interface (CLI) and the
Graphical User Interface to see alarms received and processed in ENM.
CORBA based Northbound Interface can be used to integrate and
communicate alarms from ENM to external systems.

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 Software Hardware Manager: Software Hardware Manager (SHM) is a

web based application for managing software, hardware and license of
Ericsson Network Elements. SHM provides an intuitive user interface to
manage the inventory of network elements, perform software upgrade and
create a backup for a group of network elements.

 Ericsson System Monitor: ENM System Monitor (ESM) provides

operators with an efficient way to monitor basic application, hardware and
operating system metrics for the ENM system. It provides the operator with
stateful alarms which can be sent to ENM Fault Management.

 Advance MO scripting: Advanced MO Scripting (AMOS) provides a

Command Line interface towards CPP based network elements. It is a
productised version of MO SHELL tool and adds logging, user
authentication, user authorization and license checking that was not
present in MO Shell.

 Element Manager: Element Manager (EM) is an application for making

configuration changes of the selected network element instance.

 CM Supervision: CM Supervision ensures ENM is constantly up to date

with CM changes on the network. Once CM Supervision is started and the
node synchronization is initiated, node notifications will be processed to
keep ENM up to date with the network.

 Auto-Provisioning: Auto Provisioning (AP) is a feature to allow operators

to easily integrate nodes into a network by reducing the number of manual
steps required. Deployment of RBS is mainly done in 3 steps: provisioning,
commissioning and integration. After the node is powered-upgrade the
node makes contact with ENM, retrieving and applying configuration
information to itself. When the integration is complete, the cells in the
integrated node will be unlocked, enabling the node to carry traffic.

 Northbound Interfaces: ENM supports specific northbound interfaces for

different functionalities and type of data:

- CM NBI: Rest CM NBI, CM Event NBI and Dynamic CM NBI, Bulk CM

IRP etc.

- PM NBI: Performance Management Initiation and Collection (PMIC)

provides an NBI from which is possible to retrieve PM file collected
from the node.

- FM NBI: is a CORBA based North bound interface in ENM used to

export fault management data to third party systems.

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Optus vENM Solution Overview

4 vENM Hardware Specification on

Customer Cloud
ENM will be a virtual deployment on cloud infrastructure. ENIQ-S & OMBS will
be upgraded to release 18 on existing Hardware which is based on x86 HP
Blade servers and EMC VNX storage devices.

This section highlights the cloud infrastructure resource requirements for

virtual ENM deployment managing Optus’s core network.

ENM on Customer Cloud does not support event steaming, Event Based
statistics based on File (EBS-L and EBS-M) and Incident Management.

Minimum Openstack version for vENM on Customer Cloud is Mitaka with

below required projects:
 Glance
 Nova
 Neutron
 Cinder
 Heat

An NFS service must be included as part of the cloud infrastructure. This can
be either internal (ENM provided) or external (Customer Cloud provided).

Note: The ENM provided Internal NFS, where ENM creates a virtual NFS
service has:
 limited capacity,
 no scaling
 no possibility to integrate to ENIQ Statistics
 no possibility of migration to external NFS service

ENIQ integration with ENM requires an NFS share. vENM on Customer Cloud
supports only external NFS shares.

Cinder backup must also be enabled on cloud.

For more details, refer to document [1].

4.1 Cloud Infra Resource Requirements for vENM

4.1.1 Compute

 #Distinct VM Types for Large ENM on Customer Cloud = 78

- #68 VM(s) with Anti-Affinity / Requirements single instance per host,

Maximum 5 VMs of the same purpose requiring anti-affinity

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- #6 singleton with restart. No data loss. Clients can tolerate restart of

the service.

- #4 singleton where service unavailable during restart.

To tolerate loss of a compute host it is recommended that resources are

available in the ENM tenant space to allow for a restart of all singletons on
a separate compute host.

