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General Concepts and STS Historical Developments Science and Technology and Nation Building Wilcome! Our subject tile is “Seiece, Technology and Society. This partis about the “General Concepts and STS Mistrial Developments”, Our tops about “Science and Technolgy and tion Bin [XDFRONTLEARNERS' Gryihezt Fines i. Mammon a General Concepts and STS Historical Developments Science and Technology and Nation Building LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Discuss the role of Science and Technology in Philippine Nation Building 2. Evaluate government policies pertaining to science and technology in terms of their contributions to nation building 3. Identify actual science and technology policies of the government and appraise their impact on the development of the Filipino nation Werhave three learning outcomes to achieve by the end of his top EXDFRONTLEARNERS: cxrsiesititmmm he Agius Science and Technology and Nation Building Why is Science and Technology important in Nation Building? © Recitation Question: Why is science and technology important in nation building? Can you give instances or cases wherein science and technology helped built our nation? \Why science andtechnlogyimprtant in nation Buldng? Can you ge Instances or ass wherein scence and technology helped bul our nation’? [ODFRONTLEARNERS® cioncurrmtnes ie Alvourcmes Yer Science and Technology and Nation Bi ing Why is Science and Technology important in Nation Building? Science and Technology is essential in nation building. Scientific knowledge and technological advancements are needed to address problems and concerns such as climate change, natural disasters and epidemics. Also, they are needed to increase industrial productivity leading to economic development. ‘Scionce and technoloay are essantal in nation building. Scientific knowledge and technological advancoments are needed to address probleme and ‘concerns such as climate change, natural sisastrs and epidemics Also, they are needed to inerease industrial productivity leading 9 economic evelopment EDDFRONTLEARNERS coyricaieramnmnn: Monin Siplesenstetsnet ec anaes as twos Science and Technology and Nation Building Why is Science and Technology important in Nation Building? @ Group Activity: Science Café Each group will discuss a topic that will help the class understand better the role of science and technology in nation building. Each group wil discuss a topic that will help the class understand better the ole of science and technology in nation building, Science and Technology and Nation Building Why is Science and Technology important in Nation Building? @ Group Activity: Science Café 1. What made Japan become one of the largest economies and one of the most-developed nations after World War II? 2. How did China become an economic powerhouse in the 21* century? 3. What is the role of science and technology in Cuba's innovative and modern healthcare? Chose one opeto discs. Science and Technology and Na‘ Why is Science and Technology important in Nation Building? @ Group Activity: Science Café After each group's presentation, an open forum will be held to address the questions. The activity is entitled Science Café, hence, the students and the teacher should bring food and beverages. No. of groups: 3 Time for Presentation: 10-15 minutes each group Aker each presentation an open forum wil be helt adress he questions The atts ented “Sienee Ca” hee the students and he ence shoul ring fod and beverage ‘There mus be groups. Ech group mus presont for 101015 mits. [DFRONTLEARNERS: cmynvoztiteriammin Mirumanes fopstemmntenn Science and Technology and Nation Building Why is Science and Technology important ensure quality healthcare efficiently deliver social services develop good infrastructure - : : manage increase economic generate jobs natural productivity for workers disaste Science and technology essential in nation bulking fects many aspects of humane see rom thischart Nation Building? increase agricultural productivity conserve and protect the environment produce quality goods: secure peace, order and stability Rog ” 7 EXDFRONTLEARNERS: corytezieronmran nc Migmmrns, Repsturteon maces a es nasa Science and Technology and Nation Building Why is Science and Technolog: portant in Nation Building? In the Philippines, the importance of science and technology is recognized. * In the 1987 Philippine Constitution, Science and Technology are given priority to “foster patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social progress, and promote total human liberation and development’. * In Section 10, Article XIV, it is stated that “Science and Technology are essential for national development and progres: Inte Phippines, the importance of scence an technology recogized nthe 1987 Philippine Coston, science and technolog are gen pitty to “osterpatitsm and ‘atonal eccelrte socal popes, ond promote otal Namah Iberation and development Ukewse, section 10, hte Ih sated tat lees on echnaloy ae serial fo ‘ational development ond progres Science and