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Enter the Sales Order OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL FLOW_STATUS_CODE set to "ENTERED" Initial status of the order header
OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL FLOW_STATUS_CODE set to "ENTERED" Initial status of the order lines
Book the Sales Order OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL FLOW_STATUS_CODE set to "BOOKED" Order is officially booked
OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL FLOW_STATUS_CODE set to "AWAITING SHIPMENT" Lines are waiting for shipping
WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS RELEASED_STATUS=’R’ (Ready to Release) New records will be created
Launch Pick Release WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES New records created for delivery If Autocreate Delivery is set to ‘Yes’
WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS DELIVERY_ID inserted for delivery assignments Assignments for delivery
RELEASED_STATUS updated to 'Y'(Pick Confirmed) or
WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS 'S'(Release to Warehouse) If Auto Pick Confirm is set to Yes then 'Y' otherwise 'S'
Ship Confirm the Order WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS RELEASED_STATUS updated to 'C'(Ship Confirmed) Confirmation of shipment
OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL FLOW_STATUS_CODE updated to "BOOKED" Order status updated after shipment
OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL FLOW_STATUS_CODE updated to "SHIPPED" Line status updated after shipment
Create Invoice RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE3= Delivery_id Prepare for invoice generation
Check Invoice RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE1 = Order Number Invoice header details
Create Receipt AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL Record of receipt created Record receipt against the invoice
Transfer to GL GL_INTERFACE Data transferred to GL interface Prepare for journal import
Journal Import GL_JE_LINES Journal entries imported to GL Import journals into General Ledger
| Enter the Sales Order| OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL | FLOW_STATUS_CODE set to "ENTERED" | Initial status of the order header |
| | OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL | FLOW_STATUS_CODE set to "ENTERED" | Initial status of the order lines |
| Book the Sales Order | OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL | FLOW_STATUS_CODE updated to "BOOKED" | Order is officially booked |
| | OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL | FLOW_STATUS_CODE updated to "AWAITING_SHIPPING"| Lines are waiting for shipping |
| Launch Pick Release | WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES | New records created for delivery | Prepare for shipping |
| | WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS | Records inserted for delivery assignments | Assignments for delivery |
| | WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS | RELEASED_STATUS updated to 'Y' or 'S' | Confirmation of pick or release to warehouse |
| Ship Confirm the Order| WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS | RELEASED_STATUS updated to 'C' | Confirmation of shipment |
| | OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL | FLOW_STATUS_CODE updated to "BOOKED" | Order status updated after shipment |
| | OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL | FLOW_STATUS_CODE updated to "SHIPPED" | Line status updated after shipment |
| Create Invoice | RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL | Records inserted for invoice creation | Prepare for invoice generation |
| | RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL | Invoice header information added | Invoice header details |
| | RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL | Invoice lines information added | Invoice lines details |
| Create Receipt | AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL | Record of receipt created | Record receipt against the invoice |
| Transfer to GL | GL_INTERFACE | Data transferred to GL interface | Prepare for journal import |
| Journal Import | GL_JE_BATCHES, GL_JE_HEADERS, GL_JE_LINES | Journal entries imported to GL | Import journals into General Ledger |
| Posting | - | Journal batches posted to update GL balances | Finalize GL updates |

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