 #VM instances (total) for Large ENM on Customer Cloud = 155

 #CPU vCores Total = 574 (with no overcommit), 301 (with overcommit

average of 2.03)

 #GB RAM Total = 1656

Over commitment values are indicative only. The product does not support
multiple availability zones to realize these values in a customer cloud so any
overcommit that is applied will affect all ENM VMs.

4.1.2 Storage

 #GB Local Ephemeral Storage Total = 1860

 #GB NFS required = 8,517

 #GB NFS Snap space required = 3,542

 #GB NFS Volume for snapshot promotion required = 3,542

 Total GB NFS = 15,601

 #GB Persistent Block Storage = 2,610

 #GB Persistent Block Storage Snap space required = 4,212

 #GB Persistent Block Storage for snapshot promotion required = 4,212,

This is also the volume of storage provided via cinder backup interface

 Total GB Persistent Block Storage = 11,034 NFS throughput

NFS requires the following throughput:

 External NFS share: 40 Mb / s

 Backup and restore NFS share: 60 Mb / s

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Optus vENM Solution Overview Block Storage IOPS

 Minimum Block Storage IOPS = 100, Maximum Block Storage IOPS =


 Concurrent Block Storage in IOPS = 14910 based on Database VM

Storage needs

Note: Number of VMs not complete

Block Storage IOPS VM Type count

100 67
800 1
350 1
170 1
200 1
7000 1
190 1

Total VMs 73

 Storage Latency Requirement <10ms Block Storage Bandwidth

 Minimum Block Storage Bandwidth MB/s = 0.2, Maximum Block Storage

Bandwidth MB/s = 5

 Concurrent Block Storage Bandwidth MB/s = 58.1 MB/s

Note: Number of VMS not complete

Block Storage Bandwidth MB/Sec Sum of #VMs per site Total Concurrent Bandwidth MB / Sec
0.2 138 27.6
1 4 4
3 1 3
4 1 4
4.5 1 4.5
5 3 15
(blank) 7 0
Grand Total 155 58.1

 Storage Latency Requirement <10ms

4.1.3 Network

 File storage traffic VLAN bandwidth can reach 14800 Mbps

 All other VLANS must be capable of handling 1500 Mbps

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 Total Number of Virtual Nics 178

- #vNIC Virtio = 155, These are Private Routable IP addresses

- #Public Routable IP addresses = 23.

 Network Latency Requirement <10ms

4.2 Cloud Infra Resource Requirements for Small vENM

This information is preliminary and will have to be validated in the specified
infrastructure deployed in Optus.

(Overcommit 2.7)
(No Overcommit)

NFS Share [GB]

Storage [GB]

Storage [GB]
VM Count
VM Types





78 137 300 112 682 1644 785.6 2754 156

4.3 Cloud Infra Resource Requirements for VNF LAF

VNFLAF Virtual Virtual Resource Type Virtual Resource

Hardware Resource Specification
ENM Cloud Gateway Virtual Machine 1- vCPUs, 2048MB vMemory,
2x 1Gb vNICs and 20G disk
VNFLAF-Services Virtual Machine 2- vCPUs, 6144MB vMemory,
2x 1Gb vNICs and 20G disk
VNFLAF-DB Virtual Machine 2- vCPUs, 4096MB vMemory,
2x 1Gb vNICs and 20G disk
VNFLAF-Storage Block Storage – BSV 120 GB

4.4 vENM Production Hardware

 For medium deployment of virtual ENM, 15 x (2 CPU, 32 Core) Servers
(CSU) are required with each having 256 GB RAM along with total
Nexenta Storage of 37 TB usable capacity.

 For small deployment of virtual ENM (255 Core NEs), ~5 x (2 CPU, 32

Core) Servers (CSU) are required with each having 256 GB RAM along

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with total Nexenta Storage of ~4 TB usable capacity. Affinity / Anti-Affinity

requirements are not considered for estimating this.

 VNF LAF requires additional cloud resources which will be estimated post
actual small vENM infra requirement.