Technology and Nation Building Why is Science and Technology important in Nation Building? emenbrpectstenseunarcesest [<\_TMasbyChta aetna CSA a a AN arenbiean see een 88 Techn the Phitppmes Sane sn cna ae grat eae ipo devel pos inte eh nance arden oe prod ol pode pos septs, tomate ley aces, to develo rp vars, tense gona hela, fo manafe atl inter, many me EDDFRONTLEARNERS: conmromorammenin Hwemes _fyuitentnuintaamimin tates martes reper Science and Technology and Nation Bi oO Research / Group Presentation 1. Divide the Class into 7 Groups 2. Each group will do a Research on the accomplishments and contributions of the different administrations to Science, Technology and Education during their term. Pres. Ferdinand Marcos Pres. Corazon Aquino Pres. Fidel Ramos Pres. Joseph Estrada Pres. Gloria Arroyo Pres. Noynoy Aquino Pres. Rodrigo Duterte -Group 1: -Group 2: -Group 3: -Group 4: -Groups: -Group 6: -Group 7: Research on the accomplishments and contributions of the different administrations to Science, Technology, and Education during their term, [XD FRONTLEARNERS' coyirioxi rina ne Arges Science and Technology and Nation Bi oO Research / Group Presentation 3. Explain each achievement and contribution. Make sure you tackle its impact to nation building. 4, Be prepared to discuss your Research Output to the class. Be creative in your presentation. ‘plain each ehevement and contusion, Make sre you ales ipact te aton bling Be prepare to discus your Research Output othe clas. Be create in your pesetaton EDFRONTUEARNERS: Gomtositotimen oe Atitumime Sytem ens ect an Science and Technology and Nation Building Philippine Government Science and Technology Agenda Plan 2017-2022, the government mandates an “increased use of scientific and technological breakthroughs”. The government intends to do this by “promoting and accelerating ieee technology adoption” and “stimulating innovation”. Now, let's cuss how the goverment manages and develops scence nd technology through is ples and prapams. nthe Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022, he ‘Sovernment mandates an Sinereased use of scientific and technologieal breakthroughs." The government intends to do ths by "premeting and erating techr [XD FRONTLEARNERS' coyspcozitrennenm we Atrnns SS nology adaption" and "stimulating innovation" 05 Seine Technlogy a Sok Par cone conepta ang ss tea Science and Technology and Nation Building ‘Secean Technora atin Bung ine Government Science and Technology Agenda The main government agency for science and technology is the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). DOST was created to “provide central direction, leadership and coordination of scientific and technological efforts and ensure that the results therefrom are geared and utilized in areas of maximum economic and social benefits for the people.” ‘hemaln government agency for sce and tehelop isthe Depurtert of cence and Technolgy {O05 was ented to “provide central eect, leadership and ecordinatin of Sclentfic ndtechlopea efforts and ensure tat he ess thereto are geared andrlzed in fas ef maumum economia soda Denes forthe peop EXD FRONTLEARNERS corto zen we Ainge ilding Science and Technology and Nation Bi Philippine Government Science and Technology Agenda DOST is composed of, * three (3) sectoral planning councils + seven (7) research and development institutes + two (2) collegial bodies * six (6) service institutes * several regional and provincial offices. Some of the agencies under DOST are the Advance Science and Technology Institute, Science Education Institute and National Research Council of the Philippines. ‘he Departments composed of tre sectoral planing ounc seven reszarch and development ists, two collegial oes, sit sence sues and several reporal and provincial es Some ofthe ogndes under OOST inclu Avance Science an Tetnongy nite, SoanceCacation tute an National Reseach Coun fhe Pion Science and Technology and Nation Building pine Government Science and Technology Agenda All programs, projects and activities of DOST shall target to achieve the following outcomes: 1. Stimulation of Innovation 2. Promotion and acceleration of Technology adoption 3. Development of a critical mass of globally competitive human resources on Science and Technology 4. Increased productivity and efficiency of micro, small, and medium entrepreneurs (MSMEs) Science and Technology and Nation Building Philippine Government Science and Technology Agenda . Ensured resiliency to disaster risks and climate change 6. Reduced inequality in science and technology capacities and opportunities 7. Achieve effective science and technology governance From 2017, 005 et ts deste outcomes a outings [DFRONTLEARNERS: crryesitrimrests Anim mmas Sousa Science and Technology and Nation Building Philippine Government Science and Technology Agenda The data below shows that Philippines lags behind its ASEAN neighbors in terms of R&D expenditures and number of researchers. fe nt tte nr ASM aes ne Ee FE Curent, the Pippin legs bahindts ASEAN neighbors in ters of rererch nd development expenditures and number