Note: The above figures for vENM Cloud Infrastructure requirements are
an estimation and can be changed. Actual figures should be calculated
from the vENM specifications mentioned in section 4.1 & 4.2.

4.5 vENM Test Lab Hardware

Test Lab hardware will be in line with the production one. For small
deployment of virtual ENM in production environment, similar one will be
replicated in lab along with VNF LAF.

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Below vENM SW BoQ is an estimation with similar features existing currently
in OSS-RC. Actual feature list might change when vENM 18A will be GAed.

5.1 vENM Production SW

Note: Quantities in table below reflect current OSS-RC capacity licenses for

Product no Denomination Unit Qty.

Sec_ENM_SW_SSS&PS - Secure
INF 901 6107/69 Basic_ PAYG Piece 1
INF 901 8888 SW Subscription NW Management Piece 1
VP Adv MO script Node Checker
P/FAJ 801 0779/39V (MGW) SCC 1000
P/FAJ 801 0845/31V VP VNF LifeCycle Manager Piece 1
1k IP
P/FAJ 801 1002/1V Core Network Package (EPG) session 9485
Core Network Base package (SGSN-
P/FAJ 801 1002/2V MME) KSAU 7960
P/FAJ 801 1002/39V Core Network Base Package (MGW) SCC 1000
P/FAJ 801 1002/7DV Core Network Base Package (UDC) User 11100
P/FAJ 801 1002/7V Core Network Package (IMS) User 2127
P/FAJ 801 2004/39V VP Adv MO script (MGW) SCC 1000

5.2 vENM Test Lab SW

Product no Denomination Unit Qty

CTS- VP Adv MO Script-Node
5/FAJ 801 0779/45V Checker System 1
5/FAJ 801 0845/45V CTS - VP VNF LifeCycle Manager System 1
5/FAL 126 0001/V ENM Customer Test Lab System 1
Sec_ENM_SW_SSS&PS - Secure
INF 901 6107/69 Basic_ PAYG Piece 1
INF 901 8888 SW Subscription NW Management Piece 1

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6 OSS-RC – vENM feature mapping

6.1 OSS-RC Software

Optus OSS-RC is currently being upgraded to 17B release. Starting with
O17A the licensing model for OSS-RC and ENIQ-S software has been
changed to a new model – ESM (Ericsson Software Model). OSS-RC
functionality is offered and certified in are divided into the following groups:

Base Packages: The Base Packages are mandatory and contains

functionalities that are necessary for operating OSS-RC and manage the
underlying technologies. Base Packages includes significantly more
functionality compared to the Starter Packages in the Legacy SW Model.

Value Packages: The optional Value Packages consist of more advanced

functionality that further enhance customers network in terms of user
experience, operational efficiency, network efficiency, capacity etc.

Software Subscription: The Software Subscription is mandatory and

provides the customer access to any new functionality and enhancement
added to the Contracted Base and Value Packages during the duration of the
contract. Having SW Subscription is the only way to make upgrades when in
the Ericsson SW Model (i.e. there are no ordering objects for upgrading nodes
outside of the SW Subscription functionality).

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6.1.1 Lab Software

Lab software for both OSS-RC and ENM is licensed as CTS (Customer Test
System) that follows the same ESM model. Optus can use to test the SW
contained in the BP and VP corresponding to those installed in production
system without having to interfere with the production network. CTS licensed
SW can only be used for non-commercial systems.

6.1.2 Production Software

Up to release 16B OSS-RC software features were grouped into categories:

- Basic SW Features – included in the Starter Packages: - The starter

packages provide a set of features for centralized operations. The
main functions supported are Element Management (EM), Fault
Management (FM), Software Management (SWM), Performance
Management Administration and Configuration Management

- Optional SW Features – technology specific features

These Basic and Optional OSS-RC features are now mapped into the BP and
VP presented in the tables below. The mapping of legacy software (Basic and
Optional features) into the new ESM Base Packages and Value Packages is
presented in section Error: Reference source not found. BP Core - Core Network Base Package

The components of BP-Core are presented below. The features marked N/A
are not applicable or not licensed to Optus.

Note: License parameter values related to EPC network have been updated with Y3
EPC expansion values as follows:
- kSAU: from: 7960 to: 8760 increase: 800
- kIP Sessions from: 9485 to: 14420 increase: 4935

BP Core Network Parameter

Cumulative – Y3
INF 901 2352/NW13 Core Network Starter Package, GSN (Per KSAU) 8760
INF 901 2352/NW218 FAJ 121 4201, Virtual Infrastructure Alarm Integration and N/A
Mapping (MME)
INF 901 2352/NW69 FAJ 121 955, Core Network Status Analyzer (KSAU) N/A
INF 901 2352/NW203 FAJ 121 2040, Network Status Display (KSAU) 8760
INF 901 2352/NW64 FAJ 121 2041, Network Surveillance eXpert GSN (KSAU) N/A
INF 901 2356/N11 FAJ 121 49, Text Alarm Toolkit, Development (TXTD) 20
INF 901 2356/N9 FAJ 121 47, Connection to NMS (CON) 1
INF 901 2355/NW7 FAJ 121 3901, SNMP Alarm NBI N/A

EPG kIP Session

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INF 901 2352/NW205 Core Network Starter Package, (kIP-Session) 14420

INF 901 2352/NW217 FAJ 121 4201, Virtual Infrastructure Alarm Integration and N/A
Mapping (EPG)
INF 901 2352/NW207 FAJ 121 2040, Network Status Display 14420
INF 901 2356/N11 FAJ 121 49, Text Alarm Toolkit, Development (TXTD) 20
INF 901 2356/N9 FAJ 121 47, Connection to NMS (CON) 1
INF 901 2355/NW7 FAJ 121 3901, SNMP Alarm NBI N/A
INF 901 2352/NW213 FAJ 121 2041, Network Surveillance eXpert (kip-Session) N/A

CUDB kProvisioned User

INF 901 2352/NW14 Core Network Starter Package, kProvSub. (Per kProvSub) 2127
INF 901 2356/N11 FAJ 121 49, Text Alarm Toolkit, Development (TXTD) 20
INF 901 2356/N9 FAJ 121 47, Connection to NMS (CON) 1
INF 901 2355/NW7 FAJ 121 3901, SNMP Alarm NBI N/A
INF 901 2352/NW215 FAJ 121 2041, Network Surveillance eXpert UDC (per N/A

UDC kActive User

INF 901 2352/NW17 Core Network Starter Package, kActiveSub (Per kActiveSub ) 2127
INF 901 2356/N11 FAJ 121 49, Text Alarm Toolkit, Development (TXTD) 20
INF 901 2356/N9 FAJ 121 47, Connection to NMS (CON) 1
INF 901 2355/NW7 FAJ 121 3901, SNMP Alarm NBI N/A

IMS kActive User

INF 901 2355/NW11 IMS Starter Package 2127
INF 901 2352/NW219 FAJ 121 4201, Virtual Infrastructure Alarm Integration and N/A
Mapping (IMS)
INF 901 2356/N11 FAJ 121 49, Text Alarm Toolkit, Development (TXTD) 20
INF 901 2356/N9 FAJ 121 47, Connection to NMS (CON) 1
INF 901 2355/NW7 FAJ 121 3901, SNMP Alarm NBI N/A
INF 901 2355/NW6 FAJ 121 2040, Network Status Display (IMS) 2127

Other Nodes Node (other)

INF 901 2356/N15 Connection to OSS-RC FM (COF), Datacom Nodes 20
INF 901 2356/N10 FAJ 121 48, Connection to OSS-RC FM (COF) for Telecom 2
Nodes Value Packages VP Data Consistency

VP Data Consistency Parameter

Cumulative – Y3
INF 901 2352/N128 FAJ 121 3700, EPC Configuration Profiles 8760

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Optus vENM Solution Overview VP Geo Redundancy