of searchers n Bi Science and Technology and Na‘ ing Major Development Programs and Personalities in S&T in the Philippines Balik Scientist Program * The program aims to encourage Filipino Scientists or Scientists of Filipino descent to return to the Philippines and conduct research or scientific undertakings. As of December 2017, there were 497 scientists who served under the program. * Republic Act No. 11035 or the Balik Scientist Act was signed into law in 2018. The law will provide incentives and assistance to returning Filipino experts, scientists, inventors, and engineers. “Tye D0ST has many programs and peoect to adress the etd gaps. One of thems the allen Program, program that inst encourage lino Seto Scents ffpire descent return the Pipes and cont esearch scien nderakings As of December 2017, hee ware 497 ents wha served under the program In 2038, Repub et No 11035 othe ak Sars he as signed intl. The lw wil prouie eetives nd aisance tering iin exper scientists, Inventors, ad engines [IDFRONTLEARNERS' GorcointFimanen i Ahjtimnas — Holaleuenraemerencentntects eee ies pens nee ren gytcomen (sone acioayandsecity acer singntnang Te He SeenctancTacmetogyandnen suing Science and Technology and Na‘ Major Development Programs and Personalities in S&T in the Philippines Balik Scientist Program * The program is important in maintaining a critical number of Filipino experts, scientists, inventors, and engineers that will serve the country. * According to UNESCO, a country should have 380 scientists/researchers per million population. However, in the Philippines, there are only 189 researchers/scientists per million which means that there is a gap of around 19,000 researchers or scientists. ‘ema nar nmin tun po mgr, i tan enn at ih ory. Ard USD ny lhe 380 sensts/resercers or milion population. However, the Pnilppnes, there are onl 19 reseorchers/sclentss pr mon which meas tat heels gp of eound 13,000 reverchersorsserti Science and Technology and Nation Building Major Development Programs and Personali One of those Balik Scientists is Dr. Josefino C. Comiso, a Senior Scientist in USA's National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA. Dr. Josefino C. Comiso technology in addressing problems on natural resource management, especially as related to climate and environmental changes”. One of hose Bait Scions Dr Jost . Comio.»Seror Scents in USA National Asrongutcs and Space Adminration o NASA As alk Scientist his goal ist: bilty ofthe country to utilize advance technology in addressing problems on natural resource management, ‘specialy as related to climate and environmental changes” Science and Technology and Nation Building Major Development Programs and Personalities in S&T in the Philippines Order of National Scientists The Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1003-A, s. 1976, established the National Academy of Science and Technology to become the highest recognition and advisory body on science and technology. Part of this decree is the establishment of the “Order of National Scientists”. ‘nadine alk seta Program he government ogi the ontnaon of man and waren who made gent contibans tothe aancerent ot Sclees en Technology nthe court, ne Present Deees (9) NO. 1005-5 176 ease theNatensl Acer ofa sd Tehog) | {he nighesteognitan and advsary body on selene and tecclogy, Para ts aectees the etabishment ofthe Orde of National Sel [IDFRONTLEARNERS' crrgveatrentunen i: Angumunns — Soxdtynborm sept te henner ers tore Nemec omaaen mh Science and Technology and Nation Bui ing Major Development Programs and Personalities in S&T in the Phili Order of National Scientists The “Order of National Scientists” is the highest honor that is being bestowed by the President of the Republic of the Philippines to a Filipino man or woman of science in the Philippines who has made significant contributions in one of the different fields of science and technology. “The “Order of National Scientists” isthe highest honor that is being bestowed by the President ofthe Republic ofthe Philippines ta a Flipino man or "woman of science in the Philippines who has made significant contributions in one of the different fields of science and technology. noe “Seana Fersogana ces Put cana ona an TS Hite seer ogy i) Science and Technology and Nation Building Major Development Programs and Personalities in S&T in the Philippines Order of National Scientists As of 2018, there are 41 National Scientists. Two of them are engineer agriculturist Ramon Barba and biologist Angel Alcala. ‘Aso 2018, there are National Sets. we of thm are engineer aprcuturst Ramon Barba and llogt Agel Al. Science and Technology and Nation Building Group Activity: Who are our National Scientists? 1. Form 5 groups. 