VP Geo Redundancy Parameter

Cumulative – Y3
INF 901 2360/N57 FAJ 121 2663 Geo-Redundancy for X86 2 VP Unified Trace

VP Unified Trace Parameter

Cumulative – Y3
IMS kActive User
INF 901 2355/N37 FAJ 121 1585, Subscriber Trace (IMS) 2127 VP Auto Alarm Handling

VP Auto Alarm Handling Parameter

Cumulative – Y3
INF 901 2356/N18 FAJ1211672, Fault Management Expert II, Rule engine (FMXR II) 2 VP 3PP Additional Users

VP 3PP Additional Users Parameter

Cumulative – Y3
INF 901 2356/N1 FAJ 121 089, OSS Client solution, Client Extension, Additional Users 5
in step of 10 VP Advanced MO Scripting

VP Advanced MO Scripting Parameter

Cumulative – Y3
INF 901 2352/N101 FAJ 121 1163, AMOS (CPP Scripting) 1000 VP Advanced MO Scripting Node Check

VP Advanced MO Scripting Node Check Parameter

Cumulative – Y3
INF 901 2352/N126 FAJ 121 3291, AMOS Node Checker 1000

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Optus vENM Solution Overview

6.2 ENM Software

ENM is licensed under the same ESM (Ericsson Software Model) as OSS-RC
17B that is currently in operation in Optus.

ENM functionality is offered and certified in are divided into the following

Base Packages: The Base Packages are mandatory and contains

functionalities that are necessary for operating OSS-RC and manage the
underlying technologies. Base Packages includes significantly more
functionality compared to the Starter Packages in the Legacy SW Model.

Value Packages: The optional Value Packages consist of more advanced

functionality that further enhance customers network in terms of user
experience, operational efficiency, network efficiency, capacity etc.

Software Subscription: The Software Subscription is mandatory and

provides the customer access to any new functionality and enhancement
added to the Contracted Base and Value Packages during the duration of the
contract. Having SW Subscription is the only way to make upgrades when in
the Ericsson SW Model (i.e. there are no ordering objects for upgrading nodes
outside of the SW Subscription functionality).

6.2.1 ENM - Core Network Base Package

Within the Core Network Package there are common functionality

components, which are technology independent and allow operators to
perform routine tasks for basic network management. It includes following
- Topology Management
- Fault Management
- Performance Management
- Configuration Management
- Software and Hardware Management
- Security Management
- System Administration
- Network Health Monitor
- Node Health Check
- Release Independence

A brief description of these features is provided below Topology Management

Topology Management displays all managed objects in the network to provide

easy navigation and a search facility using a flexible, user-friendly search

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By using ENM Network Explorer, it allows the user to find and view all objects
that exist in the network.

It provides the functionality to create a collection of objects for easy access at

a later date, or to save the search so it can be re-executed at a later stage.

It is also possible to navigate to Network Explorer from another app, to

perform a search, and select individual results from the table to bring
information back to the originating application. Fault Management

Fault Management provides a graphic overview of the current alarm situation

in the network and a number of operations that can be performed.

Fault Management provides easy access to all alarms in the network. It

provides the functionality to enable/disable supervision on individual nodes.

Fault Management provides a filtering capacity to manage the types and

volumes of alarms displayed and the facility to acknowledge and clear existing

Fault Management also provides automated alarm handling. It offers the

possibility for the operator to focus on the real service affecting problems, as it
enables powerful filtering and automation of routine tasks. There is no pre-
defined rules for core network nodes.

Fault Management supports basic collection, storage, and exposure of

network logs. It is possible to start and stop collection and storage of selected
network logs for supported nodes and to expose the files with the collected
logs to an external system. Network Log collection and exposure is supported
for the following node types; M-MGW and SGSN-MME.