2. Each group will conduct a research on the works and contributions of either: a) a National Scientist or b) a Balik Scientist 3. Make a short presentation highlighting the scientist’ contribution to nation building. Time for Presentation: 5 minutes per group Each group should make retearch on the works and contributions ofa National Scientist ora Baik Scientist, Make a short presentation highlighting the scientist contribution tonaton building, EXD FRONTLEARNERS' caryissitfimueenie Aajamend Sofatermnttesmrmstntaotss Science and Technology and Nation Building in S&T in the Philippines Major Development Programs and Personali Small & Medium Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP) This program is part of the “nationwide strategy to encourage MSMEs to adopt technological innovations to improve existing products, services, and operations; increase productivity and competitiveness; and more importantly to enable MSMEs to develop new products and establish or sustain market niches.” ‘nother 005 program's he mal & Medium Enterprise Technology Upgrading Progam SETUP) which s part of the “nallonuie trate to encourage MSMES to adopt tehnolgal Innovations to imroveexstng products, serves and operations Increase produtnty 2nd cmpattveess and more lnportanty to enable MSMEs to develop new roduts and ‘ctsblah or sustain market nee” Science and Technology and Na‘ Major Development Programs and Personali ‘Small & Medium Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP) d: According to DOST, in 2018, the cornpanies supported by SETUP prod 42,853 jobs, P 8.344 billion cumulative gross sales, and 41 % productivity increase. (Watch this video to learn more about DOST's SETUP program.) hitps:iww facebook comigmanowelvideos/10155512738556977/ ‘According 005, In 2018, the companies supported by SETUP produces: 42, 853]ob, P8344 billon cumulative gross sls, and 4 product increase EDDFRONTLEARNERS cinrarcainrnmmen m: amiemes Sttiontrrstetntte retusa ita tata Science and Technology and Nation Bi ing Major Development Programs and Personalities in S&T in the Philippines ‘Small & Medium Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP) A total of 20, 635 technology interventions and 773 projects were funded. serue ea Economic Development ‘total of 2,635 tecnolgy nterverions and 77 project were funded The project helped developed miro, small and medium entrprsin job generation, productivity increae and hiker come generation. Tis leds to economic development ad poverty late, Science and Technology and Nation Bi ing Major Development Programs and Personalities in S&T in the Philippines Grants-in-Aid Program * Through this program, the government funds scientific and technological undertakings to promote development in the country. It also promotes technology transfer, TARR omen innovation, human resources development and productivity improvement. ‘OT asa offers fancil and technical asitance troup ts Grants n-Ald Program. Through thi pogram the government funds scenic and technological undertakings promote devlopmentn te county Has promotes tehnlog Waster innovation, human estes development ans poaactity mpovea Science and Technology and Nation Building Major Development Programs and Personalities in S&T in the Philippines Forest Products Research and Development Institute This institute conducts researches on ‘wood products, rubber, paper, pulp and other forest products. Most of 005 attached agencies re ao involved in conducting rseoch programs in erent prrty areas. For stance, FRO| or Forest Products Research and Development astute |seurenty doing researceson wood products rubber paper pup and othe fret products, [ODFRONTLEARNERS' coyiricinsreianne mien eiteemn tate ermatn toes ors meses nce and Technology and Nation Building ies in S&T in the Philippines Se Major Development Programs and Personali Philippine Nuclear Research Institute al This institute conducts researches on the safe use of nuclear energy for medical, agricultural, \ a) environmental and industrial purposes. Pl or Philpin Nuclear Research Insite conducting eseares on the safe us of nace energy fr medal agrctrl endronnental an nus purposes EXDFRONTLEARNERS comipicwisfeaunn te Manns stent zante Science and Technology and Nation Building Major Development Programs and Personalities in S&T in the Philippines Project NOAH (Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards) is a government-funded G ») project that is currently administered by the ICQ ‘A | ) University of the Philippines. ‘Another project of the government for scence and technology s Projet NOAM Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards. Project NOAM sa government-unded projec that ‘rrr amined byte Univers ofthe Phipps. ED PRONTLEARNERS: corotesrwimnes ne Miiaminns SSS Science and Technology and Nation Bi ing Major Development Programs and Personalities in S&T in the Philippines Project NOAH aims to cultivate a culture of preparedness to decrease risks of casualties fen J during natural disasters. The team behind the project conducts advanced researches and assessments on natural disasters in order to generate knowledge and create tools that can be useful for disaster prevention and mitigation. Project NOAH airns to cultivate a culture of preparedness to decrease rsks of casualties during natural disasters. The team behind the project conducts advanced researches and assessments on natural disasters in order to generate knowledge and create tools that can be useful fr disaster prevention ‘nd mitigation ‘ses ci et Pn os Hire i aS uy ae eam | Science and Technology and Nation Building Major Development Programs and Personalities in S&T in the Philippines PCARI Project The Philippine-California Advanced Research Institutes (PCARI) Project aims to develop our Science and Technology manpower through scholarships, trainings and research collaborations with top universities and institutions in California, USA. The priority areas are information infrastructure development (IID) and health innovation and translational medicine (HITM). ‘The Pilppine Calflora Advance Restarch nsttes PCA Project sins to develop our S&T manpower through scolshps, traning and research coflaboatins wth top universes {hain in afer, USA. The ray aeas information inrsrctre development (0) andheath novation and Vandatinl esis (TM) EXDFRONTLEARNERS' corptomorumunanie ngs Souitmnntemscralte ae Science and Technology and Nation Building Major Development Programs and Personalities in S&T in the PI pines DIWATA-1 Philippine Space Program The government is funding the National Space Development Program which aims to set the foundation for the establishment of a Philippine Space Agency. ‘The goverment funding he the Nationa pace Development Pros which ms os the foundation for he etablehment ef Phipine Space Ager EXDFRONTLEARNERS: conpicz roman ne Magen Science and Technology and Nation Building Major Development Programs and Personalities in S&T in the Philippines Pp ippine Space Program DIWATA -1 The government established the Philippine Scientific Earth Observation Microsatellite Program in 2014, in partnership with Japan's Hokkaido University and Tohoku University. The program has since produced three fully functional microsatellites, the BS st uncon na, Diwata-1, Diwata-2 and Maya-1. ‘he evermore lpr spac sence a tcc It a fnded the Raton pace Dnelpment Param chains eh foundton forthe exalehen of Philippine space hgancy. Tne government etaished te Pilppne Seni Carth Observation Mosel Program in 2014 partes wih pars Hoa Univers and “Tohota Univer aman others Tat program bas since produced thes unctonl mctostalites, the Date, Oat? and Maye EXDFRONTLEARNERS compiczsiuminn ne gmremnes Resitommntnth rm rin roe mets sea Sones Tetras Seite Pu conralconcet ag sts Hcl Soca and Techland Nation Bling Science and Technology and Nation Building Major Development Programs and Personalities in S&T in the Philippines Philippine Space Program Agila 2, a PI The development of the country’s space program is important for national security, agricultural development, environmental management, climate change mitigation, among others. The program seeks to develop technologies such as unmanned aerial vehicles, microsatellites and communication satellites. ‘The development ofthe cauntn/s space program isimpartant for national securiy, agricultural development, environmental management, climate change mitigation, among others The program seeks to develop technologies uch as unmanned aetlal vehicles microsatellites and communication satelites. Science and Technology and Nation Building Science Educat nin the Philippines Science education is important in order to develop students’ scientific skills, attitudes, and values. This will empower them to. solve problems, become more critical, see the world differently, and become productive contributors to nation building. Science edustion important in order to develop suet scent sil, ates, an ales. Thiswil power them to soe problems, became more cial, ee the world stferey, an become productive cntbutrs to maton Dui EDDFRONTLEARNERS' carerowsrumanenc nimreunes Sr ses SEE a SR EEE Science and Technology and Nation Building Science Education in the Philippines DOST Scholarship Programs * Many Filipino scientists, inventors, innovators, engineers and professionals benefited from DOST’s scholarship programs. * The program is mandated under Republic Act 7687, or the Science and Technology Act of 1994. 0ST, hough tached gery, the Selene auction nse fers scholarships Filpios who wh oak undergraduate and rage programs in xen and technsogy. Many Fipino scents, entre inovatr, engineers and profesional ened fram theze cols programs, The progr mandsted under publ ht 7687, othe Sclence tnd Teemolgy Ac oF 1984 en ones Techlay a Soy ar ann angus el Sctnca snd Tecnology Neen Buln Science and Technology and Nation Building Science Education in the Philippines Philippine Science High School (PSHS) * DOST provides free secondary education to young Filipinos who have high aptitude for science and technology through the Philippine Science High School (PSHS). Currently, there are 16 campuses, one per region, except for ARMM. Many graduates of PSHS eventually become scientists, inventors, professionals and educators. OST ako provides ee secondary education to young Filpns who have hgh aptudefr scence and technology hough the PhppineSclence High Schoo (SHS). Curent there are {eeampures, one per region skept ARMM, My graduates oF SHS eventual come sent, ventrpreferslonl nd eestor