Fault Management also provides a M2M interface between ENM and other
NMS. There are two interfaces are supported:

 CORBA Alarm IRP standard defined by 3GPP

FM CORBA NBI implements the CIRP solution set defined by 3GPP.
Any NMS implementing CIRP interface for fault management can
connect to FM NBI in Ericsson Network Manager to receive
alarms/error messages and perform operations on alarms/error
Alarm OPIs information will be forwarded to NMS CORBA NBI in form
of structured event.

BNSI is a protocol dedicated to the forwarding of alarm information
from various sources (for example, nodes or southbound EMs) to a
supervisory external NMS. According to the BNSI protocol, alarms are
modelled records which are coded as a sequence of lines with
readable text according to the syntax described in the BNSI protocol

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Optus vENM Solution Overview Performance Management

In ENM, Performance Management covers PM Initiation and Collection. It

provides functionality to allow a user to manage PM measurements for the
core network nodes, allowing a user to handle subscriptions.

ENM also provides the ability to receive PM Counter files sent from the
network. The counter files are available for the Report Output Periods
supported by the network elements.

The XML files containing the counters selected in system or user defined
subscriptions are located in designated directories and are available for a
configurable retention period. Notifications are available to the receiving
applications when a file has been stored and is available for consumption.

In ENM 17A, ENM adds the File Lookup Service (FLS) to provide an efficient
look-up service for NMS PM consumers. It enables consumers to fetch the
PM files from the ENM File System efficiently. The FLS can be queried using
various search criteria removing the need to scan the file-system. Configuration Management

Configuration Management provides support to observe and change network

configuration data. Obtaining current configuration and performing changes
can be handles individually for a single instance or handled in bulk with an
export and import function. Revocation support is in place to simplify the
undoing of larger changes entered.

The configuration management functionality in ENM is accessible via the ENM

Command Line Interface (CLI), Bulk CM North Bound Interface (NBI) and via
ENM Graphical User Interface (GUI).

 ENM CLI have full support for Configuration Management of network

nodes supported in ENM where an ENM user can operate the
configuration of the node as defined in the node object model. Import
and export of CM data in bulk is supported via the ENM CLI. CLI
support functions to assist the configuration management task are
available. E g a ‘describe’ command returns a description of a
specified managed object, an ‘alias’ of a full command simplifies re-use
and the CLI supports command completion.

 ENM Bulk CM NBI provides a machine-to-machine interface for

importing and exporting network configuration data between ENM and
external systems. The file format herein is XML that follows a defined
structure compliant with the 3GPP standardization specification. All
operator controlled network data is supported.

 ENM GUI support for configuration management is provided as


o Basic support to view and update individual network objects is

available in the ENM Network Explorer.

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o A dedicated Parameter Management GUI enables the user to

easily view, analyze and update multiple network parameters in
a network wide manner. Updates to both simple and complex
attributes is supported. This GUI is generic as it supports any
node managed by ENM. Changes are validated against the
node object model upon entry and when applied made directly
into the live network. Software and Hardware Management

SHM function handles what backups are on the network element themselves
as well as what backups are available on ENM for the network elements.
Backup comments are visible in the backup inventory view.

 Create backup of network elements, via one time, scheduled or

periodic jobs. Backups can be uploaded to ENM as an optional step in
the job. A “saved search” can be used to select which nodes to include
in a backup job. The saved search is executed each time the backup
Job is executed, and hence provides a dynamic topology selection.

 Maintenance / housekeeping of backups on the network elements and

on ENM.

 Restore network elements to an earlier configuration by selecting

appropriate backup

License Administration

 View license inventories, i.e. feature and capacity licenses in each

network element.

 Export (save) of Inventory information to file

 Download and installation of licenses on the network elements

Hardware Administration:

 View and export of network element hardware inventories

Note: Not all network element types are supported by SHM, and the level of
support varies. please refer to the supported NE document for details Security Management

ENM Security Management provides basic protection of the key assets of the
network from being subject to malicious internal and external attacks.

ENM Security Management is a function that provides industry standard

security for network management systems.