Science and Technology and Nation Building Science Education in the Philippines Regional Science High School Union The Department of Education manages Regional Science High Schools that have curriculum focused on science and mathematics. ‘The Depareret of cation manages regional scene high schools that have uric focused on ene and mathemati. EDFRONTLEARNERS: cormezirmenen ne nigmmmes Reiteastttare tat ne mrgeitats irs tasserer etm = Science and Technology and Nation Building Science Educatio: DOST established several programs to improve science education in the country. Project HOTS - The Project Hands-on Teaching and Learning of Science through Inquiry develops the capacity of schools and teachers to teach science through mobile school laboratories, inquiry-based science curriculum, hands-on training and technology use trials. 'DOST established several programs to improve Philippine science education Project HOTS - The Project Hands-on Teaching and Learning of Science ‘through Inquiry develops the capacity of schools and teachers to teach science through mobile school laboratories inquiry-based sclence curriculum, hands-on training and technology use trials. TDDFRONTLEARNERS! conptezmsronuren i Mogmoens —Refaturmtewsmncee ete rs memantine erent VISSER - Versatile Instrumentation System for Science Education and Research project aims to modernize school laboratories through the development and integration of new instruments and technologies. STARBOOKS - Starbooks is a digital library containing science materials which can be accessed by educational institutions off-line. InnoBox Project — The InnoBox project aims to search for outstanding and most innovative teaching methods and learning materials for science. ‘tne 0ST programs related the improvement of scence ection ae: VISSER, STAREOOKS, an nnoBoe EDD FRONTLEARNERS coyjtomnronnmnie signe St RAR ee ste cee NN Science and Technology and Na‘ Selected Indigenous Science and Technologies Banaue Rice Terraces In the Philippines, indigenous science and technologies must be known, recognized and understood given their rich cultural diversity. With more than 100 indigenous groups, each has a unique but interconnected indigenous science and technologies. —— In the Philippines, indigenous science and technologies must be known, recognized and understood given their ich cultural dversy. With more than 100 indigenous groups, each has a unique but interconnected indigenous science and technologies, [XD FRONTLEARNERS corcomitrienen we Airguns Sylstet Science and Technology and Nation Building Selected Indigenous Science and Technologies Banaue Rice Terraces Many herbal medicines have indigenous origins. Many indigenous practices in resources management have been documented like the muyong system in Ifugao and the lapat system in Apayao. Many herbal medicines have indigenous origins. Many indigenous practices in resources management have been documented like the muyong systern in fugaoand the lapat system in Apayao, KIDFRONTLEARNERS' corstezisrmmrenie nies Brut Science and Technology and Nation Bi @ Group Activity: Indigenous Practices Form groups with two to three members. Each group will research on a particular indigenous practice on resources management, biodiversity conservation, sustainable agriculture or fishing or climate change mitigation. Form groups with two to three members Each group will research on a particular indigenous practice on resources managemant, biodiversity conservation sustainable agriculture or fishing or elimate change mitigation, Science and Technology and Nation Building @ Group Activity: Indigenous Practices Each group will create a poster about their chosen indigenous practice. The poster should include the title of the indigenous practice, origin of the practice, description of the practice, importance of the practice to the community and to society in general. ach group will create a poster about their chosen indigenous practice. The poster should include the ttle of the practice origin of the practice, description ofthe practice, importance ofthe practice to the community and to society in general Science and Technology and Nation Bi Oo Conclusion/ Summary * Science and Technology is important in Philippine nation building. It helps the nation address problems such as those related to natural disasters, food security, climate change, peace, health, among others. It also helps the country achieve its development goals. It is important that the government continues to support science and technology through policies and programs that benefit the different sectors of the society. In summary, sone and technology inportant in Phippine ration buldng. It helps the nation address problems such as those related to natural disasters, food security, climate change, peace, health, among others tals helps the country achieve ts development goals Itc important thatthe government Continues to suppont science and technology through poleies and programs that benefit the diflernt sectors ofthe society THANK YOU!

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