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Optus vENM Solution Overview

ENM security implements all de-facto standard security paradigms, namely

the following:

 Identity management and access control

 Confidentiality and privacy

 Defense in Depth and use of Choke Points

 Observability and supervision System Administration

System Administration provides general functionalities to allow users to

manage ENM itself. It includes the following applications:


The Launcher is a web-based application that provides easy one-click access

to available applications (web and desktop applications). To facilitate ease of
use, applications can be grouped by domain, listed alphabetically or accessed
by using the ‘Favorites’ facility. The search facility allows global search on all
applications by acronym or by application name.

Log Viewer

Log Viewer is a web-based application that provides easy access to all system
logs via the system platform. It provides advanced search functions to filter the
logs in order to isolate information required for troubleshooting and analysis

OSS Monitoring

The OSS Monitoring application monitors ENM, collecting various

management parameters.

Backup and Restore

ENM Backup and Restore provides scheduled backup of whole ENM

deployment and disaster recovery of whole ENM deployments.

ENM Backup is based on a separate Solaris based O&M Backup Server

(OMBS) that includes Symantec NetBackup. OMBS is a separately orderable
software product which complements ENM.

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Optus vENM Solution Overview Network Health Monitor

The Network Health Monitor offers support to monitor the performance of the
network continuously in near real-time to determine if there is a fault that has
an impact to the KPIs. For network core nodes, this currently includes FM
states of monitored entities together with their operational states. Network
Health Monitor also provides access to trouble-shooting tools to dig deeper in
order to fix the fault. FMX and Autonomic Incident Management (separate
value pack) further facilitate this process by aiming for an increased level of

The Network Health Monitor consists of three main parts relevant for core
network nodes:

 Network Health Monitor Dashboard provides an overview of the part

of the network that has been selected for monitoring.

 From this dashboard, Network Health Analysis can be launched to

support a deeper analysis of a selection of nodes.

 Node Monitor allows for monitoring the states of a particular nodes

and, if applicable, its corresponding cells.

The user interfaces are highly customizable to allow for personalized

monitoring views. Core Network Operation Manager

In ENM 17B.1, it is possible to deploy and launch Core Network Operation

Manager (CNOM) for EPC nodes, and is a Beta version in 17B. It can be
broken down into the following application categories and applications to offer
Core Network-specific functionality:


KPI and Status Monitor

Health Check

Performance & Optimization

Traffic Analysis

UE Trace

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Optus vENM Solution Overview Node Health Check

Node Health Check (NHC) is a CLI-based diagnostic tool that allows the user
to determine the state of a Network Element (NE) based on user-defined
acceptance criteria. The user specifies the NEs of interest and the acceptance
criteria to use. A common use case is to compare two reports (e.g. pre and
post-upgrade checks) to get information if crucial system parameters have

6.2.2 ENM Value Packages VP – VNF Lifecycle Manager

The VNF Lifecycle Automation Framework provides a flexible solution for

automation of the VNF Lifecycle management use cases such as Instantiation
& Configuration, Scaling and Decommissioning. A number of capabilities are

 Allows for user control of the workflows to allow for stepwise migration
to full automation

 Workflows are based on BPMN, which is a standard workflow

modelling language that is easy to visualize.

 Scaling workflows can be automatically triggered by KPI threshold


 SDK to allow for customization of the workflows to adapt to specific

customer environments and needs. Library of common tasks and
workflows that can be reused, with the possibility to define new tasks
and workflows.

 When a new VNF is instantiated it is automatically added to the OSS-

RC Network Resource model and an association defined to
representation of that instance in the Cloud Infrastructure Manager
(e.g. vApp identifier)

 The client side includes general workflow management capabilities i.e.

- View available workflows
- View ongoing/active workflows
- View workflow progress
- View workflow history
- Start workflow
- Stop / Cancel workflow
- View error logs for failed workflows

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Optus vENM Solution Overview

6.3 ENM to OSS-RC BP/VP mapping

The following table provides the feature mapping between OSS-RC and ENM.
It shows only the BP/VP corresponding to the BP/VP currently licensed for
Optus in OSS-RC 17B


Core Network Base Package Core Network Base Package
VP Advanced MO Scripting VP Advanced MO Scripting
VP Advanced MO Scripting VP Advanced MO Scripting
Node Check Node Checker
N/A VP - VNF Lifecycle Manager Included for VNF management (VNFM
VP Geo Redundancy Not Applicable vENM -redundancy can provided via NFVi
VP 3PP Additional Users Not Applicable User access is provided through standard
web browser
VP Unified Trace Core Network Base Package Tracing function available in BP Core
VP Auto Alarm Handling Core Network Base Package FMX equivalent function available in Core
Network Base Package
VP Data Consistency Not Applicable

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Optus vENM Solution Overview

7 Assumptions & Exclusions

Following are some assumptions related to the proposed OSS solution only:

 Migration of existing native core nodes (EPC, IMS, UDC) managed by

OSS-RC to Virtual ENM 18B is included in scope. The upgrade of existing
ENIQ-S, OSSS-RC and OMBS to corresponding 18B release is included
in a separate proposal. <Sanjay to confirm. Singtel proposal includes 18B
upgrade for ENIQ>

 Small configuration of Virtual ENM (255 Core NEs) HW is considered for

live and testbed configuration. However, this configuration is not tested
and validated in relation to the proposed NFVi cloud infrastructure.

 The Cloud Infrastructure details are not included in this solution document.
The figures mentioned in Section 4.4 are just an estimation and need to be
validated for the actual NFVi deployment.

 3PP SW licensing costs for cloud infrastructure (RHOSP, Nexenta, ECS,

OBI etc.) are not included.

 A fully Geo-Redundant solution, similar to current OSS-RC deployment in

Optus is not available for vENM deployments and it is not part of the
current offering. Geo-Redundancy on virtual deployments can be
implemented on the underlying cloud infrastructure and is dependent on
the final implementation of Optus NFVi solution.

 vENM 18B software BoQ is an estimation with similar features existing

currently in OSS-RC (see section 6 for OSS-RC to vENM 18A feature
mapping). Actual feature list might change when vENM 18B will be GA
(May 2018).

 No DCN equipment is included in the offer.

 As vENM is a new product, some of the existing Customer Adaptations on

OSS RC may not be required in ENM as those functions can be
implemented differently. This can be determined on a case by case
analysis of each individual CA and is not included in this proposal.

 Northbound integration to Optus Cloud MANO and Optus NMS is

excluded. The scope for these integrations can be subject further Optus
cloud architecture clarifications.

 Other Ericsson OSS products not mentioned in this document is not part of
the offer.

 Any feature and tool/system that is not explicitly stated in this solution is
out of the scope of this solution.

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Optus vENM Solution Overview

8 Risks & Limitations

 Small vENM specifications is not validated on the target NFVi version.
Optus is required to consider the recommended specifications mentioned
in section 4. However, there may be slight changes in the compute/storage
at the time of General Availability which is subject to consideration.

 An NFS server must be provided by the cloud infrastructure. If the Manilla

project is available, all NFS shares will be created and shared to ENM
VMs automatically during the deployment. If Manilla is not available, the
NFS shares must be created and shared manually as a pre-requisite
before installing ENM on Customer Cloud.

 Affinity / Anti-Affinity requirements are not considered in virtual ENM (255

Core NEs) specifications since the figures are still preliminary and not

 For virtual ENM on Customer Cloud, the Backup & Restore function is
included as part of vENM on Customer cloud and provides support for
creating backups for ENM configurations and critical data.

 ENM Geographical Redundancy preliminary solution is feature candidate

& targeted initially from 18B. It is being designed to be implemented at
application layer for ENM Applications on Cloud.

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Optus vENM Solution Overview

9 References
[1] Hardware/Resource Analysis Report ENM, 1/177 63-4/FCP 130 2584
Uen Rev PC10.

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